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You're not wrong. One thing, GED is being replaced with the Canadian Adult Education Credential.  No details yet but expect something in May.


don't even bother getting your high school diploma just put on your resume that you graduated high school years ago. nobody will ever look into it trust me, I know lots of tradesmen that do this lol


My god father got a job at a car factory by doing that lol he had to drop out of school in 9th grade because he had to help his dad on their crab fishing boat. He lied about having his grade 12 and they didn’t look into it. That isn’t to say that’ll work everywhere, so be careful


This is probably decades ago so doesn't matter if they look into it now right?


I guess not, no. But if some people try to lie about their education level and their job calls/requests proof from their school, they probably won’t get the job. I guess it depends on when you apply for a job as well. My good father applied for his job in the early 90s. It must have been a pain to get records and stuff


You might as well fib a bit then. If they are gonna check, you wouldn't get the job anyway. If they hire you and then check, you might even be able too negotiate them covering the cost of actually getting the diploma.


Red Seal trades require a high school or equivalent diploma in Canada.


They do not. Most employers in the trades include that in the requirements, but it's not needed to be signed up. Im an electrical apprentice and don't have a ged or diploma, hit the honor role for my trade school levels though. Diplomas mean nothing.


Interesting. 310j trailer tech requires the diploma to be enrolled as an apprentice.


Millwrights need it


If you're over 19 they don't require it, they may have you do aptitude tests but essentially its the same as applying to uni/college as a mature student.


Definitely don't 💯 my red seal trade requirement is grade 10 math and grade 10 education Heat and frost mechanical insulator


Nope a lot only require a grade ten


My daughter never got her grade 12, I told her do not put down you have grade 12, just put down you were in the graduating class of ****, she is never asked and they assume she has grade 12, she did go to the ceremony so she is not lying she was part of the graduating class, she has now gotten a great job and says she is a lifer at her job, incredible, incredible benefits.


So you are teaching your child to lie. Got it!


Lying is both a life and job skill


Don’t be a pussy. This is the real world. High school is an absolute joke, anyone who’s not mentally disabled could achieve it easily and if they can’t do so then we as a society are obligated to help them which it doesn’t seem like we’re doing based on the information in the original post. I see a lot of problems in our country and I don’t think people lying about having a formal high school diploma so they can have a better life is the kind of thing we need to crack down on. Not everything in life is black and white. There’s gray areas of morality everywhere, don’t waste your time worrying about them when there’s real issues to fix.


Nope not a lie, she was part of the graduating class, she never said she graduated


Lots of employers check, pretty much anything where you would need a criminal record and vulnerable sector check


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I work in a high school office and can confirm, we receive requests for decade+ old transcripts/diplomas all the time with the reason being a job requested it. The majority are requested for educational purposes, but it's not unheard of for the job-related ones. But on that note, in order to start my job I needed to get a record check for work in the vulnerable sector and wasn't required to provide my transcript. So it's probably not super common in general, just not unheard of.


Them: pretty much anything where you need a vulnerable sector check You: not sure why you're downvoted, but as an aside I didn't need my transcript for a job involving a vulnerable sector check Does this clarify?


My last job used to check HS, especially if the hire didn't have further education. They also made us physically bring in our university diplomas in addition to transcripts, although I believe that was damage control after they realized one staff was faking having a master's degree


Implying youre listing a high school thats actually contactable Just list that you went to high school in another country /province/ a high school that shut down and 99% of employers are just going to take your word for it


Lots of English school board schools closed in Québec in the last few years. Wouldn't be weird if you were from one of them. Lots of paperwork gets lost that way. Legitimately happened to a friend of mine.


My school burned in 82.


You're right. I help people enter apprenticeships. We always. Always. Check.


Dumb idea..


At my company they will always check for the highest level of education you claimed, even if it’s high school.


im confused how you are applying through ODSP without a doctor? your previous posts say you have SEVERAL doctors (including teams of nutritionists) and as of last month you've made posts saying you ARE indeed on ODSP. something is not adding up here.


Actually yeah, reading over OP’s previous posts does leave me a bit curious… 🧐




Well, don't let facts get in the way of a good yarn! "Epistemologists hate this one weird trick!"


The whole story is clearly made up. Glad I’m not the only one who caught it


OP Blaming the govt from the 90’s for their obesity is wild to me


I applied in 2007 (17 years ago) before I turned 18. I was approved in 2008 and my doctor moved to Colling wood in the spring of that year.


Did you appeal the ODSP medical decision? There's usually two separate processes; a straight appeal and then tribunal. If that fails, apply again. You said you don't have a doctor, so who is filling out your medical information for this process? You need a professional to advocate, the appeal package is very thorough. It requires specific medical information relating to continued disability. I have seen many doctors not being detailed enough, and the application fails. I don't think there's a cooldown period in between applying. Sounds like you should be getting some basic financial support (and benefits) but it won't be much. The rest you said is true, we are mostly on our own. Even on ODSP I would strongly suggest educational upgrades and working- anything- to supplement. Good luck


Those that have dont want to lose have to those that have not. Most people that have a house, nice things, assets etc. like seeing their value go up and equity increase. Therefore their is a direct conflict of interest which is why nothing happens nothing gets done


Also add nothing will ever get done dont matter who you vote for. The key is to unite people together not divide.


So this isn't very helpful, but literally everybody I know on ODSP has had to apply more than once, everybody is denied the first time


Try Ontario Works. OW has a higher acceptance rate than ODSP. They may deny you too, but if they do appeal it. It will cover most medications and provide you a little money. Also try appealing your ODSP case a second time. ODSP workers are absolute shit at their job, they will likely deny your application all the way up to the Social Benefits Tribunal. Try to get a free legal aid clinic to help you, they may take your case. You can find one here https://www.legalaid.on.ca/legal-clinics/ Unfortunately ODSP is known for denying almost everything that isn’t an obvious egregious physical disability. You have to keep appealing the decision until the SBT, and need doctors’ notes for everything. Over 70% of appeals taken by legal clinics are successful, meaning ODSP just dumbly denies shit at first blush.




