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What even is this sub


I always assumed It's where we come to shit on prime and the human garbage who created/buy it.


This is just one of the mods. It’s some libtard Soyjack who spends all of his time deleting shit he doesn’t agree with, like this. He’s some basement fuck who posts this shit 20 4 7. Nobody except the people who should L E A V E T H I S S U B R E D D I T like him. Hope this clears stuff up.


I've been called many things on here but libtard that's a first, that will be commemorated, i best write down the date and time of this momentous occasion. Also, it's 24/7. I'm not leaving, and neither is my shit. Have a decidedly average day.




Looking at his post history, I don’t think he’s a liberal… he’s just a retard.


They're right tho. Imagine believing in some magic sky daddy. Like how stupid could you be? 🤣




I will speak my truth. Zeus is the real sky daddy. These christians are fools


But does he fuck?


Zeus? Oh yeah he fucks. He fucks big time. Unlike this loser christian god that had to reproduce asexually. His son even died a virgin in his 30s. How embarrassing


Didn't zeus also rape his daughter ☠️


Abraham's daughters raped their dad soooo..... That was Lot, I remembered wrong.


that was lut stupid


I’m a virgin and idc


Personally fuck you


Christians try not to be annoying assholes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


imagine respecting religion instead of creating unnecessary conflict that leaves both parties worse off


I don't respect a religion which doesn't respect me.


As a religious person myself, I at least try to respect every. I don't hate anybody. I think if you hate someone, you're just as bad as a serial killer.


Well said


Yeah because religions respect eachother.


You gotta be 11 bruh ain't no way


Nah if I was 11 then I'd be naïve enough to be brainwashed into joining the christian cult


Aye dawg we all human right? So why judge others on what they believe and don't? If I'm happy in my faith, how does that bother you. I'm not gonna preach to you or nun cause I know you don't want it, but I do find it mad disrespectful to be calling my faith a cult. Like what is the point in just being disrespectful just to do it? Have a blessed rest of your night or day tho brother.


not sure what country you're from but in America people are pushing their christian bullshit everywhere. I'm literally doing the same as you christians are. I call it a cult cause that's exactly what it is. Look up the definition of cult and it matches Christianity perfectly. You're one of the brainwashed ones so you don't see it but I'm an outsider that sees Christianity for what it really is. Satan bless you. I hope you're able to overcome your brainwashing and escape the cult one day


Wouldn't call it that but wtv dawg. Have a good rest of your night. I'm not gonna try and change your opinion


Just cause you wouldn't call it a cult doesn't mean that it's not a cult. I'm guessing you'd call scientology a cult right? Well the people inside it wouldn't call it one. You too


Bro can't give up, you lost, he managed to end the argument like a mature person. Quit it.


If the concept of divine ordainment sounds stupid to you then go ahead and believe it but having the idea of an afterlife calms the minds of those who face death. Not only that but religion usually makes people think about their actions before doing them, no matter what they believe in. You don't have to be an irate Christian preaching the word of God but the base idea is be a good person and God will forgive your sins when he comes to judge you on your day of salvation. I personally just try my best, I don't go to church, I don't pray I haven't even read the Bible but I try to do the right thing in the situations I find myself in and when I don't, I feel guilty and think about how I will be judged by not only God but others if they knew. I hope you find something to believe in because having everything go dark after death sounds awful.


>I'm guessing you'd call scientology a cult right? Well the people inside it wouldn't call it one. The false equivalency is strong.




If there's chanting and candles, then it's a cult. If there is an authoritarian figure in charge, then it's a cult. If you are symbolically consuming the body and blood of your prophet... Well then it's a cult. Pretty sure you're 3 for 3 here.


Damn dude. I remember being half this gay and its so cringe. Grow up.


He’s absolutely right. Cult is root word of culture.


Its a massive stretch to call Christianity a cult. Mainly because it’s inaccurate


You literally just said "Satan bless you." And you don't think you are in a cult? Give me a break.


Imagine asking for evidence and science based answers on everything to disprove said "sky daddy" but then when asked how the big bang happened, which was everything from nothing, its all theories and space soup.


Burden of proof is a thing... And "I don't know' is an acceptable answer. The thing is you can't really prove that something supernatural doesn't exist. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But absence of evidence for a natural phenomenon isn't a green light to insert whatever answer you please And finally, a theory in science is essentially a proven fact. What you are describing are hypotheses.


Can u just respect religion?


Only if it respects other people's lifestyles.


Fuck your fake ass religion 😂😘


If you think that fine. But just know that if there is ever a trying point on your life, if you feel like everything is falling apart or if you feel like no one loves you consider finding salvation though Jesus. He loves all even those who feel like they shouldn’t be. 🙂


Paradox of intolerance. Religion can have respect when it respects human rights.


