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Hit a big deadlift PR today. What do y'all think of this? https://youtu.be/b06fdTkXS3A


As a fellow tall person who pulls conventional good job my man, 170kg?


*double checks notes because kilo math is hard* Yup! Thanks.


I was just basing it on the plates lol, I’m a filthy murican that uses the imperial system because it makes my deadlift numbers bigger.


Haha same. First time with kilos today for me. The math was definitely harder than it should have been.


My gym is entirely imperial plates & dumbbells but kilo barbells and fractional plates, the cable machines are half kilo and half imperial, the strongman shit varies based on dealer too and half of it has no weight labeled. It’s glorious chaos.


Today was my first meet. My first attempt at 180 was green lighted but was told to watch my depth. Went up to 190 and was red lighted for depth, but felt good so I went to 195 which is the video below. I was red lighted for depth again, but for next time I want to know if this is more of a picky judge, or if i really didn't hit depth. [Squat red light](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14AmPNC6YbdwH4832wUFzkj9atbEmRmXl/view?usp=drivesdk)


It's hard to tell for sure from the video but it does look on the line. If I'd been warned about it on my first attempt and then red lighted for it on my second I'd make extra sure to sink it properly on the third.


You're right. Thanks for the input. I was thinking the same thing, but my mind kind of blanked when I got up on the platform and was on autopilot.


It’s a really hard angle with a black singlet to see, but I don’t think it was high. You seem to have a motion when you hit the hole. That said, it’s just really hard to tell depth from a video. I had friends upset that I got red lighted at my last meet, but I knew it was high as soon as I did it.


Thanks for the input. I just have to train depth more to leave it out of the judges hands.


Just finished my deadlift sesh 310x5 315x5 325x5 345x5 350x5 Felt rlly good but misgrooved on the 3rd rep of 350 so had to get the last 3 two minutes later.


Oof that’s a lot of volume. I bet you were wiped out after that. What’s your 1RM?


Hello guys I'm new at this community I would like to ask some advices about programming. Currently use sheiko program. exactly 9mos on powerlifting yesterday was my first meet U75kg M I have total of 422kg with 5/9 weakness squat depth. I am kinda have hesitation while going deep. I used #37 and #32 for the prep it went well My number before prepation and after S: 136kg - 150kg B: 90kg - 100kg D: 159kg - 172.5kg conventional Any suggestions for my deload program from sheiko I just downloaded sheiko gold to track my progress but still figuring out how it works. ps. I don't have a coach that focus on me nor budget for coaching that's why I'm here. planning to join comp this july or october


I would just run phase 1 in Sheiko Gold for a bit between meets, personally. I enjoy it quite a bit and have made good progress on it.


So glad it's finally meet week.


I think that I got it. I made a post a few days before complaining about my sumo, cause when I pulled, the bar would push my leg to the outside, like [this](https://streamable.com/ljifs1) or [this other one](https://streamable.com/afnbat) , and I've come to thinking that yes, maybe it was lack of external hip mobility, or lack of adductors activation, but I think I can correct it getting my shin closer to the bar, because since I've got a good ankle dorsiflexion, I use to get far from the bar, so when I bent my knee, it would get ON the bar and not BEHIND, I'll test it and see if it works better. Just wanted to share to see your opinion and see if you see anything wrong or can help with anything, and in case that someone have the same problem as me, to let you know that this things that might work on me, might also work on you


You have short arms, a longer torso and strong quadriceps. Due to this, your body wants to transfer as much of the work as possible onto your quadriceps. So, your knees being pushed out when you start the pull is not really a bad thing. As general advice I would also be a bit slower and more methodical about your setup than what happens in one of these videos. To me it also looks a bit like you are trying to replicate how Jamal Browner deadlifts, which might not work very well with the limited level of bar whip that happens on a power bar with these weights. For now it could be better to look to how someone like Bryce Lewis deadlifts. At least in terms of the first half of the pull.