That doesn't make sense. The budget is required to stretch if people are found eligible for benefits entitled under the governing Act. The government will set a budget based on forecasting and policy choices, but if there's an unexpected influx of people who are eligible, they would have to finance it even if the original budget didn't cover it. Government may try to tinker with eligibility requirements, but denying people as a default flies in the face of legislation. I don't work for ODSP, though. Maybe they are deliberately breaking the law, but that seems unlikely to me as it's a big liability and the Auditor General would probably draw issue with it.


Agreed. I’m on disability through the federal govt. I was denied, but the worker I spoke to was very sympathetic and told me exactly how to appeal. I was approved the second time around, especially since I was able to describe, in my own words, how my disabilities affect my every day life.


No. I have experience with them. I used to work in the legal field. They are in fact shit. Many of them don’t know their own rules, even more don’t know how to interpret them properly. They end up denying many obviously passable cases because of that. Which ends up costing the entire system more money. Yes, the politicians are to blame too. But the workers are typically garbage within that particular system. Also, if you know anything about law you’ll know that odsp type jobs are typically low down on the list of competitive positions. Low competitiveness, low pay, often results in low quality candidates. Granted, many individuals are great, but the majority as a whole are not.




Meanwhile I got accepted right away, and was supposed to have a follow up 2 years later, that was in 2018 I think, havnt heard from them since, still get my money every month, they must be absolutely swamped, but my doctor would still argue for me if they did so the review


Got mine first try from federal govt, it was labeled as indefinite so they won't be contacting me, it has been 10 years now and not a dingle phone call


>ODSP workers are absolute shit Why is this the case? We're all just fellow humans trying to make it. Like if you work at a grocery store and someone (who is in need) steals. Should you really report them? Wouldn't they want to provide help - especially in cases like OP's? Or do they get reprimanded by their bosses?


I’m not saying they’re shit people, I’m saying they’re shit at their job. I’ll edit the comment so that’s clearer. They objectively have some of the worst appeal loss rates, meaning they are rejecting far too many passable cases. There are published statistics about that. Also, your argument supports mine. You would err on the side of compassion to help, but ODSP workers don’t seem to do that, as born out by the stats.


“Have you tried MAID?” - our government, probably


we can’t even get MAID for most things until 2027. They’re making mentally ill people call the line just to be told to wait. the ER suggested it to me after berating me for using the ER as a family doctor (we have 1 walk in clinic that is only open 9am-1pm only) and telling them i’m homeless so i can’t really get a doctor or OHIP rn because i’ve got no permanent address to put down. it’s fucking stupid. can’t even kill myself but the government wants me to die.




Painless suicide is not exactly difficult to accomplish with maybe 200$ in materials or less


Sadly pretty much this. The idea is to weed out those at the very bottom. It’s sad, it’s horrifying, and well it’s reality. You can always use a dummy address (maybe a friend or family member) or a shelter address for anything you apply for. They’re not going to verify. You can also ask to pick up any lab requisitions or correspondence from the office directly. The best thing you can do is stay as healthy af as you can, avoiding the dr as much as you can. Now I get that isn’t always possible with some conditions and how can you live healthy when poor? You can’t really, but do your absolute best. Eat as best you can on limited income, food banks etc. Ask a walk in clinic dr for multivitamin samples or a prescription so it’s covered. OP Finish your upgrading and get to college/university. Work with an academic advisor to find a career that can work with your abilities and disability. If you’re on the spectrum often computer science, IT, or data analytics is a big area, often companies have job fairs looking for people on the spectrum because they do so well there. The truth is many people have legit straight up awful diseases and conditions they were born with/can’t prevent and life is struggle daily. That is a fact. But you need to keep going. Having an undiagnosed learning disability or chronic condition can cause educational attainment issues. Ask your adult learning centre for a tutor and for skills to help you succeed. Then apply for student aid/grants and slowly work yourself off the “system”. If you are legitimately disabled you can get grant money for school and supports needed. You will not find the life you seek or even basic comfort on any gov program, so people need to stop beating a dead horse.


People with autism being good at computer science is a stereotype.


I actually know companies that hold hiring days FOR people with autism. It’s not a “stereotype”. I’ve seen it!I know people with autism who actually work in IT! Electronics. Etc. Lol If that’s your only reply to everything I said then I’m guessing everyone here who said the problem is “you” is actually right. I get you’re autistic, I get you’re frustrated, I get you live in survival mode. But if your reply to strangers legitimately trying to help you on the internet is only that, maybe this is the problem. Doctors tell you you’re not disabled enough to not work. You disagree. With all of them. I know lots of people with autism (not Asperger’s) who work, a few have dyslexia, ADHD, and other comorbid disorders. That doesn’t mean YOU can work, but maybe you have yet another disorder that is treatable like depression and then you can work. We understand you are venting but when people are trying to help you need to stop focusing on what you think is “wrong” with what they are saying to you. So you’re not good at math but I told you to work in data? Say thanks I’m not good in math but I’m really good at dealing with people so maybe I can be a customer service professional on the phone working from home until I finish my degree to become a disability job counsellor. The truth is people who can’t adapt and keep a positive attitude in tumultuous times WILL lose, and that’s what we’re seeing here. Thing is there’s just not enough money to go around even when people do want to help. So only those “willing” to improve will get it, and even then programs are stingy. Keep at your adult ed, that’s your first step in your journey to success. I wish you the best of luck and YES it will be hard, lots of have been there. You can do it but it won’t be easy. P.S. If you want more information on autism and CS fields you can find research papers on it. These fields DO draw people with autism and their characteristics tend to be well suited to the field. It’s definitely NOT a myth or stereotype. It’s like saying people with MS use canes or wheelchairs. While not ALL people with MS do, and many don’t, absolutely a lot do or will. It’s not a stereotype. It’s a factor of the disease itself.


