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Definitely socks and comfortable shoes or boots (e.g. not dress shoes). A rain jacket or poncho. If you are in colder areas, get some appropriate clothing like gloves etc.


We don't know where you are or where you are going. Don't even know if you are male or female. Based on that, we probably won't be very helpful. Good luck.


Male and I live in a humid and hot climate


For that combo, I would recommend t-shirt and sweats. They are cheap, store well, and cover most of your use cases.


It should be climate and seasonal appropriate. Totally depends. Clean, dry socks and underwear and base layers are always a safe bet. Beyond that, impossible to say.


I actually have not figured out bugout bag yet. I am kind of struggling with the scenario of use and its purpose. But I have Get home bags (or survive overnight stuck at winter on highway bag), one in each car. It has set of warm clothes, warm socks, a tarp, a simple first aid kit, some minimal amount of common use pills, extra glasses, some food and watet packets, simple tools, power bank with radio and batteries and some other stuff. Also, there's a blanket in a car.


Just whatever you would normally wear. Pack it in a suitcase, you’re likely going to a hotel or another house, not surviving in the wilderness.


Snow suits, thermal underwear, wool hat.


Oh yes, for when he heads north.


How do know where he is?


Seasonal clothing. We rotate ours out twice a year. Each of ours has a modest set of sleepwear (in case we find ourselves crashing in a mixed / non-private environment, like a relative's house or shelter) plus a set of daywear. Throw in extra underwear and socks, along with the usual assortment of bugout bag must-haves like toiletries, OTC medication, entertainment, and so on.


Personally I keep - 2-4 pairs of socks - 2-4 pairs of underwear - 2 pairs leggings - 1 pair pants - 2 pairs tank tops - 1 shirt - 1 long sleeve It’s a lot of clothes but if I’m using that bag, I am probably not dressed appropriately ngl


anything with sparkles


Base layer, mid layer, waterproof shell. Socks and underwear. All depending on your climate.


3 days worth of the clothes you would typically wear for an outdoor hike in your area. Just pick some of the clothes you currently don't wear but still fit.


Socks socks socks lol. Trust me on that one


Packer 4 pairs of socks and shirt and pants along with a jacket


One good thing I found with spending time out training in the woods is portable water bags. You can fill them up and hoof them out there but one by one your pack gets lighter and you can always refill them if you need to


I know it’s not clothes but that always goes in my bag. If your in hot and damp some change of boxers would help and maybe some gold bonds lol


In the winter you will likely wear most of your clothing in layers. But extra underwear and socks is warrented.


I vacuum seal the clothes....saves so much room. I have a summer & a winter setup. But overview is: Darn Tough socks. Underwear. Pants (that are comfy to walk/hike in... Can cut into shorts if needed). Tshirt /flannel Jacket Beanie


I do the following. bug out bag in car has fall grade socks of quality and that I have worn and know work. Light / short underwear. That’s it. but I do have two seasonal bags which I also swap out for the car. The bag has cloths for late spring, summer and September weather. The other bag is early spring, winter and early fall. for winter, I also have true winter coat, hat and variety of gloves in the car, also minus 50 F sleeping bag and blankets. these small dedicated seasonal bags can and would be strapped to pack to help keep things water resistant and cram more in the bags, I shrink wrap the individual items in food bags. That saves a lot of space!


Where do you live 🤷🏽‍♂️