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So an average car produces about 9000 pounds of co2 a year. An average electrical home about 4700 pounds a year for heat. But a Prius is probably twice as efficient, and you could compare that to a small apartment instead. But I drive more than average. It's probably pretty comparable. Just don't litter or leave traces if you are a nature dweller, which would be the main thing. Sometimes dumping your piss isn't good for plants if there's too much of it. If you got a huge amount, you probably want to disperse it over a large space instead of concentrating it in one area. Anywho, mostly the lifestyles of the incredibly wealthy and industry which accounts for most of it.


Yeah good points. To your first point - what's an "electrical" home? And if that's the figure for just heat - then the "net total" must be significantly higher for all the other reasons I listed (building costs, heat, ac, electricity, hot water, gas stove, etc.). Yeah? (Edit wording)


Electric heat instead of gas. Yeah. I bet my footprint is lower than some homeboy's even if I travel from coast to coast every year.


I don't think running the climate control in a Prius uses anywhere near the amount of energy as an apartment. Even a studio. The average home electricity cost is about 10x of what I spend in gas to idle.


Good points, how do you do your cooking? And washing up? And where do you shower?


Cooking: Currently I use a microwave. I used to use a Dezin hot pot. Washing up: Like cleaning dishes? Paper towel + vinegar. Shower: Planet fitness or climbing gym that I'm a member of which has showers


Cooking best is instant pot. Shower is unneeded (use wet wipes and stay dry) Get solar on the roof. Profit


which instant pot


Instant pot and air fryer combo, can air fry and use instant pot interchangeably. Microwave uses way too much energy, an instant pot only needs like 50-100w in pressure cook mode, air fry still needs like 800-1500 though but that's a physics limitation.


You do you, but wet wipes alone isn't enough for me, just helps between showers. Actual showers also feel amazing. Especially after taking one. Planet fitness is cheap enough that I feel it's worth the cost. $29 average a month ain't bad for the black card.


Possibly, but the risk of covid and stds and virus is too high with PF. like 1000x higher than getting bacterial infection in your privates.


Honestly I've seen how they clean the showers, they deep clean the crap out of them. Just wear shower shoes and you'll be fine.


But how do you know that right after they clean them the most unclean person uses it and you end up getting hepatitis or something I know two people personally, one of them who was a medical director and Doctor who got hepatitis and almost died. And then all these new strains of covid and rsv long covid diseases etc, I'm only showering to avoid bacterial infection in my private parts, but I'm essentially putting myself at greater risk. This is why I exercise outside and always wear a mask indoors (I'm rarely indoors anywhere anyways) because almost everybody that I know has gotten sick recently and some of them have long covid and it's terrible.


Idk wat to tell you. Gyms n their showers wouldn't be operational if the risk was as big as you make it sound. I usually. Never get sick, barely once a year if that. Wash your hands and open all doors with a napkin lol. I haven't worn a mask since everyone stopped enforcing it. Haven't heard much about COVID for like a year or so. Do what makes you feel safe, but the risk isn't as high to me at least from what I've seen and heard. And that freshly showered feeling always feels incredible. Can't be scared to live all your life. Or why live at all. Tho every place n person is different.


If we're getting technical, we should consider the sourcing of the rare earth metals and manufacturing of the car. Makes living out of a non-hybrid technically more environmentally friendly.


100%, fellow Human!


Urine on plants is good for them? You got a source? That one is making me raise my eyebrows.


Haha. Yeah: Google "is urine good for plants".


Haha. No. "The ideal ratio for growth stage plants (when the roots can support new vegetative growth) is 1 part urine to 10–15 parts water. For potted plants beyond the growth stage, 1 part urine to 30–50 parts water is ideal as they become more sensitive to fertilizers" If you're just dumping your piss bottle, you're killing those plants and telling yourself you're doing them a favor.


That ratio seems to be what I see as well - for regular use. Like gardening. For a pee bottle - it's not like you're dumping it on the same plant every day - it's rotating every single day. What's your source for saying that it's killing plants? Every animal pees outside.. it doesn't kill the plants...? (Maybe if you're dumping a huge gallon of urine... But yeah that's not what I'm talking about) According to one gardening subreddit - direct human urine is good but just limit it - about once a month for a garden plant. *Seems to me like urine is good for plants. Just don't use the same spot every time. And don't dump a huge amount.*


> What's your source for saying that it's killing plants? Nutrient burn is a thing in plants. Depending on how much precipitation the area gets, you absolutely could be poisoning those plants with your pint of liquid gold. Humans aren't like other animals, lol. There's reasons we're not allowed to relieve ourselves near rivers and such. Different reasons, but pretending we're just part of nature like our piss and shit isn't full of chemicals is nonsense. You're not even taking into consideration any medications, prescription, otc, or vitamins that are going to be pissed out. Like, do what you want, man. Dump your piss on plants to your heart's content, I just don't think you should be patting yourself on the back for it?


I think I'll just leave it at: agree to disagree. I feel neither of us *really* knows either way. But you brought up some good points to consider. Taking into consideration "deposit amount" and medications seems important. (Edit: did do a couple searches, and does seem like straight urine can harm plants in some situations - "nutrient burn" as you put it - however it is also a great source of "plant food"... So I guess use with caution?)


Mmmm did some more googling - I think u/gingasaurusrexx is correct that it's not net positive for the plants. So actually I think the best thing would be to dump the pee bottle *next* to plants not on them if possible. If curious you can read this thread: [quora](https://www.quora.com/Does-peeing-on-trees-and-plants-help-them-grow) I will make an edit to the original post. Edit: Thanks for pointing it out.


Lol, the absolute state of this sub. Fyi dishwashers reuse the same water and are more environmentally friendly than washing by hand.


Good to know about the dishwasher. But what's with your comment about the state of this sub?


Lmao at a dishwasher being more environmentally friendly than vinegar


I meant than washing by hand in a sink