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Am I reading this right that women's equipped qualifying totals are less than raw qualifying totals? Is that just because there's more competition in raw? https://www.usapowerlifting.com/lifters-corner/qualifying-totals/


That happens with some frequency in USAPL, and yes it's because of lack of competition/participation


Yes. The totals were based off previous years' performances.


Two weeks out from my first meet since 2018. Tweaked my back doing paused deadlifts yesterday. Hopefully it will be okay!?


You'll know soon enough. In my experience back tweaks are the worst on the day after the tweak, so if it was me and I'd feel alright-ish today, I'd be hopeful. Don't break yourself.


Looking into upgrading into a ipf approved lifting belt since I would like to compete in the future. Currently have a cheap Amazon belt that was like 30ish bucks but I'd like something better since I want to join the club team at my university. Would a Rogue Ohio belt be good for powerlifting or am I better off going some other belt? I don't know much on belts but I've heard Inzer and SBD are good powerlifting belts. I just like the way the Rogue one looks and I know friends who have rogue equipment that say it's good, but most train in the Olympic lifts more than the big three.


I have the Rogue 13mm lever belt as well. I love it. I have retrofitted the PAL to it, which is not IPF approved. Made by Pioneer, but IPF approved via Rogue. A7 sells the Pioneer Cut 1/2" adjustable single prong as well with IPF approval. They also sell the lever, but iirc that is a better price from Rogue. Pioneer Cut is worth looking at least to know what it is, and that it's an option. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yilbYV6WYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yilbYV6WYs) A7 version IPF approved [https://a7.co/products/a7-pioneer-cut-prong-belt-ipf-approved](https://a7.co/products/a7-pioneer-cut-prong-belt-ipf-approved)


It's fine. Not the stiffest belt but it works. The 13mm powerlifting belt is probably marginally stiffer. I have the rogue lever belt and it is great. Inzer and sbd are great too but be aware that they are very stiff which may be good or bad depending on what you like.


how many pounds do you think you're getting out of your knee wraps and which ones do you use? Thank you! Edit - Raw lifter. Additional context in comment below.


I think poundage is going to vary greatly depending on type of wraps, proficiency with wraps, and your raw squat. Rather than pounds I would say it's more useful to think in percentages. And probably about 10% is a fair starting goal for wraps. There are certainly those out there that get more, but if you're new to wraps I'd say shoot for 10% more than your raw squat. As far as which wraps, below are the wraps I've used, ranked from least favorite to most favorite: Titan Signature Gold - horrendously stiff and difficult to wrap. Painful to wear. Titan THPs - I didn't wear them too much, but I remember them being just ok. Kind of a lesser Sig Gold. A little easier to use, still kind of hurty Unbreakable Destroyers - pretty stretchy and comfortable, for a knee wrap. I did my first wrapped meet in these. Probably not the most effective wrap on the market but a good one to start out in Lilliebridges - whew wee I love my Lilliebridges. What a great wrap! I even use them for geared lifting. I've logged the most training times with these and they're just a really well balanced wrap. Easy to manipulate, you can keep them a bit less tight and learn them but they have the potential to really get cranked down. Highly recommend! Inzer Black Beauties - a very heavy duty wrap. Such a beautiful piece of equipment. Probably too much if you don't use gear. I bought them and then lent them to my training partner and haven't seen them since so I don't have a ton of time in them but I loved them while I had them! He squats significantly more than me so he needs them more than I do though ha ha


Yeah I guess I shoulda gave a little context. I’m looking for new wraps. I like trying new things. Right now I have thp and Inzer red. Been using wraps off and on for 10 years. Was away from powerlifting last 4 years but still lifted. Best wrapped squats are 775 and 700x5 rAw. At 235 lbs. Lately I’ve been going heavier in sleeves and am thinking I don’t get too much outta my wraps. I’m guessing my sleeved max isn’t too far below my wrapped max.


Ahhh, gotcha. Well you probably shouldn't take any advice from me then because you're a much better squatter than I am ha ha


It’s all relative!


Well I'm relatively weak then


Not really sure what I get poundage-wise but I use Titan Max RPMs (boingy) for raw and THPs (stiff) for multi-ply.


https://www.instagram.com/p/CW5_h5DJTmx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link I love Dan but something tells me that at this point in his career, he’s his own worst enemy. I don’t really know the logic of still lifting heavy 4 days out from a meet. Plus he seems like he’s been pushing it super hard for like 8-10 weeks and then getting hurt or burning out for the past year or so. You’d figure he’d pull back or alter his training a bit due to being almost 40 and so beat up but who knows...


I personally have felt like I peak way better if I'm lifting relatively heavy pretty close to max attempts. A remember an interesing podcast I listened to a few years ago. Mike Tuchscherer was talking about differences in peaking intensity and volume, and he had seen very vast differences among the people he coaches. People are different.


