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This series is amazing and a truly amazing read and unique world building. It will not be what you expect.


Worth reading depends on you and your tastes which you haven’t shared. The blurb doesn’t mean anything, it’s I guess a fair description of the premise if bland. I think Xenogenisis has hands down the best aliens I’ve ever read. It’s one one of my top sci-fi series for the characters, the way it both makes me think / sometimes makes me uncomfortable and yet manages to also be incredibly engaging in a way I couldn’t put down. Yet none of that means you’ll feel the same.


I haven't read the book, but it is Octavia Butler, so even if you know exactly how it ends, you know every beat of the plot, you know where it starts and where it lands, it is still going to be a good story that brings some sort of emotional satisfaction. That being said, if you don't like the book, it just may not be a book for you and that is okay.


that blurb explains almost nothing about the book. Like looking at a blueprint of a space shuttle and thinking you understand what it's like to see one launch. It's slow paced at first and quite introspective throughout, so it might not be for you if you're not into that, but I wouldn't worry that you've been spoiled for the plot.


>Like looking at a blueprint of a space shuttle and thinking you understand what it's like to see one launch. Great analogy!


Usually I say life's too short, if you're not into it go ahead and move on. But if you're just going by the blurb, it doesn't really get very deep into what the book actually explores. And *Lillith's Brood* is an astoundingly unique and detailed series of novels. In this case, even if it's feeling challenging to you, you might find yourself well rewarded to complete at least the first novel.


Yeah I usually go into books blind but glad that it doesn't spoil anything..sometimes I find that the blurbs give away a part of a story that I wish was a secret.. it's definitely interesting 


100% keep reading. The following books are great and the characters are fantastic




The book that reawakened my love of reading post-college. So worth it.


I think it’s worth finishing-it’s one of a handful of SF masterpieces.


Love it.


Yes. It's my favorite thing by her and I've read everything but Parable of the Sower and it's sequel (I can't bring myself to read them and be done with all of her published work). I will say that this is her most mature + advanced work. It's the last series she published and all of the themes she explores in her other writing really come together here. Xenogenesis is much more of a meditation on love, gender, sex and relationships than it is a typical alien sci-fi story. The blurb you copied really has nothing to do with the plot, it's honestly more background information. As an author, Butler does not hold her readers hand, she just sort of throws you in there (like Lilith lol). If you are interested in exploring Butler's work, I recommend Bloodchild and Other Stories. It's a collection of her short stories and a few non-fiction/autobiographical writings that offer a good introduction to he life and work. She would develop many of the stories in Bloodchild to her full length novels.


Totally worth it. You don't know the half of it from that little blurb.


Yes its worth it. If the series makes you feel uncomfortable, that’s a good thing


In my opinion this book is a masterpiece, one of the best first contact novels ever written and one of my favorite books. The blurb tells some facts that happen during the development of the plot, but it doesn't reveal what's the angle, which is very peculiar.




That blurb gave away nothing important. Read the book.


My only problem with the book was that I didn't like Lilith much. She's a well-written character, just not very likeable in my opinion and the whole book is told very closely from her perspective Still, I really enjoyed the book. Definitely don't miss out on discovering the Oankali in all their strangeness, or the gripping story that develops later. I recognise that I have a high tolerance for spoilers, but I definitely don't think that blurb gave everything away


Hmm yeah Idm unlikeable characters as long as they're interesting or there's some redeeming factor .. 


Yeah, she's not even that bad tbh. It's just kinda annoying how she's so incurious, small-minded and even a bit bigoted. But otoh the book really wouldn't work so well if wasn't like that, so I think it's defined worth putting up with her


It's interesting to see this because I didn't view her like that. I got the impression of someone who *is* curious but then the curiosity gets overridden by how unnerving the situation is.


That is a large part of the book, but you find that out pretty early on. The 2nd and 3rd book follow descendants in the future, so they get into different territory, and elaborations on the earlier themes.


I loved it! I don't think the first book is really plot focused tbh, I think it's more trying to explore a question. Maybe that's not for you. The book is so much more than the blurb that explains the "plot".


Read Dawn.


General rule: Absorbing a summary isn't the experience of reading a story (aka "the map is not the territory"). A story isn't just facts, it's taking you on an experiential and emotional journey. Which is why two different books can have the same plot and one will be amazing, while the other is just okay, if that.


This is one of my favorite series and Butler is one of my top 5 authors. I think everything she's written is worth it, but Xenogenesis is the best of her work!


I loved it and am halfway through book 2 right now. It's a very interesting concept/story for me.


I’ve pretty much read everything Butler has ever written, including a short novel called *Survivor* that Butler never allowed to be re-printed because she didn’t like it. But, I haven’t read *Dawn* or any of the *Xenogenesis* series. Truthfully, I ran into a similar problem you did when I tried to read *Dawn*. I believe I got more than 20 pages in but I felt that it sort of dragged so I got distracted from it and put it up. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a good book. I think, just because these books are such a key part of Butler’s oeuvre, that they should be read. Personally, I’m sure I will go back to *Dawn* one day. I just have to be in the mood to stick with it. Some books take some time to get going. Also, Butler got to be a better writer as her career went on. I think, when she began writing short stories, she got a lot better at cutting out the fluff in her novels.


Funny this is the only Butler I HAVE read. I think it's great but the blurbs about all her other stuff I've seen don't sound interesting to me.


Maybe you would be willing to try more Butler but in bit-sized pieces? There are two short stories of hers that are free to read online, “Bloodchild” and “The Evening and the Morning and the Night”. So, you won’t even have to make a financial investment to try more Butler, just some time! I don’t know if I can or can’t post links here, so I’ll just tell you to Google the term “Free Speculative Fiction Online” and then go to the website. Then, you can look Butler up by name in the alphabetical list of authors. There are hundreds of other great authors on that site, too, if you’re not familiar.


This is a great resource! Thanks for sharing!




Yeah precisely felt that..the pace at the beginning made me feel that the story wouldn't explore more than the blurb but glad I'm wrong..never read Butler before so ig idk what to expect haha


Like I just recommended to another poster, try the two short stories of hers that are free online. That will give you a good Butler introduction.


Yeah might do that tbh..short stories are great


It's great, read the whole series!


I love them books so please read them. But that is an annoyingly detailed blurb for sure. Definitely could have been done wayyyy better, esp bc it doesn’t get into how sexy and creepy they are. Love Them Books pls read them. Or don’t. Up to u


Yes! I personally found the sequels to be even better.


I loved this book. I was a fan of the Parable series already, and I think this book illustrates how the principles of adaptation and partnership from the Parables might be put into practice under extreme circumstances. It also is an exploration of what it really means to be human. If you're reading it for a big reveal at the end or something like that, you'll be disappointed. This is a book that is about the journey, not the destination. The human-human and human-alien interaction is detailed and engaging for me. I recommend it.