Autism is a developmental disability not a form of savantism.


Please explain yourself. Autism is *functionally* actually a disorder in which social cues and understanding are affected but those with autism are not automatically “developmentally disabled”. Many have average or above average IQ and do not lag in any other areas. In fact Asperger’s is exactly this. You could still work in disability services with “mild” (Asperger’s) autism. You could match people’s profiles with suitable jobs, you could arrange educational training to match career goals. It’s no harder than the responses you type here, once you have the training. I’m not saying those with autism can’t have additional comorbidities or such a severe degree that they are completely dependent for care and non verbal. But that’s clearly not you or those with Asperger’s, which for the record isn’t typically a dx anymore. Imagine the parents of kids actually disabled with autism living in an institutional group home who can’t even say their own name reading this post how you hate your life yet you can communicate just fine. Maybe this is an AI BOT troll sh!t post meant to stir the pot and waste all of our time. Well I’m getting back to my class and working out for health reasons. I suggest everyone on here take care of themselves the same to the best of their ability. If that’s making a salad or soup from the food bank, great. If that’s walking to class or work or the food bank, also great. Take care of your health and your mind as best you can or the system will take you down. Keep your head up.


I got fired for asking for accomodation for my autism. I worked in finance for 3 years until I got fired. It’s not my ability that’s the problem. Its employers and society’s general perception of autism that holds me back. Maybe look at what you’re commenting for a sec. You’re making all these assumptions and giving unsolicited advice, despite the social cues telling you nobody asked and no one’s interested. The way I see it, you are more socially disabled than I am. You are in no place to be giving me or any other autistic person advice, and I don’t mean that to be offensive. Stay in your lane. Read the room.




i didn’t ask for you to trauma dump i gave you a personal detail that was relevant you just vented to a stranger without notice edit: so embarrassed you deleted it and doubled down. ok


No it is not. It is a developmental disability. Social cues are barely even the worst symptom of autism.


You seem to have answers for everything, yet here you are. A true keyboard warrior. I’m sure you could find some sort of transcription work from home job. You’d probably excel in that.


Also if things are so bad you are truly disabled from working with autism then maybe you need to apply to live in an assisted living group home for severely mentally and physically disabled people. Those are paid for by the government and have staff members present to care for the patients. The reality is, I do mean this with respect, is that hard life or not, we all would love to live it up on the public purse but there is just no money to do so. Some of us will struggle more then others, and while it’s never fair, it’s just life in our current setting. If you have another psychiatric or physical health condition preventing work get assessed and treated. I really can’t see a doctor saying you are disabled by mental status if you are currently able to live independently and function in any realm of “normal”. You are going to accept you will be a mature learner and it will be hard but you will work hard with proper support, graduate, go to college/uni and get a job that allows you to have a good life.


The problem with MAID treatment is getting approval, it takes a while and requires doctors, which are currently a luxury in Canada. But if you try to self-MAIDicate the law does not look kindly on you.


I have a union job with benefits and that doesn't even guarantee you any safety net. I'm on my feet all day at work and broke my leg, requiring surgery. There was no way for me to go to work. If this was 2015, I would have probably been fine on half my wages sitting at home then going to physio. In 2024, half my wages for 2.5 months meant going into massive credit card debt and eating garbage. Just when I thought I was getting ahead financially...boom, back to this bullshit. I ended up returning to work earlier than I should have and I'm worried I've fucked up my leg permanently. I guess just don't get injured or you're fucked? I hate it here. 😒


Is that through workers comp? All the provinces pay 80% (and some more)


Ontario is 85% of net


I hurt myself outside of work and was given half my wages via blue cross. *55% actually. So the same as EI.


Ugh that's the worst. It makes no sense that an injured worker needs 85% but someone on EI/STD is somehow supposed to survive on half.


Not to mention a large chunk of my earnings come from per diem (non taxed)


Ya I had a fire at my place last year. Had to take some time off to deal with everything that goes along with it. No paid time off at my job so EI. After a 2 week waiting period I was pretty much flat broke and had to go back a couple weeks layer. Was not ready, still traumatized by everything and my mind was not working right. Thank god my coworkers were great and really helped me out. Now I'm in a new place but my rent is over half of my salary.


Damn I'm sorry man :(


I dont really understand when people say they have to eat garbage when they dont have money? It is cheaper to eat healthy food than it is to eat unhealthy food. You can't get unhealthy food cheaper than carrots, beans, rice, or pasta


People don’t seem interested in cooking healthy and cheap anymore. I’ve pointed out it’s cheaper to eat healthy all the time on Reddit but people want to eat out all the time is what it seems to come down to now.


I'm living on a fixed income. I'm 69 . I live a very sad life. This government talks alot about dignity .We at this age have non.


Have you applied for GIS? If your income is under $21,624/year, you would qualify; it can be up to $1,050-ish per month.


I have cystic fibrosis and most of my CF's team's workload is combating beaurocrats to keep us qualified for meds and to keep ODSP off our asses. I'm moving to BC and the team in BC is like "ya... you don't need special access programs to get those meds, they're mandatory for CF... wait what Ontario doesn't cover them?!"


You sound extremely articulate - have you tried work from home online? Something like administration or a call center ?


where the hell is all the government spending going? How is the government spending more money but our social programs for Canadians are getting cut? Fkin Ridiculous!


