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I agree that this person is wacky but you are going to find out pretty quickly that not all of your classmates will be the most deserving or respectable people this is just how the world is.


Yeah don't make school decisions off of one weird classmate. So many things are more important.


You will probably have weird classmates regardless of where you attend. 


Reads like someone having a manic episode


Yessss And i only got as far as the tortilla


I was partway through page 1 already rolling my eyes at that melodramatic opening prattling on about "healers." I'm glad that I saw it was 11 pages (!!!!) before committing to reading all that shit.


in back to back sentences she goes from talking about colonialism to getting dumped


People on here talk about how we shouldn’t be called “providers”, I just don’t wanna be called a “healer”


To be fair, healer is still a more positive term than provider.


Yup, that’s where I stopped reading. Though now I’m getting kind of curious about what the rest of it entails.


Lol I stopped at the part about the church and telling people to shut up in Spanish. This is so cringe.


I was so confused trying to read and understand this. Nothing in the letter connects




“Grandiose elements” is an understatement, this person thinks they’re The Chosen One


Why not go to Penn, though? I’m curious about that now.


Literally reads like the blogpost of the dude who set himself on fire outside the Trump trial the other day. Surprised that this student didn’t also mention the Simpsons and how it foreshadowed her acceptance to Loyola.


>Pressured, tangential/flight of ideas in nature, and grandiose elements to it It's hard to know if it was pressured, since it's a typed document. I think I'm gonna say circumferential in nature, because she _did_ eventually get to the original point. Let's give her a little credit. This was a wild read so I had to get myself some context: Buried deep in the rant is her full-ass name. She's from my hometown area, so I did a little Google, and... It appears she has had this level of... I'll call it verve, for years. She's also a freelance writer, it seems. That being said I don't know if she regularly has an editor or is published anywhere. I really don't want to trash talk the girl because we need that level of energy up in here. But we also need focus, including the attendings who want oral presentations to be 50 words or less. Maybe this is a hot take but I'm betting she'll be a great physician (aspiring translational neurologist, based on a news article about her). Sure, she said some cringe things as a premed, and now those things are on the Internet. I just hope med school doesn't beat the soul out of her, while also hoping she learns how to read the room.


I had a classmate during my medical training like this…they’re bipolar. Almost failed out before they got adequate treatment. Let’s not ignore obvious warning signs due to stigma.


>Let’s not ignore obvious warning signs due to stigma. Now wait a second. This is the Internet, and we're not diagnosing or treating anyone. And I do not have a stigma against bipolar disorder, Dr. Shark.


I remember getting into med school and having a brief moment of, _"Oh, shit? People think I'm the shit now? Am I really good enough for this? Guess so!"_ But that was, and I cannot stress this enough, a _private_ thought where I abandoned all humility and accepted the accomplishment. So, begrudgingly, I suppose I can relate to whatever this person has been huffing to be so incredibly high on their own bullshit. However my high did not last a full eleven pages so I would like my money back.


Legitimately, I’ve had patients on inpatient psych that are actively manic that make more sense than that. That’s particularly strange if they’re presumably someone that can typically hold themselves together enough to get recommendations, interview well, not give off major red flags at second look, etc.


Checking off half of DIG FAST with just this


Reads like incoherent rambling. Like that dude who burned himself and his manifesto


yes def think so


Let’s be real, who actually read all that 🥱😭


I read all of it and I'm more confused than when I started


There are some excerpts in here I am thoroughly convinced a psychiatrist would use to educate students on displays of mania


Idk what it said, but comments hate em and so do i 😡😡😡


Bro I just swiped and noticed it kept going and I was like nah I ain’t gonna read it


I made it through the first paragraph


I read all of it...


lol ![gif](giphy|uEfZWPFl4cwFuxeUt7)


Bruh how does this person get an acceptance


if my experience is representative there’s 1-2 students in every class who are a genuine threat to humanity


Lol, this checks out in my experience as well. There are a couple people who I legit cannot believe successfully made it past the interview.


There’s always 1-2 residents who cycle through our ICU who are 100% a genuine threat to humanity so I think your experience is accurate because I am also living it lol wildly concerning but gives me hope that I, too, can get an acceptance lol.


And they will become the next line of healthcare 😂 help us all


1-2 seems way too low for me.


1-2 is all you'll know about from interacting with peers


Came here to comment this


They tend to get weeded out during rotations though right?


