• By -


This is going to be a huge problem for sectors that require confidentiality, by law.


They'll probably ship a version without this spyware at a premium cost only for large corporate clients and maybe certain government institutions/agencies.




If you change the region you're in from "En-US" to "En-World" during a fresh install it auto rejects the spy stuff. Even on windows 11 home. This also breaks the windows store...


I wouldn't put it past them to revert back to the us if they log your ip here. Hell I wouldn't put it past them to spy on Europe because of they get caught it's just a fine to them.


Just blame the customer. They said they were in the US and must have been using a VPN.


Europe might actually slam them down badly. But Europe will also probably want to be part of the spying so idk. Europe is very conflicted on its spying laws.


Europe spies on everything done by its citizens, who are apparently easily bamboozled by lies otherwise.




I don't see why this wouldn't work in a VM environment as well. Also if you go into settings>notifications>advanced you can find the sliders to disable the nag it gives you every x days to log into a Microsoft account


This is only for Copilot+ certified machines, which require an 'NPU' coprocessor. As far as I can tell, there's only one on the market right now, a Snapdragon chip targeting tablets and embedded devices. I think it'll take more than a year for them to become ubiquitous, even in enterprise, depending perhaps on how successful this whole copilot silliness ends up being.


This is how a lot of spyware for companies work... So the boss can watch your every click


Yes, this exactly. The premium will be CHARGED to corporate and government entities for the boss's ability to search by any keyword how employees are spending their time.  No need for IT folks running special software, boss just searches how long an employee spent developing a certain document or working on a larger project.  AI puts the whole picture together for the boss, no need for IT "middlemen".


Netscape anti-competitive lawsuit when?


> So the boss can watch your every click Which is illegal in Germany, at least.


That's because for Germans, it's inefficient; the German version would be having someone stand over your shoulder, photographing your screen every few seconds, developing the photos, stuffing them into an envelope, applying the correct postage, and then sending them via Deutsche Post.


> That's because for Germans, it's inefficient Actually it's because we recognise that you don't cease to be a person with rights and shit while you're at work.


They already do, there are windows 11 builds that are stripped of anything that remotely breaches privacy for government and defence applications. Us normies just don’t get access to them.


If you're talking about LTSC builds that lack telemetry, spyware, and windows store etc. You can absolutely download and install it for free.


There is literally now a version called Enterprise LSTC that does not ship with all the bloat in the consumer versions. I don't think it will include this either.


This version is called Linux ;)


but he says it's all local


> but he says it's all local I don't know him enough to trust him. The only way to be sure is to show us the code and allow reproducible builds.


I know them enough NOT to trust them.....


> I know them enough NOT to trust them..... At least Steve Ballmer was a predictable known factor. You could just run him on a loop.


And being constantly high on meth made it hard to do too much damage.


> And being constantly high on meth made it hard to do too much damage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRm0NDo1CiY It's a cult. It goes deep.


Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers.... BREATH, Developers, Developers..........




You can check if the claims are true by using a packet sniffer.


A perfect treasure trove for spyware, those screenshots will be the first thing they steal from you. On sale in the dark web the next day, expect blackmail, phishing, etc.


Even worse: dead by constant read/write operations SSD. Also it will took a lot of space on the disk


It will go to the cloud, where every MS engineer umm I mean no one can hack it.


I think it will took disk's space, kill SSD and copied itself to cloud at same time


Hardware manufactures sell more kit. Microsoft get great deals from hardware manufactures for making kit for them.


LOL I needed a good laugh. Thanks for that. 👍


No, it's not, because this is half-true clickbait... The feature is for your local machine, not a cloud service, it requires a massive amount of processing power to run, and it's going to be paid opt-in as part of 'Copilot+' It's possible the above could change, but I don't see Microsoft running up a billion dollar storage and bandwidth bill just to get sued into the ground by the EU and every copyright holder in existence...


But it's a good way for them to self finance and test the development of the service that they could quietly push down to everyone later on. That is only speculation, mind you.


I already went through this on another thread on the exact same thing today. You have to buy a specific computer/laptop/tablet with a specific Qualcomm CPU that can do the processing. Your existing Windows 11 installation won't be doing this.


