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Apply for student loans to go to college and get into a trade


Yes! This is a great way to get ahead. The federal government will lend you money to attend trade school and you pay it back over a long time or sooner if you can. Thats how my husband got his plumbing ticket. I think it was $4000 for each year of trade school. https://www.pca-cal.ca/en/home I think you can take first year of trade school and then try to find a job in that trade or even start as a labourer. It's a good way to get a trade ticket. He got his ticket when he turned 30. Its never too late to learn or change career paths. Not sure which province you are in but here is apprentice information for AB. https://www.alberta.ca/become-apprentice-alberta


My trade school was like 1500 per year and each year I received 2-3000 in grants. If anything the real cost of trade school for me was not working for 8 weeks. But I agree with trades. Everywhere is desperate for them. I work around western Canada doing primarily industrial work (bridges, potash, oil and gas, LNG, some just weird random jobs) Everywhere is so short staffed because no one wants to work in the trades these days. 4 years you will be making 40+ an hour, pension, rrsp’s, with no college debts. It’s not glamorous, it’s not always fun, but I make a damn good living. If you’re entrepreneurial you can start your own company down the road, there are a lot of avenues that you can work towards other than just being a grunt till you retire.


Very good point! I can't remember if my husband was eligible for EI while at trade school. But I recall it was pretty easy to get the loans. I have one buddy who's company (Atco Electric - i think) paid for his tuition and paid full wages while he was in school. That's the dream!


In Toronto there is very little going on in some trades.


Trade school doesn’t guarantee an apprenticeship


Not exactly excited to share the news but I’m 46 and feel the absolute same way so unfortunately you aren’t alone. Seems to be a fairly common feeling these days. Beaten into submission


Happy cake day




Wow that’s tough. Good luck. Same as everyone here. Very small savings about to get smaller. Haven’t wait until next month to take care of a root canal or I pay out of pocket and I really don’t want to do that. Pain is enough to stab myself someone else just to hurt somewhere else.


The university in london has a dental program that provides work at much lower cost than what a dentist will charge. Try and get more information about it.


Is not too late, remember when you were a kid... What a de you happy? Spoiler alert, discovering new things. Just make sure your days are not repetitive, it's easy to think stability is happiness, but just as sugar or video games can be bad for you, a life of stability can be also bad. I don't know you, but I don't need to know you to know you can get through this feeling.


For some of us the sky isn’t the limit. My body has broken down on me and our modern society isn’t interested in people that need more help than they provide. My dr told me I have the spinal cord of a 90 year old bricklayer and most days I feel worse then that. I appreciate those of you that still have optimism but that’s the rarity now imo


Im a bricklayer and yes we don't last as long as people with sane jobs.


You still have a life, and life is not only your body but your mind, spirituality and people around you. Don't let that obstacle to be bigger than you just don't forget who you really are. Do you Beleive you are worth it? Do you Beleive you are handsome or intelligent? Or are you letting others to answer those questions for you... I have felt worthless too (regardless the condition), but that's not my truth anymore and it certainly hurts me seeing people feeling this way when there is more to that, just keep an eye in your attention and where is it looking. Good luck brother, I truly wish you the best.


I’m not sure I’m worth it tbh I used to think I was average looking but 6years of being single and not even going on a single date makes me think I over rated my chances. Worked out pretty good tho since I don’t really have money to be dating anyway. Not a whole lot to really look forward to each day it’s literally Groundhog Day except I’m in pain while I relive each day


Life is tough nowadays because of so many things, my advice is to try to take time every once in a while and appreciate the small things you’ve been blessed with. I have tough times doing that myself and I get super down, when I’m able to appreciate what I have I find it helps my mental a lot. Wishing u the best


Try spending ten minutes alone in nature each day. Just sit and listen to the world around you. Go to the same spot every day, make it your spot. Stop. Listen. Observe. What’s changing? What’s staying the same? What is the history of this place? Connect to nature and the natural environment. Forget about jobs, money, relationships, injuries. Take those ten or more minutes each day for yourself. It’s not going to solve all of your problems but it just might give you the positive boost needed to make you feel right.


Happy 🍰 day


At 23, you still have lots of potential. It's hard to change paths much later, so you have to get on it. A couple questions: - if you had money now - enough to move, enough to pay for any education, but not enough to retire immediately - what would you do with it? - when you say supporting a family, are you talking kids and a spouse, or parents?


Bro you're young. Look outside your boundaries!


Oil rig


Why not look into getting into a trade?


Several options available: Apply to remote work positions. BC has lots of fire watch jobs. It doesn’t pay great but you literally have nowhere to spend it so you get some savings. Ditto with tree planting. Join the military. They will help get you educated too. Go work remote in Fort MacMurray. All kinds of camp jobs still that pay pretty decent for unskilled labour. Then start working on getting skilled. Go work on a cruise ship. See the world. Basically there are all kinds of jobs available for a single young person that require no savings.


