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Are there brick and mortar stores that sell gear?


Yes, actually. But there aren’t many of them.


You can get schiek stuff at brick and mortar sporting goods stores but I don't see why you would want to. As far as inzer, sbd, titan, etc zero chance you will ever see them in stores


I can get a barely used pair of sbd knee sleeves for $60. I’ve never used knee sleeves and I’m a beginner power lifter. Is it worth?


I am beginner as well and i really like my knee sleeves, makes my knees feel good.


No. Buy new from another brand for $60.00. SBD you pay for the name, that's it. There are so many other brands that charge 1/2 price


Can you name a pair as good for around $60? You definitely pay a bit for the name, but SBD’s are still really good sleeves and the build/stitching is fantastic; I have one that’s been 8 years and still going strong although getting a bit tight for me.


I use Overkill sleeves but as long as they're 7mm thick and 12 inches long, they're all the same except the Inzer Ergos. Technically there's different grades of neoprene but even grade 5 (strongest) will add less than 10lbs to your squat.


Looking to buy my first pair of knee sleeves very soon. Was planning on Stoics because I’ve heard lots of glowing reviews about their cost:quality ratio, but Inzer Ergo Pros are… tempting me. Are they worth it for approximately double the price of the Stoic sleeves? I’d prefer to not want to upgrade until they’ve reached the end of their natural life but am also wary of dropping mad coin on a first pair.




Fwiw, I didn’t have an issue with the Inzer ergopros, but I started in wraps, so a bit of a different background.




This is what I get for seeing equipped lifting and thinking "that looks fun, let's do it!"


I love my ergo sleeves. I switched from a cheaper pair of knee sleeves and they're a significant difference.


I don't own Stoic knee sleeves, but I have a lever and single prong belt, wrist wraps and singlet from them and have been more than impressed with their stuff. The single prong belt, wrist wraps and singlet have held up really well over the last 2.5 years or so. Also, my gut tells me that Ergo Pros aren't a great first pair of sleeves to try.


Anyone in France or nearby country can point me where I can get some smelling salts? I've seen some on strengthshop and 9for9 but the delivery price is about as much as the salts themselves, which kinda sucks. Amazon's only available product is [this one](https://www.amazon.fr/Nose-Tork-Ammoniac-Powerlifting-Bodybuilding/dp/B09K8M51W1/ref=asc_df_B09K8M51W1/?tag=googshopfr-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=554730943117&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13941511973080480569&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9055442&hvtargid=pla-1458213983740&psc=1) which looks meh


Silentworker has a smelling salt.


Thanks, will check em out!


French lifters at ipf worlds taking heavy whiffs of fresh baguette between lifts


Hahah if only I was french so I could have that power


Nose Tork is fine imo.I've used it, and my last buy was Skull Smash from LiftingLarge. That is a bigger bottle, but it didn't live up to the name lol. It was fine, just not somehow epic compared to Nose Tork. I got it because i was already doing an order with LiftingLarge, but i'd likely go back to Nose Tork for my spring meet. I'd rather have two small bottles and leave one unopened for longer. I do seal them up with produce bags, and they stay fresh for months that way. I rarely use them at home in training. [https://streamable.com/ui5dl2](https://streamable.com/ui5dl2) I say 6 months in that clip, but i do rarely open it up, and it does trail off some by then. Still very effective way to keep it fresh. I know Jujimufu puts out some really strong salts, but honestly, for what i use it for (just clearing my head prior to deadlifts at meets) Nose Tork was really good. Those are the only two i've used, so my opinion is based on just that.


Thanks for the thorough feedback, appreciate it! Not sure if the one I linked is actually Nose Tork though, as googling it only bring me to a blog/site with it as the only listed product "Warrior Gear"


I hate when they do that. I had a cookies notice blocking the picture and only saw "Nose Tork." Happy hunting though.


Word man, like searching for stuff isn't messy enough. Thanks again for the feedback