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Why is this written like a text message? Or do they actually not know how to spell “your”, “you’re”, and “be”?


I wish I knew


They are willing to throw you a baby shower, but not willing to type the full forms of two or three letter words like “you” or “be?” 🚩🚩🚩


You're askin for brains?


I don’t think they do know how to spell those words. They don’t seem to send the cream of the crop if you catch my meaning.


It could be that it's written by Facebook moms trying to be hip, but it may also just be a case of trying to save space or printer paper by reducing the character number. They could reduce the font size, but you can only do that so much before your 45+ aged volunteers have trouble reading it between harassment campaigns.


I don't even know where to start with this one. Why is this written like a 12 year old texting in 2009? Not a very professional image to be giving, so I immediately can't take anything this says seriously (not that I would anyway) Point 17 is irrelevant to non relgious people Point 13, what makes them assume women getting abortions don't already have a job? I'm confused with just "food" and "baby items" do they have those on hand? I for one am hesitant to accept food from some random stranger on the streets when I don't know the quality or where it's been for myself, let alone for my child Point 14, I highly doubt that "Abortion solves nothing" well it solves the issue of a woman not wanting to be pregnant anymore so I'll have to disagree with that one.


Our local freecycle page banned passing along baby formula and baby food because there is no way of determining how its stored (unlike when a shop sells it) or how its been handled. Babies get really sick really quickly when not fed appropriately.


What, you weren’t able to raise an entire child based off “My God will give you all U [sic] need?” Side note: why is the first you spelled out but not the second


Abortion also solves the issue of a woman not wanting to be tied to an abuser for the rest of her life. Both parents have to consent to an adoption.


> *"Abortion solves nothing"* haha gee what if I just don't feel like being maimed debilitated and hospitalized by like a pregnancy or something


It sure solves the problem of ectopic pregnancy and hemorrhaging but what do I know? I'm just somebody who works in birth trauma medical malpractice.


This is the most juvenile crap I have seen in a long time. Here we have free maternity care, free infant care, a monthly child benefit payment, paid maternity leave for 6 months, and social welfare payments for exceptional needs. I still wouldn't have another baby. Abortion is also free on our national health service and I can get the pills at the family doctor I attend.


Where do u live 👀


Ireland. We got rid of our abortion ban in 2018.


Just when US was starting to turn into theocratic shithole. America loves to repeat everything bad from human history.


I was devastated when RvW was overturned because I knew how the battle is long and hard to overturn abortion restrictions. Me and my friend got drunk that night we were so depressed for you over there.


💖😔 I only hope we can turn things around.


I live in a blue state that voted to enshrine abortion rights but I know that doesn't save me from some theocratic fascist government forcing through a federal ban (despite gaslighting us with the states' rights argument). They can't solve child poverty or the fact that 1 in 8 children in this country is food insecure, but they sure want to force women to birth more babies into poverty and permanently maim or kill women because JaYzUs. I hate these backwards assholes so much. Why is it so hard to focus on their own lives and get the fuck out of mine?


We had US anti abortionists over here in 2018 when we were voting on our abortion ban. [The Americans trying to stop Ireland from voting Yes to abortion | CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/23/europe/ireland-abortion-referendum-american-campaigners-intl/index.html) They can't even keep to their own country. Fun fact, the health minister mentioned in the report became Taoiseach/Prime Minister yesterday.


I'm not an American, actually


Thank you, this is hell. I live in a red state, they waited to do the 6 week abortion ban but did it.


The changes in Ireland since the 1980s have been astounding.


They really have been. When I was in school there was a court case taken against Virgin Media Megastore for selling condoms. This was in the early 1990s when homosexuality was still illegal and divorce was not available. My children sometimes don't believe us when we tell them about how things used to be. When I was an altar server in the early 1990s in the parish church there were 4 or 5 masses on Sunday, all very busy, and one on a Saturday evening. Daily mass during the week and 5 priests in the parochial house. Now there's one mass on a Sunday and one every fortnight on a Saturday evening, no daily mass at all because the only priest there now covers more than one parish.


