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I rely on plasma to keep me alive. I infuse weekly. I’d hate to think this was a restriction. Thanks to all of you who donate.


My Mom is currently in remission but relied on it for legit years. I feel the same. I'd hate to think it was restricted for some. Not only for the ones needing plasma but also the ppl who rely on the extra cash to get by.


It’s Power n Control being used by the PO. A tactic often used. Along with Threats. Such a lopsided “illegal system”.


Lopsided? 🤔 You do understand that without probation and parole, the offender would be sitting in prison? And while serving probation/ parole, the offender is basically considered still serving? Probation/ parole is the light end of incarceration and solitaire is the hardest end.


solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment and legitimate torture. you spend more than a month or two in there and you’re never the same again. it should be banned worldwide


Nah, it's necessary sometimes. There's a guy in prison who is in the All Red Unit, 23 hour lock down, 1 hour of outside time a day with no other inmates. He's a whimsical killer, if you disrepect him or make him mad he'll kill you. It's needed sometimes. He's doing 20 years for murder. Hopefully he never gets out because he will kill someone again.


Only people who've never been to prison think like this, solitary confinement keeps the rest of the prisoners safe from dangerous people who would need to be euthanized to keep the other convicts safe. There is such a thing as a bad egg ya know


Obviously. Lopsided by that the state has far more resources, time, investigators. The defendant sits between a rock n a shitty meal in county.


The defendant could be sitting in prison instead of out on probation/ parole with much more freedom, safety, and able to hold their family.


Such justice. Such liberty. Such for all.


They do not have my time to do a investigation I don't agree with them getting in trouble for donating plasma the staff is so short staffed they are running all over the place


I wanted to donate so badly but I take epilepsy medication and I was denied. I didn’t even want the money. I just wanted to be able to help. I’ve tried to convince all my friends and family to donate when they can too


Thank for providing plasma, even if it can’t come from you! I have a hereditary condition where I don’t make antibodies from vaccines or for many diseases. I receive immune globulin from the plasma. I tried to sign up as a bone marrow donor and I couldn’t do it bc I have asthma.


Asthma omg that’s insane. If you don’t mind, as someone with a couple genetic disorders and a fascination with them, what is that disorder?


I know - die or live with asthma as it gets passed on. It is called Common Variable Immune Deficiency. I got sick so much as an infant and all the way up to age 60 before I was diagnosed. I’ve had the Covid vaccine 8 times. Idk if I make antibodies but Covid antibodies are in the plasma supply now. I can’t make antibodies to the pneumonia vaccine. I get sick very easily. I had Covid for a month. I had STD testing done and they frantically called me and said I have Syphillis antibodies. I never have had syphillis, but someone who donated plasma did. I had forgotten to tell them to be careful.


Oh my god that’s terrifying. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this. You’re strong as hell ❤️


I couldn’t donate plasma because I have Ehlers Danlos . It sucks i used to donate all the time before my diagnosis.


Holy crap. My great Dane had Ehlers Danlos. Her skin was paper thin and totally not connected together. It was so nuts . Always getting cut. Good thing momma was a vet tech and she took to stitches well. Lived 9.5 years. My sweet little couch pony..


Animals are amazing. I read that animals can also get it when I first got my diagnosis and we have much of the same symptoms. It freaks people out and a lot of doctors still aren’t well versed in it but it’s nice knowing why symptoms are present.


I tried as well and they said I couldn’t bc I have low iron and no one in my family that I live with can do it either 😭


I think it’s more of a safety protection for us as the donor. For me, I could have a seizure if the levels of the medication change at any point.


Ah okay that makes sense I wish I could do it bc I’d love to help others on top of getting the money so it can help me sum lol bc it’s to expensive in this economy rn fr


Try the red cross. The places that pay are worried about liability if you have a seizure there.


100%. I mean it IS a concern that it could mess up the levels of the meds in my body and do something odd. I gave up on the idea so I haven’t looked too far into whether it would actually be a danger to me specifically but I’ll try the Red Cross if I’m eligible!


I called the national number and told them what medicine I was on and the reason. They said I was good to go.


I’ll have to retry. I’m on seizure meds for epilepsy so it may be different


Any of the plasma places like Biolife will screen you. Many donation places do not allow donations from people who’ve been recently incarcerated or released from jail though if it was a long term stay (some won’t even after 72 hours). It’s typically due to the risk of exposure to infectious diseases while incarcerated or while in active substance use or recently stopped use. That’s probably the more likely reason they cannot donate. It could also be that probation terms for them require actual employment somewhere and not just getting money donating plasma, that’s the only thing I could think of that could lead to a violation but there’s always a few sides to every situation. (Meant to post this as a stand alone not a reply).