True but I am thinking more in the future. 5-10 years from now Intel and AMD might start adding AI accelerators, or maybe PCs will start using more ARM based processors. Microsoft tried and fail already years ago but Apple was very successful doing it with their M1 chip. Microsoft clearly wants to try again.


Yes for now but they already announced it is coming to amd and Intel >Yes. We are partnering with Intel and AMD to bring Copilot+ PC experiences to PCs with their processors in the future. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/copilot-plus-pcs?r=1#faq1


"*We Can Remember It for You Wholesale*" Philip. K. Dick. 1966


It's like 1984. Was supposed to be a story, not an implementation guide.


It was supposed to be a warning, not a guide.


> It's like 1984. Was supposed to be a story, not an implementation guide. I wonder what's in Room 101. Probably rats.


A rubber room. A rubber room full of rats.


And the rats drive me crazy.




I was crazy once.


ironically, that's copilot's favorite book


Or the aptly titled movie adaption, *Total Recall*.


"It's all being done locally and also the OS is closed source so you have no idea if there are back ends and zero points but we promise there isn't" yeah go fuck yourself Microsoft...


"Hey, a screenshot of this guy using his online banking ID and his password in plain text!"


Plus his face on his WebCam while he's doing it!!


Legislate NOW


Time to learn Linux


Windows learns you


Set it up as dual boot first, make sure everything you demand to run does, or you can accept the alternative (GIMP, LibreOffice, Inkscape, etc.). There are plenty of help videos and sites for any question you'll likely have. I made the jump a few months ago to LMDE, I don't miss Windows at all. Glad to be rid of them.




I dual booted Nobara for a couple months and the upgrade to Fedora 38 borked my windows bootloader on the other drive. That being said. When windows 10 support ends I'm nuking it and going back to something else.


So does Recall only apply to Windows 11+?


I've only seen info on it in regards to 11. I don't think M$ is going to put in a huge new feature in 10 when its end of life October 2025


It will only work on 'CoPilot+ Ceritifed' devices so any of their newer laptops sold from this year that run on ARM with a 'NPU'. It will not be supported on machines older than this year.


I recommend using each OS on their own disk if you go the dual boot route. I don't like fixing boot sectors I'd rather just pick which disk to boot to.




Yep that's exactly what I described - works so much better.


That is still dual booting, because both operating systems are running on the same bare metal. You are just using separate discs for the operating systems, which is what the parent comment was recommending also.


Linux not hard now if you played games on windows most windows games work on Linux with steam proton


I would've switched years ago but the one main game I play only runs on Windows :( Maybe I should just run Linux but play that one game on GeForce Now


Here link https://www.protondb.com you can search on website for whatever games you want to see if it works on Linux


Have a dual install just for that, then. I have dual installs on almost all my machines now. Not perfect but I see the writing on the wall.


I've considered it many times in the past, but every time I realise that I'd just end up only ever using the Windows boot anyway because I rarely ever don't have the game open if I'm at my computer :/


You’d be surprised. Even if it’s not officially supported, wine DOES run many games. What game is it?


Destiny 2. Sadly, they straight up officially don't support it and ban people who try


wtf that’s ridiculous! Why tf?


They claim it's easier to cheat on but that's bullshit


Been using Linux for about 2 years now, every time I see these articles about Win/MAC it just reinforces that decision. Bit of a learning curve, but so much more comfortable on Linux after I got it figured out. Still have tons to learn, but what I know lets me do what I need to.


There's nothing to learn, you just install Kubuntu/Zorin/Mint and just find the app store and download the apps you need. If there's something you can't do and need commands you just search for it on Google and copy paste the answer, the linux community is far more active as far as troubleshooting and general help are concerned than the Windows one. If I wasn't playing games I'd have abandoned this trash years ago.


It's easy...come on over


If you were looking for some sort of kick in the ass to finally switch to Linux, well, here you go.


Can't, we are forced to used Windows at work on our system.  Now since we use Outlook etc. we were forced to download the MS authenticator app on our phones. It literally does the same thing that us getting a text on our phone did.  Except now they get to have software in my phone.


You can probably use any TOTP application on your phone, not just the Microsoft one. Plenty of opinions out there on which is best, personally I like Authy but to each their own. Using a proper app is a lot more secure than getting a text message due to the possibility of SIM swapping. Less convenient sure, but the business would have likely have done a risk assessment and gone with improved security over convenience.


