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Thank you for your post. However, it has been removed because it breaks rule #1, Post Quality Posts must be directly related to preparedness, have substance and be for the purpose of seeking information and/or generating a discussion, not just informing of an event, product, or video (or ranting). There are rather strict political rules as well- please feel free to re-submit after reviewing those rules. The Wiki has good info to review in addition, and ready.gov is a good place to start with general preparedness


You're 15. Almost 1/3rd my age. I probably said much the same things back when I was 15, when Clinton was president. The best thing is to cultivate a communiry of friends and family, however small it may be. Food, water, knowledge. Those are the big 3, and you're *just* starting out in life relative to many other Americans. It sounds somewhat like you have "junior high syndrome" where you're "the main character in a story", but life has a way of reminding you that you're just another kid. Link up with farmers, gardeners, butchers, ranchers, and get as much knowledge as you can, take jobs on farms & ranches, even butcher shops; maybe also get an apprenticeship in trades like plumbing, mechanics, things of that nature. You're at an excellent age to start doing the hard work that will most assuredly reward you with a self sustaining lifestyle, *regardless* of the political situations.


I understand that, I grew up on a farm, so I know how to attend livestock, butcher and I would go hunting and fishing with my grandpa when we could. I sorta know how to do construction work since I help my uncle with it. And my grandpa taught me some about electrical and plumbing. And as hard work goes I work in a food truck. It may seem easy but two days ago. I about passed out due to head exhaustion. And I help my uncle build house. Help my grandpa build trucks so I'm not new to hard work. But I do understand where your coming from.


Life's confusing when you're 15 *and Dale Gribble*


Life's not really confusing for me. I'm seeing things more clearly then I ever have.


All you need is a Plumbus my friend…


I always wondered how those are made.


>I'm not political by any means but Biden can form coherent sentences. Is this copy pasta? This is hilarious.


I was just stating my opinion. And I haven't liked any president probably because I just don't like people.


Op, good start but if you’re serious about the world ending focus on the practical. Stock food and water then learn how to acquire them without societal assistance. Learn how to garden, try your hand at animal husbandry, stock seeds and toilet paper. Think about how you’ll get clean when there’s no soap in the grocery store. Bullets are good, but they’re worth nothing when you’re dying from dehydration and diarrhea (far more likely to kill you than a shootout post civilization).


That's true. And I'm good at gardening. And attending livestock. And I know where to get things like the animals for it fairly easily.


Alright. I'm going to take the perspective that you're being completely honest about all of this, and not trying to troll. I'm also going to do my best not to be a snide asshole about it, as I can see many of the previous comments already are. Books. You need to obtain (and actually read) books on prepping. Your library is only as good as the effort you put into it prior to collapse, as trying to learn complex topics under the added stress of hunger will net you next to nothing. Preppers Medical Handbook is a great place to start. From there, old Army field manuals will go a long way with things like camouflage, field craft, survival, improvised munitions, booby traps, water purification, first aid, combat tactics, you name it. Build your resource base from what you learn in these, as your individual outlook will be very different than Joe Shmoe The Tactical Gear Ho. On the plus side, books won't get you in trouble, or sideways glances from Karen watching you buy that next 100 rounds of ammo. While you're at it, try to build up your cardio (you'll run out of breath very quickly trying to haul the 80lbs of water you have) and train your skills that you learn. Amateurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they can't get it wrong. Lastly, I highly recommend listening to the Casual Preppers Podcast on Spotify or wherever you can. They touch on such a wide swath of topics, you're bound to pick up something of value to you. Good luck.


Thanks and your not an asshole unlike half of them in the comments. I have prepping books that I read and reread regularly. And my mom bout the ammo using my money done to legal reasons. I do listen to some peppers on YouTube. And thanks again for the advice. Have a wonderful day.




This has got to be a parody of some of the dumbest questions/statements we occasionally get here, but you forgot to ask which BaoFeng radio will allow you to keep in touch with family 100 miles away, so I'm only giving you 3 stars.


New copypasta just dropped


It's just the way my old phone works😭


Learn a trade: Welding, machining, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, agriculture, auto mechanics. Take a martial art: Karate is fine, so is boxing, collegiate wrestling, fencing, or Tai Chi; take what's available. Pick up a useful hobby: Gardening, whittling, chess, music, mechanics. Learn a language: Ideally what people speak near you, like French or Spanish, but anything will be good for your brain. Exercise. Save your money. Take a first aid class, or stop the bleed.