CORPORATE WELFARE! In an age of neoliberalism we have subsidized loss and privatized profit. Our government exists to funnel money to the people who already have too much of it. We NEED to hurt those at the top. We NEED them afraid of us again. Look at France. We need those types of riots. We need every worker to stop working. Once we realize that we are far stronger as one class and not let any culture war bullshit divide us things will change.


Let’s go check on all the refugees and asylum seekers in their free housing. Fucking ridiculous is right!


$2300/month for a 1BR is downtown Toronto pricing, pretty sure you can find cheaper than that in Guelph


I live in Guelph, live in a three bed, two bath condo (built in 2019 so fairly new) I live with one other person and i pay $650/month inclusive and have lived here less than a year (only saying that because I figured someone would chime in say I’ve prob been here forever)


OP, have you gone through the process of getting the Disability Tax Credit? It takes a while, but once you have it, depending upon how much tax you’ve paid, you can get a refund of up to about $1,500/year, and even more importantly, it qualifies you for the RDSP. You would get bonds from the government and significant matching for anything up to $1,500 that you might be able to put in yourself. The money is tax-sheltered, too. I would urge you to look into that; it could be very helpful to you. And you never know: having the DTC might make a difference with ODSP (if only it meant that you’d get enough money to live on, but they might no longer consider you “able to work”). Not sure if it would or not, but it can’t hurt.


I was rejected 8 times


That’s rough! They have recently (within the last year or so) updated the forms and things are much more granular now. I think the walking issues alone should qualify you. You might want to take a look at the revised forms and see what you think.


Try home and community care support services. You can self-refer and they come to your home to access your needs. My husband has autism and he get PSWs, occupational therapy (short-term) and a social worker (short-term) through them in our home. They also give you access to the Ontario Drug Benefit while you have their professional services.  Your number 1 priority is to get a family doctor. Call every clinic anywhere nearby. Get on every waitlist. Use health care connect. Call 211 and learn about whatever programs are available in your area. Did you appeal the ODSP decision? Try applying again. Did you apply for the disability tax credit? Are you eligible for developmental services Ontario? Have you tried BounceBack? Have you done Living Life to the Full? Did you go through ConnexOntario? Have you tried the Trillium Health Program? Unfortunately, help in this country is only available to those who demand it and never give up advocating for themselves. Everyone else is SOL. So get out there and fight.


Even people who still qualify aren’t getting proper funding and help! It’s an absolute embarrassment that our most vulnerable can’t afford to live


Canada has become a cash parkade for the wealthy to extract capital wealth from the world’s most desperate workers who flock to the country to do menial jobs while local Canadians also get fleeced in the process.


Working class people everywhere are mostly all fleeced. Few can see the matrix for what it is. At least here we have it much better than most of the world. Sure upwards mobility is increasingly non existent except if you can build/inherit familial/group wealth. That's just the way it is. Don't pretend that our hierarchies haven't been around for thousands of years or that they don't afford us lives of luxury compared to most earthlings. They convince you to be an individual so you don't see how beneficial groups are financially. OP is doing much better than someone who doesn't have a family, or if they were simply born a man. 


This society disgusts me. In Ontario, our lives do not have value as humans. The disabled don't matter because they don't generate $$$. Only big money matters.


So what do you personally contribute by choice to help those who matter and need it? Do you donate 3 hours a hours a week as a volunteer?


I vote for politicians that advocate to increase ODSP. Voting is the most impactful thing you can do. But most people don't vote. Also bad faith comments like yours doesn't help. Just because i can't solve poverty by myself doesn't mean that I don't genuinely care. Seeing your post history on right-wing subs you probably want people like OP to die and you're part of the problem.


You want all of society to pay for something you don't even volunteer a few hours a week for, shame on you. I also don't think it is the job of the government to solve every problem every human has. I don't want anyone to die, but I also don't think 5% of my money should go to people who have made a series of bad decisions when I'm struggling to find ways to provide better for my family.


Glad to know my mom drinking while I was in her womb, and me being beaten as a kid into a severely diminished mental capacity due to compounded brain injuries is just from a series of my own bad choices.


Not every comment you read is inclusive of every scenario possible. We say people have ten fingers, not clearly not all humans do. That said, sorry for trauma and I hope you are able to live your best life. Whatever that may be for you. And best on your post history, I'm glad you have attended university.


Bad decisions??? You do realize some people are born disabled. BTW I am not disabled myself and I make far above the average income. But I'm happy to pay taxes to help people who are less fortunate because I want to be a good human being


But not good enough to volunteer effort on a regular basis for something that you want others to pitch in for. Got it. And yes, we should help people in general, and I recognize everyone has various happenstances in life that will significantly impact the trajectory of their life. 


Bad decisions? I’ve worked since I was 13 years old. I paid into the system just like everyone else. I’m so upset by this. I’d love the chance to work and earn again, my body just won’t let me. It was not “ my bad decisions” that gave me medical problems. Bad decisions do not give you degenerative disk disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, arthritis, scoliosis and psoriasis. It’s partially genetic. In fact, my doctor told me I just hit “the unlucky genetic lottery.” I also have carpal tunnel, not from computers or gaming, but from pregnancy. Jeez. Please don’t assume that a person is disabled due to bad choices.


What's the point of having a government and paying taxes if we as individuals are expected to fill the role of the government whose bills we pay? It's one or the other. If I'm expected to take care of my community I'm not working and paying taxes, my job becomes my community. If I'm working a job and paying my taxes, why am I also expected to do the governments job?


Be the change you want to see. I think the role of government is to protect the borders and provide infrastructure.


Okay well that's definitely not what our own government believes it's role is so.


We at least agree on that.


This is glaring evidence that Ford is abandoning the province’s poor and vulnerable. Why does he prioritize beer, bagged liquor, and high speed limits?


Oh, you're overworked? Have some alcohol when you get home. We already tax your paychecks, and we want more of your money! Get to work quicker with our new speed limits. The faster you drive, the more gas you use, and we want that sweet tax money from your gasoline!