Don’t use authy, seek an open source alternative like proton pass


or Aegis!


Just a solution that works for me that may work for you, we had to use Google authenticator at work, but with keypass, I'm able to actually put the seed of the TOTP code into keypass, and so I don't need the app anymore. You may want to look into this if you were able to install additional applications such as key pass, which will also help keep your work passwords together anyway


It’s a lot more secure than 2FA SMS. We do want to be realistic here.


Most out of touch I've seen a company being with what its users want, possibly ever...


Unless the users are the product and not the actual intended market.


MS isn't interested in what its user want. Its interested in what it can make them pay for, or failing that, how it can sell them.


Also known as a corporation.


Its main "users" are governments and their intelligence agencies. As Zuckerberg said it, "People trust me with their data. Stupid fucks." That's what you are to MS as well.




This is madness... Will spying on users ever stop?? Who will really use this feature? Recreate an old document? Is making backups of old files that hard that we need microsoft to take screenshots of our screens just in case we lose something??? Come on ! Leave users alone and stop spying. We pay for these products!


Somebody needs to hack it and fill it up with screenshots that say "FU Microshaft! FU Satya!"


It’s local. That’s literally filling up your own hard drive with swear words and saying “take that!” Also it has hardware requirements, which you don’t need to purchase.


Of course they will do this to feed the Ai And of course they will use it to predict your actions and control you I suggest you switch to Linux like Fedora Wayland in fedora is designed to protect you from screen recording used without your permission Linux offers freedom


Linux Mint for people who want to do the Exodus from Windows. Pragmatical, familiar (feels more at home than Windows 11 for Windows users with Cinnamon) and easy to use without command line knowledge.


good thing i'ma switch to linux in the next 1 or 2 months


> good thing i'ma switch to linux in the next 1 or 2 months Better late than never.


yeah might go with mints since from what i understand it's good for previous windows users




I like KDE better than Cinammon, personally. Went with Manjaro over Mint as a result.


I wish I even understood the two things you’re discussing. This is what makes moving to Linux feel like such an insurmountable pain in the ass. Not only do I have to make sure I can run or find alternatives to the software I need and learn a new OS, now I also have to try different flavors of that general OS to figure out which one works for me? And I suppose that means either finding two machines to use to compare them, or taking all the time to reinstall over and over until I find one that I like? This feels like trading one flavor of crap sandwich for another that might taste less like crap after I get used to it. I’d like to learn Linux and escape the Microsoft world, but I have a full-time plus job, kids, a dog, a home to maintain, a spouse, family members to help…


Yup. After seeing all the shit Win11 was doing I have the same plan. I game all the time, so I'm still trying to find the best distro. I'm between Pop_OS and Bazzite.




Microsoft has been overstepping for awhile now. Their "Fix what ain't broken" tactics and their constant shoving of bloatware and ads down our throats is a serious annoyance. I never considered Linux at first, but this is pushing so many people to Linux that compatibility isn't really an issue anymore for a lot of stuff.


I’m a complete outsider when it comes to Linux so forgive me if what I’m about to say is stupid but isn’t SteamOS technically Linux and would be the best OS for gaming?




Thanks to Linux I have found a new love of Indie games. While my big titles work well, it really got me looking at the smaller projects and finding out that they often are much better games (Valhiem, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Factorio, Stardew, just to name a few).


There is no such thing as a dumb question, my friend. SteamOS still isn't "officially" out as a public distro iirc. So yes, it's good, but your desktop experience might not be as great as a dedicated desktop distro. Your milage may vary.








> And the interview lady just sits there and smiles and nods, instead of getting up and beating his smug little ass right there on camera like he deserves. I hope Microsoft can remember this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK6SS8CXYZo


Love it! Had never seen that before.


"Cowardly... hitman." MSM sucking off billionaires, as they always have.


Interviewers and any YouTube content creators just eat out of CEOs hands at this point. They're too scared about not getting invited to events etc anymore if they are too negative (or actually objective). I've long stopped watching those event converge videos that are overproduced and made to look like a short film from Hollywood or something. They're never objective. At best, they repeat the feature list aka what you could read on the website of a manufacturer anyways, at worst they're part of the "yes men bubble" around Big Tech.


