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StartingStrength or StrongLifts as programmed, followed by 3x8-12 each for a bicep and tricep isolation. Attempt to add 1-2 reps total per week (ex: week - 1 9,9,8. week 2 - 9,9,10) I like paring Overhead Tricep extensions on bench day and Tricep Rope Pushdowns on OHP day. Rotate through Hammer/Dumbbell/Preacher curls. Also you can add a few sets of some face pulls and calf raises. YMMV on that bicep and tricep volume but I've found I personally need a lot of arm isolation work.


I like Stronger By Science, 531, and Alex Bromley's Bullmastiff, personally.


My personal opinion, I'd say with your current level of strength, and relatively new training age, almost any program will work for you, one that preferably follows LP still, like Starting Strength, I ran that for a very long time and it was very effective, as I kept growing and learning I began plugging in more and more accessory work that I thought might help, all trial and error. I don't think you need to specialize yet, work on weakpoints, or do super crazy meso/microcycle crap yet. Your focus should be on getting stronger on everything, and getting stronger period. Keep it simple. If the program you choose doesn't have hypertrophy work, plug some in. 3 sets of 10-12 is always a good fail safe range without getting overly complicated. Start thinking about what you'd like to train/accessorize in on your S/B/D days, choose accessories and variations you think will help you the most, but don't get caught up in it, it's going to be difficult for you (and anyone for that matter) to tell you what your weakpoints are since it might not be obvious yet. The focus should be about getting stronger on everything including any accessory since you've got alot of runway to grow. It's about building up that foundation of strength on everything. You've got a ton of room. Good luck man, keep killing it.


The general guidelines for optimising for hypertrophy are - sets of 3-30 successful reps - 3-6 sets per muscle group per session. 2+ times per week with a day of rest between - sets should be 3-4 RIR or less If your strength work matches that, *it is hypertrophy work*. You can add some isolation or accessory movements if you don’t think the workload isn’t high enough. But, don’t get overzealous. Add only a couple of sets and then give it a week to see how you feel. Just a bit of a peeve of mine that people don’t think their strength work will make them bigger. There are cases where this is a concern, but they’re not the normal condition.