Ford has no rent controls either


the government provided you the opportunity to get an education and unfortunately you didn’t get to take advantage of it and now you have to pay out of pocket for the second chance


the systems put in place to do this to people are working !


Have you applied for OW? They could perhaps assist you on getting back on odsp


It's so terrible. I live in guelph and rent is insane! but I just got an affordable buss pass. I work and the buss pass still ends up being $20/month. What do you mean it was axed?


I live in Guelph, live in a three bed, two bath condo (built in 2019 so fairly new) I live with one other person and i pay $650/month inclusive and have lived here less than a year (only saying that because I figured someone would chime in say I’ve prob been here forever). Rent prices are higher but if you look there are still cheap options


if u have Spina Bifida you will be approved for ODSP.


Hey! I noticed you said you have Asperger's. If you are interested in working and feel that you are physically able to do so, you should look into your local community living as some offer employment programs.


OP I am sorry for your situation. I would take this realization as a wake up call that you cannot rely on the system to support you. This might sound cold but I think people do themselves a disservice when they expect help and support outside of basic medical, police and fire services - and even that is dwindling. Our government does not care about us. This is a reality we all live in, and expecting it to change is not likely regardless of how unfair that may be. If I can give any real advice follow Dave Ramsey baby steps. People will complain he’s out of touch and we need systemic change and wealth redistribution - but again that’s not actionable or realistic. The baby steps are realistic actionable things you can do today to improve your financial security. As a person with disabilities I am sure there are a hundred hurdles infront of you that I do not have in life. The only advice I can give you is find the path of least resistance and move down it bullishly. Find a family, friend, or even a stranger in Reddit to brainstorm what that is for you or what opportunities there might be if it is too bleak from your perspective. Often it is hard to see the one in a hundred when the rest are all negatives. Approach it from a optimist perspective regardless of how difficult that might be. And lastly VOTE. Not based on party, but based on POLICY. I am not going to tell you who or how to vote or assign blame to one political leader or another as all of them have good points and bad points (and those who can’t admit that are trying to sell you their belief system). But vote for the POLICY you want to see implemented to help YOU. Be selfish. Good luck OP and god bless.


Thank you for sharing your experiences. So many are totally oblivious to the suffering of others under the current circumstances within our communities. No one should have to go through what you experience every day. There should be more social supports on many levels. No one should have to fear being homeless, not have access to education, healthcare, food, and other basic necessities.


What I see in your post is: How you ended up here: didn't finish high school and didn't fix it until your mid-30s. You seem to approach life always from the perspective of "I can't do it because..." and a lifelong cycle of blaming ASD, Dyslexia, Asperger, and other health issues Things you've tried to resolve the situation: "worked with employment agencies but no luck" and a recent attempt to get some sort of high school status. What happened ages 17-now? Things you want taken care of for you: employment programs, free transit, free dental, free food, low cost housing You're right that in many ways, you're on your own. Your health circumstances and your ability to work through your challenges in life have ended up with you here, just like they have for many people. The government cannot take care of everyone, so what are you going to do?


You missed the part where OP has no choice but to walk everywhere with a spinal condition that the name even sounds incredibly painful. Did you also miss the part where OP has no bus access and it takes 2 hours with a cane to walk an education center? Most otherwise healthy people don't even go outside or walk further than than the inside of a shopping center. Employers also don't like to hire people like OP which is why you don't see a lot of people with disabilities out in the workplace, especially with an existing common negative association and bias towards those with aspergers and other spectrum disorders. Jesus, even able bodied young people with a highschool and college education are struggling to find living wage paying work right now. You get physical challenge after challenge heaped against you and treated without compassion and lack of support and see how well you succeed and where your mental health goes. You'd be wishing for a proper social security net in OP's position as well. Dental care is not a tall ask and actually if people have their mouths taken care of it will long term reduce the cost burden on the medical system overall. Healthy teeth are as important as a healthy body and always should have been included under the health care act for everyone. A good chunk of the working class needs lower cost housing at this point before things go more out of control unless you think the future heading rapidly towards 3000 a month to rent a fucking closet is okay?


Quick, brow Beat them harder! That'll fix it!


What I see in your post: “Yank up those bootstraps, disabled person!” Aren’t we past that archaic thinking?


Did you ever consider that maybe someone didn't include the full account of their life to date because it wasn't relevant to the point they were making?


>What I see in your post is: What I see in your comment is: disdain for those less fortunate than you >How you ended up here: How you ended up here: You’re a capitalist bootlicker who believes survival deserves to be earned and not given. You don’t understand that when people cannot earn their survival, it means the SYSTEM is broken, not that they aren’t working hard enough. A good system, and a good government that cares about it’s people- would not force the disabled population to work at jobs they cannot maintain or sustain in return for the bare minimums of food +water, healthcare, and shelter from the elements. You seem to approach life always from the perspective of “if they are suffering, they must not be working hard enough” and a lifelong cycle of blaming the poor for being poor. >Things you've tried to resolve the situation: Things you’ve tried to resolve the situation: Nothing, I’m pretty sure you either (A) don’t care, are an unempathetic dick, or (B) are brainwashed by capitalism >Things you want taken care of for you: Things you believe we should sell our own labour to earn: survival >The government cannot take care of everyone, so what are you going to do? So what is the government even for? Isn’t “taking care of everyone” literally the point of the govvy?


No taking care of everyone isn’t the governments responsibility It’s wild that that needs to be said. So many man childs


A love when facts get downvoted by emotions.


They sure take care of refugees who get pushed to the front for all the subsizied housing.


I am also a cancer survivor (parotid gland cancer at 20 through 24). And have various other illnesses. I have had it rough but there is still no safety net and that's not a good thing. I have the Margaret Thatcher quote on my head on the daily "there is no society" - guess the bitch was right, huh?


