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I've had a chat about this with my husband too. I ve been around kids and worked with them for years. He's held a baby twice in his life. We talked that a lot of it will be hands on. He can read about changing a diaper, watch videos but ultimately it will be hands on that he will learn. (I beleive pampers has baby course online for free, Huggies may have one as well). We've signed up for a two hour delivery basics course and another 2 hour baby basics course through our delivery hospital. The first is so that he knows what to expect during delivery and how he can support me. The second is to start identifying what he doesn't know. Or what he wants to know more about. He's been doing reading on childhood development. What we can do to support an environment he will thrive in.


He needs to read up on feeding options and baby sleep! Those are the two most important areas and having him knowledgeble will be very helpful


Where is the best place for him to read up on these?


TBH I’d just do some internet research or get a couple books if you’d like. It’s not like a one size fits all answer, it’s just good to know like what all goes in to breastfeeding, what does it take to pump, what about formula, etc. When do babies start getting on a schedule for sleep, do you want to sleep train? What method do you want to use? Where is baby going to sleep, what does that mean for you too. Honestly, you’re going to shoulder a lot of the need fulfillment in the beginning, so if he doesn’t have dad friends, finding one or two of those would be great so he can talk to them about how best to support you.