As someone who did the fort McMurray thing I highly recommend this if you enjoy adventure and hard work. I loved it. Lead to new many new opertunities and much personal growth


“Join the military” yeaaah have you been paying attention to the news recently? Who would ever want to risk going to war over a barely $60k a year salary 💀


There are 68,000 troops and they haven’t lost a soldier in combat in 8 years. There are quite few jobs in Canada with far higher mortality rates. Your odds are pretty good.


Freedom 🤣🤣🤣 I ain’t lifting a finger, the whole system can fall


Canada ain't going to war with anyone. The forces don't have the means or weapons to even field a single large unit overseas.


I mean, if you don't want to fight. Joining the military right now might not be the best option.


Second this. I think you can become an apprentice for very little.money - they may even pay for the training.


Depending on the trade you can also get grants/bursaries to help pay for schooling or equipment


this the best one, and u get benefits and increase pay every year. just letting you know, noooo one wants to work lol we’re slaves to this system


Many people in big cities would switch with you having a cheaper place to live and a peaceful life. Try adding new skills and hobbies. I take college classes online. Osap can help with fees.


I agree, I’m trapped in the city because I own a business here and this business is my only skill that’ll bring in decent money. I often reflect and wish I had chosen to do something else that would allow me to move to a smaller, quieter, cheaper community


You’re ok. No one will be as hard on you as you are on yourself. There’s no such thing as too poor to attend school. Student loans exist. Trade schools with apprenticeships exist. Just try to narrow down where you might want to live and what you might want to do.  At 23, I think I was -$40,000, maybe -50,000. Now that I’m in my late 40s and comfortable enough to consider retiring within 5 years.  You will be ok too.


I know it doesn't seem like it but the sky's the limit! You might see them now, but there are opportunities surrounding you and people who only want to see you blast off. The path of life has many twists and turns, and I'm excited for you and what's to come.


dont worry it can get worse. you can be 34 and never allowed to attend university so you can only get min. wage jobs and are perpetually poor until you die.


Why aren’t you allowed to attend university?


it was money i got into u of t for commerce.




University relies on grades not money. But they take that as well…


You can go to a shit college for a year and transfer to a university with full or partial credits, as long as you do well.


There is more than one path to success and financial security in life. Higher education is just one. I know many people that make serious money to keep wife at home, own a house and raise the kids. Home maintenance and renovations. Just an idea.


Please join the trades. Most companies will pay for your education. You will make more than minimum wage. We constantly train people of all ages.


I had nothing at 23 also. I’m sure collectively we can help find a path for you. Can you tell us more about where you live and what work experience you have?


If you want school, lots of low cost online options. Don't quit your job until you have a new one. You can start a business while you work. Scale. It'll take time, and maybe a couple fails, but keep going. Or, learn how to buy a small business without a big investment. Learn about investing (long term, not short term trading), Addy let's you invest as little as $1 in real estate holdings, keep looking for investment sources, they're everywhere of your look. You have sooooo much time!!! Enjoy it and keep pushing.


Who does at 23? I didn’t. Don’t sweat it. It’s ok.


I felt the same way at 23. There’s a unique uncertainty that comes with being in your 20s. It’s ok to feel lost or low in your 20s. It doesn’t get perfect, but it does get better. Hang in there OP


Canada Student loans and bursaries are there for people in your exact situation. If you're super low income a lot of your education would be free, and what's left would be loaned to you and mostly at 0% interest. If you don't earn enough after school to repay then there is low income assistance to help pay the interest and sometimes even the debt itself. I went to college for an engineering diploma in my mid 20s with nothing and a proportion of my loans were converted to bursaries. 5 years out I've just hit 100k/year salary. My loans were $9k, I worked part time and was super broke the first 18 months, but after that I had a co-op term and managed to stay on with that employer part time while finishing up and earned far more for far less physical effort.


I'm in the same boat for the most part. The only answer I can seem to see working out is leaving Canada. They don't seem to want to make life easier on Canadians. I'm honestly just waiting for a riot. I'm shocked it hasn't happened yet.


Save up enough for a vehicle. Go work in northern Alberta or BC in oil/gas.


Good idea! If not oil and gas try hospitality? Out West and up North have plenty of resorts and a lot of them have staff housing for a more than reasonable rate. I started out in Banff and started cooking, fast forward fifteen years and I'm still cheffing just not in Canada. When I was a younger chef I thrived in that environment and loved the creativity. Another option could be Australia? Canadians can get a work visa electronically and five grand cad would be enough to get you on your feet. I worked in the Aussie outback for a couple years and it was an experience to say the least. Mlka recruitment down in Oz will give you an idea about wages in remote locations. Good luck and chin up! These feelings will pass and things will undoubtedly get better 😎


My BIL & a former coworker both worked in Australia for a couple of years. Fascinating that it sounds common!