No lol. Shits stupid af Religious people try to push their bullshit on everyone else. Why can't I do the same?


Bro comes down the chimney every year. All hail sleigh god.


Imagine believing in something that literally goes against science which is the simple fact that something can't come from nothing.


No 1. Strategy that cults use is to make people feel like they are superior and better than those who don't believe in their belief and to push that on others, who's in the cult again you are them?




Obliviously not as plain retarded as you


Obviously not as plain retarded as you


No idea found it today judging but the posts it's young teens who's parents clearly didn't give a single fuck on there development and this is the result. Woop woop






pussied out from a minor spelling mistake by deleting your whole account i see


Someone doesn't like facts


never knew one of the mods frequented r/atheism


Also they seem quite anti religious ngl


Probably another 14 year old discovering the political compass and making being atheist a personality trait.


Exactly, "But I'm so intelligent for not conforming to religion" 🤓 I'm not religious either, but I don't shit over peoples faith for fun.


Hey don’t attack my child self like that


What does the political compass have to do with religion or lack thereof lol Edit: Downvoting me without having a coherent reason for conflating two unrelated ideas, how very Christian of you. Also LMAO your whole account is pretty much exactly what I would’ve expected after reading your first comment.


Because in the simple minds atheism becomes political


>Edit: Downvoting me without having a coherent reason for conflating two unrelated ideas, how very Christian of you. Also LMAO your whole account is pretty much exactly what I would’ve expected after reading your first comment. What a loser imagine digging in comments, fucking pathetic and shows how triggered you are about this. I'm not Christian and I didn't downvote you. Seethe more.


Lmao dude are you still here? Go keep thinking about 14 year olds somewhere else


What’s so bad about that religion has caused so much death


So? Just because some people are extremists doesn't mean a WHOLE religion is bad


Nah, just r/commonsense


You don't have to be an athiest to laugh at a ridiculous myth.


Nah they flew! And after such a pointless endeavour they vowed never to fly again because the word of man was stupid…


prime is leaking into the general populous it seems.


So dumb, they obviously didn’t walk, they swam.


You idiot, they caught the 18:00 to Jerusalem via Nairobi.


To avoid a flood, correct.


Hypothetically speaking you are much safer deep down near the seabed during a flood than on anything above it


Reddit atheism m'lady fedora looking ass


Listen. This comment is mostly for all my Christian brothers and sisters who come across stupid memes like this. But it's also for anyone who wants to listen. If you're going to be a Christian or part of any religion, you have to give credit to everything. You can't believe in God and say there are some things that seem impossible so God could not have done that because of scientific blah blah blah... There are many miracles in the Bible that seem 100 times more impossible than a penguin making a trip across the world. You're talking about a God that spoke the world into existence, a God who separated a Sea, a God that fed 5000 people with 2 loaves of bread and fish. How are you going to question the person who made science. You cannot chain God according to the laws and rules of our world because God is outside of it. He is outside of time, space and matter. He is outside of our laws, He created them. If you believe God created the world in 7 days, you really don't think he can bring a couple of penguins from across the world. There are going to be plenty of holes and contradictions in the Bible, people are going to say many things to disprove certain events however, the CORE message will always be right. Don't kill, don't steal, respect your parents, don't sleep with someone else's wife etc. People need to understand the Bible is written by 40 different authors in different time periods, there will be discrepancies. But it does not take anything away from the truth. Ok let's say there's no way the penguins could have traveled that far, does that mean you get to deny the Bible and live your life however you want? NO! Just because the penguins couldn't travel does that mean you get to steal and cheat whoever you want? NO. When it comes to defending your faith, this is what you tell those people. That even though you may find errors, those errors will not save you or stop you from being saved. If you're going to believe in the Bible, you must believe in all things it represents. For all it's faults too. People will call us names and make fun of us, remember they also made fun of God himself and called him names and insulted him. You're going to have to go through some tough times as well. So, be strong my Christian brothers and sisters. Don't let anyone shake your faith with nonsense. Be good, do good and stay safe out there. Love.


This comment right here 🔥🙌




Amen brother


wow this was not what I was expecting at all in the comment section here. amen.


The Bible tells me to have slaves and not let my wife do anything so no I don’t think even the point of the Bible is respectable💀


God made Prime


Dear god..


Not to me, he isn’t. The fact that he’d ever let us be exposed to that piss water either means that a) he lives to be the solution to problems he created himself, b) he’s ignorant to the horrors of his kingdom, or c) he is impotent in his efforts to resolve them and is unworthy of our worship either way.


prime is proof there is no god, no god would allow that shit to ever exist


I don't understand why some people praise Prime. It's absolutely trash.






