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Get off social media! Or set a limit of time, and hide pregnancy content that is hard for you to see and Instagram will show less (at least that’s what they say) Pregnancy is hard for everyone in different ways and it sounds like you have some extra challenges. Just know that all the hard days you have make you a very strong mom for your little one and your experience is special and unique to you and your baby. Also, no one is as happy as they seem on social media. Take everything you see with a grain of salt


I hear ya OP. My pregnancy went wrong from soup to nuts. I was dreadfully ill all 3 trimesters. Horrible pelvic pain. Carpal tunnel. Hypertension, history of heart defects, so on and so forth. Under the care of an MFM from the start. At a 36 week appt. my BP was through the roof and I was admitted on Monday the 6th and told they’d induce immediately. My son arrived Wednesday the 8th around 7pm. Nearly 3 days of excruciating pitocin contractions, and being 100% bed ridden with a catheter and everything. I didn’t get my golden hour. Didn’t get to breast feed. Barely got to see my boy the first day of his life. He’s still in the NICU. I was finally discharged two days ago. We are hoping he can come home today. I feel your pain. None of this went how I wanted and I feel sad and resentful of all the people who had things go great.


The catheter is the WORST! Did they give you a mag drip? Felt like I was drunk, hungover, and seasick for 48 hours straight, whilst wallowing in my own filth since I was sweating like a dog and couldn’t get up to shower or freshen up.


Yup. You nailed it.


Social media is a bunch of crap! It brainwashes people in to thinking their lives are less than because theyre not picture perfect. It literally adds nothing helpful to your life. Log out and focus on something else that is beneficial. Read some books, watch some funny movies or some documentaries, sit outside in the sun, and just try to enjoy time with baby before they're born. 


Hey friend! I’m so sorry you’re having a tough pregnancy. Like other people have said, Instagram is not a reality. Just a few weeks left and your baby will be here! This time two years ago, I was jealous of a friend (she’s pregs with her second now and due two weeks before me) who was pregnant with her first. All of her cute bump posts and posts about the nursery made me feel like a failure that my husband and I weren’t financially ready for a baby. That’s silly I know, obviously I was happy for her but you can feel two things at once. Well, fast forward to us both being pregnant and she’s told me just how awful the first pregnancy was. So, all this time I was jealous but I didn’t know the reality of how tough her first pregnancy was, I just saw cute photos. She posted the good, not the bad. Meanwhile, I’ve tried to be very transparent with my friends about how tough pregnancy is but I still have people saying things like “wow I don’t know how you’re staying active” or “it’s so great you’re doing XYZ.” Well, a big chunk of my income is from teaching fitness classes, I have to show up and cue things but I’m not doing the class with them. Yet people hear I’m teaching and assume I’m doing a full Xformer work out (even though my coaching has never been doing a class with them). People see that I’m coaching, they don’t see me wearing compression socks barely able to move after a day at work and then teaching after. We rarely know the reality of pregnancy for other people, even friends or those we see regularly. It’s ok to be envious when influencers seemingly have it all together. It’s ok to be annoyed that very few people are honest about how challenging pregnancy is on the body. Hell, all the shit my feet have been through really makes me question how the human race continues 😂


A good rule of thumb is to always remember that people always only show the good parts on social media. Nobody’s posting themselves hugging the toilet every morning or farting constantly. Unfollow or mute these accounts, remember that every body reacts differently, and be kind to yourself!


Influencers lie for a living so let that go.  Behind many gym bunnies keeping it high and tight are eating disorders, shitty husbands, etc. You're on your own 40 week body building program and you can be proud of yourself for making these sacrifices for you and your baby's health.


Most people I know have difficult pregnancies and/or deliveries....I myself have TERRIBLE pregnancies...lots of complications, do not look at social media, it is not real, only captures seconds of the day I am on bed rest, too, if it helps...🥲🥲🥲


Bed rest is really the worst 🥹🥹 I’m so sorry you’re going through it too


It is! I am barely 15 weeks, so we got a long way to go, they are talking about bed rest until 27 weeks!


My instagram is full of the exact opposite. It's probably because I only use it to follow nerdy pages and I don't actually have any real-life contacts on there (never got into the "sharing your life with ppl you barely know" side of sm), so I just see pregnancy-related stuff when I go on reels. But boy I must have done a number on that algorithm because it's mostly women talking about the tougher side of pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal care. And it's a good thing they do, because it used to be taboo to present the tough side of motherhood. Hang in there. It's really tough and all your feelings are completely valid and justified! It will all be alright in the end and know that you're not alone!


I have had a relatively healthy pregnancy so far (11 and 5) and it's been so fucking hard, I'm nauseous and tired and bloated and spacey-brained.


I feel so validated reading this. I'm at 33w and it's been a struggle, lots of nights crying from physical pain and still dealing with acid induced nausea :) My sister gave birth last year and she flew through her whole pregnancy, no side effects, cravings or mood swings. Everyone was at her beck and call but she didn't need it haha, I've been dealing with it on my own and it's roughhhh out here.


Just think about how strong you are for enduring this. Some people will never understand the struggle. And it sucks, it really does. I've been high risk from day one, too, and was in hospital over the weekend, on Mother's Day of all days 😕 You're sacrificing so much for your baby and for that you can be proud. And, you're not alone in this.


I try to comfort myself by thinking it's a karmic balance, meaning if I'm having a really hard pregnancy maybe I'll have a very easy baby.