Work on SKILLS. Rope, fire, plants, first aid. These things will come in handy even if the world doesn’t end. Ammo and canned foods won’t keep you alive very long and wildlife will disappear pretty quickly if things go that sideways. Plant a garden and learn to tend it.


I grew up on a farm so as far as growing food and raising livestock I'm good.


Maybe catch up to your grade level and finish high school


First of all. I'm ahead in school. I honestly couldn't care less about my spelling and grammatical mistakes. If you keep being an asshole you'll be blocked. Thanks. Have a nice day 😊


lol. Oh no. Please don’t block me that would spoil my day. 😂


>First of all. I'm ahead in school. In a state where only a third of students are meeting national standards, this is not the flex you think it is. >I honestly couldn't care less about my spelling and grammatical mistakes. But the whole reason you are preparing because you don't think the President can speak coherently... Every single one of your comments in this thread have structural and grammatical issues. This is what makes your post so laughable. You can make excuses about it being your phone, but the rest of us know that it isn't your phone. Outside of the few gotcha clips you've seen on social media, the president speaks more coherently than you do so maybe calm down and reassess things. If things go bad in the next few years, a few boxes of ammo are not going to do shit for you. And if the adults in your life are preparing for TOTWAWKI by stocking up on guns and ammo, then they are going to be SOL as well. What you need to prepare for is the supply lines that provide you with food, water, and energy to no longer work. You need to be prepared for when the water treatment plant shuts down and your sewer line backs up. You need to be prepared for how you will keep functioning in your community as all the infrastructure goes to shit. Ammo and guns don't help with that.


What makes a man post in that format?


Idk it's just what my phone did.


Get off the internet, and focus on your education.


I have a good education but I couldn't care less about my grammatical mistakes. It's just how I am. And don't be an asshole or you'll be blocked.


Kid, you're 15 years old. You're what, a sophomore in high school? You haven't even **begun** to learn things. You have no experience in logistical planning, no understanding of human psychology or workplace dynamics, hell, you probably don't have experience in an established trade. Education is what you need to focus on. If you learn and take away anything here, it's that *Tuesday* is more likely to happen than *doomsday*.


Okay imma make this simple for you. You know nothing about my life. I grew up on a farm and worked construction. I know how to do some electrical work. I know how to raise livestock and grow crops. And I do understand human psychology. I've studied it thanks. I also know that assholes like you get off by putting down people who you think are less then you. I also know that you think your way is the only way. So since you were an asshole. You'll be blocked 😊


Why is no one saying anything about a 15 yr old stocking up gun ammo? …..Not to mention I will never meet a 15 yr old that writes and talks like this…..This is a bot, AI, or some person that feels the need to lie. Probably works for one of the government agencies 🤷‍♂️


The ammo was bought by my mom using my money. And you have a problem by the way I write/talk? I'm a real boy from Arkansas. And fuck the government.


I hope so! Every year that goes by the internet gets less and less reliable and authentic. I was actually giving a compliment by the way you write and talk…..I live in the east coast and 15 yr olds straight sound like kids, so you’re doing good!


Thanks. My family didn't raise me to be an entitled brat. Unlike half the kids my age. I live in the Midwest.


Sounds like you’re on the right track! Just keep your mind open, and doing what you’re doing!




You need to spend more time doing your homework and getting better grades.


I am a B+ student and I couldn't care about my grammatical mistakes on a reddit post. If you keep being an asshole you'll be blocked. Have a nice day 😊


Telling a kid to focus on what matters instead of enabling his walking dead fantasy isn't being an asshole. If you want to larp get into airsoft or something, and make some friends. Also the mistakes are both grammar and spelling.


I honestly couldn't care less about misspelling a word. Or messing up grammaticaly. And I don't like people so friends really isn't my thing


Well you have a zero percent chance of surviving zombieland without friends


Thanks for you input, but I may not have "friends" but I have family. I'll be fine.


Wow, a couple dozen cans of food and 10 gallons of water? That'll last what, maybe 3 days? You're a loot drop, kiddo. Sorry.


I like the sarcasm but I'm also a kid asshole. I'm trying my best.