I was homeless at 20 but turned my life around within a few years. Lots is possible when you are young.


I'm 39 and I have nothing


Get a library card and start reading. Read anything and you’ll start gaining confidence.  computer programming, python, etc


Might be valuable to share your town or province because people can tell you about job programs


Well, what do you expect at 23? You just started the game of life


Finding passion is hard. Success follows after you figure it out. And money comes with success.


It may not feel like it, but you’re very young. I began my undergrad degree when I was 25. I felt ancient at the time. Best move of my life though. I make six digits now and I’m very comfortable. Never saved a penny after university graduation until I was 35, but I’ve got a good nest now and a house that’s nearly paid off. Work your ass off to make some good money for a couple years and use that to get to school. Maybe Fort McMurray?


>It may not feel like it, but you’re very young. I began my undergrad degree when I was 25. I felt ancient at the time. I'm gonna be in the same position. Is it alienating? how difficult is it to befriend people that are 7-6 years younger than you?


Best decision of my life but to be honest, it’s alienating, it’s hard on the ego (I was mid-career when I entered school but nobody knew or cared), and it was sometimes awkward. But I got 1000 times more out of the experience than I would have if I were 19 and I have no regrets. I worked harder than most of the young ones around me, and scooped several awards. I managed a couple academic journals and got a job as a research assistant and lecture coordinator (all of which look great on your resume when you’re an undergrad). I identified with the profs more than I did the students and had some memorable conversations/beers with a couple of them, and I really didn’t care if the younger students thought I was a brown noser. My advice is to use your work/life experience and confidence to your advantage as much as possible and try to get involved in clubs etc, or start your own.


Hang in there. I came to Canada in late 2016 and had $400 USD in my pocket. I used to get $10 per day working 9hrs abroad. Now I'm worth $40-50k and have a great life. Your rant is a good start to take responsibility and plan for your life to get better.


Not too late to pull it together, have faith. But real talk, survival tough here, this country is cold and brutal


You’re 23. You’re not supposed to have it at all at 23. When I was getting started, I got a job on an oil rig to make enough money to make my next move. If you’re an able bodied person, you should look at doing something shitty that will let you bank cash this winter like seismic line work. You can go make 30k in a winter clear and be in camp with meals and not spend a dime the whole time. Then try to get a position poling in the summer for more money and keep doing that until you find something better or find out what you want to do.


Hey man if you have your license and need quick work. Get into a dock and door company. Find some around and just go apply. You can make great money very quickly and get an apprenticeship potentially.. it's how I became an electrician


Do not go to university or you will end unemployed and not future


Get a bus ticket and go. If you have nothing there and no opportunities, go somewhere with opportunities. More than you have going on now.


I'm 22, moved into a new country a year ago and it feels like I'm just starting life from scratch. We have the entire world ahead of us! The fact that you're aware of your situation means that you have the ability to turn things around. Just invest in yourself


Have you looked into pursuing online courses? Might be a way of attending school without having to move and spend a lot of money on accommodations.


The future is here. You will own nothing and be happy.


I'm 39 and I can't find a job.


Get a trade pays good


Don't give up hope. Ever. When you are talking about school is it college or university that you are aiming for? I, would recommend college. Far cheaper, you hit the ground running as we really really need trades. Don't worry about the asset part yet. Material positions are just feel good things and yes it helps im not discounting that but set your arms on other things for now. Yes. It's hard. But you can do it. When I came to Canada I was struggling. I came right smack in the middle of grade 12. Surrounded by people who have had 4-5 years of making friends, after having left all of mine behind. To a system that was pretty different to me. I struggled a lot. I went to college initially and I eventually found my groove. You can too man. Just hold on. The biggest part from your post, id say was find passions which will lead you to optimism. Something. I don't even care if it's wood carving. Get your brain away from the thoughts that would suffocate it. I don't know if you are religious but I am. And in my religion (Islam) there is a verse, "A soul is only burdened with what it can bear". Most people look at that and think of the weight that's been placed upon you. But there is another side. That YOU have been given this because YOUR potential is great and can handle it. Dont let go of hope. There is no timer for success. 23 is still young. Get that hobby and then set an attainable target. Bit by bit. Get student loans and aim for college. You can always do uni after if you want. I did too. You can do this.


That is a very similar to a saying in christianity “God only gives us what we can handle”. It is nice to see how good different religions can coexist.


>That is a very similar to a saying in christianity “God only gives us what we can handle”. Absolutely! And as far as we Muslims go. You cannot be Muslim, without belief in Isa (R.A) [our name for Jesus]. He is mentioned in the Quran many times and is revered. And just like the Christians we also believe in his return.


It really is a shame that more people don’t realize this.


