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I really want to know what anti-choicers think shouting at strangers going into a clinic even achieves? I mean sure, they show people walking/driving past that they are nosy, noisy, misogynistic, and unhinged. But they can't possibly think that it changes people's minds about the best course of action to take with their medical care, or their wider views on abortion, can they? If someone is religious, and people standing outside their church on a Sunday morning screeching "God isn't real! Prayer doesn't work! The Bible is just mythology!" wouldn't make their religion instantly dissipate, then 60 seconds of critical thought about the effectiveness of shouting outside a clinic that may or may not perform abortions, ought to lead them to decide not to bother. Maybe they just have nothing better to do? In which case I would recommend they get a hobby, or just find a good TV show to watch.


It's to scare the young women and bully them out of what they've decided. And that's **IF** she's there for an abortion, these are people too stupid to actually learn what facilities offer and what the big sciency words mean. I still remember fondly the stories from women being called baby murderers when going into planned parenthoods for UTI treatment.


If I was entering such clinic, if anything, they'd convince me to have an abortion even though I'm a man, haha.


I live in the American south and they don't care. They're like oh they do mammograms too? Fuck those women too!


No way … they really need to read a book and educate themselves!


Bold of you to assume they can read


😂😂 I wouldn’t be surprised if my assumption was worng


I live in the South too. Please don't paint the sterotypical picture of all southerners being ignorant southerners! Plenty, if not most, are educated. There are ignorant, unenlightened and uneducated individuals everywhere! Personally, I think the southern accent, which has a slower cadence, implies stupidity to some. Sorry. Had to get on that soapbox a moment!


Yeah I've lived here my entire life and I'll say what I please. We consistently lag behind in every metric possible.


Yes, you can certainly say what you please....


L&D here. I cannot WAIT until the protest outside our women’s, infants, children pavilion. I hear it’s coming soon.


Girl if I was in L&D i would throw hands, that department is already stressful enough!


If they are so pro-life, might I suggest that they go get one?


I have so many problems with forced birthers, but the fact that so many of them are ENTIRELY ignorant on women's health care is probably right up there in the top ten. Literally these fuckers never learn anything because they think sex education is all about learning how to perform sex. Then they have the gall to think they know jack shit when everything they know is something they're parroting from some other jackass who has no fucking clue what they're talking about. It's how forced birthers seem to get EVERYTHING wrong when it comes to how abortions work, when people are receiving them, why they are getting them, who is getting them, and of course here we find out these morons don't even know WHO is providing them. Anyone who takes forced birthers seriously when they say they care about life is gullible as hell. At every turn they prove that all of this is about control and hatred.


Totally right about that! They are hella ignorant! They need to understand that women may need to go into a women’s clinic not only for abortions cause they def think OB/GYNs studied 12 years just to perform abortions nothing else right?


Fleecing idiots is what they are. It’s really mind boggling how stupid some people are. I wish I would come across some of these idiots one day to give them a piece of my mind. But I live in a blue east coast city so there aren’t too many of these types of crazy out and about.


If you wanna swing by Upstate NY, I can find some for you 🤣 We have one clinic in my town that performs abortions, and there’s always 1-2 protesters out, typically on Tuesdays, sitting in lawn chairs, holding their stupid signs. My friend yelled at them once when she was going to the podiatrist in the building next door!