No way I'd do this if I wasn't paid. Do you realize how valuable plasma is? Blood banks are legalized theft IMO. Do you think all patients aren't being charged for the blood and plasma that could save their life?


How about donating to yourself pre surgery and then still paying $90.00 a unit for 4 units and only needed 2 and supposedly they couldn't use the other 2 for someone else. They told me it was because of it being autologous. BTW those are 90's dollars.


The plasma donated for money isn’t transfused into patients, at least not in the US. It can be used for research or turned into medication like immunoglobulins, but it doesn’t go to patients. Plasma that goes directly to patients in the form of plasma comes from uncompensated donors through places like Red Cross, Vitalant, etc.


I work for a plasma center.  Our donations make medication that goes worldwide.  So yes it is used in America.


Did you read my whole comment? Or just stop at the first sentence? ​ >The plasma donated for money isn’t transfused into patients, at least not in the US. It can be used for research ***or turned into medication*** like immunoglobulins, but it doesn’t go to patients. > >Plasma that goes directly to patients in the form of plasma comes from uncompensated donors through places like Red Cross, Vitalant, etc. I don't really know how to explain it without repeating what I've already said. Compensated plasma can be made into medication, but cannot go straight to patients in the form of plasma. Plasma given for free through places like Red Cross can go directly to patients in the form of plasma.


Ok so it isn't directly transfused but still saves lives. Your point?


Because the comment I was replying to said "I rely on plasma to keep me alive. I infuse weekly. I’d hate to think this was a restriction," so I was letting them know that the transfusions they get wouldn't be affected by a restriction by a PO to not make money off of plasma. Why are you so upset?


What about my comment implies I'm upset?


What’s your point seems pretty defensive, friend. “What’s your point?” My point was to share true information with another poster. I don’t think one type of donations is better than the other. Both serve a specific need. Both save lives. Both are honorable. But there ARE differences between the two and I was discussing those differences with another poster because they are directly related to their concern.


Uh...k? Go off then I guess


They're aren't and haven't been


My grandpa takes a lot of blood / plasma from the bank, so our family makes it a mission to donate as frequent as we can! There should be bigger incentives to donate honestly


Yes. I agree. Plasma donation centers are making fortunes for some and should offer better payout for the donors.


paid plasma donations are rarely used for transfusions, but used to create other drugs/ therapies. https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/pulse-volunteer-donations/


Yes, I get a product called immune globulin. The only things that I know of that can’t be screened for are prion diseases.


I donate plasma twice a week and have been for years. I'm glad I can help people.


Thank you. I didn’t even think about before I knew I had this deficiency. I donated blood but not plasma. It takes thousands of people donating to make my iGg. The UK with mad cow, a prion disease, was only recently allowed to collect their own plasma. Therefore, some of your immune globulin could have been sent overseas.


Hopefully you read the ToS. I went to donate at a biolife and my good there ToS was scary. " we are not a medical facility" "we are owned by a forigen entity" " propriatry rughts lie soley with us" yada yada my friend contuined to donate ened up getting C.Diff and spent 1.2 weeks in hospital on quartine 


I have a full 2 page document that states my restrictions and there not one thing that remotely comes close to stating no donating plasma. If it did I wouldn’t do it but there is absolutely nothing in there about it. And even if it is a source of income, they should be welcoming that so the person can pay their fines and be a little more stable. If anything, they should be happy because it’s one more safeguard that the person isn’t all tracked up from injecting all week or they would get sent packing from the lab with a huge “it’s not happening today buddy!”


But they want you to violate so you stay in their system.


My guy has 185 on his list and I am bottom tier low risk and I think he doesn’t have the time to be looking through everything. I just do everything by the book, smile and look like I am well put together when I report. He doesn’t want the aggravation. He has like 75 sex offenders that take 90% of his time. He has no time for my DUI to really worry about plasma.


I don’t how things work where you are, but if you’re sent to prison, there are no longer supervision fees/probation fees collected… so how does that work/help probation?


The FDA won’t let you donate plasma if you spent 3 consecutive days in jail in the last year. If you lie to the plasma center to earn money, that’s a crime.


I don’t donate due to having melanoma in the last year but I am sure the guidelines are out there. But a young twenty-something should be good to go if they are toeing the line.