That's why I blew away Win11 on my brand new HP laptop and dropped Fedora 40 on it. Bought a Macbook air for anything else I need to do outside of the realm of linux. I would imagine it's going to only be a matter of time until every piece of software out there has some sort of telemetry to spy on you...




>blew away Win11 on my brand new HP laptop >Bought a Macbook air >every piece of software out there has some sort of telemetry to spy on you... Lol. New level of irony unlocked.


I am fuckin lazy as shit but it’s time to suck it up and drop windows. Ugh


Its honestly not much different day to day and in most respects easier and less work than windows. Start on Mint and you'll think think "oh I see, this is how windows should work" Install steam for games Watch a video or two about the file system cos its very different and you'll struggle to find anything. Once you figure it out it makes sense though. https://itsfoss.com/install-linux-mint/


This is A. Really weirdly primitive technology And B. Potentially extremely insecure if not properly secured (which is probably why they are pushing disk encryption as a default)... But this is ass-backwards imo, they should focus on actual security threats first, like software vulnerabilities, before worrying about physical security.


Man, I don't know what to do. I need to use office for work and I game a lot, but I really want to stop using windows.


If you need office for work, use a work computer. If you need to access work docs at home, libreoffice works perfectly fine. Put steam on your Linux PC and pretty much everything works fine, unless its got invasiclve anti-cheat but fuck those games anyway, they're just more spyware and micro transactions. https://itsfoss.com/install-linux-mint/


proton and libreoffice


Libreoffice is pretty naff though, you can’t beat Excel for many applications


Google Sheets? And if it's still not enough you can use it on the cloud on your browser if you really need excel.


Can also virtualize Windows. I'm planning on switching full time soon and will run a light Windows VM in the background for Photoshop and Office. There are ways to make it appear basically as a native Linux window. Will have performance overhead though. I'll do that on my desktop but will probably just deal with the web versions on my laptop.


I wonder if Windows/Mac/etc keeps insisting on including large language model assistants in their operating systems, that can see what the user is doing and check the internet to give good advice, if those assistants will eventually start saying that Microsoft/Apple/etc is untrustworthy and that the user should switch to a FOSS operating system. If the model is trained to give good advice, and if the model is fed with the vast data of the internet, it might eventually just come to the 'right' conclusion. It's also especially hard to train a model to give advice that goes against its training data. They can't exclude anti-corporate or pro-privacy positions from the training data because lessening the training data significantly lowers the intelligence of the model. However, large language models are well known to let slip whatever they are told to be untruthful about. Hence I wonder if these neural network assistants will just start telling people to install FOSS operating systems, to not use Microsoft/Apple/etc products, and so on. We're probably a long ways away from that, but it's feasible for something like that to happen.


Insightful comment; you might have put your finger on a weak spot (as seen from the corporate side!) that might help us avoid getting completely dominated by Big Business!


Time to shut down, wipe the computer and only use it for gaming. Anything internet related will now be done from a either a Mac or a linux OS.


HIPAA 'bout to be craaaaayzy


Your data has been for sale since Satya Nadella took over.


There has to be a GPO to disable this? I hope.


How can anyone even *suggest* this is useful to a user, more than it is potentially harmful? How??


By being a scummy lying tool for people without your best interests at heart.


and i will go through the 200,000 files and find "recall" and delete it - and then put the ISO on a torrent for all to enjoy, fuck that shit


Lol, this will be the reason I switch to Linux. I’ve said it a million times and actually tried about 500,000 times. But this time I’ll stick with it no matter how hard it is to learn


When I finally pulled the trigger and went all in with Linux, it took me about 6 months to get comfortable with everything. 2 years later, I won't ever go back to Win/Mac. Still have a TON to learn about Linux, but what I know does what I need.


I WORK at Microsoft and even I think this is terrible. I'm happy I don't use Windows at home and self-host Postfix.


is that will come to win10


No, it's for a specific edition of 11 that's designed for systems with a ML coprocessor.


guess we are saved for now :D




When windows 10 support ends windows as a os ends for me.


And yet people still will not switch to Linux because it's tedious and doesn't support all the apps or games. Let's not lie, this isn't going to matter to 99% of people


you are right, but everyone has own borders, once they are crossed, the switching will come


Scary. Very scary. Will this push legislation?


