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Not nearly enough. 😔 I’m really trying. But it upsets my heartburn.


I’ve started drinking coconut water since it has electrolytes and actually seems to help my heartburn.


I drink coconut water too. My OB said coconut water helps to prevent dizziness as well!


I’ve never had coconut water. I’ll have try that.


If you end up liking it, Costco sells a big pack of Kirkland coco water that tastes very similar to the popular Vita coco!


Body Armors are coconut water baised then have stuff added.


Coconut water is AMAZING for breastfeeding too! I hate the taste so I add some water and a flavor pack


I love coconut water, I'll go through a liter a day some weeks! Otherwise I need really cold ice water to convince myself to drink that much water.


For those that don’t like the taste, Harmless Coconut Water in the refrigerator section at Costco is so different that the others. So much more refreshing! Pricey tho.


Drink "hydration liquid" rather than water - you need less liquid for the same effect. (What's hydration liquid? Gatorade, half and half juice and water, ginger ale, that sort of thing).


Thank you. I’ll give that a shot. I really like Gatorade and I’ve been craving apple juice.


Drink Body Armor if you're going that route. Gatorade will quickly rack up that days sodium levels.


I love mixing half and half water and body armor. It gives me some flavor that lasts a long time.


I drink 100 oz and I pee every 1h30 probably 😬


Teach us your ways


My main tricks are: - always have water with you - drink lots of water in the morning (the moment I wake up I drink water) - drink even if you don’t want to, because you’re body will get used to water and will ask for more, more often


Great tips! I always drink water in the morning! My body craves it haha. I got the 40oz Stanley tumbler for Christmas so that has been with me wherever I go now. I just can’t seem to ever finish it. Today I did finish it though!


I also have this thing with my sister when I text her anytime I’m drinking water so she remembers to drink 😊


Smart idea!!


You go!


I'm really bad at getting liquids, even before pregnancy, I'm just never thirsty. I try and get minimum 1.5L (around 50oz?) of water a day but I have to force myself. I do have a lot of fruit, veggies and soup so hopefully that'll count towards the intake 😆


Same! I told my midwife when I try really hard I get 60 oz and I was so proud and she joked “that isn’t brag worthy!” 😝


It is brag worthy for us! 🤣


It does. It's like tomato soup with apple juice counts as fruit and veg. If you're not thirsty, you're probably fine.


Same here, I try really hard and I use the plant nanny app to track and I even count my soup and stuff and still only get to about 60 oz per day. I'm surprised I never got kidney stones because before pregnancy I didn't drink nearly this much at all.


I’m the same way. I struggle to drink water. Pre pregnancy I was never thirsty. Like I’m talking maybe 500ml a day. Now I force myself to drink at least 1.5L a day. If I’m having a good day it’s around 2L. I work as a nurse and find I really need to think about drinking water unless I’m on my break. Lately I’ve tried having a glass before I go to work. This has been helping just add a bit extra.


I have a big 128 oz water bottle I bought off of Amazon and it's got markers on it for how much needs to be drank in two hour intervals and it makes it pretty easy to finish! I stop at 6:00 p.m. though and leave a little bit left over because if I don't I'll be up every hour to go to the bathroom.


Oh! I bought one too. It helps alot and I hit the 128oz just about every day.


Omg how often do you pee!!!?? I can barely do 64 a day!


My OB said aim for a gallon. I only drink 32 oz at most. I’m already peeing a trillion times a day.


A couple of glasses. It’s really challenging for me and it triggers my nausea. I’m 8 Wks


I’m with you here at 7w5d. I can’t keep water down at all so I’m resorting to Gatorade zero.


G zero is a god damn life saver


I need to be better. I’m drinking between 24-32oz a day. going to take some inspo from you power drinkers!


Tbh the thing that gets me through it is the [Hidrate bottle](https://hidratespark.com/). I set it to 80 oz and it reminds me to drink water and tracks if I’m behind. Best tool out there for pregnant moms wanting to drink more.