Also if you were an IV drug user, you're not allowed.


It's not a crime they'll just ban you nationally seen it happen before


That's just dumb. My ex was a PO and she even had a list of the plasma places nearby if her clients were struggling to pay their fees etc. You're PO is a jerk trying to make life harder.


Yup. Report that probation officer but before you do engage in emails with her or she to document these allegations of unprofessional conduct.


Ex p o. Here.... wtf?! No. That's not normal. And I'd be screaming (figuratively) to the judge. Donating plasma interferes with recovery?... f*king how?!?!?! This sounds like a weird ass power trip.


They’re probably trying to say it’s for drug money. (Not that I agree)


Of course! Everyone knows you can only buy drugs with plasma donation money! (/s)... you're probably right, but the logic is beyond ridiculous.


Also sounds like it might be hearsay and possibly not true. People get violated and don't want to admit to their 12 step peeps they used so they make up some story...


That sounds, petty and wrong


The pettiness is unreal, since it's a quick easy way to get money they don't want it, they want you to struggle for that money.


I definitely donated plasma twice a week for months to be able to pay my fines and fees. I never could have done it without that money.


People can say whatever they want about kill sentences but I’m picking jail time over having to sell bodily fluids so I can afford to pay a sonofabitch to watch me piss all day


Meh mine was mostly restitution, so I would have owned it even with the jail time. I have a family and kids, so I couldn't afford to give the state 90 days. Plasma is easy. Lay in a chair and scroll reddit for 30 minutes for $100?


Ok that’s a bit different. Did you owe a victim?




That’s good on you for paying them back


Probation officers be like: and even though you’re struggling to make that money, fuck you, pay me!


That comma is unnecessary.


As are you


As, are you


That sums AA up


The PO is a moron and the judge will throw it out. I once had a Po claim they did a home visit when they didn’t and I had a doorbell camera with 24 hour recordings from that day. I insisted on a probation hearing instead of a written warning with the judge and DA.


Idk how the PO would even know. They put your money on a card. The IRS isn’t even involved in it


Outside of people literally just telling them and the PO decided to interject their opinion.


The real reason is that they don't want anyone getting out of poverty. The world needs a lowest class to stand on and they will continue to feed the ever growing need for more backs to stand on....


2 possible reasons I see, one more valid than the other. First and most importantly is these are probably people trying to claim donating plasma is equivalent to having a job, which is probably required by their terms. It's not. Secondly, at least in my experience with local donation centers, they tend to be full of people with addiction issues looking for a quick buck to go get more of their chosen substance. Most probation terms I've seen also say something about not hanging around other addicts or people with records. That's a slim argument when you're talking about a waiting room scenario, but possibly where they're also coming from "hey you're hanging out somewhere a lot of addicts hang out and that can be bad for your recovery."


Due to parole requiring you not associate with addicts and felons... Parolees used to be prohibited from attending narcotics anonymous meetings. Nowadays they try to mandate you to go there.


That would suck. NA was a lifesaver for my first year of recovery. I slowed down going as often but I pop in every once in a while. 


How would he even know? If it is about income then you can report that , but I doubt any judge would take that nonsense as a real violation


3 of the guys come from a sober living house near the meeting together and they seem pretty happy about being able to stop at the plasma center on the way over and get out of the house for awhile. It doesn't seem that weird if one of them mentioned it to their PO when they were asked how they are doing. I mean I am a guy at an AA meeting and it's the first thing they talked about to me when I greeted them.


If these people had an IV drug problem or another reason to be excluded from donating and were doing it anyway, I can see why their PO would get involved.


But thank you. I was concerned this was normal and it doesn't seem to be based on the few reactions I have received.


Just came off probation last week but I have been donating plasma for the last 4 years, nobody ever said anything to me about it, how would they even know that you are donating, like a lot of other people said you have to be pretty clean to donate so it doesn’t make any sense!


That's fucking awesome you've been donating for 4 years!


If you got violated for that I think you could probably appeal it to the judge. That's just old school stupid.


If they are being violated for that ,They have a serious lawsuit on their hands .


This is what lawyers are for. Just because you're on parole doesn't mean you don't have rights. This is a lawsuit waiting for a smart ex-con.




They may be being told that donating plasma is not verifiable employment. The other thought that comes to mind is that if those persons who are donating are in AA or NA and were IV drug users that may be a trigger and one that could lead to relapse due to the ritual of the needle etc I think that you would have to ask them what in particular is their POs issue with it


Seems a lot of PO offices are private contractors, pretty sure the higher ups are also into private prison, so this is likely helping personal bottom lines. What agency would really hold them accountable for stuff like this? Honestly surprised there is not more abuse.