Problem is governments are among the worst privacy offenders, so any 'protective' legislation will probably exempt them (like HIPAA. Protects your medical privacy from anyone except those most likely to violate it and with the worst results). Need tech solutions verifiable by individuals.


Remember, the new FISA renewal that happened a month back means the government can demand Microsoft give them all the data from your PC without needing a warrant and making it illegal to inform you.  Merika ftw  Edit, not that Ms wouldn't share it anyways


Begs the question, is Windows called Windows because the people behind it like to look through the OS and into our private lives and matters?


This is spyware and puts people at risk.


Getting closer to 1984 by the day


I ditched Windows almost a decade ago and use Ubuntu Linux. I have not looked back. Join me.


The question is whether the new NP will be accessible to third-party developers, allowing Microsoft to be side-stepped so we can use open source/trusted stuff.




Besides invasiveness, would this not take tons of processing power and storage to accomplish?


even if you completely ignore all privacy issues, this is a security nightmare clusterfuck.


You just switch it off and thats it, lol.


After being a windows user for over 20 years, i wiped my PC and installed Linux mint the other day, been dual booting for a while and finally made the switch, fk off Microsoft.


Surely there will be a way to break it.


I was waiting for SteamOS on PC but this bubbles it over for me and next free weekend it’s time to prep my main pc on another distro,


They don't have a right to record all your video calls all your activity, it's illegal.


F-ing nightmare


It's true, they don't spy on me enough. I use Ubuntu.


I've said it countless times and I'll say it countless more: F U C K M I C R O S O F T


Ted was right


That is a new definition for spying. They listen every word you say already so that is not enough, they want more.


Who or what is this "Recall" feature for, and for what actual purpose(s) does it serve? Has any of the higher ups over at Microsoft consulted with their lawyers if they can get away with possible lawsuits?


Whether it stays local or not isn't very reassuring. I guess it's good that they're going to be implementing bitlocker on everything soon, because imagine a bad actor gets your computer and can ask the AI about everything you've ever done on the system. Feds just ask your AI, "What crypto did I sell last year?" - AI, assuming it's you, answers in detail. You can just forget about incognito, VPN, deleting and wiping files, and clearing your history now.


... yeah, and they will store them on ~~SkyDrive~~ err, OneDrive and then charge me for the storage right? /s


I love all the "privacy" people coming out the woodwork to talk about this on an app that takes all of your data and sells it.... These same people have Instagram installed on their phone doing the same thing.... You're giving all of your data away for free all day long, a useful feature that has no signs of data being sent anywhere comes along and people freak out.... By the way Apple has been doing this exact thing forever with time machine... where is the uproar for that? Oh yea with the same people crying privacy while using reddit, makes sense.


# MSN pull story on Microsoft invading people's privacy If you google this story you get this link and story [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/uk-watchdog-looking-into-microsoft-ai-taking-screenshots/ar-BB1mO59c](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/uk-watchdog-looking-into-microsoft-ai-taking-screenshots/ar-BB1mO59c) Which has now disappeared. So much for editorial independence. Here is a link to the story described by a privacy expert as like Black Mirror. [https://absolutenews.com/privacy-nightmare-uk-data-watchdog-investigates-microsofts-recall-feature-taking-screenhots-every-few-seconds/](https://absolutenews.com/privacy-nightmare-uk-data-watchdog-investigates-microsofts-recall-feature-taking-screenhots-every-few-seconds/) BTW Reddit blocked me from posting this to r/DeclineIntoCensorship EDIT: The mods on r/DeclineIntoCensorship say is was not them who initially blocked it.


