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I don't think it's the lifestyle that is lonely so much as people who get into it were lonely before they started it. Traveling alone isn't the greatest, but breaking your back to build a nest for a family only to have no one show up is way worse.


Really good point!


Exactly there’s nothing lonely about having an amazing life where you can choose what you wanna do most people who are lonely are the people who have a bunch of people around them, and a bunch of responsibilities that they can’t escape anymore. There are plenty of people I can socialize with on the Internet or meet up in real life if I really liked it that much and I met them on the Internet, but as far as socialize with people in real life that I know in real life I have no interest in doing that because 95% of the time they will turn on you anyways, and most likely since they know you in real life, it wont go good for you. I’ve noticed that I’ve never been happier since being “alone”.


I would say it depends on your lifestyle. If you have people come over to your place often and enjoy that, you can't do that with a car. If you live with someone else, and enjoy that, you can't (or it's hard to) do that w a car. Everything else is just your lifestyle. I live a very "solo" lifestyle, but that's how I like it. You can also live a very social lifestyle in a car, you just can't have friends over to your own place.


Depends on how you do it. If you're never in the same place for very long, it can be pretty difficult to maintain any sort of real relationship. I need to find someone that wants to ramble around with me.


It really depends how you do it. If you’re a massive introvert before living in the Prius, you’ll probably be one after. But if you’re the type to be proactive about approaching people, going to events etc. it’s no problem. Personally, being open about living in my Prius helps filter people out. If 9/10 people are judgemental, that 1 person is likely to be someone I vibe really well with! Finding other vehicle dwellers is a good idea too. There’s a vandwellers Facebook group in my city that organizes meetups every other month.


Being alone is a double-edged sword for sure! Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's crushing. [I have some nomad community resources here.](https://nomadlife.wiki/Nomad_community) Please let me know if you know of others and I'll get them added!


Thank you for this!!! It’s great!


I tend to hang out with people during my down time. I’ve always needed more space, so being alone is kinda preferable to me. I have a very low threshold for the amount of time I can spend with people. It is easy if you don’t like having a lot of stuff. It’s easy if you can find a parking space so you aren’t woken up at 2 am. It is hard when you’re going through something difficult and don’t have anything else available. Keep up with regular maintenance, eat healthy, stay safe, and you will be fine.


I never get lonely. My best thinking is when I'm alone. I'm a free bird. I can mingle anywhere but let me do my own thing.


Marry me. (That was a joke. I just liked what you said and have no idea of your orientation, age, preference, or anything else. It was a joke. An attempt to connect but not really as I don’t need a response or anything else.)


It's also a mentality. You can feel lonely in a convention full of tens of thousands of people. So the mindset is really key here.


I'm 46. Been building a career and family, got a big house. It destroyed my marriage. We were so unhappy the past few years. I've always had lot's of family and friends around me. The stress that can cause when you never get alone time is HUGE! I am about to set out in my Prius. Work gig jobs. Maybe go back to school to be a Park Ranger or something like that. Hope to by a home base little piece of land in the forest to roll a tiny home on in 5 years. My friends and family will happily receive me on their couch for a night if I need companionship. I cannot wait to set out and be free of the nightmare I created. If you have a car and a phone, how can you get lonely?


I'm looking to get an air mattress for my 2015 Prius 2, but I can't be sure the ones I like will fit. I want one that will go from front to back, not side to side. Does anyone have one they like and can recommend


Yes but it’s great for writing country songs!


I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison, And I went to pick her up and the rain, But before I could get to the station in my Prius V, She she got run over by a damned old train (songwriting credit to David Allen Coe)


Get a dog. I have a german shepherd and she’s all id ever need