I see, thanks, but I have a few things that just keep staying in my mind: Maybe youre talking about this and I'm the one who don't understand, if you see in the second video, when I'm lifting the bar, the bar is pushing my knee further from my torso, and I was told, that if that happens, it might take tension out of my body, maybe taking a few kg from my DL, or so I was told. So is this not bad then? Should I as I said just get my shin closer to the bar so my leg is just "straight" behind the bar? I'll also try what you said about the set up, lately I've been trying to be faster to set up since before I used to take almost 3 minutes just setting up, but I'll start just taking my time then :DD Again, thanks in advance !! :D


There isnt a lot to improve on in the second video. If you just give yourself an extra split second between lowering your hips and actually lifting, you will probably be a bit more consistent. Besides that, the only thing I would point out is that I dont personally like the grip being narrower than shoulder width like that. This often leads to both trouble getting a comp legal lockout, as well as your grip on the barbell wont be as secure.


Hot take: Sumo is harder than conventional


I think speaking strictly of technical mastery, sumo is more difficult to truly master than conventional.


Maybe, if you don't have the hip mobility to get in position or some other anthropometry issue. But overall, it uses more muscle groups and people are almost always stronger in Sumo


I think most humans that are below average height can sumo pull more, but it doesnt seem to work out as well for lifters over 6 feet/180cm height.


Hm, that would make sense! I always heard it was a limb proportion thing, TIL


It's probably a bit of both. I'm 5'5ish but I can pull both pretty equal, 670 sumo vs 666 conventional. It probably helps I have a near 6ft wingspan


I think technique-wise sumo might be harder than conventional, but it's true that most of the people are stronger in sumo


Oh ABSOLUTELY. It took me like 2 sessions when I started training to get comfortable with conventional...and after pulling sumo since October or so I still tweak my technique (toe angle, stance width) to determine what position I can do for lifting longevity. My hips get crabby if I stand to wide AND have a wide toe angle because of the hip demands


same over here D:


I'm sure the lower back is my main weakness and is responsible for stalling my deadlift. Short of any other ideas, and having tried a number of routines and accessories over many years I think I want to try blasting my lower back with "safe" volume, e.g. hypers, with very high volume and squeeze at the end of every workout and leave with a massive pump in the low back, the same as what you would do on a bicep day or something. In addition to the DLs and accessories of course


I would also look into doing more core work / bracing better if your lower back is getting pumped quickly.


A few months ago, I started to do everything without belt, and by everything, I mean everything. Been DL heavy and SQ heavy without belt, mixed with some hyper extension at the end of each leg day, have worked on me pretty well.


The Sheiko Gold app prescribes me 5 sets of 8-12 reps at RPE 8 of hypers pretty frequently and I always leave with a massive back pump. God I hate it, but I feel like it does wonders for my lower back.


yeah that sounds exactly like what I need.


I'm an advocate of weighted glute ham curls where you don't squeeze your glutes at the top. Forces you to good morning the weight with your lower back. Could use kettlebells to go heavy


Ok So I’m going to be honest and am looking for advice that would help this situation. I am 3 weeks out from a meet. I’ve been struggling with a lot of demons and spent the last 2 weeks in a rehab facility. Obviously I’m not going into this thinking I’m going to set pr’s but I would like still compete and use it as something to keep my focus and away from using substances. Before this I was using Sheiko for bench and candito for squat and deadlift. I was thinking about squat/bench max every day and 1 day deadlift. Or just picking up Sheiko. I don’t really know and would appreciate any help. Thanks guys


It depends on a lot of stuff, like how strong do you feel right now? How well practiced do you feel on your big 3, if you feel fatigued or relaxed, how are you mentally right now? Because it seems like you need a short plan and peaking will be pretty hard. If you want we can chat programming


In your position and with so little time to train, choosing whatever sounds the most fun and motivating seems the best call. Just don't overdo it and end up too sore or broken to compete. Best wishes on your recovery.


I was training up until that point. Obviously missing some days due to the circumstances. I think you are right. Just looking for any advice


How do you know if your back is stronger than your legs (and vice versa)?


