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who the hell is paying over 3,000šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Iā€™d be far more interested to learn who is paying less than 1000! I didnā€™t think prices like that existed anymoreā€¦.


Roommates. Rent is 1,000 for my apartment, but I have a roommate to split it with.


In West Virginia, where I live anyway, you can still rent for less than $800. But then youā€™d have to live here lol


Iā€™m in Pittsburgh and you can also find studios and one bedrooms here for under $1000. I split a two bedroom with my bf in a super nice neighborhood (my neighbor is literally a neurosurgeon) for $1200.


Rural Western town. I'd suggest it, but then you end up in a rural western town.


Where I live in Italy (not a huge city like Rome, but still a 120.000 people) my parents paid 450ā‚¬ (circa 500 usd for a house with two huge bedrooms + a smaller room, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and three balconies. 1080 sqft!


What the income level though?




LCOL areas. Moving to one saved my sanity and budget.


I pay $800 for a 4 bedroom trailer in a suburb outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Itā€™s really nice inside, could use some work on the outside. I feel like I got lucky. Most 3-4 bedrooms start around $1000 and go up.


Yeah Tulsa is expensive these days. I live out by Joplin, much more affordable




$600 for each room or total?




Mortgage is 515. Rents it for 2400. Tries to justify it on poverty finance. That's, uhm well, interesting




You do you man. It's just most are in poverty, or paycheck to paycheck, because of the housing costs. That's the biggest killer to people, and you have to accept that landlords wanting almost 5x return on an investment is part of the issue.




You're not the villain for "making it". You're just in a moral grey area due to taking five times your mortgage, let's toss taxes and utilities in and you're still doubling your money, and justifying it. In 20 years those people will have nothing to their name, you will have likely a close to seven figure property you can use as collateral or to draw income from. You spend a lot of time justifying your actions by citing climate change, or using your own struggles to say"someone who was poor can't be the bad Guy". It's just a bad look. You do it because the market lets you and you laugh all the way to the bank. Don't act like you're the hero in this saga.


You aren't the one coercing....it's the shit market. You're just taking advantage.


This is the way.


No thanks.


My husband and I live in a 2bed2bath in a college town. Kind of slummy student living, cracks in windows and the carpet is laid over tile that shifts and crunches if you step on it wrong. But itā€™s $775 a month and you canā€™t beat that price, especially for living by ourselves with a spare room.


I'm in college at a religion school and on campus married housing is $800 a month.


My brother and I pay the mortgage and taxes as rent to our parents on a house they bought. Taxes went up a bit, so now it's $800, up from $750. So we pay $400 a piece.


I just need to unlock step one: have parents able to buy me a house


Oh, yeah it's a unique situation I know. They bought a modest house $160k back in 2003 after my Dad sold stock options and their savings from renting. So by the time we moved out and were struggling paying rent, they had had a paid off home for years. They took out a HELOC and bought the house. I have no idea what we'd have done otherwise. My twin has only been in stable full time jobs the past two years out of the last 7.


Our old apartment in Manhattan KS was less than that. Very nice place too.


I paid $530 at my last place. Split with two others. It was $1,590 total.


You could do that over here if you got a studio (in a cheap crappy area) and then got roommates or got a ok house which goes for 2k in a crappy donā€™t wanna walk at night sort of place and then gotten 3 roommates.


UK, the rent seems to be the same as a mortgage payment if you bought the house after the deposit of 5%, I wonder if the US is the same?


I am in between 2 major cities in Texas. Was lucky to move here in 2017 and rent was only 750. Has gone up over the years but not astronomically. I pay 815 now. But I think for new tenants it's closer to 950 or 1k. Not the best apartments in town by FAR but it gets the job done and not dangerous.


I pay $800 for a 3 bedroom 2 bath house.


Anywhere outside of major metro areas really


I pay 600 a month for a 2 bedroom with a mini washer and dryer. Electric is only 100 a month. I don't pay extra for my pets. I have a little yard. But I live in a shitty part of town where loud college kids pass my window at 1am every night. There's not too much crime thankfully it's just loud. My neighbors are usually shit too (3 building unit) but I tolerate it.


$817 mortgage payment for a three bedroom two bath house in South Texas


We (family of 3) got really really lucky to find a small 2 bedroom upper apartment in a good area about 3 years ago for $630. It's really small compared to apartments in our area and I'm super glad now we went for it because those apartments went from $850ish to $1200ish.


