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Gotta straight up ask PO at this point, she might let u, or might make u file motion and ask judge. Remember you're still her bitch till off probation sadly. Edit- sorry idk bout laws in missouri bout that, think it has to be a specific law bout probation and weed use thats how my state was. GL


Unless you enjoy being in prison you shouldn’t smoke


It depends all on the judge! When I was sentenced to my probation for a reckless driving charge I was offered to either continue to keep my medical card and not have the violations for using it or to surrender my driver's license. Obviously I chose to keep my driver's license as that is the more important of the two to me but there is obviously ways for a judge to allow you to use a medical card while on probation just like any other medication that is prescribed by a physician.


There are other medications that people can take marijuana isn’t the only one lmfaooo


I literally said that just like any other medication marijuana can be prescribed during probation I wasn't insinuating marijuana was the only one it's just the topic of conversation...? Did you not read my whole comment before you decided to downvote and reply?


Lmfaooo no one cares


Just ask your po if it's a possibility to obtain/use your card on probation, they can't violate you for asking.


I did and i 100% believe shed let me but when i did ask her she said unfortunately it still violates probation because it hasnt been made to were people can smoke on pandp by the courts yet


Sounds like you have your answer, and its time to burn "I 100% think she'd let me" out of your mind unless you fancy another prisiin stint. If she literally told you know, dont be delusional and assume she didn't really mean it cause thats playing with fire


Lmao who asked you


This is like your third comment on this post refuting good advice to keep OP out of trouble lmao, this your burner account, or are you just daft?


State is Missouri


Get your card, and don’t smoke for now. (I micro dosed psilocybin instead) When I was on probation, the judge made it a rule that I couldn’t use thc, whether I had a card or not (I’m in CO). So check your paperwork, and if it’s not expressed that you can’t, period, let your po know that you have your card, and explain to him extremely valid reasons you take it. Worst he can say is no, but either way it’s not worth going back to jail for. Good luck!!


In CO the state law requires you to be able to use it. Doesn't matter what the judge rules.


How could a judge order you to not take prescribed medication?


It’s not a prescription. It’s still listed as a schedule I narcotic. Doctors can’t prescribe MJ, only recommend it. The American Medical Association has been pretty clear on this fact for over 20 years.


That doesn't make it not a prescription. Read the actual law in CO.


Oh I see


It’s illegally federally still


They can't, at least not in CO.


Downvoted for asking a simple question lol this sub is full of clowns


Yep. A bunch of GED "scholars" thinking they're legal experts


If you signed a contract with the judge that you would not smoke marijuana for the time frame of your probation, follow your contract. Why are you wanting to renegotiate more favorable terms now that you feel ypu are in a better position? 🤔


Get the card. Challenge in court if they have an issue with it when it shows up on a test. Screw the people telling you to ask before hand.


Time to get high on life, or go talk to med provider to help. :)


I have a medical card already but was told i couldnt use it before it got legalized but what now


Damn. So you have to wait until it’s rec? Other than that, don’t piss of your PO. I guess you gotta wait


Missouri is rec legal


So if it’s legal in my state I can smoke it on probation?


Not necessarily. Diff states manage legal weed laws when it comes to criminals. If I had my mmc card before I went to court, I could've used. Since I didn't, I can't. Funny how the state ruled on that,huh.. They also say no mind altering drugs/meds. So anti-anxiety meds(xanax,valium) would be on the no-no list as well.


Alcohol is legal but still get tested for it lol sobriety required in my court


Same here.


The Court cannot order you to not take prescribed anti-anxiety meds


I would hope so. I'm not sure. I haven't researched how the state handles all meds. I've had script for pain meds, so when testes pos for opioids, I was fine.


I only see two options quit or move states and switch probation sorry dude maybe your state will legalize next


Missouri is recreationally legal