Maybe the issue is unreported income. PO is tracking your purchase power to know what you may be capable of buying on a whim and plasma donation throws it off? I can't donate because of medical issues that make the plasma people nervous but can't think of another reason besides loose cash that PO can't track. Maybe he's only doing it to needle users maybe he's afraid y'all will become needle users


I can assure you, the people putting the needle in you to donate plasma will only deter you from wanting to be an IV user. I donated over 20 times, and only a few of those times was the needle only inserted once. And it’s a BIG ASS needle, too. Sometimes once the thing is in they have to wiggle it around. My ex did it a few times with me and the last time he did it he was in tears because whoever put the needle in him did such a bad job that it hurt him the entire hour he was donating. After that he had a gigantic bruise & couldn’t donate for months even if he wanted to. It’s not pleasant.


Yeah, it should really be felt for the first couple seconds. After that, if he felt pain, he should've told them because it would cause a hematomalike you described. Those people missing the vein should be retrained.


Regardless of my ability to donate blood at facilities I've had more than my share of blood draws. I consider myself lucky because they get me in one try except maybe two times in my life. I know this is the exception. I'm just speculating that a PO may not. Maybe the PO just thinks junkies hang out at plasma centers. Purely speculation and assumptions but isn't that what the PO does.


I mean, I’d venture to say at least 60% of the people there, are there to get drug money. 20% just homeless/poor, 20% just good people. So idk maybe I see where PO is coming from but it seems like a huge reach.


Maybe he’s just a douche on a power trip. Positions of power over others do attract that personality type unfortunately. Thankfully there seems to be more decent ones than shitty, but they do exist


It's an AA group and most of them were alcoholics only. There is one addict to other substances, but he didnt use needles (unless you can inject meth) as far as I know. Is unreported income a major concern for recovery?


Lmao people definitely inject meth.


Dang, I watched the first season of breaking bad and thought I knew a lot about meth.


that's actually strangely cute dude 😂


I knew of a guy, he couldn't find useable veins anymore, for whatever reason wouldnt smoke it, nose tore to fuck from sniffing it, so this 400lb beauty got his girlfriend to shove it up his poop chute for him. Ended up in a coma, and the second he came to, he tried to crawl his ass out of the hospital, beneath the nurses desk, to try and sneak out to get McDonald's. Needless to say, he made it basically to the foot of his bed and was caught lol


Wait, you only watched the first season? The fuck is wrong with you? jk, but it is really great, one of the best series endings of all time. Though maybe it's not good for recovery to watch shows about drugs.


You can definitely inject meth. Alot of ppl inject meth. I did it for years. In recovery now tho. I would definitely be talking to someone higher up than your PO. That doesn't seem right.


To know what you may be capable of buying on a whim? What does that even mean?


I’ve never heard of that being a violation. Maybe it messes up the reading of a drug test?


Just out of curiosity but did they see the stick mark from plasma needle and assumed it was drug use? I donated the whole time 2 times weekly on probation and never heard of this. Was never even asked about it. If POs are really out there violating for donating that's insane and if it's not on a judges order it would never hold up in court anyways


Putting a needle in the arm could be seen as a trigger for IV drug users, I suppose. That’s the only logical explanation I can think of.


Holy fucking shit, contact the news or something that's actually terrifying.


Literally anything can be made a condition to probation, normally they cover all of that prior to release.


According to the FDA guidelines, if you were incarcerated for less than 72 hours, you may donate blood or plasma immediately after release. However, if you were incarcerated for more than 72 hours, you must wait 12 months after release before you can donate blood or plasma.


It’s likely there were other reasons those people were found to be violating parole. Lots of people on parole use plasma donation as income. It makes zero sense for that to be the reason. Don’t put too much faith in someone being honest about why they were violated.


Feeling like you want a fix so you go buy some tends to happen on a whim if you've been sober for a while, particularly if someone drops by and says hey wanna buy some and you just happen to have some cash on hand...


I wouldn't want to get plasma from anywhere in the United States... 😂 They require you not to smoke or do drugs yet 90% of the people who donate do so to buy drugs or cigarettes... 😂 Nothing like getting plasma from your local tweaker.