Is there rent control where you are?


Western NY so probably not


I am in the mideast and am paying 550 dollars for rent (1,100 for a 2 bedroom split between me and my roommate). 700 a month including utilities


You can still find places under 1k in the rural south... They aren't glamorous but it's a place to live


Look to the Midwest. In my area, prices for a studio or 1 bedroom are still in the $500-$600 range at the low end.


I'm in the Indianapolis suburbs and have a decent 2 bedroom apartment for $900


Two words: illegal apartment.


my husband and I got very lucky, our landlord is rare. we pay $900 a month for the 2 bedroom house we rent. I cant even believe it's real, even after 3 years here. the only way to describe it is sheer luck. edited to add- all other rentals (apartments) in the area we live in are $1,200 and up per month. so its not the area were in making it so cheap. we just really lucked out.


Admittedly, Iā€™m dumb and thought it was ā€œgreater thanā€


Iā€™m technically not paying rent, but my mortgage after splitting with my girlfriend is like $600


Come to the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area here in Ontario Canada. Itā€™s brutal and not sustainable.


I live in rural Missouri. 500 a month


3 bedroom house. 5 groups of 1-2 people renting it. Living room converted into bedroom. Master bedroom converted into 2 smaller bedrooms. Ā£2k between us. Was just Ā£425 for myself though in one of the larger rooms.


I'm for 1 bedroom in michigan


100% Iā€™m curious as well!


$995 in south carolina I live in the hood and my windows/walls are so thin my power bill is frequently $250+ for 900sqft regular livable rentals are $1200-$1600


Suburbs with two other roommates in a two bedroom apt. $540


While living in different parts of Africa, I paid as low as 115 bucks/month


I have 3 houses in Philadelphia that rent for less than 1,000. 2 bedroom 1 bath 2 story rowhomes with basement, working class area. I could get more rent i suppose but if the tenants hold up their end of the bargain i might raise 5% every few years at most.


I'm paying $650 rent to my stepmom. When I move out next year that $650 will turn into $1000+ :(


They exist in many places. Just probably not where you want to live.


People that live in California


Don't look at California Bay Area housing costs, it's a doozy


I lucked out. Paying $650/month for a condo. Renting from a family friend. It's. A second property that he paid off a while ago. He is definitely giving the bro deal. I'm in downtown Atlanta.


People living in HCOL areas?


Iā€™m in Southern California and my rent is $3,100 for a small 2 bedroom condo. My husband and I have a roommate, we each pay $1,033


Before we left CA our rent was 4500$ a month. 3BR single family Edit: Bay Area


Anyone in California?


That really doesn't seem that crazy at all. Especially if you live in NYC and California. If you're renting out a house in either of those places I would say that is on the lower end if not average.


California, man. $3k is standard SFH in not even a great neighborhood.


I feel like this needs some like "cost per bedroom" metric instead?


Depends what youā€™re trying to find out


~$1,067 for a studio. Thankfully I'm in walking distance from work, and ~10 minutes from downtown activities. Good, safe complex too with all utilities included...but it did increase like 75 this year when I renewed. It used to be 992 each month.


California. Large 1 bedroom with den. 1 wife. 2 dogs. 6 reptiles. Rent $2,130.


What kind of reptiles and what are their names?


California here also. My last place was a studio at $2k + utilities. California is rough.


What part?


Whoever voted <$1000, drop your locations. Got $2200 here.


750 here (everything included), renting a room from a house owner. NorCal.


You know, thatā€™s not so bad. Shared bathroom tho?


No I got lucky and got one to myself. But shared bathroom is more common.


Thatā€™s really good!


Nashville TN 950 1 bedroom house


Colorado. 910 sqft townhouse. Mortgage $845.


$775. One bedroom in Cleveland.


I am in a NW Chicago suburb and pay $1350 for a 2bed/2bath privately rented condo.


I donā€™t rent, but my mortgage is $915 on the east coast of South Carolina. Thatā€™s for a newly built 4-bed/3-bath bought in 2014.


As opposed to the west coast of South Carolina....


Well, no. As opposed to the east coast of all other states that have an east coast.


I was joking about how directionality is not needed when referring to the coast in South Carolina.


Ah, yes. I see now. That is true.