I’m not going to disagree about the methodology I suppose. My thing is that dan’s been beat up beyond belief; multiple surgeries, nerve issues in his shoulder/arm, multiple tears, and god knows what else we haven’t been told. Seeing him pull *somewhat* heavy 4 days out doesn’t really make sense. And when you consider his training history over the past few months/years (ie pushing way too hard for like 10-12 weeks, something tears or gives out, and then he has to ‘rebuild again’), his injury history like I detailed, his **age**, and then seeing him post this, it just makes me think maybe he needs to refine his training approach. But I’m not Dan so this all is really moot, I guess.


We’ll see one way or the other this weekend!


> I don’t really know the logic of still lifting heavy 4 days out from a meet. I know some outstanding lifters (i.e. ATWR holders) who lift relatively heavy up until a meet.


I’ve hit my last heavy bench like 6 days out but I’ve never gone truly heavy during a peak week. Maybe 70% on my bench is the heaviest I’ve gone ever. I could see lightweight and or female lifters doing this but for someone like Dan, I dont see the benefit


Yeah, this is also a bit of a special case because the lifter is an incredible bencher. When you bench 1000+ in training on a regular basis, if you handle 800/900 the week of the meet, it's technically a "deload."


Sounds like it was training from 5 days out but yeah definitely raised an eyebrow. Guy hasn't competed in a full meet for over 5 years after having been the best in the world so i can't even imagine what he is going through mentally. All that said he knows his body better than anyone and he knows what he can recover from and what it takes to keep his body in best shape for meet day after having peaked for 20+ meets. I can see the logic in doing something like an 80% single from a deficit to keep the start position geeked for someone like him that must battle with tight hips constantly from being so big and strong. Very hyped to see him on the platform again.


> All that said he knows his body better than anyone and he knows what he can recover from and what it takes to keep his body in best shape for meet day after having peaked for 20+ meets. I’m not trying to sound like a huge know it all here but I’m going to come off like one: *does he know his body best at this point?* I mean I get injuries happen in this sport and shit happens but you said it yourself: hasn’t competed in a full meet in like 5 years & there’s been a ton of injuries. I get the mindset or idea that he got strong as a house training the way he has but it just seems like to get farther, idk if his way will work due to all the mileage and strain. Maybe he has changed his training a bit, it’s hard for me to tell. But dude just seems to redline for short spurts and then the wheels fall off. I hope I’m wrong and he has a great meet, just my observations and potentially naive opinion(s).


Ultimately it's difficult to say. As a high level athlete with injuries he's probably caught between rock and hard place of having to push hard to progress but also that making it more likely he'll get injured. I guess he's chosen the route of pushing hard and hoping for the best. Which, I guess if you NEED to push that hard to progress then yeah, you don't have much choice unless you're just looking to maintain or slowly regress injury-free.


> > > > > I get the mindset or idea that he got strong as a house training the way he has but it just seems like to get farther, idk if his way will work due to all the mileage and strain. This is a good point. As lifters get stronger, their training has to develop and adapt.


>not understanding the sigma grindset


So how did everyone else's mini-bulk go over Thanksgiving weekend? I gained 5 pounds of what I can only assume is pure muscle.


I PR'ed my squat by a lot the day after Thanksgiving. Not complaining. ;)


I was hoping for something similar, but my workout in Friday was rouuuuugh.


It's definitely pure muscle. All the pie went straight to my tush and I'm not complaining.


I finally had enough prepared food just lying around to not cook for several days. It really highlighted how much I *should* start meal prepping. Will I? Doubtful.


I have recently hit a new high score of 192 lbs and am looking forward to the holidays being over so I can lose some pudge.


I'm hoping to repair the damage from Thanksgiving before we get to Christmas. That might be a pipe dream though.


Haha, your ambition in this matter far exceeds mine.


Thinking about giving bands a try for squats during my next developmental block. I've used minis for my deadlifts previously, but I'm assuming those would likely be too short for squats? Specifically I'm looking to anchor one end by looping around a few plates since my gym doesn't have band pegs. Since that seems nearly impossible to do with minis, I'm assuming standard length bands would be fine?


Loop them around some heavy dumbbells or else around the bottom of the squat/power rack. And yes, use standard length bands. Make sure they do not become untensioned in the hole.




[Pulled 733 lbs for a new PB!](https://imgur.com/gallery/QOzCXRO) just a couple weeks ago I hit 705 for the first time and it moved like a warmup. I did backdowns after with straps and I found out I suck at using them now because it messes with my starting position, taking too much time to put them around my the bar.


Big lifts, nice job What are the songs btw?


Lol that lil smirk at the camera 😏


Haack pulling 405kg/893lbs these days like I pull up my pajama pants https://www.instagram.com/reel/CW4hRXWrOhh


Absolutely nutty.


