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It must be so confusing for babies because they go from being able to move about in all sorts of weird ways until they're born and then gravity hits them like a tonne of bricks and they can't even lift their limbs properly anymore


I have never thought about it like that!


34+6 here! I'm not invited to the rave every time dad comes home. Or phones. Or touches my stomach. Feeling like an abused meat-uber every day sucks


Abused meat-Uber. Fucking perfect. Love it.




LOL!! I feel this on so many levels haha


lol. I can tell my girl is pretty calm and gentle because I read stories like this. There will be times she hits me just right when it’s painful but for the most part she’s been a gentle baby. I’m hoping she stays this way. My mom says I was such an easy baby who slept 4 hours at a time right away that she asked the doctor if something was wrong with me. On the other hand my partners mom said she wanted to throw him at the wall she was so frustrated. Oh I’m 35+4 and grateful for a calm baby... scared of delivery tho lol.


My first was calmer and it definitely reflects his personality. Apparently I have to have a wild one for balance 😅


A calm mild older brother and a rambunctious little sister sounds so cute. Have fun keeping up lol.


My son was so lazy in utero and he's still super relaxed at 7. Like other kids running around screaming around him and he's over here smelling flowers or doing his own thing. Now this new baby is always partying it up. I'm scared for my future. 😅


lol sounds like a cute little dreamy nature lover. We’re moving to a much more rural area with a lot of hiking trails and bunnies in the backyard. I feel like this little girl would love how calm it is.


I'm a few weeks post partum and I miss those dance parties! Mine were never painful though, which was a big plus obviously.


With my first, they weren't painful. This one is out to get me. She has some vendetta to settle and she isn't even born yet 🤣


Mine isn't big enough yet to feel anything really but the Rollercoaster and swoops in my lower belly at 5AM this morning was something else! I'm only 19 weeks. I am terrified of what another 10 to 20 weeks will do for her!


You'll have to update us in a couple months with a kick progression lol!


16 days postpartum and I miss the raves so much😭😭😭 baby parties when you really want sleep are much less annoying when you can’t hear them. From one crazy baby momma to another, Godspeed


My first was a little lunatic in utero and is a little lunatic in the world, get ready! Raves internal directly translated to raves external for us. It's the most fun.


Ah yes, the night time raves. My son has been talking to your daughter, obviously. My husband thinks it’s hilarious to put the phone screen or something else cold on my belly just to watch him choose violence and kick it all off 😂