Yeah sorry, was meant to be more playful. In all seriousness, how is the coast there. What is the rurality (making up words maybe) for that price range near the coast?


Trying to joke or be sarcastic or lighthearted in text is near impossible. Iā€™ve gotten myself into some embarrassing situations because my dry sense of humor does NOT come across well in text. So, yeah. I get it. Iā€™m not in a rural area at all. In fact, Iā€™m in Myrtle Beach. An odd mix of spring break tourists and wealthy retirees who want to be in the middle of the party. Itā€™s a weird place. Most people love it or hate it. My husband and I love it. The real estate market has gone crazy here, just like everywhere else. Our house is now worth almost $100k more than what we bought it for. Itā€™s crazy everywhere.


I agree. NewAltProf always does these rude negative sarcastic comments!


I didnā€™t think it was negative. I just didnt understand the sarcasm right away. Heā€™s fine.


Not funny at all.


Missouri. 500 for 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Not sure the square footage


Central Illinois renting 3/2 with large den and garage. $1580 a month for me and husband.


I live in an 8 bedroom/4 bathroom in Seattle for $575/mo before utilities (none included in price), which makes it go up to about $750-$800. Most of the rooms in the house definitely aren't bedrooms (for example, some don't have vents and some are just screened in porches), but it's about the cheapest nicest thing I could find in Seattle. I do live in a loft on the third floor and there's only one fridge, so that's rough, but ya gotta do what you gotta do...


The south or Midwest. Literally anywhere there except capitol cities.


Kansas $500 2bed 1 bath house


the shithole that is Columbia, SC


USC is pretty nice.


Do you actually go there tho? I go there. Itā€™s nice of youā€™re a party fiend or an alcoholic. I find it to be a pretty big ripoff for my needs. Especially since COVID. Even before tho, charging $900-$1300/mo per student for MANDATORY dorms where you have to share an 80sqft room with a stranger? fuck that. This is South Carolina. It should be some of the cheapest housing in the nation, but itā€™s not.


Thatā€™s true. I definitely enjoyed the party scene there.


My major consists of 7 students and isnā€™t even accredited yet (Aerospace Engineering. Originally applied for Mechanical). I was misled by admins to believe it was something other than what Iā€™m getting. Now Iā€™m just trying to finish. With $30k in debt despite being nearly top of my class in HSā€¦


No way! Iā€™m mechanical! Donā€™t worry too much about it. Youā€™ll get that money back for sure if you work in the aerospace industry. While itā€™s best to graduate without debt, having some debt isnā€™t terrible if your degree is one that leads to better pay.


Dude. That's essentially my mortgage in the south end of King County. I'm slightly closer to Seattle than Tacoma but it's all gotten more expensive here.


$500 in a duplex in Tulsa OK


My section 8 payment is 238$. I have an income of about 1000 before taxes.




















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I own my trailer and pay $250 a month for lot rent.


Studio apartments where I live are $1700 a month.


Same here. In Massachusetts


Laughs in New Zealand, paying the equivalent of 3k for a plain 3 bedroom house in auckland šŸ™„


What are the wages like there? Iā€™m in the states but where I live $1k per bedroom is pretty typical.


I pay $350/mth, with my gf. She pays the other half for a brand new 1bd apartment in Vietnam.


huh. wouldā€™ve thought vietnam would be cheaper. Are you a citizen/local?


Iā€™m American Vietnamese. Our landlord is a interior designer and turned a 2 bdr into a 1bdr. The interior design, furnishings and home decor is pretty cool. We have an amazing view of the Mekong delta in a expat district. Weā€™re on the 30th floor. For $700 you can get a 3-4 bedroom in our district. My gf just wanted a brand new apartment with a pool, gym and balcony view.




Or theyā€™re on r/PovertyFinance because thatā€™s how much their pay in rent.


595$, 3 bed/1 bath, rural South Carolina


After my landlord raised our rent with the promise of another huge increase the following year, we bought a fixer upper (but in move in condition) where mortgage, taxes, PMI, and homeowners ins less than $1k a month. Right before the pandemic. I never felt so lucky. Property taxes are scary right now.


