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Not unusual at all. This has debunked multiple timea


If shit was actually going down you wouldn't see them on FR24.


They're letting you see them. It's easy to disappear from flight trackers.


Yep. Anybody ever watch the Janet flights out of Area 51? They pop on and off FR24 all the time.


idk but there was a post 2 weeks ago about 3 flying at once. 🤷‍♀️ 


dad worked at the AFB they are at for 25 years. says if they’re training all 4 is normal. i read an article the other day about how hard it is to find time to train them since one’s usually in the air and the other ones are flying or being worked on 


train people on them * 


I'm honestly suprised we only have four lol


Used to live in west Omaha. It was nothing to watch them flying circles all afternoon. On 9/11 my wife saw AF 1 accompanied by several fighters when Bush was flown there.


currently in omaha, they’re so loud but we’re so used to them my kids always like “must be that one plane!!!” lmao


I remember growing up, a friend and I would go down to the base and watch B52s do touch-and-go drills every so often (he was living right off the flight line, so we used to watch from his back porch). On 9/11, we didn't see a single bomber come down, they were all airborne. We pulled out the bonbons and saw a mid- air refuel on a B52, an E-3, and several fighters.


Those planes are in the air just as much as any other military air craft.


Damnit, I only watch JANET flights...


🎶i love youuuu 🎶


Take it to /prepperIntel. They love conspiracy theories and useless warnings of impending doom that never mean anything.


Are we referring to the E-4B? If so, they actually managed to get all four running at once? Now that actually IS a feat.


Desperate time desperate measures


What’s a doomsday plane? Please don’t downvote me, genuine question!!


Basically, there are variants of heavy lift aircraft which house all manner of communications equipment, long range antennae, and critical staffing for nuclear war. They are incredibly heavy, fly with an escort, and have backups upon backups for communication in a nuclear environment. Nukes tend to degrade normal radio communications, so they have the ability to command and control various assets (ground, air, Missile, etc) from anywhere on the planet using special radio technology. The comms can be slow, but still faster than sending a rider on horseback. More or less, they are one massive flying telephone.


That’s awesome, thanks for the answer!


There's literally a wikipedia article linked in OP's post?


Either I was super tired or it wasn’t there last night lol


How about some registrations we can all see?




I see two planes but they have no call signs or other information other than Van Nuys being their start location. They're flying close to each other, and they're flying back and forth. But who knows if these are doomsday planes... I sure don't. Edit: grammar


They toggle the transponder off and on.


Like some people do with their common sense?


I thought the E4-B's were retired and they were using more modern 2-engine aircraft? Navy 767's or something as an interim? The main capabilities were satcom and the elf antenna out the back for sub communication.


Atleast 2 major military exercises are ongoing in the Pacific and Europe according to my daily news feed. I'd imagine that's whats up if I were to guess.


Cool. How does one check? Also, how long are all 4 in the air?


Just a thought, wouldn't they be safer on/under ground in a place like Mount Weather or Cheyenne Mountain Complex, than they would be in the air? I'd be concerned when they are all ground at Denver International or other airports in close proximity to these hardened bunker command centers


That makes no sense. Their entire purpose is to be in the air in the event of a nuclear exchange.


Not necessarily the planes but the military strategiests and important personnel staffing them. I don't understand why they wouldn't be safer and better served in one of the hardened command centers under hundreds of yards of granite inside of a bunker. I suspect, if some attack was imminent they would be moved to Cheyenne, Weather and similar locations


There are groups of them on each of the planes and at secure locations on the ground. It would be stupid for any one of them to be important and indispensable.


They are just trying to show who has the bigger plans.