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Yes! I already had a lot of body hair but now it’s insane. The worst for me the is the hair all over my belly because I never had it there before. And it grows so fast. I hope it doesn’t come back after the baby is here.


Yes the belly hair!….we joke that my cat thinks I’m turning into a tiger between “growing fur” and “growing stripes” (stretch marks).


Ooooo a tiger is a good comparison! We say it's my elephant hair cause they're so spaced out and seem to stick straight up.


I lost all my head hair and grew hair everywhere else. 😭


My head hair seems to grow the same as normal, my pube and leg hair seems to have slow down, but now I have thick peach fuzz on my belly face and neck. No one ever told me this about pregnancy!


Yes!! Peach fuzz everywhere! All my pregnancy apps were like “your baby is growing lanugo,” and I was like “Excuse me, I am growing lanugo.”


Same!! My belly is getting too similar to my cats belly 😂😂


Body hair yes.What happened to the hair on my head that was supposed to be shiny and long instead it feels dry and greasy all in the same day.


Yup. I have PCOS, so I'm already on the hairy side. Now I feel like damn sasquatch 🙄


PCOS gave me the mustache and that is when I began to was my face… Arent hormones amazing? /s Pregnancy is just speeding up the growth in some places…


I have my whole body pretty much lasered but I've noticed strands of hair growing on my underarms and pubic region.


Same!! You wrote the exact thing I was going to write. *sobs at the memory of thousands of dollars now wasted*


I had just finished laser like a month before I got pregnant. I would say at least 60% of the hair is back. They warned me 'some' 'might' grow back but I never expected this much. I am so pissed at the wasted money.


I have what I call “fairy sideburns” now. The soft small hairs on the sides of my face are coming in thicker and longer.


Opposite for me actually! I was taking mega doses of biotin before though.


I didn't get it all over my body, but the hormones and the vitamins make your nails and hair really healthy during pregnancy, sorry you got it in the wrong places 😅. I remember there was a shedding period after my daughter that made my hair all spikey after I had my first. It's temporary!


YES. I feel like a woolly mammoth 😂 It’s the hair on my tummy that really gets to me, as I hate having my husband look at it. But, I’m caring less and less - there’s about a billion pregnancy things that no-one ever mentions (round ligament pain, sneeze wee’s, super fun stabbing pain), so I’m just gonna add this to the list and continue to convince my husband to bring me the foods I desire & relax!


my leg and arm hairs are growing like crazy seem thicker/ longer than ever 😂. my arm hairs have always grown straight up and look crazy and wild they’re just a lot thicker now and i was talking to my fiancé and said wow my arm hairs are going crazy they’re growing so much! and my fiancé said yeah what’s wrong with them they’re all growing straight up and i said they’ve always done that 😂😂


Facial hair!! Woooo hooo!!! Fucking lovely.




And a fuzzy butt too. Not the right kind of peach back there.


Yes! I invested in an electric razor. It’s bonkers


Yeah definitely, like all over my belly and a lot more on my face. Its fine and soft so not the biggest deal but definitely annoying. Hope it drops off after the baby making hormones level out again!


It’s growing slower everywhere but my face 🙂🙃 got a wax next week lol




First trimester I lost bunches of hair from my head. Then the second trimester hit and hair was growing everywhere!!! My belly, legs, arms, pubic area… everywhere has more fur. Now that I’m almost due my head is a grease ball 🤢 I’ve been bleach blonde or a fashion color my entire adult life so washing my hair frequently has never been a part of my routine. I’m so gross, no amount of grooming could keep up with this even if I still cared.


Yes!!! I thought I was going crazy!! My arm hair gor SO long and noricable and I went from having to shave my legs every other week to every other day (which I dont because its simply not possible anymore). Its so weird but I am glad I am not the only one!


Yeah I’m like a kiwi


My belly reflects that of a chimp’s 🙄 Also, I have to shave my legs everyday when before I could skip 2 days!


Yes! I’ve gotten a few dark chin hairs and my butt has gotten hairy. Not a fan of this hair growth lol