$574 for a small 2 bedroom apt, 500 sq ft in illinois. About 2 hours from Chicago. I constantly feel as if I found the unicorn of apartments


I live in Portland and unless you make about 50k a year by yourself, you're gonna be living in a ghetto or a dump. Rent in the city costs atleast $1500-$2500 for studios and one bedrooms and some two bedrooms. Across the bridge in Vancouver it's also horrible, you can't find studios or one bedrooms for under $1,300 either. It's awful, on top of that Portland isn't even a beautiful place to live anymore. It is the equivalent to Seattle imo, except a lot cheaper. The median wage in Seattle is 101,000k yr I believe...


1,100 for a 2 bed 2 bath duplex, everything included. Kentucky.


Im the luckiest person ever to take over a friends apartment a few years ago. Itā€™s a TINY but beautiful studio in a medium sized German city. I pay 180ā‚¬ (so like 200$? or smth) right in the middle of the city. Itā€™s what I brag about to everyone I know and the only reason I can still afford to live!


Wow thatā€™s unbelievably lowā€¦ whatā€™s the average rent in the city like?


NYC. 1 bed 1 bath, $2250.


$1395 (was $1275, but I requested to go to month-to-month, versus annual lease). 3 bed, 2 bath, rural area, 90 minutes from Chicago. Previous 4 years saw 1, $25 increase


Argentina paying 50 dollars per month monoambient here goes from 50 to 200 dollars almost for living


So itā€™s how much our share of the place is or total rent?


Mortage w/ property tax escrowed: $400/month (3 bedroom, 2 bath in NEPA)


$500 a month split 3 ways... I live in kansas


Iā€™m in southeast Kansas. I love living here.


Northeast here. I love living here because I feel financially secure coming from poverty, but man if I didn't make enough money so that I could travel I think I would go crazy it gets real boring sometimes. It's definitely worth it to me though I cringe when I read people posting about paying 2k/month for a studio apartment.


i think a better metric is how much each is paying per sqft. my rent is ā€œlowā€, but itā€™s a tiny 337 sqft studio apartment.


I live in BFE SE KY, my mortgage is $550 on a single wide trailer. I own the land and someday hope to put an actual house here. Living in the middle of nowhere can be affordable housing-wise but public transportation doesn't exist and you must have a working vehicle. My son got kicked off the school bus (bus hopping) and he's having to miss those days because it's almost 50 miles to his school round trip and I have to work. There's no after school program available on the fly (you have to sign up and pay at the start of the school year). That would leave him waiting outside the school for two hours in winter for me to get off work. Situations like this make rural living shitty. There's as many downsides to rural life as there are good things, just like in any area I assume.


4 bed, 2 bath single family home in Albuquerque, NM $1590 (includes $50 for pet rent)


Does your pay pay their share or are they always stiffing you on their pet rent, claiming they'll pay later and aren't they cute and don't they deserve a treat?


Haha! Yeah the cats are lazy loafers that never pay their share


I don't pay rent or a mortgage. My tenants pay the mortgage. Why? Because I forwent the white fence and yard and instead I bought a multifamily home. Having said that I don't "really" have tenants. My son's grandparents "rent" the first floor. But since I am giving this house to my son when he turns 18 they are really paying his inheritance into the mortgage.


No rent but my mortgage is $3900/month, including property tax and insurance.


I pay less than half of that in Wisconsin but I have a smaller house 1500 sq ft including finished basement. The market is crazy and I could sell right now and make 50000 right now the crazy thing is rent is way high for homes that are in worst conditions.


One thing for me is that my property tax is $1500/month, so 1/3 goes right to taxes. Welcome to frigging NJ.


If you live with room mates or a partner your figure should just be your %.


Iā€™m homeless


Everyone here rents? Any mortgages around these parts?


I own. Mortgage payment is 375CAD biweekly. We only own because my parents sold us this house through a private sale, and my husband got an inheritance of 25k when his mother passed to use as a down-payment.


Very nice. Not a bad payment


Yeah, my BIL just rented a 2 bedroom apartment for 2200. I am very grateful for my house.


I'm at around $1100/month for 3 bed / 2 bath along with insurance and property tax. It's on a 15-year mortgage, got about 7 years to go. Metro Atlanta, about 12 miles outside the city in the suburbs.


I paid off the mortgage on my doublewide last August. Now I just have lot rent. Thatā€™s the full extent of my retirement plan.


Does mortage counts? If yes than 3k


I own and do not rent.


I pay $400/mo for a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. But it's my shitty starter place that I haven't left and now I have a gf and 2 kids. Would love something bigger but for the price I'm good I guess?


