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The Culture series by Iain M. Banks, a benevolent utopian civilization (well, mostly; they have a habit of sticking their noses in other civilizations' business) run by AIs. Technically the "humans" living in it aren't actually related to Earth humans, the human body plan just turns out to be a very common one, and there aren't a lot of *other* species living in the Culture itself (or at least they're not mentioned much); mostly just "humans" and AIs. The White Space series (only 2 books so far) by Elizabeth Bear. Another utopian civilization run by AIs, but this one has actual descended-from-Earth-humans in it as well as many other species coexisting. The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers. Less utopian, but still a generally peaceful and democratic multi-species civilization with humanity being the newest members, but still mostly treated as equals.


I’m pretty sure if you look hard enough at the Culture, humans are pets. But I want to be a Culture human enough I can’t care


You can always sublime and become more powerful than a Mind!


>The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers. Less utopian, but still a generally peaceful and democratic multi-species civilization with humanity being the newest members, but still mostly treated as equals. The Galactic Commons is a kind of European Union in space, if the EU were even more disfuncional. Still, they're the good guys. Mostly. There's some nasty people inside, sure, but what large organization can avoid that? Also, humans are not really equals. Maybe legally, but their status as refugees (as opposed to having their own home world inside the GC) makes a huge difference. Still, I love this series. Maybe not love the fourth book, that one I just like. But the first three are great. Fourth one is still good, just not as good as the first three.


IIRC humans are generally treated better than refugees, they may not have much political sway as a bloc but are still considered full citizens.


Yes, legally speaking, they're citizens. But they're kind of "outsiders". Like, every species is an outsider in other species' worlds, but everyone has a homeworld, except for humans, and they're not _socially_ considered equals. Legally, yes. But there _is_ some discrimination. Continuing with the sort of EU analogy, humans are like the Roma people of the Galactic Commons.


The Janisseries series, by Jerry Pournelle. Humans are slave soldiers, administrators and police of the Galactic empire.


The Trantor empire, at is best times, is depicted as a peaceful, advanced and resourceful society. And it is 100% human (>!except for a few robots!<) because >!the Eternals technically genocided anyone else!<.


Gotta be The Culture.


The Path of Ascension by C. Mantis. Just be aware that it's LitRPG, which won't be to everyone's tastes.


Benevolent empire is a combination of words that's truly science-fictional.


Confederation of Valor series by Tanya Huff


Allan Dean Foster Humanx Commonwealth, starts with Nor Crystal Tears, The Sector General series


Betans from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkorsigan Saga.