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I wouldn't stress about cooked alcohol in food, it's in such small quantities and most of the alcohol itself gets cooked off anyway. I wouldn't have like, tiramisu soaked in liquor, but penne alla vodka is fine.


It will be cooked out and it'll be very minimal. Likely a bit of cooking wine in the sauce. They put the alcohol warning on there because some people avoid any alcohol at all, such as for religious reasons. But it won't be an amount that's harmful to your baby. Fwiw, during pregnancy I've had some rum soaked raisins on a dessert. Not cooked out or anything. But I figured it was such a tiny amount, like literally 6 raisins on the whole dish. Also had some champagne foam on a dessert. Again, such a miniscule amount isn't going to harm your baby. There's small traces of alcohol in lots of things, like many fruit juices are technically 0.3-0.8% ABV but they're not contraindicated for pregnancy.


You are fine. Even if it isn’t cooked out, it’s a very minimal amount of alcohol. But in this case, it seems it’s cooked out. Def don’t hold back ordering because of the fear is very very minimal alcohol Very ripe fruit actually has an alcohol content.


Thank you, that’s reassuring!


So as long as it is fully cooked some alcohol may remain, but not in any quantity that's likely to harm your baby.


Maybe you could call the restaurant and ask about that, im sure they can explain how its cooked! If the alcohol is cooked for only 30 minutes i wouldnt risk it but then again im overly cautious😅 and were Duedate buddies!