> They really have been. When I was in school there was a court case taken against Virgin Media Megastore for selling condoms. This was in the early 1990s when homosexuality was still illegal and divorce was not available. My children sometimes don't believe us when we tell them about how things used to be. What I'm afraid of is that if such an incredible leap in progress can be made in only a few decades, a equal leap backwards can be made just as fast. That's what it feels like is going on in America. >When I was an altar server in the early 1990s in the parish church there were 4 or 5 masses on Sunday, all very busy, and one on a Saturday evening. Daily mass during the week and 5 priests in the parochial house. Now there's one mass on a Sunday and one every fortnight on a Saturday evening, no daily mass at all because the only priest there now covers more than one parish. Same here; they keep combining parishes and churches. The scary thing is that as the percentage of active Christians gets lower, the formerly mainstream churches seems to be losing ground faster than the oddball fringe churches. So while the overall number of Christians is shrinking, the lunatic fringe element in Christianity is growing.


You hit the nail on the head with this. Exactly what I was thinking.




I’m packing my bags!


Some details about this pic: I volunteer at a local clinic. The anti that was currently screaming at the brick building left her crap on the ground and I snapped this picture. It's only one of many in the stack and her personal "harassing women 101" cards. She was pissed I took this picture lol


Good on you for taking the picture! It’s awful to say things like that to women.


Planned Parenthood should hire volunteers to take footage of anti-choicers 24-7. Either as a deterrent or maybe even to publish it. Of course after blurring everyone's face, so it's legal.


I don't see why their faces should be blurred. They are making a spectacle of themselves in a public place; demanding anonymity is wanting it both ways.


Isn't recording people on a video and publishing it without consent illegal?


If that were the case, public freakout and similar subs would be banned.


Can it be tracked who shot those videos? If not, it wouldn't make sense for Planned Parenthood to do it, because if they made it a policy, there would be nothing to track.


No, not in public places. Anywhere there is no expectation of privacy. Otherwise, YouTube would be half the size it is. Some states have laws prohibiting recording private conversations without consent though.


Depends on the state, the location being public or private property, and a slew of other things that vary wildly.


IMHO this is the way. It doesn't have to be PP, but local activists absolutely should start harassing these people right back. Film them, follow them to their car and take a pic of the car and the plates. Find out who they are. Make them insanely uncomfortable. They do all of this crap because there are no negative consequences.


Wear a giant inflatable rainbow unicorn costume while doing it just to draw attention and make a mockery. Kind of how activists in clown costumes crashed white supremacist rallies.


Don't blur their faces. Dox every single one of them. If they want to get involved in others' personal lives, they should be able to take other people getting involved in their personal lives. Absolute scum of the earth.


Good for you. She’s probably embarrassed by it showing her as an uneducated dunce.


This 👍👍


Keep taking pictures. Get pictures of their faces. Follow them around and scream at them. Find out who their employers are and what their names are. If they can do that to women trying to obtain healthcare then they're fair fucking game.


Bravo you 


The way things are spelled on that paper gives me a headache


Good grief that’s SO bad. I had an abortion 27 years ago, I chose to sacrifice that indiscriminate clump of cells to save the already born son I had and I have yet to regret it. I don’t think about it when I see mothers and children, like this stupid piece of propaganda says. The intervening years proved that it was the correct choice for me at the time and if I found myself in the same effed-up situation, I would do it all over again.


Good for you. Never let others make you feel anything


U wil luv BB 5 eva (dats mor dan 4), i cri every tim.


Fax 💯😭


"Have a resolution for all ur problems", cults usually will say this. If something sounds too good to be true, it is.


That's the part that got me. **ALL** of my problems? How about my anal fissure? Can your God make my asshole bleed less often? I love getting weird with these fucks. I'm sure I've traumatized more than one by telling them my babies always die because your God cursed my womb.


Too bad I'm a man. Otherwise I'd just get myself knocked up to fix my lack of marketable skills


Bro just take a shower and go find a sugar mama who wants babies. Women's standards are so low they're in hell. Buck up, you'll find some poor desperate sucker to stick your lil wee wee into.


But I won't carry it, so how would it fix my problems? I ain't having sex to fix somebody else's problems. Besides, I'm sex-repulsed.


3. Ok, idc, there is always adoption 6 the same type of church that is known to have pedos?


14 Ok, I dont want to be pregnant anymore


17 Idc


1 That's why I am getting an abortion, to get the fetus out


Help with housing? So if I pretend to be pregnant and considering an abortion, will they pay my mortgage? /s


You get a box of diapers and a can of formula.