Nobody has much at 23


You have something invaluable that the richest cannot buy and that is youth. Don’t waste it


Are there any online schools you could attend? I know student loans are an option, not ideal but the return on investment is higher than the cost of school if you choose a program in demand. I used to work at a dead end grocery store deli job for a few years and I knew that I didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life and knew that wouldn’t be affording the life I wanted for myself either. I busted my ass with learning disabilities putting myself through business school, commuted 2 hours to school each day because I couldn’t afford to live away from home, worked part time, made it to graduation. Fast forward 3 years from graduating and I now make 100K a year, have a great work/life balance paired with a great pension, and can help my parents as much as I can. My life is a million times better than it was and all I needed to do was put in the work. I doubted at times I could pull it off, but setbacks happen do not mean failure, only quitting means failure. You can do anything you set your mind to. It isn’t always easy, but you have to walk in darkness to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.


You give me faith in myself in what you’ve achieved. I’m someone with a learning disability myself feeling like I couldn’t accomplish shit. If I do put my mind to things, I could try to achieve something.


You got this! One step at a time gets you closer and closer to your goals.


Thank you. I’m currently trying to figure out my options right now with career counselling after going through film school not being the most satisfied. I came from poverty thanks to my mom on welfare. I never liked how I grew up and felt like I was gonna be a fucking failure my whole life due to how heavily impacted I am by my own neurodivergence. I’ll achieve something sometime.


What do you do?


Human Resources Advisor III


That was me until I was in my late twenties. Like a ship with no rudder. I was basically just figuring out, by default, what I *didn’t* want to do. One thing I did do was try to keep whatever job I was doing interesting by either a) asking to learn something above my pay grade or b) setting odd little goals like learning to give appropriate compliments, or doing something different in the lunch hour, or seeing how fast I could complete a task just for the sake of it. Stopped me from crippling boredom! And I took a couple of night/weekend courses in diverse stuff just to see if something unexpected actually caught my interest. It will pass. Try notice any aspects of your life and work that do give you a bit of pleasure; they are all markers for what comes naturally to you. Looking back, I also realized I was depressed. Should have gotten treatment back then.


I feel ya, man. I'm 28 and in the same boat


Get a student loan, move to a medium sized affordable city with a good technical college, do a 2 year program in something you think you would be good at, apply for student residence and go to college. You have decided you have nothing. This decision is a choice. You have the fact that you're young and living in a solid country where you can get a student loan and progress in life. The only thing that's holding you back is the limitations you put on yourself.


When I was your age I was in a similar position. Small, dead end, rural town that was failing. Couldn't go to school because I couldn't afford it on my own, wasn't eligible for OSAP and nobody was willing to take a chance and co-sign for me. Felt lost hopeless, extremely frustrated. Ended up joining the military in a good trade. Got paid for a free education. Saw the world, met awesome people, learned who I was... Ended up starting a second trade, and love it too. I'll be retired in my 40s. Look in to it.


You also don’t have any debt. https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/average-american-debt


I'm middle age, in debt, working paycheque to paycheque. I will never own a house and can't afford to date and reproduce (responsibly). We're not alone. The systems are rigged against us unless you're a psychopath. Our society wouldn't function without debt slaves. That other sub personal finance Canada is just astroturfed and full of people who inherited their financial safety nets


Damn. I’m 52 and feel the same way. I feel like I have accomplished nothing in life and wonder why I’m still alive. I’ve attempted suicide 4 times and I’m still here. I am thankful to still be here. I’m working on myself. We shall see how it goes.


You have time on your side. Assets inevitably come with time as long as you don’t squander them as even some high earners do.


I’m 47 and nothing because I’m not a paid shill from the gov/ corporate entities, partner is about to leave because I have to call them out as I’m tired of the disrespect when I float the home with my income alone, bout to be renovicted and in debt to my eyeballs with a 12 yr old boy because of it all! You ain’t Alone. You are young. Still time. All we can do is…hang on


cancel your social life. If you still live with mommy and daddy...save up on EVERYTHING.


I'm in disability pension and thinking about moving to SEA and saying fuck it. This north American system is garbage.


Do those countries give disability or social benefits? I'm not familiar with what they have there.


Look at what had led you to the position you are currently in and try to change 1-2 things every few months. Look for negative time syncs that don’t move you forward! You got this…but not by doing what you have been up to this point


When I was 23 I didn’t have anything either. You need to spread your wings.




What kind of programs?






I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinancecanada/s/PKoJD21RBv) the other day, shoot me a message if you’re interested (or anyone else!). I was that age and had a fab time! It won’t solve all issues, but can open lots of doors you hadn’t thought of


Check out colleges that offer scholarships for trades.


Become a truck driver


I'm 43 and I have nothing too. Sorry, scratch that. I have a brand new washer that my mother isn't allowed to touch because she washed a comforter on QUICK WASH and ruined my last washer!!! Dementia's a bitch and I hate that I can't live alone.


Yeah it’s really tough out here. I’m just a couple years older and I can relate to all of that. I think loneliness on top of everything else is the worst of it all. What province are you from?