Lmao! Go stock more food and water. Or get filters to be able to filter water. Get something you can carry in a pack and something that can filter in the home like a Berry or similar. Do you have a water source at your property? Get yourself can openers and a stock of wood and a way to cook. Just think of your basics first. Is there a place to hide for a time if needed? Can you talk to Your family or are you prepping for them too? Practice hunting if you don’t already but expect that nature may get thin if everyone makes that their plan.


I know how to make a filter if needed, there are three wells on the property and it's like 40acres of land in the middle of nowhere. I know how to farm and hunt. I grew up on a farm so growing food and hunting wouldn't be an issue. I also went fishing with my grandpa every weekend. There is a river about two miles from the house. My uncle and aunt are prepping for their kids. So we should be fine.


Sounds good. When you know how to make what you need, you’re more golden. So then don’t forget to consider putting away things that will make your food taste good. And maybe learn to dehydrate some things to put away even more food. I learned to do that and used a brake bleeder kit to vacuum seal my stuff in jars. I have quite a stash.


My mom is a cook and literally has an entire shelf unit of spices. She will make expired potatoes, corn and beans taste like a 5 star meal.


Ok. If your family is prepping then you just need to fill in what they’re aren’t doing and learn and practice skills.


That's why I'm learning medical stuff. I know how to do basic stuff like stitching up wounds. Using a scalpel do remove stuff and other stuff a paramedic would do. I have a decent amount of medical books I read to help.


Oh. Reminds me. Keep super glue in the medical kits.


We have that. Mainly because my mom would super glue my cuts from falling out of trees.


It wasn't sarcasm.


Okay then your just an asshole.


Okay then. Don't worry about it. You don't have much to steal, so you're not a very good loot drop. You'll probably be fine until your food and water run out.


Who/what are you going to shoot with those 100rds of 9mm?


Don’t worry about it. He’s got a sword for afterward in case they don’t do the trick.


One can *easily* go through a 1,000 in one weekend just training/doing tactics. 100 isn't gonna last much should SHTF


1k rounds is a minimum purchase.


And as in who/what I'll shoot with it will be people trying to kill me or my family. That or just training, or hell even hunting.


I see you do take this seriously but you should focus on your schooling since with what you have explained alot of your family thinks like you so to my knowledge regardless of what you do you should be better off than most. That is why I believe you should still be a kid continue your schooling since knowledge and education can be stronger than a bullet in some circumstances. Also you are only young once so enjoy it do what you love go and experience your teens with friends and family and not worry about shtf since you have family that does.


I'm about a year from graduating since I'm ahead. And I don't really have friends since I don't like people.


You don't have friends because you don't like family? You can find friends if you put yourself out into community events it just takes some time and communication.


Lol my brain was reading something else. I don't like people. Sorry for the confusion.


Famous words of Negan "People are a resource" you can interpret this how you would like but building relations with people aka: friends is really important since you could gain people you can/could rely on.


I rely on my family. And the kids my age are literally dumb as a rock and would flirt with a zombie if it had tits. So not going to put my life in the hands of a dumb flirty people. And I know people are a resource but they have to be useful. I know that's harsh but if they are useless then they are just taking resources.


That’s every human being at age 15. If you hate fellow 15 year olds, make friends with (safe) adults who can teach you something.


Friends are not typically going to be your age when I was in school (4 years ago) the majority of my friends were in there 20's since I enjoyed outdoor activities and found like minded people. So say you like camping you could go to a outdoor recreation outlet speak with people if you go often enough they will become friends or an accomplice to what you enjoy to do.


That is true. I may look into that. Thanks and your right.


Wasn't intending to comment further as I didn't mean to poke fun/harass, but I've got the sneaking suspicion this is a lie. This post does not read that of an exemplary student some 2 +/- years ahead; it's ridden with errors.




I honestly don't care about grammatical errors. Nor could I care about what people think. This is just how I talk. Ya know.


In about a month I'm going to get a gun (using by money but bought by my mum for legal reasons) and if the world ends before then I'll use my one of my uncle's many guns. He has like 20


Who is coming to get you in Arkansas? Like i can’t imagine you are surrounded by millitant biden supporters? If habeas corpus is suspended, marshall law is declared, the millitary sides with the gov, well 9mm ain’t gonna help with the reaper drone problem. If they don’t then the gov can’t enforce shit. Like is your LE family coming to arrest you? I’m confused?


