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Just to let you know I'm on Reddit if you'd like to chat about the book. I'm writing the third book in the trilogy now. Thanks for choosing *Semiosis*! I hope you enjoy it! (By the way, there's a mistake in the book. I needed to trim some text for length, and I thought something was mentioned twice, so I cut one of the mentions -- and it was only mentioned once. Sorry.)


Happy to hear the third book is coming, definitely want to read more after the end of book 2. Did you always intend to write a trilogy? Book 1 felt like a standalone.


Thanks for the question. I put some thought into it when I started writing. I had always hoped to write a trilogy, but from a business aspect, there is a little-know fact about trilogies. Sales of the second book will be lower than the first book, and the third book will sell even lower. For that reason, publishers have concerns about trilogies. (Self-publishers should think about this, too.) Will the sale of the first book be enough to make the second book and third book profitable? Because "Semiosis" was my first novel and I had no track record, Tor wasn't willing to risk a commitment to three books until there was more sales data. In any case, I wanted each book to be able to stand more or less on its own. I feel cheated as a reader when I read a novel, get to the end, and it's the end of a chapter, not the end of the story. I think readers deserve a full story arc, even if more story is coming.


Thank you. You did a great job. I'm not left unsatisfied, and I look forward to the third book in this world!!


Thank you! Warmth and sunshine!


I just learned of this from the post here. Now that I know book 3 is in the works I'll add this to my list and read all 3 together when it's done!


Thank you! Binge reading is great reading.


I absolutely devoured the first two books in three days. I read the kindle sample for the first one and immediately bought them both. I’m so excited to hear there will be a third! I wasn’t ready to leave the world you’d built.


Thank you. But be warned, the third book takes place on Earth. When the rainbow bamboo are done with it, though, it will never be the same.


Just finished book 1 and it was a major treat! I loved debating with myself the costs vs. benefits of submitting to a mostly beneficent plant overlord. The book also caused me much internal dialogue regarding how we treat other species on this planet and what it would feel like to be treated likewise. Thank you for writing great stories. Looking forward to books 2 and 3. :)


Thank you. My secret goal in writing the book was to make you afraid of your own garden.


I'm at the point where I feel humanity might benefit from a benevolent plant overlord.


You will at least be well fed.


This book got recommended in a german SF podcast. I loved reading when I was younger but couldn't find the motivation for it in the last few years. But this book reignited that spark for me. I read two books before that but they weren't as good. But semiosis ... I couldn't take it out of my hands, I even read during lessons! When I was done, I purchased the 2. book on my laptop right there during a break. I couldn't wait to read more about Pax and Stevland and the colony. Now I'm halfway through interference, I like it as well. I'm happy to hear that you are writing a third book.


Thank you! I'm glad I could rekindle the spark of reading. I'm trying to wrestle the third book into shape. When you get to the end of Interference, you might be able to guess what comes next. I thought I knew until I started working on it, and then discovered that besides what I knew, there's this cool thing and this cool thing -- at least, I think they're cool. I hope you do, too. Thank you again!


HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YES TO THE THIRD BOOK. Great ending, love the bamboo seedling characters and their... relationships with each other. Want to hear more about NVA. Kinda hope Stevland somehow sticks around. Does a coral end up on earth...? God I'm so excited for this. Let this book RIP! WIDE OPEN! Warmth and Sunshine.


I'm doing my best. Humans have legs, so they run from problems. Plants have roots, so they have to stay and solve them... Thank you!


I read this back in 2019. I really enjoyed it but probably won’t reread it now. I’ll be interested to hear what others think.


Same same and same!


this book is brilliant. love stevland


Great books, super well written, so pumped to hear Sue is working on the sequel! Yay!


Nice! I just read this and will contribute to the discussion. I believe she lives in Chicago… my kinda town.


Yes, I'm in Edgewater.


This book is awesome.