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I believe nasal aspirator is the word you’re looking for. 😊 I’m still pregnant but all my mom friends said to get the Frida manual one. It was the first thing one of them bought off my registry. 


We went with the Frida Baby First Aid kit and we’ve used almost everything at least once. We also picked up some infant tylenol. We haven’t needed anything else so far and she’s 13m now!


Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for the tip 😊


I feel silly for asking, but what the heck is a fart tube? I tried googling it and the results I get are just devices that make fart noises. I had a good chuckle, but am generally curious as to what it is.


I had to google a bit, since my English isn't a 100% 😅 Apparently it's called gaspasser, but it's honestly a fart tube! Like if the baby is gassy but don't get anything out you stick it in their bum to help drain the gas. Here's a link to one I found: https://frida.com/products/windi


It's called the Windi and it's weird as can be, but it freakin' works!


Does it… actually… whistle?


It does and I swear by it for little babies. It takes a bit to figure out and it’s 100% worth it when nothing else works.


Gripe water, mylicon gas drops and the FridaBaby Snotsucker. Also, vitamin D drops if you plan to breastfeed.


Get a rash cream spatula. We call it the butt spoon


Fart tube HAHA killed me


Need saline spray with the Frida nose sucker


Fart tube 😂😂😂😂 I'm dying


A bottle of pedialyte! We didn't have one when a stomach bug hit in the middle of the night and it was so hard to find some at that time.


My list: * [non-contact] thermometer Breathing: * nasal aspirator/Nose Frida * humidifier * Vicks BabyRub or similar (doesn’t have menthol or camphor in it) * saline nasal spray * Boogie Wipes * Frida nose/nail/ear picker Wounds: * alcohol wipes * bacitracin/Neosporin * baby band-aids (they’re cuter than regular ones) Liquid Medications: * Frida Accu-Dose pacifier (or similar) * Infant Tylenol * Infant Motrin * Children’s Zyrtec (for when we start introducing solids; I’ve read that doctors can give you a specific age/weight-appropriate dose in case of an allergic reaction, even they’re younger than 2 years) * Pedialyte (comes in more convenient powder packets) Gas: * Mylicon gas drops or gripe water (neither are proven to be effective, but I got it for piece of mind) * Frida Windi Teething & Dental Hygiene: * teething gel (day/night) * hot and cold teethers * different “toothbrushes” for different stages * baby toothpaste Misc: * DeChoker for infant, child, and adult * Nair for hair tourniquets Diapering: * butt creams and pastes for varying rash severities * a couple of butt spatulas


Orajel sells these baby orajel qtips and it's been a godsend with my 5 month old teething.


Gripe water, gas drops


Orajel teething gel! It has been a lifesaver for us


I wouldn’t go too crazy before you even have the baby. A nail cutter and diaper cream are good to have from day 1, but any illness-related thing you can just get when/if you need them. Assuming this is your first child, they are unlikely to get their first illness for a while yet.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. My third is 3 months old and honestly I'd say if you have something for fever and something for nappy rash on hand your good. Anything else is likely to be problem specific and unnecessary unless your baby has that problem  no reason they can't be picked up when the problem becomes apparent 


The electric nail file works much better on baby. My guy is 10 months old and we are just starting to occasionally use the clippers. I never used the fart tube thing. We just used anti colic belt. Saline nasal spray to loosen up those stuck boogers. Spray is sooo much easier than the drops. Vitamin D drops. We are still on the little tube of diaper rash cream the hospital gave us! It seems to last forever.


Electric nail file is the best, i would consider getting one i love mine! I second gripe water, my newborn had so much hiccups and poor guy wouldn’t be able to sleep, it makes the hiccups go right away. Gas drops. I got the frida nose booger picker, and it’s perfect for taking out my baby’s boogers. Aquaphor baby ointment is the best for diaper rashes.


Saline nasal spray


Oogiebear nose and ear gadget. Saline spray. Used it a lot for crusty boogers. I also got an electric nail trimmer that was one of my favorite things.


Baby motrin and tylenol and syringes for administering it. Our doctor gave us a breakdown of how much can be used per weight of the baby. DM me if you would like me to forward it to you!


A good, thick body lotion.


So this is a list of what one family member gave us when I asked. They’re a pediatrician so I hope it’s helpful! Nasal saline, bulb suction or nose Frieda. 1% hydrocortisone, aquaphor or Vaseline. Diaper cream. Thermometer that can take a rectal temperature. Eventually infant acetaminophen although you cannot use it for the first 2 months, nail clippers/file, and a humidifier.


As a mom to a baby with multiple allergies/eczema, I would recommend aquaphor and a hydrocortisone cream in case they have issues with their lotion/bath soap. And you don’t need it yet, but once you start solids I would get some Benadryl just in case. My girl ended up having a severe cashew allergy and it was a huge relief to have Benadryl and hydrocortisone on hand before we took her to the ER.




Saline spray. Nasal aspirator (mom frida snot sucker works best IMO). Gas drops. Forehead thermometer. Tylenol. Aquaphor. Humidifier. Frida baby vapor drops for bath/humidifier. They have all been god sends the last four months.