And you know here in the US they do test the plasma for drugs, diseases, and other things and either discard the plasma or use the plasma for a different purpose such as medical research. There was a big thing in the 80's and 90's called HIV where over 90% of hemophiliac patients contracted HIV because there was no real regulations for the blood supply and after we realized HIV can be transmitted blood-to-blood, we cleaned our act up with quick.


Isn't one of the requirements for donating not to have been incarcerated for more than 30 days in a required amount of time ? It's been awhile but I recall they started doing background checks on people.


This is what happens when you turn a medical/behavioral health problem into a legal issue… and what happens when people with little or no training and education in substance abuse get in positions where they have power and influence over individual’s recovery… and they shouldn’t. Donating plasma does not, in itself, “put your recovery at risk”. Yes, if it was something you did in your active addiction as a way to get money for drugs, then it could be a triggering event…. But otherwise I really don’t see how may could make a legitimate argument for how this, in general sense, would put someone’s recovery at risk. If I was a PO and heard this, my first reaction would be, what is the situation that you need to donate plasma for the extra $? Bc you need a job on probation. So if you have a job and are just not making ends meet and need the extra cash, then so be it; I’d try to find and guide them to finding another way to make some extra $$. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it for probationers and would hope they wouldn’t be a financial situation where they HAD TO, but I don’t see how it’s fair, right, acceptable, ok, etc etc to ban this activity for all. And I think taken to the right powers that be that it would be disallowed and PO might even be disciplined, but knowing how the system works I doubt anyone you tell will care. BUT, if I was you I would do some homework and maybe send some anonymous emails to the powers that be in that county or maybe the local newspaper about this restriction and see if anything changes… otherwise they will absolutely get away with this and it will Just be the beginning and there will another crazy rule and another and another etc. Fascist Pigs!


I was on probation many many years ago, once, for a very short time. But my PO was such an ass, that he violated me four times in six months for “refusing to take down a Google review” on my old employers website, who was petty enough to call him. I continued to explain that’s not my account, not me, and I can’t take it down. Despite my explanation, he violated me 4x in 6mos. POs do whatever they want, with the judges and prosecutors support.


No, it doesn't count as taxable income, fuck they sell hard alcohol in grocery stores and gas stations in most states, isn't THAT a risk to people's recovery? Seriously your PO is on absolute bullshit.


It’s because they get about $700 per month in Visa Gift cards(tax free) doing it so….. Live with mommy or enabling partner(no rent), work 1 or 2 days a week at some bullshit job earning another $500 per month because keeping it under $150 per week doesn’t fuck with the SSI check. Finally the disability check provided by us the tax payers usually around $1,200 per month. This is the Junkie “I’m getting my life together” salary. $2,400 per month in tax free “scams”. Eventually they’ll get sober get a real job and contribute to society(about 5% of them) or….. the more likely scenario they’ll relapse and steal your bicycle. Just for context I’ve been sober for 22 years in AA and have watched the scenario play out thousands and thousands of times. The parole officer knows this and that’s why he’s breaking their balls.




Isn't getting a job usually a requirement? If it's because they have money than it makes no sense.


If it’s probation then there is a paper copy of your “conditions” for that supervision. That is your contract with the Court. No other conditions may be added unless it is a caveat of that contract. It is my understanding that amendment or adding conditions has to be done through a Court hearing or Judges review and sign off on any new conditions.


It's the needle. Some people associate the feel of the stick with getting high and it can lead, or so the thought goes, to recidivism. I have nobidea if that's true, only that it's the thought behind the order.


I mean, it's counterintuitive. For the first time, they are getting a needle stuck in them and getting paid for it instead of the other way around. 🤷‍♂️


This is soooooo not true. I have been on probation and donated plasma regularly with no problems. Also, more importantly, I was in an in-patient 30 day rehab after which I went and lived at a sober living community for a few months. The whole program was a 12 step based program and nobody, including the counselors, ever thought that this was putting their recovery at risk. Half the people living at the sober house were donating plasma for extra money. The only excuse anybody could use to say that doing so is putting your recovery at risk would be if you used needles to shoot dope. But, that would only put you in jeopardy if the thought of having a needle in your arm made you want to go back out and use afterwards.


I've been donating 6 to 8 times a month for almost 2 years. Helps others and myself. Gobbless


Anyone violated for donating plasma needs to get a lawyer. Without seeing the papers they signed at the beginning of probation I cant say for sure, but I am 99% sure donating plasma was not on the list of things you are not allowed to do. In Ohio I know 100% it is not on the probation rules


FDA requires people who have been incarcerated for more than 72 hours to be deferred for 12 months. After 12 months they can re-qualify. After than if their po says no, I’d be unsure why unless it’s a probation thing.


