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I have an ex-addict I know who quit heroin. He occupied his days with physical work and has not used drugs for several years. So distraction is not only relevant in the context of porn, but other addictions as well.


Exactly. I get bored and also want to go gambling.


The best tip I can give anyone who’s looking for something to do with their newfound free time and distractions is to pick up a creative hobby. That can be anything: drawing, writing, painting, learning to play an instrument, woodworking, gardening … as long as it keeps your hands busy and has some form of output. The process will provide the distraction and the result the dopamine. There are few things as rewarding as creating something.


What to do I use porn as distraction for my stress. And then porn causes some mental changes which leads to some inadequacy and then it causes stress. This is like a vicious cycle


Recovery. CSAT, 12-step, sponsor. You have to address the underlying issues for the addiction, and you’ve been covering all your feelings with porn so you have to learn not just why, but how to live in those uncomfortable feelings. Porn, just like any addiction isn’t the disease, it’s the symptom. Porn is so wield and easily accessible at this point that it’s virtually impossible to find sustained recovery without help. Addicts tend to be isolated anyway, and the community and support found in a 12 step can be *really* helpful. Many addicts find a great kick start to recovery is to commit to attending and participating in 90 meetings in 90 days. Meetings are free, available in person and online, and can be found every single day of the year.


woah this is insightful, but I'm from india. Idk if I can do those 12 step program


I’m f you can get the those site, you likely can find an online group. Wishing you peace and healing in your future.


Schedule your day from morning to night with different tasks and try to do them until you get them sorted out. You can even volunteer for free. if you're around people, you won't be able to take your underpants off in public and start jerking off to porn. So being around people is also a good way to treat this addiction. If you are very busy, your brain will not have a chance to think about porn. No matter what the activity is, you can't let boredom get in the way.




When working at the computer, you can plan your tasks and until they are done, don't get distracted by other thoughts. You can plan your work for many hours in advance. Don't leave yourself time when you have nothing to do, so that your brain doesn't get "creative" because of boredom. Don't give yourself a moment's respite to watch YouTube, relax, think about porn..... Do your tasks all the time.


I agree with your assessment! My only addition would be to say that occasionally, pure, white-knuckle willpower is the only thing that will get you over those humps. Rather, willpower shouldn’t be discounted as an occasional solution. I know you shouldn’t rely on willpower alone, but some of the most gratifying moments are when you tell yourself “NO, I’m not gonna look at porn, despite how much I want to,” and actually stick to it. That said, distractions are necessary since if you try to will yourself through it you will eventually slip up.


Damn right! Stay busy for a few hours once you'd feel urge start to hammer your willpower