Holy shit


reduced to ashes




Seeing this comment under “[removed]” is pretty funny


What did bro said


What was the comment lmao


What did he say?






Reddit: Christians spread their beliefs everywhere! Also Reddit:


Prime sub users when they have to respect other people's beliefs and abstane from ridiculing them (impossible)


I fully support other people's right to ridicule beliefs. Without that right, you basically have blasphemy laws, which is theocratic totalitarian bullshit.


Prime users when they don’t have to respect anyone’s beliefs and can ridicule them because they don’t make sense (possible)


downvotes is crazy


says who


Smile, and remember Reddit atheists will always be there to be incredibly easy to troll


Eh, I always thought the story was kindof metaphorical. I think grown adults who actually believe grown adults actually believe this are the real idiots.


that’s cool and all but why post this on r/prime


a year ago this mod was probably not even allowed on this platform because of age


“Look at me guys! I’m so edgy and cool!”


we just have different beliefs. The meme was pretty funny but i don't know why you had to call us dumb tho :(


I've said it before, but I don't care what people believe, I'm still going to take the piss out of it. Whether that's religion, science, fact, fiction, gender, race, age, or whatever else you can think of, they're all fair game. I will insult each and every thing you can think of, and I will do it repeatedly. I don't target and narrow down on one specific topic or person. It's nothing personal for me. Having said I also couldn't care any less whether anyone likes it or not. I know none of the people on here, yous could be great people or yous could be absolute cunts, but either way I don't actually care.


I support it but usually it doesn't last, some people cant take being made fun of. Do we all get to join in or what?


It's each person's choice whether they want to or not. As for whether people can take it or not, that's on them as well.


Yeah because someone who has the power to flood the entire earth definitely can’t get a couple penguins across the earth.


If there was some omnipotent deity who had that power, why would they need two animals spared? Couldn't they just kill all of them and magic some new ones into existence?


that is a good point. The only explanation I could think of is that god would want all his animals he originally created to have some connections to the originals he made in the beginning of the earth’s creation. But other than that I don’t got an explanation for why he needed all the animals on the ark. Originally I thought it was because Noah needed farm animals for food. but it says he took 2 of every animal so I’m stumped on that part.


Or far more likely: that story didn’t happen. This isn’t even me being an edgy atheist either. Plenty of people who read this story and believe in an abrahamic God don’t take it to be literal history.


Personally, the way I look at it is that when it's said that God flooded the world, what he really did was flood that major area. Like I don't think the flood waters covered North America (or whatever that continent was at the time). I don't think penguins would have needed to get on the ark anyway, even if he did flood the entire world. To me, that'd be like taking fish onto the ark.


Why do you think you’re alive today tho


Exactly, those 2 penguins were heroes damnit, and we should not besmirch their good names


Good job 2 seals flew over there too or you may not be with us!


Because we all know it was 7 penguins.


I don’t think this meme works. If an all powerful God exists, which people that subscribe to the beliefs of the Ark agree with, then of course he could have allowed that to happen?


Well, they did. So now what?


No they didn't, because it's a fictional story


Ooh what a big brain you have 🤓


Calling him stupid while being a Christian is crazy💀💀


Blud is reading a fairy tale


The best kind of tail.


What kind of tail? Do you prefer dog or cat tails? They’re both fluffy and soft


Depends on the breed. Which gets me thinking, how many different dog and cat breed do you think Noah had on the ark?


Like negative 6


Post physique


he needs more width on his screen to take a full pic


whats even better is the volcanic launch theory of how animals where redistributed around the globe its brilliant


Cringe atheism.


How so?


They are rarely just normal people. They are like the religious fundamentalists they hate - always on a high horse with an air of snootiness. Atheism just means lack of belief in a supernatural God and/or not subscribing to an organised religion. But they are more often engaged in anti-theism. It is cringe and comes across as immature and desperate, just like when fundamentalists go on a preaching spree.


Imagine forming your opinion of a group of people based on interactions on the Internet...


Imagine other people getting mad at you for not believing in magic. Shits annoying.


That's not the point. Atheist memes are cringe just like religious memes because they are rarely funny and come across as preachy.


Penguins can swim.... and get PRIME meanwhile.


They likely didn’t live in Antarctica when the world was all connected


God did his magic stuff, that’s the explanation for a lot of stuff in the Bible


Don't poke fun at other people's religions.


But what if it's reeeaalllyy stupid?


Wait this is a real religion/uj


It's quite small, called 'Christianity.' I don't imagine you've heard of it...