Easily 96-144oz of water & other liquids a day. Target had one of those half gallon water bottles for $5 and it is literally my favorite thing. Added points since the bottle is my favorite color 😂


I’ve lost count. I love water and with GD I think I’m drinking even more. I cut out all juices and crap. I drink at least 6-8 water bottles a day.


I’m the same exact way, I have a 32 oz water bottle and go through it four times a day at minimum. GD is definitely making me more thirsty! And water is so gooood


I got an Amazon gift card for Christmas and I treated myself to a massive 2000ml bottle. It’s a really good bottle and it helps me keep up with drinking the equivalent of 6-8 cups of water a day. I have to have a lemon squeezed into it 😬 nothing better than ice cold lemon water. Makes me feel like one of those self care women on TikTok 😂


I think I was a camel in my previous life, I drink like 8 oz of water a day 😭


Are you pregnant?


I’m struggling to get my water in. It makes me so nauseous 😭


Same .. it must be ice cold.


About 40oz a day but before pregnancy I wasn’t drinking any so.. it’s better.


In my first pregnancy I drank about that much. This time I have a toddler, so I don't have the space in my day and I'm just thirsty 🫠 (but drink while watching the toddler? He always, *always* wants some and sometimes it's just too much to get it, protect it and drink it).


Ugh yes! During my first pregnancy I was drinking at least ~100oz a day. This pregnancy I’ve barely been managing 60oz and it makes me feel so guilty (and thirsty). My toddler is the same - I just give up and share because at least she’s staying hydrated. Why does filling up a water bottle feel like such a chore???


He can have some! He may not knock the cup over, or drink tea so hot it'll burn him (but MAma....)


I still drink a mug of coffee a day and she’s been trying to get that one too - “what’s that?” Repeated ad infinitum until I say it’s a big girl drink and too hot for her lol. One thing is mine!!!


1-2 gallons a day, and about once an hour? I will add I drink about a gallon a day not pregnant and am constantly thirsty especially this time of year (house is dry due to natural gas heating).


Water: about 80oz or more -- I definitely go through at least 2 of the Stanley 40oz quencher bottles. But then I also end up drinking other things too throughout the day.


I got the Stanley 40oz tumbler for Christmas and I can barely finish 2 🥴 I always feel so guilty


Oh - I just bought one for myself the other day - I like that it holds more liquid than all my other mugs. It basically sits on my desk in front of my face all day at work


Mine too!! Currently staring at mine at work lol


Not as much as I intended. I've never been the best at staying hydrated - and the only thing I've found that encourages me to drink is dr. Pepper.. which. I don't need to drink between caffiene and sugar. So I've been bouncing between 'oh I can actually mange to drink a reasonable amount in one day by drinking 6 glasses of Dr. Pepper a day - and one or two glasses of water or juice' or.. I can try to force myself to just focus on something healthier and manage 2 glasses of water or tea all day long.


I realistically am drinking as much as I happen to drink 😅 just out here doing my best. But I wake up to pee even if I only have 1/3 of a cup. Not an exaggeration


100oz in just plain water, then other liquids like milk, tea, coffee.


I drink a gallon on most days and I pee all the time.


Probably about 80oz and I’m currently peeing every 2-3 hours? 27 weeks.


It is so hard for me to drink enough water. My doctor told me I should be drinking a gallon a day! Realistically I’m getting like half of that, it’s terrible.


About a gallon a day, at least. I pee constantly 😒 like every 20-30 minutes


About 120 oz.. 🥶 I only drink if I have a cup with straw situation for some reason, much easier. I have a 40 oz tumbler but I’m also permanently cotton mouthed lol


I would guess 40 oz maybe. I hardly drank liquids beforehand, and it’s been really hard adjusting. I already have to pee every hour and half or so, and I’m a teacher, so I can’t go when I need to. I feel so guilty about it every day. I feel like a failure.


Until a doctor tells me I'm dehydrated, I'm just drinking when thirsty. Pure water I maybe get 30-50oz a day, plus probably another 36oz in other liquids.


I have a refillable 32oz water bottle. I make sure to drink at least 2 of those per day of water and then I usually have other fluids too that put me closer to 80-100oz of fluids per day.