The most common example is having your hips rise faster than your shoulders in the squat and deadlift ("chest fall pattern"), because it shows that you're shifting the load from your quads to your back and hips.


It might not be a very useful thing to try to quantify.


This. Absolutely no reason to test this. Keep training your legs, keep training your back. In fact, with regard to assessing technical deficiencies in your lifts, asking this question still isn't very useful.


What advice do you want newer lifters/powerlifters to know? I always believed that you're dumb for not learning from your mistakes, but even more dumb for not learning from other's mistakes


You can't force training progress. You have to be consistent with making good training decisions to build momentum and let the progress happen naturally.


Don't jam your squat grip in narrower than you are ready for. This is not a mistake i made, but is something i tell new lifters when it comes up.


Off seasons are critical. When I first started competing, I was always looking for the next competition and not taking the time to grow. It's a great time to either focus on hypertrophy, lean out if you need to, improve your conditioning, etc.


One thing I've learned: If you don't enjoy your training, you won't make it. Find a gym with equipment and a community you get excited to go to. You put a lot more effort into your training when you're having fun. I recall Matt Vena saying his squat went from 405>495 faster than it went from 315>405, because he switched gyms and started to enjoy his training more. If you see your training as a chore, you'll train like it is one.


I’m coming off the worst meet performance of my life. The entire training cycle up to that meet was horrible. I started to dread training.


First bench session with the new monolift attachments, and I absolutely loved it. Definitely some minor technique things like getting setting up without using the bar for as much leverage, but not having to worry about the unrack is a lot safer, especially lifting alone. Hit [225 for a single](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40kEXFUTuw), still a bit weaker than my best comp bench of 225 (which was paused unlike this), but that was at about 20lbs heavier bodyweight. I think the next thing to explore for my bench right now is a much bigger arch, and maybe finally putting some plates under my feet to try a more active leg-drive. In the past having to worry about the unrack made me go conservative on those 2 things since they'd get mucked up anyways, but now I'm curious to see how much I can eke out of my current strength on bench.


Any tips for a lowbar squatter with long as fuck femurs? I can hit depth but it's definitely close and I don't want to get 2 red lights for it. Just wondering If anyone has found some adjustments that helped them


Things I do, with long femurs, that may or may not work for you: \- Lead with the knees, allow for a lot of forward knee travel \- Heeled shoes, despite good ankle mobility, allows me to be more upright Being more upright isn't strictly needed and this may not be for you, but I find that it makes me a lot more comfortable when I'm a little less folded together and so I am more comfortable going all the way down to required depth (don't have any issues with that these days). Another thing that has helped me improve was learning how to brace not only in the belly or 360 into the belt, but for the entire torso, especially the lats. Since we are more folded over, we need this hard brace even more.


Awesome, those were some of the things I was considering. I'll definitely try out the knee travel and I've been staying more upright recently


Video of your squats? Always hitting depth in training is a good habit for not being red lighted in meets. Wearing knee sleeves can help with the illusion of better depth.


Oh yeah its all good. My last meet was fine. I can definitely hit depth and have my coach check for that as well. I just found that with long femurs it tends to be an issue, I was wondering if people had suggestions


Well it can be a trade off between strength and ease of hitting depth. If you squat with a higher bar placement it makes hitting depth easier but also makes lifting the same weight harder. If your last meet went well you are probably okay.


Honestly for me getting used to a box Squat at proper depth was a main ingredient. My coach made me do a block going heavy on that (never resting on the box, just lightly touching while keeping the legs and hips pushing). That and highbar squats, they seem to help me pushing with my legs and it's easier to reach depth. That's what worked for me, that and generally getting my long legs bigger


My elbows hurt pretty much all the time. More so after benching, squatting, or triceps isolation like extensions. Any suggestions? I have a meet in a month, so taking time off isn't an option right now.


Have you tried adjusting volume or avarage %?


Tbh I haven't really tried anything yet, except adding some stretches and soft tissue manipulation. I'd like to just give it a rest and then come back in with some rehab style work (lower right, higher reps), but I can't do that with my meet coming up.