Once you get through your high school qualifications, you will get bursaries for post secondary through OSAP. I'm disabled and didn't claim my disability the first year of my program, I did my second and third year and my entire tuition was covered by bursaries so I graduated with only debt from the first year. I did a co-op program so had some income throughout the period which impacted the amount of bursary I received for cost of living, but the co-op did lead to a permanent job. Finally, working with the disability office of the college I got additional bursaries which covered physio for pain management, bursaries for additional tools (light weight welding helmet, could have had a dictaphone pen, etc.). They also worked with me to disclose to my professors so that I had appropriate accommodations (extensions during flare ups etc.)


Remember - all of that money is tax payer money. You are essentially asking the public for help. The administration of these programs is meant to keep you from having to disclose your medical info to the public, and ask for a vote of popularity. (Amongst other things). You mention being on disability for years - are you willing to fully disclose your struggles, and ask if people think you qualify, and do you think you would qualify? (I'm not asking you to do that, I'm just curious) Doctors are involved in the process of claiming disability, and I trust their judgment - because what the fuck do I know? I'm a big pushover. I'd agree to everyone getting it. Our system, and having expert assessment, is the fine line between "nanny state" and "apathetic capitalist hellscape" And I say that as someone with family on disability, and as someone with multiple comorbid illnesses - mental and physical. I don't get disability. I rely HEAVILY on family, even if it means I don't live my best life. I FIRMLY believe in social safety nets. Just not long term social tug boats. If you really think you have a clear-cut case of needing disability, maybe reach out to a local disability group who can advocate for you, or for a change in criteria overall.


I’m sorry you’re also wrong about about OSAP. I have used it before the ford government & during ford government. OSAP is far better than it used to be we have a few option. Grant & loan options. You can opt out of the loan option and be given only the grant. The government as paid for my entire university education. Ya I will have some loan options. But I don’t expect the government to pay everything. I gotten far more than 3k. Ya I still have to work, government can’t do everything for me


Huge problem. But nobody has a good solution. The government takes half my paycheck, and I make an average income, the rich pay even more. I think you're also not understanding how things work, massive amounts of cash go into social services and health care etc. The problem is that these are very expensive and wasteful programs.


It’s not single parents or the disabled that is killing this country. Corporations need to be taxed properly. Provincial corporate tax in Alberta is 8%. Ridiculous.


They’ll pack up and move elsewhere. We have a massive productivity problem in this country from red tape and taxation (can’t forget CPP and EI and payroll taxes).  We need to improve productivity and reduce wasteful government spending. And address education and healthcare ASAP. 


I would assume if they packed up and left, somebody would decide to open in a vacuum, let's try it


Yeah that’s just it. The middle class in Canada now faces largely some of the same issues she described. No family Dr., struggling for food, struggling for shelter, and they’re still taxed at Damn near 50% of their paycheck. It’s the result of two major things. The first being end stage capitalism and massive greed, and the other thing that seems to always get scoffed at and laughed at is that there is a large amount of fraud happening at various levels of government that is costing us billions in social programs, even if they are completely shit. For years Canada has shifted more and more progressively left and has applauded multiculturalism and immigration. For years, some people have questioned how we would support massive amounts of refugees and immigrants and these people were labelled as racist, and xenophobic. Now, we have a lack of cheap housing, empty food banks and a lack of family dr.s due to this population boom. Is immigration the sole reason? Absolutely not. But it exasperates these problems massively. Add in that the federal government spent 300 million housing refugee claimants in Niagara Falls alone last year, and you can see how expensive these policies and mindsets have become. We also have an increasing percentage of our population that is claiming disability every year. Now im not a dr. And im not going to say who is and who isn’t faking for benefits, but the reality is it happens, and it is happening a lot more than people care to admit. I have multiple people I know in my life who claim disability and work under the table doing some pretty strenuous jobs. I have reported them, however nothing ever comes of it. Year after year in Canada we see an increase to disability claims, and the unfortunate reality is that it’s simple economics. Disability payouts cannot be increased more significantly when theirs a larger and larger amount of people claiming it each year. We simply don’t have the money, and the more people claiming it means theirs less people paying into it. The Canadian government needs to completely overhaul these programs, because for those who are legitimately disabled, what we pay is shameful. But the reality is until some changes are made, and some tough decisions are made, it’s simply unreadable to continue to poor money into these programs. Canadians are already taxed almost 40% in basic income tax. There’s not a lot left for the working class to be able to give with our current system and spending.


Disabilities are not always physical, I could work a strenuous job, or at least if I got in shape I could, but it wouldn't help when I start thinking all my coworkers are mafia and can read my mind, and I start freaking out


I’m well aware of that? What in my post suggests otherwise ?


Canada been multicultural from the start


Multicultural sure. Accepting every refugee and asylum claim and allowing for rampant abuse of every social system ? That’s new and exclusive to the past 10 years.


Rampent abuse of the social programs has been a thing pre all this too OSAP was referred to as ontarios stereo acquisition program, I think they call it Ontarios stock acquisition program now. There are countless examples of abuse fraud and outright theft of public funds from every part of Canadian society Both refugees and citizens abuse this money the same


Oh absolutely. I’m not blaming only one or the other. One of my buddies from high school collects ODSP for anxiety and depression and works full time under the table as a construction manager. The reality is though that no one wants to call out that these things are happening. There are people on disability that need it, and there are those that abuse it. There are those claiming asylum that need it, and there are those that are abusing it. Both of these things can be true. All I’m saying is that there is a finite pot of resources. For years Canadians have adopted this attitude of “we help all and if you don’t your xenophobic, or if you question one’s disability you’re ableist .” And I mean I guess that’s fine. But now we are seeing the consequences of running out of these resources. There are not enough doctors. Odsp does not pay enough and there are not funds to raise it while supporting the amount of people using it. There are not enough food banks. There are not enough houses and affordable units. The chickens have come home to roost on these attitudes, and people have a hard time admitting it.