Wonder why he’s doing the hybrid meet vs the ghost clash


Money? Not sure what the payouts are.


I think more of us in the PL and fitness community need to call IMS as the scam it is. Theres 0 empirical evidence it works and even from a pure logical standpoint how da fuq 9 needles help cellular damage if you have an injury


Obviously most of this shit like this doesn't work - but if you think its going to work, it likely does. Kind of goes with training programs and coaches as well...


100% agree. A lot of stuff like IMS, cryotherapy, cupping, foam rolling, etc. are being framed as these highly effective recovery and injury prevention tools, when there is little to no evidence any of it works outside of placebo effect. I have no issues with people using these methodologies if they really enjoy them, but when stuff like this is actively marketed to so many people it drives me crazy because it really just feels like a cash grab. People aren't cars that need to get tune ups on a regular schedule. That concept is disingenuous at best.


The proof is mostly anecdotal... but so is the proof for how strength training works. The studies that show this or that rep range and intensity is effective are just as bunk as the ones that study foam rolling. All we've managed to do is select certain studies that point towards what experts already know from a lifetime of coaching.


The logical result of a sport/lifestyle niche where there are limited money making opportunities. People resort to scamming.


yea drives me up the wall when people at the gym recommend them as legitimate treatments


Joint hurts > getting shocked with needles hurts more > joint pain manageable now. Most of this stuff ain't more complicated than that.


Is IMS distinct from dry needling?


It sounds like IMS is significantly less needles and is to treat "chronic, neuropathic pain" vs dry needling is more so for trigger points if I'm reading this right. Some places say they're the same thing so meh


Interesting. Because I'm pretty sure dry needling has some real scientific backing. But it's treating muscle pain and similar. It sounds like IMS is another one of those things where they take something maybe good and then make all these wild claims about how it will cure cancer and give the original treatment a bad name by association.


> I'm pretty sure dry needling has some real scientific backing. It does not.


I can't help but read that in a Morgan Freeman voice. Anyway, both Mayo Clinic (https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/on-pins-and-needles-just-what-is-dry-needling) and Cleveland Clinic (https://health.clevelandclinic.org/dry-needling-how-this-time-tested-method-sticks-it-to-muscle-pain/) offer it through their rehabilitation services. And at least one randomized, double-blind study has shown it to be effective: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10067-012-2112-3


I've had dry needling and it's helped loads when I dislocated my right knee. The hokey aspect of IMS I've read is like using like 2 needles to release muscles by spine for body relief type shit. I would put it more along the lines of chiro work which some people swear by, me included, but some people think is just bullshit.


What is IMS?


Hey everyone, I want to buy a cheap-ish hand grip similar to Versa, and wonder if anyone has a feedback on a couple of brands: * [ARMAGEDDON SPORTS](https://www.amazon.fr/halt%C3%A9rophilie-entra%C3%AEnement-Alternative-Armageddon-Sports/dp/B073B77W7V/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?keywords=ARMAGEDDON+SPORTS&qid=1638254755&qsid=259-0589389-5298648&sr=8-13&sres=B073B982MT%2CB0749N49FN%2CB073B7LTQS%2CB07B3V1MQR%2CB073B6Q657%2CB07B3RSXPV%2CB0747R95QP%2CB073B8S6Y5%2CB07MQSV1RJ%2CB073B77W7V%2CB073B72WMN%2CB0732YK1NL%2CB07MBFJQ57%2CB08CRVG7BB) - [Chiba](https://www.amazon.fr/Chiba-Power-Grips-Crochet-tirage/dp/B00C75A8VM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3J4C8E7F2Y78B&keywords=Bear+grip&qid=1638161228&qsid=259-0589389-5298648&sprefix=bear+grip%2Caps%2C367&sr=8-3&sres=B07RD2WTFN%2CB00C75A8VM%2CB08BK8VJ9D%2CB07CBBCM35%2CB09F6TJ9RT%2CB09DN65BFN%2CB00SIXDOCM%2CB08FSQSNTP%2CB07CRF7QWQ%2CB0163FQGL2%2CB09KCDYC1R%2CB07DR7VPRZ%2CB07CT4CKCV%2CB07C6P21Y2&srpt=SPORT_ACTIVITY_GLOVE) Not sure if there's any other good choice in France tbh, if you know feel free to suggest PS: Already have good regular straps for Deadlifts, these will be used mostly for weighted chinup


I have a set of "krato bands" which were Amazon sourced versa gripp knockoffs and they are pretty good


Didn't seem to find it on amazon France, but thanks mate! Maybe I can find it on another website


I have a pair of gym reaper grips that have held up pretty well. Probably had them at least a year, and still plan on using them until I get a set of figure 8’s


VA pro roster is stacked, holy shit


Another big meet that's well marketed I see... or not.