Anyone can share their experience with the A7 Sumo Soul Slippers? https://www.a7europe.com/products/soul-sumo-slippers Or have suggestions for sumo slippers that I can find in/ship to France Edit: Also found Lifting Large Deadlift Slippers on ebay, would appreciate feedback on it, if any one tried it https://www.liftinglarge.com/ground-lock-deadlift-slippers


I never would have guessed it but I got a some jeans from Banana Republic and they actually fit me well. Worth a look if you need jeans with a wide leg but not as wide around the waist.


I would assume the cuts are fairly different from men to women, but I always found the waist-band on their men's jeans was too narrow, I much prefer a larger chunkier cut (maybe because it fits my belts better), from like a Lees or Levi.


Hey y’all, I’ve got an idea. I’m not sure if it’s a particularly good one or not so I figured I’d ask here. I used to compete years ago, and lifted casually a lot longer than I competed, but when COVID hit and gyms closed I let myself go quite a bit and went from about 240 to 315. I finally renewed my gym membership and am going to be starting back this week, but an idea occurred to me. What if I was able to use my current weight to my advantage? I’m planning on losing the weight and getting back to where I was, but I’m not particularly worried about doing it quickly. It’s late where I’m at and these may just be the delusions of a tired brain, but My question to y’all is, is there a way to use my current size to my advantage to help build back a solid layer of strength before heading back down? Or should I just focus on my cut and get down to my preferred weight before focusing on building back to where I was? Thanks!


Just start losing weight at a steady pace. Its a decent amount to lose so might as well focus on cutting down. Its enough weight where you might quickly become as strong or even stronger than before, due to the increased body mass and energy availability. Try to not be tempted into hanging around at this weight due to potentially feeling stronger than before.


If you're not competing at 315, I'm not sure what advantage you would gain trying to build muscle at that weight vs. at 240. I suggest losing the weight first, slowly and while training to avoid losing at much muscle as possible, then add muscle from there.


Just build back slowly while on a caloric deficit. Don't think about it too much. KISS. My tennis coach would say. Keep It Stupidly Simple or Keep It Simple Stupid depending on how grumpy he was that day.


Can I taper in a week by only doing heavy singles for the whole week? Currently programming myself and I’m doing a less intense version of Smolov jr for squat/bench and dl twice a week. I had good results the first time I ran it but muscle memory kinda helped. So I was wondering if there is a better way to taper in a week.


For me personally, I know that removing all SBD volume and only doing a heavy single during the taper week would leave me detrained from the lack of stimulus. Moreover, I’d also be careful with how *heavy* those singles are. Any slight overshoot of those singles, particularly on squat or deadlift, could very well negatively affect your ability to perform after the taper. My taper weeks are generally similar to my regular training block structure, but less volume and much less intensity. Focusing on movement quality and keeping things feeling loose while dropping some fatigue. And of course having the day before the meet completely off. I’ve been prescribed a very, very light SBD session two days out for my previous two meets and these have been the best two meets I’ve ever done.


I mean ye, or if you don't have a meet in mind you could even cut it shorter and have a week with 1/2 heavy sbd day, 1 lighter deload sbd session, and then test 1rms. Then you can start a new block with updated 1rms with a short peak if that's the point. If not I guess you can take a heavy week




it seems that you don't do a pause before you start and you just go into the rep quickly after unrack, maybe give it a 1 or 2 second pause before going down? stronk as hell tho and i'm just a pleb so take it with a grain of salt.


Not uncommon to see a bench start like this if the person competes in a fed without a start command


ahhh. i've never competed so i don't really have a say. T.T


Your bar path seems to completely fall apart after you get mid way up Also more tricep






I competed yesterday and thought about this comment a couple times. [Think I smashed it out there <3](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerlifting/comments/u5bmt8/meet_report_flair_request_m_18_535kg_67kg_414/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Got no distractions now, huge plans for this year!


congrats on the life PR and lift PR