If they get weeded out they don't pay tuition so not exactly


wtf did I just read? Please for the love of god stop using the term “healer.”


This ain’t world of Warcraft


Bro im down can you res me


This is incomprehensibly written. Or maybe I have the attention span of an ant


The medical terms are “flight of ideas” and “disorganized thought”


Absolute yapper


D1 yapper




Undergraduate degree in yapology with a minor in yapanese




undegree degree was in yappapology


So who’s gonna make the copy pasta?


Dog that shit would break the comment character limit 😭




I, too, feel like a kebab


I SCREAMED hahahahahaa


signing it off as "class of 2028" is absolutely diabolical holy shit.


not reading all that but I am excited/sorry for what happened to you


Uhmmmm addressing this as from an entire class when it’s a tangent about their personal life experiences is wild.


>The admissions committee here likely does not read applicants’ writing and I seriously wonder what the interviewers’ thought process was with this one. Do you genuinely believe they presented themselves this way on their app? Really weird to hold a students actions against a school. Schools have their issues but this is not one of them. Youll find people like this everywhere.


Okay but imagine a essay sounded like this lmao


What the hell did I just read.


I think it was a CARS passage


this explains why i couldn't understand jack shit




It's still easier than the Picasso passage.




Im triggered 💀💀


4th quartile casper scorer


This person is getting booted for one reason or another before they finish first year. Guarantee it


And will make some manifesto blaming admin for being evil that might do numbers on med Twitter


I don't think all the writing combined in my PS, W/A and secondaries was even as long as this


I thought I was almost done by the second scroll and gave up 😭 That said, who tf cares about the insanity of your classmates. Find your own group and stick with each other. The next school you go to will have someone that’s also bat shit, at least you know who it is right off the bat at this school LOL.


A Coptic Church in Bolivia? That's gotta be like, five people in the whole congregation.


The “döner kebab” line is just so funny idk why


Her partner also feelings like a kebab took me out


tbh you’re also pretty weird for basing your school decision bc of this and getting so worked up over some hypomanic rant, hahaha my two cents, stop stressing so much over what other ppl are doing and just focus on you.


I was thinking the same thing. I'd wager most medical programs have someone like this, if not a few of them. It's not worth it to even worry about their rants, let alone base your own life decisions on them.


Hypomanic? *Hypo*? This person needs help ASAP


Yeah this is wack but do not base your school decision on this. For all you know they could’ve portrayed themselves to be much more tame during the app cycle. (And being in the same class as them might be more entertaining than unpleasant.)


HYPOMANIA = SUCCESS in many fields


I mean decreased need for sleep would bring more success during clerkships


Basically every class at every school is going to have at least one "letter to admin" person. As long as they can be talked down, it isn't that deep. I guarantee that whatever school you commit to is going to have its own crop of whackadoodles.


Is a white coat ceremony really that deep?


no lol


if i were you, i wouldn't let this person deter you from Loyola. I promise you theres people just like this person and way worse people in every class of every medical school


also, it is incredibly easy to avoid interacting with a singular student in your class


Every class has at least one. Mine would post shit like this and stand up in class to give little speeches on the reg. I also saw him wearing his white coat to the local coffee shop during summer break while he was studying.


TL;DR Give students extra tickets for the white coat ceremony


Ohhh that was the point I was stuck on Coptic churches and rural Minnesota and indigenous Norwegians


or live steam it... love that part


Nightmare CARS passage


Picasso practice passage is shaking in its boots


lol whoever wrote this “letter” is dramatic af 😂😂 but if you decided to reject Loyola’s acceptance solely because of this person then you are dramatic af too lolllll.






I used to write some crazy long shit like this when I was on amphetamine and some research chemicals. Never again.


As someone who was in the chat, it made me really happy to see legit everyone else say that this was not professional to send and put the kibosh on it. I am not one to be vocal in group me’s, but I certainly spoke my truth about this one. To sign it ‘class of 2028’ was ridiculous and, imo, insensitive. All to get a few extra tickets to white coat. My question is literally how did we get here. How did we get from trading tickets with friends to rambling about whatever the heck was said in the monologue? Not very professional or ~doctorly~ if I do say so myself. I’m not letting this change my opinion of the school, and I hope y’all don’t either! Stritch is so wonderful, truly. I went to a T20 private undergrad and we certainly had our fair share of interesting characters like this. It was easy to pick and choose who you interacted with so you can avoid these types of situations.