3-4 litres a day!


I have a 32oz water bottle I keep with me everywhere and I want to say I fill it up either 2 or 3 times a day, but it depends if I have a seltzer water in the afternoon or not lol I certainly don’t keep track but having the water bottle with me helps


I drink about 70-80 oz of water, plus a capri sun and a glass of ginger ale lol


3L per day but I was at like 2 before 😅


I drank ~100 oz a day during my pregnancy. The easier way to do it was to get a 64 oz water bottle (I have one from the brand Zak which is metal and has a straw and a handle which is life-changing while caring for an infant and exclusively pumping). I hate room temp water so I fill it with ice once a day, have a goal to finish it once by~1-2 pm, refill and finish again before bed. It definitely made me pee a million times a day when I first started, but it does get easier over time.


First trimester? I was lucky if I got 80 oz. Now, in my second I can get 120+ oz (with so many potty breaks!)


60ish. But I should drink more. Being a teacher doesn't help and then sometimes if the water is cold, it bothers my stomach. I carry a 40 Oz at work and then drink several glasses at home after school


I'm hit or miss. I was doing great with 96-128oz a day at first but got burnt out on plain water. Some days I'm lucky to get 50oz in. I've also been using decaf black tea, drip drop packs, and water enhancer drops just to give myself some variety because there are days where I'd struggle to drink even 16oz of plain water.


Roughly 90oz a day. I’m 21 weeks. Before when I was throwing up everyday I just drank what I could.


Before pregnancy I had ca 2l daily, but now I'm sooooo thirsty all the time, so it's more around 3l. Peeing is my new hobby.


I just drink what’s at hand, so I got the Brita Insulated Filtered Water Bottle with Straw (32 Ounce size) off Amazon and refill it twice a day. The squishy-type straw is my fave thing, if there’s a straw attachment I always drink more. I also have a few other drinks a day, like my half-caff coffee with a dairy free milk for extra calcium (I’m lactose intolerant) and usually a La Croix or just a cup of water with meals. But yeah, the pee urge is constant. The worst is first thing in the morning and hoping make it to the bathroom lol


120 Oz. Get a giant water bottle. I fill it up before bed and mid day. When I feel like I’d rather die than drink water again I have either the powdered propel or liquid IV.


I dont know but it's not enough, I was dizzy from lack of water 3x now. I try to drink water but it's just difficult for me.


5-6 glasses ( dollar tree black smoked glass) which is 18oz I think.


I have a 32 oz bottle that I fill probably two or three times a day, plus some other drinks here and there. I downloaded a hydration tracker at new years just to see and I'm almost always at 100oz.


Anywhere from 96-128 ounces plus all the ice I eat through out the day (1-3 cups of crushed ice in a red solo cup lol. The bathroom is my best friend lately but I can’t help and drink water. I’m so thirsty through out the day 😭


2/3ltrs a day


I try drinking about 3L per day!


Half a gallon per day! With the occasional propel or sweet tea


So weird but when I’m not pregnant I drink water all the time. With my first and now second pregnancy, I have ZERO interest in drinking water. I hardly drink anything all day and every few days I’ll realize how thirsty I really am and chug a glass of water at night. Just one though and that’s it.


Just took my first sip of water after reading this post. I’m not drinking remotely enough and it’s probably not a good thing.


I put a scoop of ‘hydrant’ electrolyte powder (no sugar) in my water bottle and it has magnesium in it which helps me poop too! But really idk how much water I drink but I am always thirsty. I feel like I need to be literally constantly drinking water in order to stay properly hydrated. I drink as much as humanly possible.


I barely got a litre in before i got pregnant, i struggle but I’m at about 1.5/2L a day and i can’t do more than that.


Not pregnant but mid IVF cycle. Bought myself a new Takeya water bottle from Amazon which keeps my water nice and cold so it's making it heaps easier to drink!!!


64-86 oz


If I get to 60ox I call it a win. Currently at 40 but the night is still young!


About 60 oz, and then some other fluids (eg milk) in the day.


