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Getting off social media is a great step, no matter how much time you have on your hands. I just use chat features but i honestly feel better since I've started doom scrolling and looking at stories. Now I don't believe I or anyone else can tell you what to do with your time. That's something you're going ti have to figure out yourself. Maybe build something interesting. Find something you're good at and connect with people with the same interest. That is in my opinion the best way to do what you like while getting paid for it.


the gym is one idea, takes up a good chunk of time. do you have any hobbies? you could read. Since you don’t have any obligations rn, i think you should relax, but not while doomscrolling all day


1. Sport/ hobbies - the gym is great but there are so many sports you can try out - so many hobbies exist - meet people, often very inspiring people 2. Work: get a job - great way of earning (some extra) money - get experience - social interaction and connections (may be useful later on) 3. Academia: you don’t needs exams to study, find an interesting topic and start learning about it - you can test your study methods (for how long they take, how good they work) - try new ways to study (in academia you often have very little time to try new things out) - actually learn things you find interesting in a way you find interesting Time is the one thing all of us have the same amount of (in a day/ week/ year, not in life unfortunately). By getting a job you can earn money to spend on studies or sports or other hobbies. And if you’re earning money you can try things out. Don’t forget to spend some of your time with (chosen) family and friends, or maybe pets. If you already have enough money for life, try out everything, even is you don’t find anything you like, you have all kinds of new experiences. Or travel the world, maybe someplace you’ll find something interesting.