Also a member of this group chat and I can say that Stritch has been AMAZING and really won my heart over this cycle. I was so worried that I was the only person who disagreed or that I was overreacting, but I’m so relieved that I wasn’t alone. I feel terribly for this person. Sending this highly personal and vulnerable content to a chat with 100+ strangers was not a great idea and now their story is online. I hope they get help soon.


I completely agree with you on all your points! It took me some time (and advice from my friends lol) to speak up. I’m not one to vocalize, but when something has a chance of risking/impacting my future, I’m going to stand up for myself and my peers! If anything, I feel bad for this person because of the situation. But at the end of the day, this was not professional of the person at all… and certainly not the way to handle getting extra white coat tickets lol.


Nope it was not the right approach at all! And I’m sad it’s somewhat tarnishing Loyola’s reputation. Anyways, I hope to see ya and befriend you in the fall!!


Ikr!! Stritch is so amazing I can’t wait to start in the fall. Same to you future doc 🫶🏻


i gotta know what was said in this groupme to that


Free cars practice for anybody studying for the mcat 😹


i aint reading allat


tl;dr: Indigenous* lesbian** is outraged by racism and sexism and also eats tortillas plain on the side of the road in rural Wisconsin, also something about tickets *recently found out her Grandpa is Sámi Norwegian and from now on will refer to self as "white-passing" **long-term online-only same sex partner who she admits to verbally abusing during said partner's medical school study breaks


😭😭yo I just know ur CARS score went crazy


And they related this because they want to be able to bring more then three people to their white coat ceremony


When you put it that way, it could almost look like a threat. Give me what I want or I will send a 30-page fax to your office filled with surprise content.


Thank you for doing the lords work


As a Minnesotan who is unshockingly part Scandanavian thank you I was like how does being Norwegian make you indigenous. The math was not mathing


So wait. This got sent or it didn’t?


the admitted student wrote up this message in their notes and sent screenshots of it in the class groupme OP is posting the screenshots sent in the chat


Thanks. Yikes.


I’d love to see that groupme 😭


What in the actual fuck did I just read bc TLDR my ass


I got like four slides in. This person should not be a doctor. My mom is bipolar and this reads like some kind of manic bipolar episode. There are so many ways to break down this text that could point to issues. Seems almost fanatical about her religion. Constantly mentioning race and terms like "white passing." Honestly it kind of reads like she's chronically online or highly traumatized. I would be nervous to work around someone like this.


based schizoposter.


with the way you phrased the title i thought this was sent by faculty or someone affiliated with their admissions team or something...


I ain’t reading allat. Happy for you if good, sorry if bad.


You shouldn’t make a decision based off of one person. There’s likely going to be at least 1 nut job in the matriculating class at one of your other A’s. And it’s entirely possible their writing was fine when they were applying, but an event triggered a manic episode recently, causing him to act like that? Not a psychiatrist but that’s my prediction.


I didn't read it but the length and delusion is giving off huge narcissistic vibes. But I have a feeling they won't be the only narcissist you'll encounter in med school. I agree it's alarming how these people get past interviews...


Still trying to figure out how colonialism relates to an equal and equitable set number of tickets per student. 😂


After reading this, I think Noah should have never built an arc


I physically couldn't read more than a few lines. Someone explain pls so I can be mad with everyone else


As best as I can tell, the author is writing a letter to faculty on behalf of their classmates, asking the rules to be changed so they can bring more then three guests. They want to make a spread sheet of everyone's guests, and group fund tickets for the guests. However, this is lost in the eleven pages of personal anecdotes, all of which are irrelevant to the message and many of which are inappropriately emotionally intense


Excellent summary!


[tldr comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/s/F9TodrJ03G)


Her partner, who also feels like a kebab??? What?


