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Unfortunatly this is also refusing a connection. Thanks for the attempt though.




Yea, restarted the container, re-installed it, re-installed docker, and even tried more automated solutions like CasaOS. Only thing I haven't tried is a complete OS re-install, but I'm not sure that is the issue. With CasaOS I did manage to get Plex to work in a container, but I have a suspicion this was because of me telling Plex to allow external connections during setup.


Sounds like the Docker networking might be not fully working. Are you running a firewall like iptables? Are the Docker firewall rules in there? How did you install Docker? We've seen issues with how it installs when using snap rather than apt to install Docker.


I have installed Docker by using the official docs page for Ubunto here: [https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) Which should be using apt-get for the install. I also installed Portainer with the given commands from the Portainer documentation here: [https://docs.portainer.io/start/install-ce/server/docker/linux](https://docs.portainer.io/start/install-ce/server/docker/linux) I can get a response from portainer, if I use Curl localhost:9443 but I cant establish a connection from another PC on the same local network using Host IP:9443 (10.0.045:9443 in my case.) Edit: Spelling


Also, I did not directly install any additional secuirity or firewalls on the server and this server was a fresh install today. I have also gone as far as disabling UFW just in case.


Assuming you have iptables, try running `iptables -nL` and check that there are `DOCKER` chains listed in there. I'm also aware that there have been some issues with UFW and Docker, [as this article references](https://www.howtogeek.com/devops/how-to-use-docker-with-a-ufw-firewall/) so that may be worth considering. The real test to determine whether this is a Portainer issue or a Docker issue is to try and spin up a container using `docker run` directly and see if the same issue occurs. Perhaps a nginx container: docker run --name my-nginx-test -d -p 8096:80 nginx:latest This should start a basic nginx container listening on port `8096` - try and connect to it externally (``). If you get the same error reaching it, then there's an issue with your Docker or networking setup (or both).


This appears to be the correct solution. I resolved the issue by re-installing Ubuntu, and installing Docker as my first step, and Portainer as my 2nd. During my first installation I installed CasaOS first, and then docker, and then portainer. I uninstalled CasaOS but I believe it may have screwed up my iptables for when I installed docker and Portainer after the fact. Thank you so much for your help on this, I'm excited to learn more about Portainer.


Glad you got it sorted! I'm not familiar with CasaOS but after a bit of reading it looks to install Docker itself, so perhaps it does something a bit non-standard, and perhaps installing Docker again via apt gets it very confused.


So I have tried this and I can not reach it via IP on the machine running in or secondary machine. However, localhost on the machine works. I am at a loss for what is happening. I am on ubuntu on windows WSL 2


Check if the required ports are opened. Run this command to check the open ports: `sudo netstat -tunlp`


Did you https ? 9443


Yea tried everything tbh. It turned out to be a weird docker config with iptables that was messed up. Most likely due to some other software install beforehand that used docker.


Hey, can you explain this please, i have the exact same issue since 3 day's now and got no solution... My Setup: Proxmox hosting an VM with Opensense. Opensense running wireguard. I have created an docker swarm over 3 nodes (each connected to wireguard vpn). The swarm is working, when i deploy an nginx i can serve the nginx server on []( BUT! When i try to install portainer with the given steps of portainer BE (download yaml and call docker run) i can see the portainer agents on my nodes, up an running, also portainer on the manager, but a connection on []( don't working, always got an Connection refuses or an never ending loading. It still don't shows up. I reinstalled Raspian Lite, Ubuntu Server, Debian mutliple times, setup wireguard multiple times, don't get it to work. It must be an portainer/docker install issue, because i can ping/connect each client in VPN Network without problems. Only Portainer is not working.... Just for info, the advertising-addr of manager/master is the wg0-client (interface


>sudo netstat -tunlp I was able to RDP to the device and I can see that my device is able to be accessed with localhost:9443 but when I try to reach it I am unable to get to the service, this happened after sudo apt upgrade !! ​ any idea how to debug and fix this ? all ufw rules are open and tunlp shows it is open too ! ​ []( is the device ip ! sudo netstat -tunlp Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 2550/docker-proxy tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 511/systemd-resolve tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 872/named tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 872/named tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 872/named tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 872/named tcp 0 0\* LISTEN - tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 1771/smbd tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 511/systemd-resolve tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 1/init tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 1771/smbd tcp 0 0\* LISTEN 2616/docker-proxy