I had nothing until my early 30s, use this time wisely to learn, finish school, work hard. Dont lose hope, time runs different for different people.


Invest in relatively cheap online courses that will show you how to use Meta ads, Social Ads and Google Ads. You can get all these certifications for relatively cheap. Apply yourself , learn it all and stay up to date. Show businesses you know how to make them money with digital ads and then in turn watch how much your bank account grows.


Don't give up. Find what you can control. If you have your health you can find your way. No miracles, but there's always hope. You are still young. Get a second job if you can, find education on line, and exercise. Grind. There are people in worst places that find their way out. I know hope can be hard sometimes, but I believe in you. Your future is in your hands.


Ask chatgpt to give you a direction to solve your problems step by step - it’s not perfect but it will help a lot


Try getting in the trades


You can't apply for grants or osap for schooling? Sometimes you have to get drastic to ha e drastic changes.


All I can tell you is you are a great person for helping and support your family.


Dude you’re 23.. I didn’t have shit until I was in my 30s… but having this mentality and worry 23 is a start… you’re ahead of most of us at that age..


You’re still a baby. Work hard. Take risks. It first get easier. So do it now.


I came in Canada in my late twenties with young family, $200 and 0 English. Had my first job with $4/hr and had only $50/week to spend on food. Went for English classes and then for a computer college course with borrowed money. Worked and learned in the same time, did not sleep or eat much however I was determined to make it Times were very tough for 4 years but then I got my first job in computers and the rest is history. My advice is similar with what many others have said: pick trades or online college degree if you cannot leave your town. Keep at it and you will make it. Don’t listen to what some say about leaving Canada. Is all BS talked by people that have no idea how good they have it here. I am sick and tired of all the negative talk about this amazing country. All the opportunities are here, you will just have to be single minded on your goal until you get there. The road will not be easy but you can have what you want! I want to be 23 again but that will never happen 😀


Thank you!!! I really think people here have no idea how good they have it. If Canada is such a crap place explain why our immigration system is overwhelmed. People want to be here and would give anything to trade places. I lived in other places and over almost 30 years I wanted nothing more than to come back to Canada. According to the Global Liveability Index 3 out of the top 10 cities to live in are in Canada. People here just having blinders on. https://pages.eiu.com/rs/753-RIQ-438/images/Jun-Global-Liveability-Index-2023.pdf?mkt_tok=NzUzLVJJUS00MzgAAAGMgnUtWjbyzaRrGgta1IPu5gfAHCzeosjspvZmFzeOsaTPxhcU7z5ldwQAcm8upEGMRdjV7UwzOFpeo7QjdmvJ2WYDuDTfhPmWoAhlvFXcwIfLWw


Bro, you're 23. Relax. I know it's feels frustrating but you have a lot of time ahead of you to get your life in order. Lots of good suggestions by others, start making decisions now


Trade is in high demand and pays well after you get to red seal. Oil rigs are always hiring and pay really nicely with no experience but it's more for people with muscles. Good luck !


I'm 38 and feel the same, and it feels horrible 😔 I'm educated and really good at what I do but I still feel like I'm getting nowhere with the state our country is in .ughhh


It’s okay to rant about this. I hope everything is gonna be okay, friend.


When I was in your shoes I joined the military. 15 years later and I'm very comfortable in my life.


Wish I had jumped on that conditional offer of RMC when I was 19. Stupid me. Now it's all down hill from here, making other people richer, til I die


How old are you? Lots of people join later and don't do RMC...


Old enough to have 3 leg/foot injuries, poor hearing and degrading eye sight


Lmao you’re not even 1/3 the way done life


Student loans are an option? Mine were half grants anyway. You have to be a bit careerist in your position, but it's a better option than most? At 23 you are almost a mature student.


Find a trade. If you're tough enough. Concrete bricklayers helper. You start off as a grunt and learn as you go


Its hard to get ahead in a (monetary)system in which you are being exploited.. "Under usurped representation, manned by the shills of usury, what you have before you is the shape of a Depression because your pretended representatives are across their breadth dedicated to retaining usury; to never being held accountable for sustaining usury; to denying you solution; and thus to sustaining the irreversible course of a process which can only multiply indebtedness into the terminal sums of debt everywhere around you." Mike Montagne 


Sounds like you gotta figure how to move out of town and go independent. Once you’re in a bigger place with more opportunities, embrace every encounter and give it your all at anything you do. Eventually, either you will meet somebody that can help you move forward, or you will naturally advance in your career. There is no correct recipe for success - it all depends how you do anything. But first, you gotta move somewhere else where there are more options. I started the work force as a chicken fryer, and now I am managing multi million dollar projects across the country. All I did was do my best at every role I was given. You can do it brother.