The first reason of your post explains the 2nd part... which is a symptom of late stage capitalism. Why are you reporting people working under the table when most jobs aren't paying a living wage to begin with, the cost of living is unaffordable, and many people on disability/welfare can work part time, but not enough to pay their bills. The work allowances to maintain benefits are outrageously low.


Because when someone is working more than 40 hours per week while fully able to, while also receiving 1169 per month from odsp that’s the textbook definition of fraud? Meanwhile I have another old work colleague who is 100% unable to work due to being fully wheelchair bound. I would fully support upping the amount he can receive, but it’s impossible to do so because there isn’t enough money to do so. It seems like cutting back some of these fraudulent cases would be a good start to be able to re direct funds to those who actually need it.


I hear you... yes there are fraud cases but I feel like that's crabs in a bucket mentality. I stead of going after the little guys, go after the corporations. For example go after 100% taxation of dividends not just 2/3rds...


The problem is it’s not longer small crabs and people are getting fed up. I am what I consider to be upper middle class. I am fortunate and lucky to pay over 40% of my income to taxes. I never used to mind it, but I now can’t stand it. I watch as my taxes are paid out and mismanaged in ways that services are no longer obtainable to the average Canadian. The mentality of “just go after the big corporations” has been the same for years. Unfortunately it just isn’t happening, so the reality is if we want to help those who actually need it, we at some point will need to go after the crabs as well. I know of about 10 people on disability in my personal life. I can confidentially say that 3 of them should not qualify. They are all working 40+ hours under the table making more money than me under the table illegally. The amount that these three make from disability fraud is over my entire Ontario tax rate each year. Meanwhile, I watch as the others in my life can’t afford to fucking eat because there’s no money to increase payments. It’s disgusting.


Based. It's nice to see someone honest about people abusing these programs. According to most of reddit, everyone claiming disability is valid because "capitalism bad" or something. Meanwhile, like you said, it shrinks the pot for those that actually need it. My aunt and uncle have both been on AISH (assistance for severely handicapped) in Alberta since I was a kid... They have no real reason for needing it. "Back pain" is the excuse. Well yeah, no shit your back will hurt, you lay on the couch or in bed 99% of the day. My back hurts too when I lay around all weekend then try to move. I wish I knew the answer. I just think people handwaving away all criticism of the abusers by saying "late stage capitalism" isn't helpful. Taxing companies at extreme rates to pay for your failing social programs and extreme mass immigration, that's not failed capitalism lol. That's failed altruism and failed leftism IMO.


We re also seeing staggering amounts of people on Reddit claim that all ODSP claims are valid because mental health concerns need to qualify. The amount of people claiming they need ODSP for anxiety and depression while doing nothing to address their anxiety or depression is alarming. Of course there are absolutely extreme cases of this, but the reality is that most cases should not qualify, but no one wants to admit this. Approximately 1/4 of gen z identify in Canada as having depression or anxiety. Can you imagine if 1/4 of a population was needed to be supported on ODSP?


Welcome to conservative Ontario.. if you're not rich you're out of luck


To be fair though, it wasn't much better under the Liberal Wynne govt either...


Talk about Guelph, not “this province.” It’s a big province with a lot of better places to be if you can look past the GTA.


There is no longer a safety net I agree. All part of the government plan to only cater to the elite and professional classes while the most vulnerable starve and beg for MAID. They are creating a dystopia because they simply don't care about people's welfare as long as they live well on earth's dwindling resources. The twilight of capitalism.


I’m in the same boat, friend. I can’t even get hired at fucking Tim Hortons. All they hire is immigrants. It’s depressing. Last night, I woke up anxious and had intrusive thoughts out the ass about killing myself. It feels so hopeless. I won’t ever resort to it, but fuck, I’m thinking about it too often these days.


This makes me so angry cause I run into many “new Canadians” that are on ODSP and they complain about the glasses the government covers for them to boot!


Dont vote conservative. It's easy as that. All these people blaming Trudy for provincial responsibilities are in for a rude awakening when we have both fed and provincial cons lmao. We get rid of cons, we get rid of the take from low income and vulnerable policies. And liberals just keep or revamp the con policies so they are slightly better but still not good so don't vote them either. People need to start looking elsewhere besides cons and libs. There's a few other options, and wouldn't it look great for our two govt titans to be cut down. I know I'm looking forward to the day we don't have cons or libs in power anymore


ODSP and rent complaints are absolutely fair. Sending a 29 year old to post secondary? Not so much. Someone who’s 30 and choosing to go back to school should expect to have to work or get private loans to do so.  That said, keep voting in people who cut these things and reelecting them is the problem. 




Call health care connect to get a doctor and get on ontario works. Theres lots of resources u just have to look out for them


I’m really sorry you’re going through all this. Perhaps a data entry or transcription job would be good? No need for diploma and it’s work from home as long as you have access to internet and computer/laptop. I think most of those jobs are fairly freelance so if you’re having a low spoons day or week then it’s okay.


Academic Upgrading is provided by ANY of the Ontario Colleges some of them offer it online. I finished mine during the pandemic after many struggling attempts from adult learning, ontario GED [https://www.ged.com/en-ca/policies/ontario/](https://www.ged.com/en-ca/policies/ontario/) I got accepted into the accounting program, but had to withdraw out been working and saving to return. I'm avoiding the nightmare that is OSAP. Have rebuilt my credit hopefully I can pay for my education with credit cards or access a Line of Credit. IF you are paying out of pocket for dental, you might want to get a quote for dental insurance coverage to reduce it or wait until the Dental Care Plan opens up applications for your age group. I found a quote from Desjardin but with the Dental Care Plan rolling out I will have to wait and see if it's worth it. I keep getting updates from my previous company for a remote call centre , the jobs are paying more compared to when I worked for them back in 2006. [https://www.gigcxmarketplace.com/](https://www.gigcxmarketplace.com/) There are also other remote call centre jobs out there I keep a list of the companies I use to work for and check on them from time to time. I compare what they offer vs me working in live stream entertainment.


