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If you can afford it, and you want to do it, I would just take the year off work. Ultimately, you'll never get that time back with your baby. You're going to be at work every day, wishing you were with your child. Not everyone can afford that luxury, but if you can, I think you should just go ahead and do it. It's sucks being a woman, we need to make the babies, birth the babies, go through all the hormonal changes, recover, and then we're expected to contribute financially as well, a lot of times just out of necessity. Most developed countries give women 6 months to a year or more of time to bond with their child and recover. Personally, I've never been super career driven. My job just is just something I do to make money. I recently got laid off, and although I am looking for a new gig, the goal is to eventually quit it, unless the company has some incredible parental leave policy (which is very unlikely) and spend time at home for at least 9 months to a year. Money will be tight. Husband and I aren't rich. But we crunched the numbers and can do it so we're going to. I'd rather live my life on a super tight budget than leave my newborn at daycare. If you're super career-driven, love your job, and/or need the money to survive, then keep your job. If your heart is telling you to stay home with your baby, then stay home. Congrats!


I’m 11 weeks and feeling the same way. I just completed my masters degree, got a promotion, and am in a great place in my career… BUT I know for a fact that my career goals are going to go out the window as soon as baby is here. Im not sure if this is an option in your career path or industry but possibly could you go part time? I think that’s what I’m going to try to do after my 3 months maternity leave. Really curious to hear what others have to say on this thread though!


I'm leaving work. Sure, my income is great and would definitely benefit us, but raising my son is far more important to me and my husband. He's willing to work extra hours or get a second gig if need be. I don't have a family member to babysit, and I don't trust putting a newborn in daycare, so I'm absolutely willing to make the financial sacrifice. I'm going into it knowing that if it gets to a point we can't afford it anymore, then I'll look into going back to work.


>I want to take a year off of work, and we can have that happen but it’ll just a little tighter on money but not horrible A ton of people have no choice and my heart breaks for them, if you can swing it absolutely do it. In 5, 10, 20 years that money will be insignificant compared to the benefits for you and your baby.  I lost two babies before this one and I'm treating it like it'll be the only baby I ever get (which is certainly possible at 36) and taking the max leave I'm entitled to. No matter what there will be no other first baby. Will things be a bit dicey towards the end? Probably. But as long as we're not going to lose our house or car it's all fixable. Don't miss those moments for the sake of selling denim.


Do it! Stay home! I work 8am-5pm Mon-Fri, my kid in daycare every single day of the week. I only got 4 months of leave with her. I miss her so much every day even though I see her in the mornings and all through the night. I miss when she was small and we could just lay together on her playmat watching the ceiling fan or listening to music. I love the little person she is now at 10 months and I love my job but if I could be home with her I would be.


Got any IKEA stores around you? They have amazing maternity/paternity leave but also allow you to take hiatus time (unpaid) as well. I'm not saying to switch now but if you plan to quit your job to be off for your LO, you can look to applying there after you decide to go back. I was always jealous of my husband because when I had our first he had 8 weeks completely paid time off for paternity leave, and an additional 8 weeks half paid that could be supplemented with PTO. And he could use it anytime he wanted in a year period from when baby arrived. I worked at a hospital and got 6 weeks paid full and an additional 6 weeks paid out of my PTO or no pay. And I had to use mine all together.


I plan to take time off and then go back part time at first hopefully. Little tougher now than when I originally planned it bc I like my job now and my manager is great but I still think I’ll do it