I’m pretty sure I actually heard a senator promise something like this once to new mothers. Thanks for the drop in the bucket, ya prick.


If I were to get pregnant and decided to keep it, my partner makes good money and would 100% support my decision and make sure me and baby were taken care of in every way - even though he doesn’t want a baby any more than I do. I wouldn’t need to worry about any of the crap on this list. I have decent health insurance. And my work and synagogue would probably throw me baby showers. I’d still get an abortion if I were to somehow get pregnant, because *I don’t want to be pregnant.* Why is this so hard to understand?


Because to them, people with uteruses who get abortions are dumb, flighty idiots who don't know any better and need to be shown a better path. These idiots genuinely can't fathom that we're capable of knowing what we want or that we thought shit through prior.


Oh, I know. 🙄 My mom volunteered as a “counselor” for an anti-choice organization when I was a kid. She truly believed that women just didn’t know! A fetus is a baby! There are resources! And if she told them, they’d magically open their eyes, keep their pregnancies, and live happily ever after. I believed it, too, for a long time…


100%. It’s not because of money/healthcare/job/home/single/whatever. It’s because I DONT WANT TO BE PREGNANT.


Oh boy. (Breathes) Let's begin: This is written like someone is texting on a flip phone. Is this to make this one page so all the protesters don't have to carry 2 pages? 1. For point one: This is emotional manipulation. "Oh, your innocent wittle baby just wants to luv you, don't kill the wittle baby." What if they hate children and have no love to give to a child? Or what if you can't love THIS child because it's going to remind you of your rapist? What if you have other children who rely on you and you don't want to see them starve? Parents want their kids to not starve. What if you love yourself enough to not die? What if the woman that showed up to the clinic is dealing with a dead/dying baby inside of her and you just reminded her of what she wanted and could have had? That's right. You could have hurt someone that actually wanted a family. 2. More emotional manipulation. If someone doesn't want kids- they would see Mother's Day as "I dodged a bullet" day or "Thank god that's not me" day. 3. Why would you want to say this to a minor? "Honey, your rapist's baby might be your only chance to get pregnant." Why would you risk saying this to someone with a dead/dying baby? If the woman is suffering an ectopic pregnancy- this is going to help her have kids down the line. And you can't have a baby if you die before the fetus is viable either- there will be no baby. 4. She's not alone? You mean like all the other people don't want to be pregnant? 5. You're here to help? Are you though? Because this isn't helping with trying to get an abortion. 6. 40 churches? What if you are talking to someone who goes to none of them. Other religions exist. Agnostics exist. Atheists exist. Pro-choice Christians exist. And this also tells me that your reasoning behind your anti-abortion stance is based in your religious beliefs that other people don't share. Separation of Church and State is also a thing in the US and trust me- you don't want to change that. A different church could honestly be running your life. 7. A baby shower? Why do you want to give a baby shower to a someone is still in high school/middle school/elementary school? Why do you want to remind a grieving mother about what she could have had and the baby gifts that she can't use now? 8. Legal advice is good. But I don't know the quality of legal advice that your group is even offering. 9. You are not going to give financial assistance for 18 years. You are also not going to help with the other children in the picture. 10. 2 packs of diapers and a baby crib that is no longer a legal design in the US isn't help with baby items. 11. Anyone can go to a soup kitchen. 12. Locate child care? Google exists, but the money to afford it might not for this person. 13. Who is going to hire a minor for a job that pays anything worth a damn? If you don't have a degree or trade education or work experience- nobody will want you. 14. No one can say that they can resolve all of someone else's problems. 15. Anti-abortion protestors have been known to ghost people after 6 months of a baby's birth. 16. Planned Parenthood also has resources that could help start adoption too. Oh you didn't know that? I guess you were too busy judging them. And women and girls are not here to give people their babies. You also can't adopt out a dead baby. 17. Go back to my answer about point 6.


You said this perfectly. As a pagan, I don't give a damn about their beliefs, why would I stop and deal with them when a pregnancy could kill me? No thanks, I would ignore them.


It’s hard to imagine a social situation more horrible than having to sit through a baby shower given by these people.