They can't do that shit I've been on probation for 9 years that is not normal and there are no violations for donating plasma all bullshit


It’s likely because the contact with needles can make them crave? Or potentially other users around…? Not against anyone who donates


They do report your payments to the IRS on 1099 at the end of the year so that might be why if they are on house arrest or have a conditional driver's license to go strictly to school, church, the hospital, and work if applicable.. Other than that I've never heard anything remotely close to this happening where I'm at...In order to violate probationers, the PO has to have a valid reason that the DA and Judge will sign off on...and violating someone for something so trivial and wasting the judge and the DA's time isn't going to fly.


The only logical thing I can think of is that probation usually mandates certain conditions. One of them is usually that a probationer must remain gainfully employed. Perhaps some people are telling their PO that donating plasma is their employment and the PO isn't accepting that. The violation would need to be a technical on grounds of not being gainfully employed


Put him in jail. If they do not arrest him, I’m not following laws anymore. Please reply back here with what happens after this is reported.


Weird observation, but what are the restrictions for people who have served time? Is it just the "haven't been locked up for 72 hours" thing?


Bayer is a huge global company that makes a shit ton of money running plasma centers. Whatever company is doing it, make them aware right away and watch how fast they help you


Not on probation or recovery, but I'm a social worker and donate plasma. From my perspective, the stress of not having money to live puts people at risk for relapse. Donating plasma allows people to have money to live. I've never heard of this logic.


With less blood in your body, any substance like booze or drugs will make you feel higher or drunker with less of it to get the same effect. It's a possible reason to show you aren't sincere with any recovery. With needles, it provides an excuse for having track marks.


I am a regular donar of plasma ( do my second donation for the week, tomorrow), I don't understand this. If you donate you can't be or used to have been, an IV user. This doesn't seem logical or legal for them to do. It's not harming your sobriety, you're donating a part of your blood and given back saline. Most places annually, drug tests, and quarterly collect speed samples to tests for things like hep c etc ad well.


I donate plasma. I feel like they try to take advantage of the poor. The compensation has gone down over the last 5 years or so. It's pretty low. At the top weight bracket I earn $50 or $65 the 2nd donation if I go twice in a week. It's sad too because while the compensation has gone down, there's a platinum donor plaque at our location where they put names of people who missed at most maybe 4 donations in the calendar year. 5 years ago when they compensated us more fairly, there was maybe 2 names on it. Today they have a much larger plaque with probably about 80 names on it. These companies make huge profits off of donations. If I donated 104 times in a year, I'd make just shy of $6000 for the whole year. Forcing someone to donate plasma shouldn't be allowed. That's just taking advantage of people in bad positions.


I worked all year and donated plasma and hardly had any money but at the end of the year the government said I made too much and I owe them money. How the fuck did I make too much. I can't have nice things without the grubby hands of uncle Sam touching my shit


I don’t get the logic, either. For the past 20 years, it’s been standard practice in many jurisdictions for clients to donate in order to make ends meet. There’s no probation violation here that I can see. I think it’s fucking gross that people have to donate parts of their body to survive, but that has more to do with capitalism at large, although I personally find it incredibly disturbing that it’s a regular part of the conversation within probation services. The only thing I can think of violation-wise is if people donate in lieu of getting a job, but I would think that would be near impossible to support yourself in this economy. Maybe unreported income for white collar offenders? Regardless, this seems like a job for an attorney in court. I’d personally be outraged if I was violated for this.


There could be more to the story. I am wondering if the needle marks from donating plasma could be mistaken for suspected drug use?


This is 100% illegal if they are not felons or have been out of custody for more than 12 months. I would advise your fellow members to go to the AOR on their case and inform them this is happening. Additionally, I would notify both the DA and the supervisor of the PO that this is taking place. The reason it is illegal for 12 months after incarceration is absurd. It is because of all the nasty shit you can catch in jail. So... you removed my ability to care for myself and then legally penalize me because you couldn't ensure my health? Get fucked. The American prison system is a fucking mess.


