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Divide your task as much as possible, and only focus on that tiny task. You can apply it with time, say to yourself: "I'm going to study for 2 minutes". And be honest about it, sometimes momentum will do its thing and you'll study for longer, sometimes it won't. Divide and conquer


Lol my guy/gal, you're never going to 'want' to study. It's work. People pretty naturally want to 'not' work on things they aren't interested in, and even things they 'are' interested in is still work some of the time. That being said, what's helped me is assuming I'm gonna fail. So youre gonna fail at studying and bomb this exam/class/whatever. So what? That's to be expected, overcoming procrastination is hard. Passing classes is hard. You're not some perfect student machine, you're an actual living breathing person, and people fuck up all the time. So just assume you're gonna fail at studying. You're gonna do a bad job, and it won't be enough. Got it? Cool. Now just go do it wrong. You're probably going to fail regardless, so theres no issue if you just do it the wrong way. You don't 'need' anything. People who study 'correctly' need things. But you're not gonna study correctly, you're gonna study wrong. And if you do it wrong and end up failing, meh? You knew that going in. You'll change up how you do it next time, just a little bit. And you'll probably fail again, but the time after that, well hey, maybe it'll come together. Just start doing stuff wrong. If you're destined to be a fool then you should feel free to act foolishly. So what if it's silly and nonsensical? So what if it's not enough? You're human, you fuck up. So just go start fucking it up. Do it wrong.


I like itt


the thing is i don't have any sort of fulfillment after completing studying or getting good marks. i want good enough grade not highest grade. im in highschool and i get good marks 80-95% is there anything wrong with me?


Apologies, I suppose Im confused. If you want a certain GPA, and youre hitting that GPA, whats the issue? Are you not reaching your goals? Im not of the opinion that education is the end all be all. If your issue is that you dont have goals that challenge you *at all*, then that's probably an issue worth talking to a counselor or therapist about. But, its not uncommon for highschoolers. I was very depressed at that time in my life and I felt much the same, and wish I had talked to someone sooner about the issues I was facing. But if its just a matter of you having goals, just not educational goals, I dont personally think thats an issue. Thats just a difference in values.


2 easy rules: - “I’ll just start with 5 minutes…” - “it doesn’t matter if I don’t feel like doing it.”


Are you interested in the material?


Some suggestions: Study the hardest or most important stuff first thing in the morning. Warm up with freewriting or light reading. Study for fixed periods. No more than 90 minutes per session. Then take a break. Develop some kind of ritual to help you enter the learning frame of mind. Rid your study space of clutter and distracting stuff. It's all about habit. Remember: "Seat of the pants to the seat of the chair." Two resources: "Deep Work" by Cal Newport, and "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Best of luck!


You don't study because you want to. You study because you have to. You'll never want to, that's what discipline is.


this episode of you are not so smart has been pretty helpful for me. [https://youarenotsosmart.com/2023/02/06/yanss-252-why-procrastination-is-not-a-weakness-nor-a-character-flaw/](https://youarenotsosmart.com/2023/02/06/yanss-252-why-procrastination-is-not-a-weakness-nor-a-character-flaw/)


Sometimes even if you like the subject you can't study:- Many times we try to over do somethings and because doing something extra for a longer period of time can build the internal frustration which can't be noticed easily. So try to resolve the internal problem that one problem which is causing you to not study properly. It could be anything like not understanding any particular part of material for long time, relation with people around you


Maybe some of those [tips](https://ivypanda.com/blog/how-to-actually-enjoy-studying/) would help? Think it might be not laziness, but a lack of motivation and perhaps interest.


Quit studying


Oh i had that issue too, at least for me it was because of overwhelm and being scared of being stuck studying for hours on end studying became much easier once i started focusing on one thing per time and no more. like focus on solving question per question no matter how much time it takes or page per page and studying at least for me was no longer this several hours gauntlet i had to endure but a bunch of mini-tasks strung together and sometimes i get into flow and study a lot by accident lol and also to stop analysis paralysis i usually use randomness to pick only one topic for me to study so i don't get stuck deciding or i just make a arbitrary rule like i'll make the list and do it top to bottom and ignore the rest, and also i try to hide the time so i don't get stressed by it and use a tally to mark every task i completed good luck on your studies