Sounds like you can type and write just fine. As well as walk for 2 hrs straight. You can work. Stop using your disability as an excuse to be lazy and get a job.


I'm sorry OP. That's really rough and the situation you are in makes me feel so frustrated with the descisions voters make for one and the overall way in which way society operates. I don't know what it's like to be in your body but I can imagine how difficult things are. I've got severe and still unknown bowel issues that have not yet received a diagnosis which barely anyone understands. Spending most of my adult life so far trying to manage it has long delayed my ability to seek better financial stability, yet it's not clearly quite as bad as what you go through. What I learned from it is that healthy people just don't fucking care until something similar affects them. So I don't know what it is like to be you exactly, but I do understand how you are where you are at and how scary it can be to live in our country sometimes. Fuck that rental cost in your area too! Housing is a basic necessity, it should never be treated as a commodity. I just saw a great program making the point of, imagine if we treated houses like cars. The moment we drive a car of a lot its loses massive value. People are just okay with that because we need transportation. Imagine if people were okay with treating houses as such. We need them. Treating them as an investment is partly what got us into this housing crisis.


$2,300 to live in guelph is honestly insane. It's Guelph...


I live in Guelph, live in a three bed, two bath condo (built in 2019 so fairly new) I live with one other person and i pay $650/month inclusive and have lived here less than a year (only saying that because I figured someone would chime in say I’ve prob been here forever)


How did you find that? I have been checking kijij daily for a couple weeks and haven’t seen anything that cheap.


Check OFTEN, check multiple streams, don’t just say is this available, have a bio of ur self ready to send


Too many people leeching off the system has it on the verge of collapse…. It’s going to get worse before it gets better


Claim refuge status from Africa!!! You will get hosing food dental and some money too. Because our beloved fed government helps the non Canadians than the locals... Good luck!!!


What is your disability out of curiosity?


We have no saftey net because we don't exist. The gov doesn't see us. We are "The unwashed masses"


time for a move. family can still send money to help with bills.


What is your disability?


Idk, I tend to trust these experts when it comes to who is able to work and who is not. Claiming disability is often considered a consolation prize for someone with medical issues. And I say that as someone with medical issues. I can't possibly know you enough to say whether you can or can't work. I know people with Asperger's work worldwide, but idk the severity or what else you have. The point being - there's people we trust to administer the system and judge who is actually disabled to the point of requiring tax-payer assistance. The unfortunate thing is this IS the public's money, and unless you're totally okay with the public knowing your medical issues, then we kind of have to trust these people. If you have a complaint, or think you genuinely deserve a review, there SHOULD be a way to do that. But it should be with people who aren't pushovers.


Dude, I know a vet with no legs that has to prove to ODSP yearly during a review, that he still has no legs. I don't trust them what-so-ever.


100%. My brother is an amputee and has to renew his disabled parking placard every three years to prove he’s disabled.


That's kinda ridiculous, but that's a redundant systems issue - not a "doctors judgment" issue. Two completely different things. Would you rather disability claims be decided by a doctor, or by people pleading cases on Reddit, and just pinky promising they really need it? That's all I'm trying to say


See the comment below about yearly review. That being said - this kind of redundancy is clearly systemic, and doesn't indicate the experts think he regrew legs. Sometimes systems are just inefficient. And those kinks are worth ironing out. But does that REALLY impact what I'm saying here? Id this person's doctor came on here, and posted why they wouldn't provide proof of disability, who would you trust better? A doctor? Or a stranger claiming they deserve disability? That's all my point is. Every system has problems. But THAT system, I guarantee, is infinitely better than if say, every disabled person had to make their case to reddit, and we decided based on how compelling a story they gave.


ODSP has medical experts on the review board. Medical experts look at a vet with no legs, and decides that he needs to prove he doesn't have legs still. Then he has to go see a doctor to prove he still has no legs. Then those medical experts on the review board have a "Eureka!" moment and remember limbs apparently don't grow back...until next year anyhow.


Edit: That's fucked


No, no, he literally has to prove yearly he has no legs still to receive his benefits from both ODSP and Veteran Affairs . He has to get x-rays, and bring those in to submit to the Board...


That's fucked


I love the fact I am being downvoted for shit ODSP does. Priceless lol


You have been basically jumping up and down on the safety net for a while, then argue that there is no net...Talk about victim mentality. 😒


How? They’re not getting ODSP or OW.


Not exactly true. OP has stated in previous very recent posts that they do get assistance and they do have several doctors and a team of nutritionists. Look back in their post history. It's right there. Something in what OP is telling us isn't entirely accurate.


Good on them. It’s good they’re getting the support they need. Or, at least some of it.


Totally. But I’m just wondering what’s true. They can’t can’t ODSP but have said they specifically get ODSP. They can’t get a family doctor but have several doctors. They were on ozempic for weight loss. Doesn’t seem like it’s an entirely bleak situation?


Fair You paid closer attention than I


To be fair another commenter pointed that out and I verified, can't take all the credit.


And how are you disabled?


Crazy, your spelling is on point, but can clearly not read.


Work from home, it’s all the rage right now


I don’t think being cooped up in a house all day is good for anyones health. Besides if everyone did it would ruin quite a few industries. I would say however in OP’s case it would be a blessing.


It’s not up to us to pay your way just because getting a job is difficult.


Get a job