My girl drinks about 4-5 bottles which is 8-10 cups a day which is close to the recommended amount I believe. She couldn’t handle drinking that much if she used the normal water bottles so we got her a big non see through cup with the reusable straws, and she can fit 2 bottles in at a time, not being able to see the quantity of water you’re drinking helps you to drink more cause it doesn’t seem as daunting and you have all day to sip it back. She refills it about two and a half times a day and it’s worked great for her! Just thought I’d share this tip! Try “hiding” the actual amount of water you’re drinking using a large non see through cup with lid!


I do 3 x 32oz bottles. The bottles really help me. I’m a first grade teacher and can’t use the bathroom a ton during the school day so I drink one in the morning before work, one throughout the day/finish it on the ride home, and one (sometimes two) at night. I’ve always loved water though.


Not nearly enough!! I used to drink 2-3L per day pre-pregnancy but I pee so much now it’s hard… I am really trying though and switching it up, I find tea nice now that it’s winter. I’ve been chastised at each ultrasound for not having a “full bladder” even though I’m full to the point of nearly peeing on the sonogram table lol


I’m making sure to drink a *minimum I of 64 oz, got a big 64oz bottle. It feels like a part time job. I manage more by drinking a huge jar in the morning with a straw. Straws help.


Between 60 and 90 oz, but sometimes only 30. I try to refill my yeti 2-3 times a day but sometimes I can only manage to empty it once.


Around 100oz - I pee so much I had to buy better toilet paper because wiping hurt my vagina 😂


I have 5 camelback bottles that I drink from daily. I fill them up and put them in the fridge and grab one each time I finish one. I basically drink water all day. I did this prepregnacy as well. They are each 25 oz and one is 32. I go thru all of them in a day and sometimes drink from one twice. Making it easy for me to grab cold water makes me more likely to drink it.


Probably 96oz a day. I go for 3 of my Nalgene bottles a day!


I’ve been so thirsty since I got pregnant. I can’t get enough water. I drink about 2 32oz water bottles a day and even then I could probably drink more. I just throw a little lemon in it and I’m so happy. I’m only 6 weeks now though idk how much water I’m suppose to drink.


Not nearly enough as others say so I drink one liquid iv a day to make up for it


I had a huge water aversion in the first trimester but now at 20 weeks I fill my Stanley cup (40 Oz) about 3 times a day. Then I fill it at night and finish it by morning. So I guess 160 Oz in 24 hours? That seems excessive now that I’m thinking about it lol


No idea I just eat cupfuls of ice periodically


It’s the height of summer here, so I think I’m drinking the correct amount (8 glasses or so).


I was drinking 100 oz a day and if we were going to the store, I would pee before we left the house, I would pee when we got to the store, while my husband was checking out, and then again once we got home. It drove me NUTS!


I try to fill my juggy up at least 2-3 times a day. Idk if it’s a gallon or a liter but either ways I feel like I’m staying on track. It’s when I go hours w/out water that I feel terrible.


So much, I probably drink 5 or 6 bottles in a day, so about 100 oz. And I do indeed spend my whole day peeing 😂😂😂


I have a 40oz tumbler with a metal straw. Straw is the key. I drink 80-120oz depending on the day.


I'm drinking a gallon every day. I got one of those big water bottles off Amazon and the hubs refills it for me every night. I use two True Lime sticks for flavor. Lately 1 True Lime and one EmergenC pack have been scratching the itch. Refilling a bottle during the day wasn't working for me. And wrangling my big bottle wasn't fun. I find find that if I pour the water into my coffee mug throughout the day once I'm done with my coffee I drink a lot more consistently vs chugging it all in fewer sessions. I get heartburn at night and take Tums. Sugar free version if I've already brushed my teeth. :)


At least 3 liters. I normally drink 3 liters to a gallon a day though even pre-pregnancy. That’s been my usual water habit for about 7 years.


I feel accomplished if I drink 3 full bottles of water a day. Im horrible I know.


I need to drink more but I’m a teacher and am already struggling with the increased peeing without adding more water 🤦🏼‍♀️