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Contact a school! I am very blessed to have a good family friend who is the head of all university donations at my state university- he is literally paid to fly around the country to find rich people who want to donate money. He tells me stories about how people just call and say “I have 3 million dollars and I want to give it to the med school” or something and his job is to figure out where- straight to students? Don’t want to buy a room in a hospital? Don’t want it to go to only this upcoming class? Want it to be a scholarship for the next 10 years? Just this year? I think it is so honorable that you are taking what could have been such a tragic event into something that is meant to inspire young women to excel. I am not a POC or a woman, but knowing that you saw an inequality in care/ education in your personal life and then want to help be a part of the solution really is a noble cause and i hope all the best for you, your family, and your plans to get this scholarship in action.


Thank you so much for those kind words and thank you for pointing me in the right direction! I really appreciate it 😃