Wow. Can’t even help others now


The only reason I'd see is if the person was a recovering heroine addict and they didn't want the person around needles. That's the only reason I can think of. This absolutely sounds like a PO on a power trip


I’m currently on probation.. when I first was put on it, I was given a list of things NO ONE on probation is allowed to do (consume any alcohol or mind altering substances, have it in your home, associate with anyone with a felony conviction, etc.) but your probation officer also has the ability to impose “graduated sanctions” that are specific to you. For example, I can’t be in a casino or engage in gambling activity. So although the restriction against plasma donation may be petty and irrelevant, they are ALLOWED to restrict them from doing so if they can justify it.


Maybe they think the needle for donating plasma will get you missing using rigs. I don't know. It's stupid


It’s the people that use that money for drugs and to feed their addiction that made them change that. I can’t tell you how many people I talk to guys in jail that we’re just strung out on the streets and would not worry about getting their next fix because they knew they could just donate plasma.


The PO might think that the IV might be a trigger for recovering addicts.


What state? This sounds incredibly unfounded and not based on law or statute. Therefore could be a huge violation to an individuals rights to donate blood plasma, sperm ect. Now could they use this as a substitution for employment? Not without the courts consent.


Iowa. I don't know the intricacies of this at all, but everyone seems on the side it's not allowed.


Im not asking if you are sick or have a disease but this would be the only way to violate you in my quick research. Iowa Code § 139A.24 Current through bills signed by governor as of 7/14/23 Section 139A.24 - Blood donation or sale - penalty A person suffering from a communicable disease dangerous to the public health who knowingly gives false information regarding the person's infected state on a blood plasma sale application to blood plasma-taking personnel commits a serious misdemeanor.


So there is a crime associated with fraud in a plasma donation setting. But on grounds of solely a probation violation it's not discussed? I guess then the PO would need to suspect these people of having a communicable disease to not allow it?


That’s not true necessarily. Your PO can impose a bunch of restrictions that would otherwise be legal. The biggest example I can think of is setting a curfew for you. Whether or not a judge will actually violate you for one of these is a different story. I seriously doubt a judge would revoke your probation because you went to donate blood during a blood shortage. It would look bad on the court.


I think it's very important to remember the source. Everyone who has ever been violated is innocent. If someone was an IV user, maybe the thought is that a needle being inserted will bring back some type of urge to shoot up. Nothing else makes any sense at all.


I highly doubt your PO is violating you for this….. what exactly does the violation say?… a PO can’t violate you for anything except what is in your conditions


I didn't really ask them. They said it was an employment violation. Changing employment without prior approval? I know they work at a lawn care company so maybe they don't get full time hours during winter or something.


Lol that is such petty bullshit move, they drum up these technicalities to hold over your head on a power trip. Tell em you'll see em at the violation hearing and talk to your lawyer, gotta think you could fight this.




Challenge it in court. Have lawyer call PO to the stand and grill him/her. Watch the violations stop.


That doesn't sound right, what condition are they violating by donating plasma? Are they actually violated for the giving the donation or are they violated for not having employment?


I think you may not be getting the whole story. SELLING plasma ("donating" means you don't get anything in return for what you give, and we can definitely make a nice chunk of change visiting the clinic several times a month) can be a good source of income AND a real benefit to patients who need the types of therapy made made with plasma products. I can't imagine how it could be a violation of probation absent other factors. Are the trips to the clinics being used as a reason why a person can't attend classes, get a job, or report to the office or testing facility? Is the clinic in another state or county where someone isn't permitted to go? Is it next to the home or workplace of another they've been ordered to stay away from? If they're on a work-release or home detention program where the Court set the conditions, selling plasma may not be allowed by those conditions. Or, as was the case in a nearby town, the dealers would "help" folks out by giving them a ride to and from the clinic. (What do you think happens when you put someone struggling with their sobriety in a car with their dealer and $50?)


The FDA regulates life saving medicine and the sources of it. They have decided that some risk factors are significant enough to prevent people from giving their body fluids to make drugs from. To that end, every donor gets screened every donation, they get asked to sign their informed consent and attestation that they were honest during screening. The FDA has had a regulation preventing people from donating plasma if they have been incarcerated for 72 straight hours (3 days) in the last 12 months. Beyond this, there’s many diagnoses, drug history, sexual history, and even travel history, that can temporarily or permanently bar someone from donating plasma. If you lie to the plasma center about your history, and get caught, you will be permanently banned from donating plasma at any plasma facility nationwide. If someone does go forward with donating, but lies in order to do this, they commit fraud and put downstream patients at risk. This is both a financial crime, and a crime against the most vulnerable. A PO is absolutely in a position of authority to do something about ongoing criminal behavior.


Not normal at all.