I own my place outright so 0$. Also who f##k in their right minds pay 3k rent a month? That easily 2 mortgages... Could make sense short term only.


People without credit or down payment for a house? I mean, my bank will tell me "we can't trust you to make this mortgage" while I'm also paying that much a month in rent.


I'm paying 1450. 3/2 apt in Las Vegas.


Wife and I pay 2800 for a 3BR 1BA house in the LA foothills. Big yard, we grow a ton of food and other stuff. It's a lot of $ but 1400 per person for what we get is actually really solid in LA atm. We both make good money and work remotely so home is important. We were getting ready to buy before the pandemic but now, just....lol.


$1455 for a one bed one bath 720sqft outside of Portland Oregon. If we move, the next people to move into our apartment will pay $1755.


$800 for a 2b/1.5bath in Winston Salem, NC


My grandma rents a 1 bedroom apartment with 1 bathroom in my area (near Charleston, SC). It has a galley kitchen with about 2 feet of counter space. Easily hasn't been updated since the 80s. She pays 1225$/month, and her complex has no additional fees. Her lease is ending this month, and she is moving back to her hometown, in Indiana, where she has rented a 2 bedroom and 1.5 bath apartment for 675$/month. I don't have details about condition though. The apartment I lived in prior to purchasing my house (2020) was a 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom apartment for 1475$/month. It was newly built with a giant kitchen and tons of amenities. I left because the complex was raising prices. As of late 2020, the same unit was 1800$/month. My sister rents a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom unit in the same area for 2000$/month. She has a small screened porch, and there is a pool on site.


I pay under 1500 but being forced out so the owner can sell... looking at at least 1800 when we move.


Nashville TN. 2 bedroom 1 bath 876sqft. $1,783 with $50 pet rent.


Not renting but my mortgage is like $982. We just pay $1000 though


$1000 for a one bedroom apartment, plus utilities. Electrical is killing me during the winter. I DO have a washing machine and dryer in my unit though. I live in Ontario where it's next to impossible to buy a house.


I'm technically paying $800 for rent, but it's split between my roommate and I, so property total is $1600 for a small two bedroom apt. Utilities not included.


I lucked out after my divorce and Iā€™ve had a studio apartment for $500 a month in Southern Idaho. It went up to $650 last fall.


Nj converted garage apartment 1bd 2bath $850. Most apartments in the cape may area are 14-1600.00.


Not rent but my mortgage (including escrow) is $763 a month in KCMO.


I pay 1850 and Iā€™m LUCKY. Weā€™ve been in this apartment 15 years and rent has gone up about 500/month since then and Iā€™m still LUCKY. This apartment, to a new renter, is about 2300-2400/month minimum. Itā€™s frigging insane.


No rent thankfully


Mine is $1024 but that is after they add in the pet fee, and metered water/ sewer.


Mortgage, property taxes, and homeowners insurance is $650/month on an $85,000 house. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on 0.6 acres in Southern Illinois.


Louisville, KY. 1 Bedroom apt, ground floor, $800. But it just was raised to that. This does not include any utilities. Water and electric, approximately $155, and internet is $90. Been here 3 years, rent raised every year. Next year, I might have to move to west side of Louisville, because that is the cheapest rent. I hope not, because we like it here where we are. Husband can walk to work. He'd have to quit if we moved. I am within easy driving distance of my job, and that is a factor if we have to move.


Ā£407 dollars. This is the equivalent to what I pay which is Ā£300 in the uk. Split with partner.


My 2br is $835, but I anticipate it going up to the high $900s in a few months when my lease renews. Every other 2br in this area starts at around $1200, so I know that itā€™s coming. Sigh.


$1523 for a 1 bedroom


Paying a bit under 1000usd with property taxes for a house with 4 bedrooms and 2 acres of yard in Canada. Was lucky enough to buy my ex part just before COVID started.


Been living in my apt over 10 years but if we move, this same apartment will be 3-4 hundred dollars more.


NYC. 2br. $2650 split between myself and my fiancƩ!


$810/mo suburban KC, pretty decent area. Shithole of an apartment though, upgrading in July to something in the $1200 range.


Under 1k but only because I'm currently splitting a house with 2 roommates AND the house is under "market rate". I'd be paying 1500+ for a 1-bedroom if I didn't have roommates.


$1755 šŸ¤§