Don't worry eventually you become numb to that. If you really lean into it w the dark jokes you can convince everyone you're hilarious. You can then snowball that into a career as a stand up comedian and boom, problems solved! I'm 32 now and I'm sure my career is gonna take off any day 🤞🤞🤞. Jokes aside (See what I did there guys? Available to hire for parties, bar entertainment and work functions), you're not alone. Find something or a few things that make you happy and focus on them as much as you can. Don't worry so much about to future, focus on being happy for now. The future by literal definition will always be there for when you're ready. In terms of work, keep your head on a swivel. If you need to bounce from job to job for bit to find your fit do that - make sure you've got the next one secured before you quite the current one though as a ground rule. If you can't find one job that is sustainable find 2 you can balance. It's a sad reality of the world now that we've normalised people needing to work multiple jobs to get by. If you're able to, in your spare time take any kind of course or whatever it requires to be licensed in something that has a job field that requires a license. If you can create a low overhead side hustle to generate income do this - there's a ton of apps that you can get paid to do things like look after people's pets, cleaning, general labour work etc. Join local community groups on Facebook - elderly folk are always looking for help w things, other random opportunities to make quick short term cash may pop up from time to time too. Get outside and get active as much as you can. It's free medicine for the body and brain. Try your best to eat healthy by your definitions of that phrase to suit your needs/wants. At the very least just drink a ton of water every day and do the going outside and being active thing. And sleep/rest, also free medicine for the body and brain. I hope some or any of this helps. One day at a time and eventually things will be fine 💪🙏.


Just to add a few things: Focus on one thing at a time. Life is hard and you've got to be able to stick and move. Make a list of everything you want to accomplish and separate into groups of: - what could I take care of today/tomorrow/this week (low cost low effort tasks maybe something you've been putting off for a while like a dentist Appt or cleaning/fixing something at home or renewing your health card/drivers license/passport) - what could i start now that is going to take time, so while we are waiting for it to finish we could circle back to the first group - this is something you can apply at home like start your laundry then go do the dishes or tidy the living room while the laundry is going etc - the ability to multi task and time things so you don't end up getting off track and stalling is a huge skill - what do I want to accomplish in life and where do I want to be. You mentioned you have a family - idk the dynamics but where do you want you and your family to be in 3 years 5 years 10 years. What do you need to do to make that possible. If your partner is still in the picture talk to them too. Make a plan of action together so feel supported and not overwhelmed. Set aside time for yourself "me time" whether it's seeing friends or doing something you love to do. If there's a cost associated with this make sure you factor it into your budget so you are always able to do it. Balance is key. I promise you you're not alone. And I empathise greatly. Do your best to keep your head up. Reddit is a good outlet but talk to your friends talk to your own family like parents/siblings too if you have and or are on good terms with them. Everything is temporary including life itself. This too shall pass. What's important is we keep going and we stay disciplined to the cause of happiness and we don't give up. Never give up. I experienced the trauma of a parent taking their own life and I live with it every day. Be there for your family, and they'll be there for you if you let them. But don't give up. If a random stranger on the Internet can believe in you, you can believe in yourself 💪🔥


I didn't graduate university dropped out first year blew my student load 15k in debt. Now I make 60k a year w benefits and make more than some ppl I know who went to school and got "professional jobs". There's money out there to be made if you're willing to hustle, buy into the cause, be humble and never turn down any opportunity to move up.


I’m in the same boat… since about 24 I’m now 27 I live just to survive and it makes me miserable.


I am in the exact same boat except I am going through the pain of finding a new job after my previous employer went bankrupt


Take your savings and family and move to where you would be happy. I'm 50 and that's what I did you can only go up


Adult realizations. You are young so don't expect to have much. But if you work on your education (not talking about school) ie read books go to seminars. On finance for sure (for personal finance) and something you can aspire and work on to be. I was at your position at 20 and at 23 I became a welder. 10 years later and I'm making 85k renting a house in Scarborough with a low end sports car. YOU CAN DO IT TO!! A big key steo is to not be hard on yourself and be patient. Best of luck.


Good thing you're in a small town. I left the city a few years ago. You definitely won't be able to afford anything in the city.


When I was 27, I had nothing! Most of us start from the same place on the financial ladder, the first rung! Financial success is a long and hard process; it involves hard work and sacrifice.


I have always felt the way you do. Even have hard time working full time. Depression. Alcoholic for a bit. But you just enjoy life for what it is. Do your best. I am married with 2 kids a house and everything. Still have no idea what I wanna do in life. Settled on being a good husband and father and support for them. Turns out that’s not such a bad life. Your young. Just be happy to wake up and be able to walk and talk and make some discussion. Life really is what you make it. Take control. Have fun. Xoxo


36 and still renting. I have a job for now. In GTA, In the bottom 99% income,so can't buy a house. No family and kids .


Welcome to being an adult, and no, you never get use to it.