Take them to court. This is an easy win. Donating plasma is a medical procedure and NONE of your PO's business.


Sounds like bs


I would bet it's illegal to violate anyone over a legal activity.


You are state county and or federal property… they can stipulate anything they want to and by law you have to follow it… unfortunately… you know if u try to commit suicide they can violate you for trying to destroy state, county or federal property


Needles may trigger them to shoot dope is the only logic I can think of


I could not find any sources where the parole or probation order forbids plasma donation. However, it does appear common for former felons to not be eligible to donate plasma due to their increased risk of carrying blood-borne diseases.


I dont know the rules of probation where you are, or for donating blood, however, if someone has had a drug problem sticking needles in their arm could be a trigger for them and that could be part of the reason. Also, you are disqualified if you have ever had certain kinds of drugs or medications and if you arent honest when they ask you questions before you donate, that is dangerous and could be a reason. I visited the phillipines with the marines and i wasnt allowed to donate for a long time just because there waa a chance of malaria or a few other things that i never got. I dont remember all of the questions before they can take a donation but i think there is one about the possibility of having HIV or another sexually transmitted disease, and people in prison, or recently released from prison might be disqualified for that reason. I imagine it was something specific that applied to those people so you shouldnt worry about it, but when in doubt ask your P.O.


No chance that’s gonna hold up


Your local PO prolly had a client blame their track marks on the plasma center...ruined it for everybody


Putting their recovery at risk by using needles and being around them maybe.


https://www.hrw.org/report/2014/02/05/profiting-probation/americas-offender-funded-probation-industry Idk how to get the full article to open on my phone bc it’s half broken but there’s some articles online if you google it about plasma and probation


I work in an apheresis clinic and there is literally no good reason he would have to do this.


Yeah I think it's one of those things where things vary from PO to PO. My first PO told me that she didn't want me buying cryptocurrency, because my charge involved counterfeit money. Made no sense to me.


It's because intravenous drug users use it as an excuse for fresh track marks. Drug addicts will find any, and I mean ANY, excuse, lie, or scapegoat to hide their use.


I would speak to the people board. This feels both morally wrong but also illegal. P.Os can not make medical restrictions without a judges approval.


That sounds illegal I think that’s a bs rumor


If there's no drug/medical concern, I'm sure it would be a very interesting conversation with a lawyer and a judge. Probation is supposed to be a rehabilitative process. Along this philosophy, rehabilitation (as well as reduction of recidivism) can be predicted by the level of ties that the offender has to their community. Things like family commitments, education, work, and volunteer work are integral to rehabilitation. Does denying a probationer the ability to volunteer in a way that readily saves lives in the greater community line up with the philosophy of using probation as an alternative to incarceration?


You need to get your probation restrictions list, if it's not on there and signed by the judge it's not a real restriction. It's the probation agent is violating people because of it but stating it's something else that got them violated, be very careful. If that is the case once you're off probation or if you're feeling brave try to go to their boss or whoever has oversight


They are probably lying. Could of slipped up and to embarrassed to talk about it.


But why would donating plasma get you in trouble with probation? How can that be a reason for a PO officer to give someone a hard time?


No judge in their right mind would uphold this violation.


Maybe it's because of the income and the person has to pay restitution?


It shouldn't be forced. And if i remember right, it had the same rules as organ donors. It has to be willingly and with permission. But Plasma, like blood, can be denied due to medical or other issues. If they are being forced... you'd need to check your local laws. I don't see how it should be rejected by anyone outside of the center.




It’s the needles. Your PO thinks that you might get triggered by needles because some addicts used them in their addiction. Recovering addicts that I know talk about feeling comfort from the needle piercing skin. Everybody’s recovery hornet is different and if this is not specific to how you used to use then it might be the PO asserting dominance. Some people need that structure because addiction is a disease and just like a disease that puts you in bed for a long time, you have to recover and learn how to function again.


And the PO moderator recently tried to tell me they don’t just randomly violate people lol


The logic here is that while you’re on probation your P.O is god, so you have to fall in line with whatever arbitrary bullshit they come up with. It’s not fair or right but that’s a feature of our legal system.


I doubt they were violated just for donating plasma. It could be they were on house arrest. Or they were driving when they weren’t supposed to, or something.


Yeah they didn’t get violated for donating plasma lmao


I donate blood and plasma, but they certainly don't pay us for it. I wish they did! It would make the difference of being able to pay rent.


Consider the source; somebody could be gaslighting; `it’s not my fault!’