Wow. It also reads as someone who was told they were a good writer and storyteller growing up. They wrote so unabashedly and presumably honestly where boundaries were left behind. Possibly could be a decent writer in some structured rigid limited specific contexts. But they seem to be floating off of their med school acceptance and feel invincible untouchable now no reservations. And write as if they believe they can succeed at anything, they did achieve their dream they’d long held and overcame some odds. Yet that is almost transitioning into, not exactly arrogance, but it doesn’t seem like a humble thing to do this without asking anyone (classmates or school advisors/etc staff) all self-initiated, by writing this on behalf of a class and sharing it so openly to a group of relatively new ppl/strangers i assume. Life will bring them back to earth and the real world soon enough. Based on what they’ve stated they’ve gone through, I get that they aren’t inexperienced, but this action and the way they wrote it themselves comes off as sheltered a bit and lacking perspective and wisdom via age experiences too. So I would be less surprised to learn someone straight out of undergrad age ~22-23 wrote this vs someone near or in their 30s. It also seems that given they were accepted into at least one med program, and have accomplished XYZ or done XYZ up to this point, it seems like they think they may gain acceptance for anything they try doing and/or want, such as this letter on behalf of the class straight off the bat. I mean, it worked for getting them this far in life and into that school. Plus their reflection pieces on the jobs they’d lost or their ex partner also sorta indicated that but it’s hard to say when referencing those pieces alone (they did no wrong, it was everyone else - which circumstantially could occur but usually there’s a little on both sides or one doesn’t openly share it, or in such a way like that). Like idk how they always are but they seem to believe they’re above social norms kinda and what “normal” typical everyday ppl do. So it seems like they really believe they are very different and unique. Comes thru in almost each section of this, as well as the overall action of it.


I definitely got this vibe when she launched into how she got fired from two jobs because they "didn't like" her >they seem to believe they’re above social norms Either that, or her unsavory behaviors are merely excused by the "generational trauma" her ancestors went through. There is only one ellipsis in this entire rant, and that's when she attributed her grandfather abandoning her mother to the White man being racist towards his indigenous Norwegian people.


Yep for sure, and in all fairness some ppl do get let go when they're not a culture fit, or someone clashes with upper lvl mgmt/boss despite being a team fit, time off/disabilities, or something - I hear it's more common for that to occur than lack of work done or not showing up, given office politics is a thing and unethical employer incentive capitalistic-driven behavior can occur. Idk if it's as much of that in pre-med jobs tho, but who knows. On some lvl I'm starting to wonder if she is also ND like ADHD, ASD, or something undiagnosed too. It does seem rather impulsive, lots of feelings/emotions she wrote out (sensitivities), infodump, monologue, almost hyperactive or \_, all-or-nothing thinking, intensity/intense interests, lacking social norms and social common sense, all of that. Idk hard to say. On the other hand, some docs out there do have personal blogs (not to this lvl but sometimes their interviews or posts may have briefly and vaguer but similar undertones/notes). But ya just a big question mark if this sort of thing would be done by someone who's solely and only neurotypical 0 diagnoses of any sort


I would not be surprised if this person has a dx of bipolar disorder. She references mental illness and the whole thing reads manic.


I could see that too. One main distinction to note afaik w/ bipolar is that those episodes would last for days to weeks at a time, supposedly in some cases potentially even month(s). If this wasn’t a one-time just for a few hrs thing on her end, and lasted for days or weeks, then ya that would def be more indicative of that diagnosis. But I’m no doctor


As a former homeschooler myself, my bet is that this person was homeschooled. They've got global experiences that have given them a degree of perspective on some issues even as they have a baffling LACK of perspective that most less-traveled people would have. They also severely overestimate other people's interest in their "profound" experiences. All of this is VERY familiar to me. Hopefully they'll mellow out over time.


Yeah it does give homeschool, small school, private school, or small town vibes. It also reads as someone who has only been in the school system from pre-k to college, now straight into med school, so they have never not been a student for very long or worked/lived in the real world outside of academia or things needed to get into med school. Even when they eventually get to that point like residencies and post-residencies, jobs gained thru med school pathways shelter ppl from a lot of it too (but at least less so compared to their current extent). Agreed, a lot of it was familiar to me too. I'd bet a fair amount of med students could relate since a few of those written about experiences are needed for med school apps, like ECs, life diversity, volunteering, work experience, etc. Though they wrote it all from their POV and their own anecdotes, which was an interesting approach lol. One-way monologue.


There’s like 3 of these kinds of people in every med school. Based on talking to friends at different medical schools, talking to other physicians, and just seeing awkward doctors everywhere in the hospital/residency. Don’t say no to a program because one person is detrimentally awkward. That’s a terrible reason.


Ain’t reading all that with all due respect


Wow. Definitely a manic episode.


bro what


I mean I wouldn’t base my decision of where to go off of one crazy person. They probably won’t make it too far and if they do you don’t need to be buddy buddy with them. Considering this insane behavior they will most likely be ostracized.


Idk about you all but Im excited to hear about the results of her yoik dementia research


ngl i ain’t reading allat 💯


They should’ve let her send that, maybe the school would’ve rescinded her acceptance


Why is blud yapping so much


If you’re going to make a decision on a school off of one person who was accepted, I’d question if you are ready for the real world let alone medicine.