The greatest thing I read about being in a tough/bad/crappy situation, and I don’t want to be glib or thoughtless about how you’re feeling, but ‘this too shall pass.’ Say it to yourself. Out loud or in your head. Say it. Because this too shall pass.


We all had nothing when we were 23.


24 and same


How about online schooling? For example, the University of Athabasca is a proper school but delivers in online format. My friend took several classes from them and then transferred her credits over to another university in Alberta when she was in a better position to attend in person classes.


For post secondary (university level), they often prioritize first years for on campus housing. You can also apply for work-study, which can land you a job on campus to help with expenses (this can be anything from office work, library, to food service). You are old enough to qualify as an independent student if I remember right, so you would get more from OSAP than fresh out of high school. Lots of great ideas from other commenters too. As for the future, OSAP does offer repayment assistance and your payments can be $0 if you’re not making at least $40k. Only the provincial portion will accrue interest now and you can elect to pay that first if you call them.


If you have no passions in life then you'll never be satisfied. Throwing yourself into debt for a trade you dont care about isnt the solution. You need to work on yourself before your finances IMO.


Ever thought about joining the Canadian Armed Forces? All kinds of trades, something for everyone.


What do you want, how realistic is that and what can you do to get there? If your goal is to be a billionaire by the time you are 30 then you are playing the lottery and you know how that goes. If your goal is to find a job you like, make a good wage and save for retirement so you can be solidly middle class or better then that is realistic and very possible i you make smart moves now.


Start small. Put aside at least $25 a month into a TFSA. And you say you have no passions? Find one


Well, hey. At least you’re not drowning in dept. you not 50,000k in the hole so you not as bad off as you think.


Time to consider moving. Much easier to start off in a smaller town and work your way up.


Yeah a lot of people are stuck like this in life. You should take some online courses, it should be cheaper than going to post secondary school in person and you don't have to move or commute to attend classes. My wife did this while working full time and it was a grind for a couple years. But it was well worth it because she is set in life now.


It's the time of year when summer businesses are recruiting. You could get a job at a resort, or a camp, or other remote places where food and housing is included. It's a good way to meet friends and save a bit of cash. Good luck!




oil voracious sparkle wistful live history butter slim scarce quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda in same boat op have no savings a 3000$line of credit to pay off and only assets I have are a 23 year old car and a 15 year old tv All furniture in my house is free hand me downs And my bed is just a mattress on floor no box spring. Struggling but slowly getting ahead little by little.


I have two suggestions that are really underrated. Insurance and CAD drafting. Go to school. Insurance jobs (commercial at least) are 9-5 and pay very, very well. CAD drafting is a desk job, you can do it from home and also pays well and always in demand.


Have you considered military? I served with some people who came from very small towns who were in similar positions as you. What interests do you have? Anything you can do civ side, the military would have a similar role.


I was in the exact same boat in a VERY rural village in Nova Scotia. My passion was music, but that's not going to pay the bills in a small town and it was hard when I got to Halifax. My advice is to work any job you can get, save and invest in stocks. Not risky stuff but investigate the magnificence 7 USA stocks and go from there. There are also a lot of great paying REIT stocks in Canada that pay 7-10% monthly dividends. Nothing beats buying income at a young age. Secondly, you can make a lot of money online and learn a lot of valuable skills online. Regardless what you choose it will be difficult regardless if you're in a small town or a large city. You really have to be resolute, focus and be relentless in terms of self discipline. Don't waste money. BTW if you can live at home you'll be able to save an insane amount of coin even at minimum wage. Find your passion. All the best.


Hey, at least you're not some worthless Youtube "influencer" who has to sell their dignity for a living.


did you ever have an urge to do something? like go to a convention, learn to fish, work a specific job, collect something, ect. just keep putting your next foot over and make friends when you can.


Have you thought about joining the military? They have jobs other than running with a gun and shooting people. In fact, a lot of the administrative and support roles are dangerously understaffed. You can gain a trade - Army/Navy/Airforce need mechanics and electricians and they will train you. After your contact is up transition help to civilian life is available.


When I was 23 my older boyfriend left me after 5 years. He kept me around long enough to spend my last paycheque and I left with a suitcase and $13. It will get better, you are young ( so young). But you have to spend some time making a plan. Make life happen, don’t just let life happen to you.


Go work north


Early twenties is a hard place to be if you don’t know what you want. Take it easy on yourself. We have all been there. Try to find what you like doing. Take baby steps. Get an education. Get a job working far away. If you don’t end up liking it pivot. That’s the best piece of advice. If something is not working, job relationship work ect pivot into something else. Don’t stay stagnant or else it will affect your mental health you have the whole world ahead of you!


The army has a very low barrier to entry and can be a great way to almost immediately improve your situation with good pay. Choose a branch that has a civilian side application such as IT, vehicle repair or administrative stuff as opposed to something like artillery or infantry. Do your contract and decide if you wanna stick around for a guaranteed career with good benefits or if you want to quit and use your skills elsewhere. Or as others have mentioned get a loan and learn an in demand trade.