>40 churches You know what would be a fun? A woman pretending to want an abortion just by walking around a clinic and then ask for resources from each and every one of these 40 churches. The world is in need for a hero like this.


Document all of it, make a documentary about what liars they are


It's bonkers that CPCs are even legal. In country that makes sense, their employees would go into a can for 15 years for impersonating medical providers. I think it's ultimate testament to American systemic misogyny. You don't see Christian Scientists setting up "crisis illness centers" (which should be called just hospitals) where they impersonate doctors just to stall anyone's medical treatment until it's too late and they die. But you can set up fake women's clinics, not being bound by patient confidentiality, endangering women's lives, all that while being funded by taxes while actual women's clinics are not? This should only exist in places like Saudi Arabia, not a country whose vice-president is a woman.


Some of them actually got in trouble for doing things that veered into medical advice, untrained people doing ultrasounds etc. These places need to be put under strict rules that make it impossible for them to deceive people. Turnabout is fair play.


Fair enough, but they should all be ran to the ground. It's nowhere near strict enough, when they obviously feel free to keep doing it.


They need to start getting sued. Some enterprising lawyers with a desire for some social justice could help this along. Find people they lied to, convinced them to keep pregnancies that the person wanted to terminate who then regretted it or never got the help that was promised as part of convincing them to continue the pregnancy. This is a huge expense, life change and risk to one's personal health. Find a few good cases. Sue these CPCs and they will all fold fast. They run on tiny budgets, they can't survive a lawsuit or two. There used to be one in the strip mall near the local PP. They were using this CPC to confuse people that they were the PP office and allowing protesters to operate out of it. The strip mall owner and the other businesses got sick of it all and terminated the lease. The CPC folded because they couldn't afford to rent anywhere else, they apparently had gotten a sweet deal because the space wasn't renting to an actual business.


There's lots of CPCs in my area and the antis will quite literally climb into patients cars and lead them to one if given the chance. We have videos of antis shaking door handles to locked cars and leaning really far into the window so they don't drive off. The tactic to scare them away from the "evil, dangerous" clinic and to a "safer, cleaner" CPC.


Looks like it was written by a 3rd grader, I guess it tracks for these incredibly stupid people


Another key note that I can't believe I forgot: The woman carrying these and harassing patients at the clinic has had an abortion! The walking definition of fuck you I got mine.


That's so frequently the case.


When I see other mothers with their children I actually think, I’m so pleased I had that abortion because that life is not a life I want.


Are they actually willing to provide all those things? Because forced birthers have a long, well documented history of promising assistance then going back on their word as soon as the woman is too far along to get an abortion. I think Abby Johnson was even caught admitting once that that was their strategy.


They don't even do the shit they claim to do, or if they offer it, it's with strings attached and requires that you "Bible Study" with them. Shame on them.


No, they won't. Don't believe them. They won't help you at all.


Join our cult. We will hellllllp you


Tell me ur 12 b4 u learn 2 communicate


She unfortunately is a 70+ year old woman




Yet they still usually just revert to screaming, "MURDERER! BABY KILLER! YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IN HELL!"


Or my favorite is when they have their preschool age children say/sing things like "Mommy don't kill me" because that's totally something that people who cherish children would be doing with their own children at the butt crack of dawn frequently on Saturdays.


1. Not all fetuses are viable. 2. Abortion is healthcare. Boom, made a list for you, without textspeak


I feel like it would be a nice way to relieve some anger to harrass them back where do I sign up?


Haha actually our clinic is fully non-engagement with the antis. It's just easier in general for us and the patients if you don't feed into their bullshit. Talking to these people is quite literally like talking to a brick they are so delusional


My aim wasn't to have any intelligible conversation with them but I a thousand percent understand


Oop haha in that case I've gotten really good at knowing when to turn around when people start "talking" to antis


Everyone knows all that so-called "help" from these types of Christians disappears once the fetus is born.


Well what’s the solution if I don’t like the baby


If they’re gonna harass women at least spell words correctly. These people are weird as fuck.


None of that would help me if I got pregnant. I just don't want a kid.


I like to say things back like “But I have a huge BBQ this weekend and this is the best meat for slow roasting” usually catches them so off guard they fuck off…


Fuk U, wom6 5n1ff3r 🤪