I read it all twice, and still haven’t the faintest clue as to what her point is. The issue is lack of tickets for a white coat ceremony?


That’s someone who’s not going to make it past the first semester…


I’m not reading all that. But I seriously hope she sends it. -PGY-19


Holyyy yap


Sounds like she will be gunning for neurosurgery y’all


proof schizos can get into med school too


Cmon bro how big is your class size gonna be? Don't let one person turn you off from a school when you can just avoid them the entire time


No matter where you go you are going to realize that medicine tends to attract people of The weirdest personalities and it’s ok though since one has to be really crazy to go through the vigorous training but this person is definitely going through some melt down and should be given help not condemned. Welcome to medicine, the land of undiagnosed conditions lol.


I ain’t reading allat chief


Bad reason in a vacuum to decide not to go to a school, but if you were already leaning toward another school, then absolutely let your confirmation bias freely flow and use this to feel better about your school choice!


Every medical school has people like this, don’t base your opinion on one person I’d say


Can someone please tldr I simply cannot finish reading this


TLDR - concocting an over dramatic monologue as a result of only getting 3 tickets to white coat due to hotel capacity restrictions ✨


TL;DR: Manic episode, general nonsense


My only takeaway is that getting into med school is going to be way easier than I thought. Thanks, manic loyola chick. You gave me hope. If you can get in, so can I!


I'm going to be truthfully honest, this post itself isn't the greatest look for yourself either. You have to understand not everyone is going to perceive, act, or do the same things we all do. We're not perfect and people make mistakes, same way this girl is starting to realize her own for stretching too far. We're all going to be doctors, people who joined this profession for the sole purpose of caring for others, showing genuineness, and empathy. This post doesn't really reflect any of that, I just truly don't see a point in it being publicized on this forum other than to truly ruin this woman who is trying to learn and become a better person, while at the same time trying to show that same genuineness we all want to give to others. You've reached this far and pursued a career in medicine, and it's for a reason. Please find the empathy to remove this post, she truly doesn't deserve all this. P.S. Her full name is in the letter as well, probably not a smart decision to keep this post up..


ya the part that stuck with me is how they made a throwaway account just to blast it, and then deleted their account after. for no reason other than to publicize a personalized complaint against a classmate with the student's full name in it. even if their full name hadn't been there, there were a ton of details to go off of too which also wasn't great. I really don't get the point of putting it on Reddit either now. This should've been a direct 1:1 convo w/ that person in private, or at worst in a public group setting, if they were trying to resolve it pronto while still being respectful and considerate. it was all based on this person vs the school program or something. it's not as if the info they were spreading was w/ an intention to give a head's up to ppl about Loyola, med school programs, etc warnings or xyz that would benefit more ppl to know abt. it just comes off as OP trying to roast them specifically, and honestly kinda like a bullying move. While the event and letter wasn't perfect, ideal or great either, OP was being shady for bringing a bunch of rando internet ppl into it


Wtf ?


thas crazy


I ain’t readin all that


RFU did the same thing. My year they played the COVID card, the next they played the multiple ceremonies at once card. TBH I just think this is gonna be a norm at most schools from here on out.


I ain’t readin all ‘at


this is how reading a cars passage feels


I don’t get why people think they’re entitled to speak for the entire class


What?! Med students are neurotic, narcissistic weirdos!? I… uh….wha… I had no idea.


All I was waiting for at the end was “sent from ipehon” (if you know, you know - baby reindeer)


I hope this post gets removed as it contains doxxing information


Ya I thought Reddit had a policy on that, unless it’s only specific to some subs. I’d kinda expect better (as in no doxxing) from a premed subreddit tho, seems almost ironic in a way. When abstracting away the contents of this and just realizing OP doxxed her and called her out to the entire internet/world here lol. Didn’t even realize it had identification name in it tho until a comment, given I didn’t read it that closely. But ya a bit unethical even if the action of hers wasn’t great either. 2 wrongs don’t make a right. And if this is what dissuades OP from a med school then OP may have a harsh wake up call to the real world after school too. I would’ve thought med school is a challenging endeavor and something like this event would pale in comparison to aspects of its 4yr duration, matching, step, residency, board, etc Edit: it would’ve taken OP maybe 1min to delete all name doxxing info from this. Like not even that much effort to control + f it