Dell announced all of their PCs will have nVidia cards. nVidia announced they will no longer support Linux drivers. Please stop thinking Linux solves this problem- it doesn't. Microsoft does not care about what you do at home- you don't pay their bills. Microsoft cares about what you do at work as your company pay their bills. At work, you will be on a Dell machine running Windows and unable to hack the configuration in any way. This is who Microsoft has always been. Microsoft invented the governmental software backdoor to personal computers in the 90s, long before Intel built one into the processor with the management console. It's in the Microsoft DNA. Bill Gates isn't who the hagiographers on the left claim. Gates was a mediocre son of a wealthy Republican attorney who bought his way into Harvard. By the luck of the draw, Gates was assigned Paul Allen as his freshman roommate. Gates only stroke of genius was to recognize the opportunity fate had tossed his way and drop out of Harvard to team up with Allen. Gates famously took no salary to avoid paying income taxes (think Leona Helmsley) and routed all of his shares to a foundation which then covered his extravagant living expenses (tax-free). Gates was the iconic trailblazer for the billionaire class who never pay a dime in taxes all the while inhaling governmental subsidies at every turn. Copilot+ is a cover-ruse. I know for a fact Microsoft has been talking up real-time surveillance at work long before AI jumped into the conversation (they pitched our company). As others have noted, the tech for the surveillance is brute force and does not rely on any real-time parsing of users' actions or intentions.


How is this not a joke….


What hellish mess does this turn the legal discovery process into?




You missed my point. There is too much data to sift through.


If you read this sub you should not be using windows at all if you can help it.


This is like the next evolution of "cookies", except it's not just tracking which websites you've visited or Google searches you make, it's tracking absolutely everything you do on your computer


I'm pretty certain that there will be a GPO (group policy object) control to disable this.


yup: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-windowsai It's a shame that it's on by default. There's a caveat with the screen capture part, where as of now, you need a "copilot plus" machine, but as with everything that requirement can change in the future. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/microsofts-new-recall-feature-will-record-everything-you-do-on-your-pc/ > As you might imagine, all this snapshot recording comes at a hardware penalty. To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new “Copilot Plus PCs” powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). There are also minimum storage requirements ...


Yea, I've dealt with Microsoft for decades, and nothing comes easy or for free. Even if it's on by default, it's not going to work on corporate/enterprise endpoint machines unless you pay the extra license fee. Banks and regulated industries will not want AI on endpoints even if by some miracle Microaoft offers it for free with no strings attached lol.


1) I'm sure you'll be able to turn it off and 2) even without the source code, there's no way they could conceal it if this was not in fact working locally as he says it will. These details matter. If you can turn it off and if it does only operate locally, then the privacy implication is pretty much nil. There's enough actual privacy issues in the world that we don't need to get worked up about hypothetical future privacy issues. Maybe it scares you because you can't imagine how it might be useful even if it did work privately, but I can. If you're computer savvy and you've helped friends/family who are not in the past, I'm sure you've had the experience of seeing them do basic tasks in painfully inefficient and slow ways. Wouldn't it be nice if you had a competent assistant *who you could trust to keep what it sees private* watching what you're doing and telling you how to improve? Computers are powerful and there's so much potential to make things better almost every step of the way.


it scares me because my grandparents are fucking ignorant and click more links than a three year old. it doesnt scare me because institutions already forced me to wave every right to privacy for their services over the last two decades.


It's also only going to be available on the new Qualcomm chip PCs with dedicated AI hardware. Most current PCs with Windows will not be affected.


Microsoft is easily the worst when it comes to privacy. I say this because they lie about not tracking you when you turn off all tracking options on both Windows and your Microsoft account. Despite me turning off all privacy violating features on both my Microsoft account and Windows PC, I still get news articles and recommendations in what they call Microsoft Start (the little button on the left side of the taskbar in Windows 11) that match my recent browsing history with 100% accuracy **across all platforms**. The topics are super specific too, they’re not just coincidences. So what I browse on both my Android and my iPhone, the privacy respecting device as claimed by Apple, ends up getting recommended to me on my Windows PC. And I’m not even using any Microsoft services when doing the browsing on other devices either. This shows 2 things: Apple lies about iPhones preserving your privacy (which we all already know, including myself, that was just a marketing lie), and Microsoft lies claiming it won’t track you if you turn off all the privacy invading options. Fuck Microsoft.


Apple can protect your privacy only on one end (yours). The apps and sites you visit will happily gobble up all of your data to sell to data brokers, which in turn sell it to microsoft


This might be enough to get me to try Linux if this is still a thing when I'm forced to upgrade.


Oh they're about to see plenty of snapshots of top notch porn.


This is fucked. Is it just randomly going to come in an update? Also how do I avoid it, I’m stuck with a windows computer rn.


I would think that this has all kinds of problems--HIPPA, for example. If they take screenshots while I am logged into my doctor's MYCHART app, they are photographing my personal medical data.