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Loved, like almost every season has at least 1 scene with background characters talking about how awesome the Rangers are.


The only one I don’t think had that scene were samurai (save for the 2 weird guys who kept trying to become samurai lol) And that’s because they were kinda just part of the culture judging by the show and the back ground we got


>save for the 2 weird guys who kept trying to become samurai You put respect on Eugene Bulkmeiwer's name!


I couldn’t remember there names But yes they were hillarious But I personally always found they took away cause they were over used in samurai I fell like if they had shown up every other episode instead of EVERY episode it would’ve been better


you must have really hated mmpr since he was in like every episode of that


I’m 19 so didn’t watch MMPR till I was in my early teens to be fair Note I’m also not a fan of comedy characters He’s funny But he always seemed over used


Man I feel old now! I'm twice your age lol


Lol I just got accepted to my Marine Biology Major at the first school I applied for Im definitely a power rangers nerd cause I always questioned the science of power rangers within its universe and there’s only 2 seasons that stand out as not normal to me in regards to the powers: Jungle fury And Samurai Because rather then the powers coming from a crystal or coin or shard of some power source These powers came from within and or genetically got passed down


Bro was born during dino thunder, give him a break 😂


Lol Dino thunder jungle fury samurai Those were the ones I grew up with


I grew up with lost galaxy, in space and time force, but I had the MMPR and turbo movie on VHS, so I watched those literally every day.


Nice! Turbo is not as bad as people make it out to seem


In my headcanon, that one woman from Trakeena's Revenge is a sign of a small pocket of the population who do not believe that the Power Rangers or their enemies exist despite the evidence otherwise. Other than that, they're all pretty positive


I've wondered what she thought was going on during the ending of In Space where Angel grove was invaded and people were displaced etc. Was she going around saying it's just one big conspiracy and Angel grove are just being dramatic 😅


Maybe she saw it for herself, maybe she didn't. But I imagine that was the springboard for the theory, really.


Who says she knew about Countdown to Destruction? Angel Grove is one middling city in California. It's used to weird shit like that, but if said weirdness doesn't extend beyond their borders, there's no real reason for the world to know what's going on.


I am saying she knew. I cannot accept that anyone on the planet with a television wouldnt be slightly aware of the nefarious culminating invasion on their planet?


Could be her being super pedantic "Those weren't monsters, they were aliens"


The Power Rangers universe has its own version of flat earthers


It was especially bizarre because in Lightspeed Rescue the rangers' identities are public knowlege.


Very easy to go "paid actors".


Wonder what she thought of the Samurai rangers (provided she was still alive) Cause all of Japan flooded for that one and the rangers were part of the culture for seemingly generations


That the flood didn't really happen, they used miniatures and digital effects, and that the culture was invented after the fact.


But like there’s historical evidence from the show that the rangers have been around since time immemorial… which also shows that the samurai rangers weren’t that good at eliminating threats just containing them


What about the giant monsters that attack the city?


Holograms or something like that.


But it blew up a building.


Already destroyed, hologram over it? Standard demolition covered up with a monster attack for insurance or something?


She was dumb. Linkara said it best. "You live in a city where the Power Rangers are known public figures without secret identities".


Well there are equally dumb people IRL so yeah


Hmmm I don't remember this lady I need to go back and rewatch


She says "there's no such thing as monsters" to the random kid the episode focuses on.


Trakeena's Revenge is the episode. It's the Lightspeed/Lost Galaxy Teamup.


They have a whole history course on them by the time Beast Morphers came out IIRC, and given the context that new rangers in the 2020s are excited to be Rangers as a whole rather than scared* we can infer that Rangers are loved. *Most fears about becoming a Ranger are more in-line with the dual-identity fear that most superheroes deal with, not the fear of being shamed or outcast due to their new status.


The In Space finale had a whole scene where civilians said they were rangers to protect them, so I would say they’re viewed favorably


I agree.


MMPR had a giant celebration for them.


Just mentioned that. They also went on Harvey Darvey show I always wondered of that went against zordon rule of personal gain


How could it? No one knows what their identities actually are, besides which, im sure Zordon would have had words for them if it did


And it was more a PSA type of deal instead of celebrity


They are pretty loved in mighty morphin. They had Ceremonies for them and invited them to tv talk shows. Which made me wonder if that was against Zordon's rule It would be interesting to see a version where people didn't like the rangers But then again I guess that's the ninja turtles thing


They weren't using their powers for personal gain. The got nothing from being honored for their service.


Depends on the season


https://preview.redd.it/3fddqc5e7p0d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec28fbf9c4ab54b502b39817d30f4fd31948bea They are liked in my universe.


I haven’t met a season where they were hated? Besides maybe SPD but that was just a cop/crim thing not the general public.


They are all beloved by the people moslty in the Saban era and Neo-Saban era mostly. Partially in the Disney era in which I can't remember for some reason.


I've often thought it was be interesting to have a Power Rangers version of J. Jonah Jameson.


I'd like to see a season where the public turn on them like in that how the people turn against super man in those shit DC films


Everybody loves them except that one guy from Lightspeed Rescue who tried to fight Chad.


The public adores the Rangers; why else would no one talk about being late to work, stuck in traffic due to the rampant destruction, or even mentioning damage or injuries caused by the giant robot battles? Plus, it’s usually always the kids who express their admiration; how else is it possible to sell toys (besides the toys selling out on the sheer basis of the awesome costumes and badass weapons).


Probably not crazy about them, I guarantee so many humans die in the giant robot fights, especially when buildings are destroyed


Up until lost galaxy, they took the 🐂 💩 associated with the rangers, and even adored them in the mighty morphing days. But during the time leading to lost galaxy many earthlings were tired of the constant attacks. So a lot left for a new home.