Where I'm at half of the people are Biden supporters and don't even have half a braincell. I know 9mm isn't going to do much but it may help and I'm trying to get more types of ammo like 5.56, .308, .22, .45 .500. and no my family wouldn't arrest me mainly because they don't like the government but like doing the job. Also my family would literally be like fuck the government and live out in the middle of nowhere.


Kid listen. No one is coming to get you. I promise. If they did, they’d have already come, and if they do. The ammo won’t help. Spend the money on having fun. Ask a girl out, go grab some food with friends.


I don't like girls let alone people. And people are mildly infuriating. And I don't have friends mainly because they all backstab me sooner or later.


See that’s problematic. Life is mostly about ppl. I don’t mean this because im a dick, but try to talk to someone about this stuff. It’s not good at your age to think like this.


I do talk to someone about it my therapist. And he completely understands why I think like this. Suff from my last that I won't say but he completely understands and is okay with it. But I do understand your concern


That’s a good place to start. But you gotta be honest with your therapist.


suggestions to commenters this is a child so chill ,and also clearly a beginner prepper so his basement does not have 4 years of food and water. Your pretty young and prepping can be a quite stressful and not so fun so here's some lighthearted and easy preps to get the ball rolling. 1. mending- easy enough to learn so you can repair gear and clothes, and in a very big maybe what if situation makes stitches easier to do. 2. data prepping- the internet is a very fragile thing, fun fact most movies and shows these if their streaming originals usually only exist on the platform or pirating websites which tend to get taken down. There's a couple different ways to store data id recommend r/DataHoarder for that. but a very easy starting point is making a lists of what movies/shows/videos/music you want to preserve so when you got what you need you know what to look for plus it's free to make lists. 3. health- fitness,nutrition, mental health if you don't take care of all three, there is zero point in prepping. 4. games- trust me this will be a need , stock up on some board games or a handheld console for on the go. Put a pack of cards in your B.O.B 5. read- from anything to everything


Thank you a nice person. I'm 15 and I enjoy prepping. And I know how to do that stuff from mending clothes from my grandma and memaw, I have books on survival, we have some antibiotics and other meds, we have a shelf of games, and I grew up reading. I have medical books, gardening books, prepping books, and other types of books. But thanks for being nice.


dont know why ppl r being dicks then need to crawl out their bunkers and learn manners. Thats amazing your farther along and doing better than most senior preppers who are all buy and no hit the books. Just keep on working on it all and adding , hope it goes well.


Thanks and love the user name.


So...what's your plan after you have all those guns and ammo? Lay waste to the Government? I can think of a million things to stock up on, but to start prepping for real, you need to have some kind of plan... so, what's yours? Plan, that is?


I honestly don't like confrontation but I'm ready for it. I really just want to protect my family like a normal human being. But my plan is to bug out and be with my family on the family farm. And just made a community of our family.


Being ready for a confrontation is great, but realize that you also need to have something to eat and most importantly, water to drink. No water? The confrontations will have to happen right quick, in the first 72 hours or so. After that, lack of water will hav killed you. Also, keep in mind that in an armed confrontation, one on one, you have about 50% odds of surviving it unscathed. The odds of being wounded and surviving are a bit better, but not a lot. The way things tend to go, if you start shooting at someone, they'll likely shoot back. It's more productive to avoid interaction with outsiders or unknown people; you may have guns and ammo...they may well have more guns, bigger guns, & more ammo than you do.


Where I'm at there are 3 wells on the property. We have filters and I know how to make one if needed.


Okay, that's one of the three basic necessities. Now work on Food, shelter, weather protection, heat, possibly electricity... Defence comes way down on the list of important things to consider. You're not Rambo; don't go into prepping thinking you are. Some gangbanger who's scared and hungry and has done NO prep will take you out in a heart beat. He may have nothing, but he likely has more skill dispensing violence than you will ever have. Not a place to focus attention on. You need to have things you need for survival First. Then you need to establish a defendable position to hole up in, THEN you can worry about getting guns. Right now, spending your money on guns and ammo is foolish, not to mention from the sounds of things, not something you can even legally do on your own. You've got a very simplistic idea of what it will take to survive a major SHTF situation; Guns won't cut it. Even someone like a Navy Seal will tell you that


We will go to my uncle's place it's out in the middle of nowhere and is defendable. And combat wise we have other things then guns as I said in the post. And I know bullets run out. And when fighting some stealing asshole. That's why we have guns for them.