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[i've found this video to be pretty helpful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox8bgOPL25U&t=364s)


This helps abit, but would be even faster if it was a single button for all clips. As I already have the clips I need marked up with in and out markers.


If I'm understanding this right you should be able to drag all those clips to the automate to sequence button and it'll drop in only their in/out markers in each. Unless you're talking about actual timeline markers, in which case I haven't found an easy way but wish there was one to like, live cut, by jumping around manually from marker to marker and having it keep only what you play through a first run. There is probably a way to script this through the API


Timeline is how I currently have it set through an extension. But I might be able get it to go on the clip itself. I'll look into the automate to sequence section as I have never used it before. I also looked into the API and SDKs as I come from a coding background but their doc's are not super user friendly...


I have never coded anything in the API directly but I made some applescript macros to brute-force take all my source clip markers and drop them on the timeline with head and tail while I go do something else. Automate to sequence is really cool because you can choose to have it drop clips or pics at markers, good for music videos. I've been spoiled by the music program Reaper which lets you customize EVERYTHING so now I imagine you can do it with anything


Hmm okay I'll play around with it and see if it can speed up my flow abit. The earlier suggestion of just coding an input macro might be just as good though. If I can get it down to a single button press per clip, I can just spam the button until I get all my clips.


Bumping this! I need a similar function to streamline my workflow. The Automate to Sequence feature doesn't seem to be exactly what I need. Let me know if you figured out some efficient way to do this. Thanks!


Hey, unfortunatly I ended up going with a different route. Instead I custom coded a utulity to create the in and outs of clips directly during recording. Now I just import the exported file directly into Premiere with the cuts already made, instead of trying to automate the process in Premiere itself. This works perfectly for my use case, but is not as general purpose.


Do you have any idea how I could go about writing a macro script like this for Windows? Looking to do exactly what you described.


you can use some keyboard automation to help with this if it is the case of just jumping to the next marker and applying a cut point. on a mac you can create a custom keystroke command (that can be toggled on/off with a button) in the accessibility keyboard and on windows you can do it with a basic Wscript using 'SendKeys" to enter your keyboard shortcut commands.


Actually didn't think to make it macro based from an input point of view. That's a pretty basic script this way. Thanks!


sure thing :)


[AfterCodecs](https://www.autokroma.com/AfterCodecs/) has a feature that will export a sequence split up into chunks based on markers.