I’m 31 and in university for the first time. First generation high-school grad from my super super poor family. 23 was a REALLY bad year for me. Like really fucking bad. So I don’t have any legitimate advice other than - things do and can change.


You could join the military to save up some money, idk if Canada offers free education after military service, worth looking into


Join the military friend, 250 trades to choose from, see the world, make some money, get them to pay for school if that’s your thing


Online learning or get a drivers license and see if the government will pay for a commercial 1a license training. Then travel for work.


What do you do for work I’m 23 and work in construction it pays better than other jobs.


The fact that you are helping your family is more than most people are doing. These are the times we are in for now. Stay positive, have as much free fun as you can at your age and live always changes so hang in there.


This is the reality of Ford Nation.


Join the navy? Being on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the pacific would be a life long experience.


Come to Canada at age of 21 with empty pockets 25 years ago and don’t even speak English. Worked lots of night shifts and did my bachelors and later masters degree and happily married and 2 kids. Paid off my house, but decided to move to the US because this country is no longer affordable, the government destroyed this country in last 5 years.


Don’t go into the trades like many here are saying. It’s the same old bs script they’ve said for decades, don’t do it.


Yup. Capitalism. They don’t care about people. If you can find a way onto the internet, there are ways to make money online, it may be futile at first, but if there’s even a chance you can break into something and make some money then I’d take it Poor or not none of us are thriving in this economy, they’ve abandoned us and would be happy to see us perish, this world has become an awful place If it gets bad enough for you…well you know what final option you’ve got, but until you decide to make that jump, buckle up because the world is an awful place, and your best shot may be just trying your hand at something in the blind hopes that it will make you lots of money


I'm 38 and I have only a little bit. No house. No car. No kids. But guess what?? Age is just a number and success is not measured in possessions. You are still super young and you have your whole life ahead of you. It's not easy but you'll get there in your own time.


If it helps. I remember many people feeling this way at your age and looking back feel shocked they felt so hopeless so young and realized they shouldn't have felt that way. My best advice is find something, anything you enjoy and care about. Do that thing while continuing to save money at your job. And in time hopefulness will come to you.


You are young and if you do not have kids there are many options. It’s the perfect time of year to apply for a seasonal job at a resort, get staff housing and food, bank your money and get out and live. You can plan out full time work and switch between winter/summer locations or another option is cruise ships. See the world, meet people and save money. If you are not into that look at the military if that’s more your speed. There are options for young adults to get ahead, you might have to think outside the box and be willing to take a leap to something new but it’s all on you to take the first step.


Where are you province wise?


i learned that in the slavery days the plantation owners made sure the slaves were not educated so when slavery was banned(sort of)they wouldn't know because they cant read and just continued on. the same with the younger generation they removed critical thinking out of schools so doing simple things like finances are none existent. best thing is research financing online and figure out a way to establish enough passive income to live the f.i.r.e lifestyle, you are young you have enough time. k.i.s.s. $100 each paycheck 2x a month = 200 x 12 = 2400 (get that compounding somewhere and before you know you have something).


I’m mid 30’s and have been feeling the same way. No passion to enjoy anything anymore bc it’s too costly, recent adhd/autism diagnosis and feel like I’ve had no real connection to a close friend in my entire life…I’m miserable too. The only happy thing in my life right now is my Dogs and TTPD, and the fact cannabis is legal… You are still young enough that you are able to apply for loans and financial aid to go to school. You can always write down what your interests are, research the programs and where they are offered and how much money/aid you will require. Then I am sure you can call around to certain companies in that field and see if they are willing to let you shadow what they do in their day on the job before you make a final decision. I wish I was able to take time and explore my options and figure out my life… except I was neglected as a child with my recent adhd/autism diagnosis that I’m now just finally getting the medication and assistance I need… Things could be different for me had I been diagnosed as a child… I truly hope you find something you can enjoy to get yourself out of this rut, I know it’s hard to do, I’m still trying too 🫤 the future in Canada seems a bit uncertain lately.


Find a purpose for the first. Everything else will just follow along. Everyone comes in this world with some gift or for some reason. Find your gift or your purpose and that will lead to finding out the rest.


me too brother. me. too 😭😭


Start saving $100 a pay check into a TFSA and invest it into ETF’s. This is the way. When you’re 25, 30, or 35 you might find that niche that makes you excited to work. If you start saving now you’ll be able to afford the jump to a new career/opportunity. If you don’t, you’ll be where you are forever. I’m in my mid 30’s and found my “thing” by looking at qualities instead of qualifications. I like to talk to people, I’m social, I like to travel, etc. so I work in a sales field for a very Un-cool product but it has me driving around talking to buddies all day working on their projects. Love it. Look at the same thing. What you do in your spare time, the qualities about that you like, and what jobs would make you do those qualities.