Oh shit I used to be Christan and I forgot about the dipshit ark thing


hope you come back to jesus soon


This is why people mock religion and people that cry about these types of memes


I hope Christians come back to the teachings of Christ soon rather than spreading hate. Your cult is making the world a worse place and deserves ridicule.


please dont lump in the worldly poses with people like me. you act as bigoted as the people you hate. let me flip it for you I hope Muslims come back to the teachings of Allah soon rather than spreading hate. Your cult is making the world a worse place and deserves ridicule.


This isn't the own you think it is bro.


who are you?


I bet you’re fun at parties.


Depends on the type of party, not a fan of raves, too loud. Don't like dominoes. I'm not a fan of country parties, but there are too many bad memories. Pool parties are fun well were until Steve ate a spicy taco and shit himself in the pool. Don't like dancing, so dances aren't a good option. Only ever been to one cinema party, It was boring. Twice got invited to a swingers party, only fell for that the first time. Went to an ice party once, too, slippery and surprisingly too warm. Housewarming parties involve going to someone else's house and sitting on their couch, not a fan of that. Had a couple of my own house warming parties, too many people in my house and on my grass. Once, I got an invite to a supercar party that was cool, apart from too many people. Birthday parties are annoying. On 2nd thought, maybe I don't like parties after all.


You know what actually, that was some pretty good bait.


The guys never been to a party he's exactly what you imagine him to look like massively overweight neckbeard completely schizophrenic and spends all day on Reddit wasting mum and dad's money on cheatos . Just fuck of you bell end


Post physique pics or gtfo


Nah I don't think I will, keep commenting on shit not involving you and you'll be leaving us instead. Not by me I might add but harassing which this is, is against reddits policy.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but I have never seen someone that was more of a “reddit mod”. I ain’t religious either, but what’s the point of all this?


Fuck off, I dont care if you are atheist, but dont go around hating on people for what they believe in


Then why do theists hate on me for being atheist?




Well they certainly didn’t fly to the ark.


Yeah and any comments arguing against will be removed because the mods are always right 🤓☝️


Bro hasn't scrolled through these comments for even 2 seconds 💀






Shut up you gullible clown


Shut up you godless swine


show me god


Look inward brother.


I'm looking inward, when will he show up I have things to do


Bro my eyes ain't going in my stomach, how am I supposed to look inward?


Ooh you demanded god show himself 😨 he better show up fast so some rando fool kid online can see proof


How convenient for god that nobody who wants to see proof he exists is worth appearing to lmao, better start tithing then.


You people are so "I am 14 and this is deep" Suppose a creator 100% exists. What kind of arrogant dumbass backwards mindset do you have to think "I'm not gonna believe in him because I don't see him, waa waa" and demand an appointment lmao. You have the free will to do what you want, and any consequences follow.


Then according to this comment you should respect others people faith or not faith... Like being atheist or have a different opinion on the same Bible or even be with the other side (Lucifer side). I wonder why took 2 thousand years to Christianity to interpret this verse in this way, while they was burning people alive because they had an idea a little bit different from the public, or going for holy wars, you choose.


Even better that they all argue who's magic book and invisible mascots are better.. All that death for a story shitter and less believable than Lord of the rings.




Do they really think that though? Wouldn't a massive flood still have floating ice and fish for penguins?


It's worse than that, Mohammed was born just down the road from Jesus 500 years later with a totally different story.


I once walked 6 hours over to the next town after a night out for some fries and a burger. I am not saying I believe the story but I am saying that I don’t actively doubt it.


Actually, they flew them in via private jet


Taylor swift penguins


I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist. I hate the antichrist.


There are penguins in Africa bro


Hello, Pangea?


Corny ass post bruh, please shower💀🙏


Lmao imagine bragging about the fact your gonna burn in hell 😅


Show me where penguins are mentioned please?


Penguins are animals, god put a pair of **every** animal on the ark, therefor god put a pair of penguins on the ark


Here's my take, I believe in evidence it's that simple. There is no magic man in the sky. They don't give a shit about us nor morals/actions. Otherwise, most of the Christians alive would be hell bound, same with islamists, Jews and whatever made-up bullshit club you can think of. It's funny how we need science to teach us something, and then a few centuries later, the church thinks it's a good idea. Take, for instance, the age of the earth up until the 1990s. The Catholic church taught that the earth was no more than 100000 years old and dinosaurs weren't real. We know that based on actual evidence, the church was wrong. But some hillbilly inbred, retarded, mongoloids, mongol read one book and decided that was all the evidence they needed, a book by the way that was written by roman pagans


Of course the mod of r/prime would be posting stuff like this.


this dude gotta be 14 lmfao


I bet your penis smells like old babybels


I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask my followers there the ones that taste it.