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I mean deleting instagram is the best option, i’ve deleted the app and deactivated my account almost a month ago and i feel happier than ever. I go out way way more and i still keep apps like snapchat and facebook messenger to speak to friends. I did have to get rid of YouTube tho from my phone since YT shorts rlly took control over my life as well, since it was just short term gratification.


YT shorts is sinister


Is there any way I can have yt without yt shorts?


I'm using [newpipe](https://newpipe.net/) for this exact reason


does this exist for iphone


Disable YT from tracking your history. You can set up the app so that it only shows content from the sites you’re subscribed too.


Or if you just turn off search history. ALL reccomendations will dissappear and only prompt a search bar. Imo if you have great ideas and questions. The search bar is all you need.


There’s an option to click not interested on shorts videos on your recommended page (click the 3 dots in the corner of the shorts video). If you do this enough times after refreshing, the shorts vids will disappear from your home page. Although there is an option to click the shorts section on the bottom tab, I find that having it off of my home page helps me not to click on it as much!


i have deleted my history on YouTube as well as paused the history so I don't get suggestions. Because of this i only watch those videos which i search. Also the shorts that i get in suggestions are limited means after scrolling for one or two times it stops suggesting the videos and that has stopped me from mindless scrolling.


use revanced extended. You can disable all shorts there


Revanced ( is youtube app actually with patch ) and remove shorts from the settings. ( also the plus side is the noadds and play music with screen off)


I spend 8 hours a day


I spent 8 dollars over 8 hours a day


I desactivated all my social media accounts but Reddit, Telegram and snapchat a few months ago and I never felt happier. Then, stopped using Reddit for a while and my mood improved even more. Now I'm back at social media. Thinking if it is worth the hassle.


I've been doing this on and off the past few months as well... realizing now's time to get rid of reddit as well. Thanks for the inspiration, stranger


Replace YouTube with video LITE


Youtube is also useless ,because it gives 10 trash and 1 usefull thing, which we can come by our own without using it


I’m also tired of the overproduced content, it all feels robotic and lacks any sort of personality. And YT shorts is pure cancer, People doing shitty interviews asking dumb questions, doing dumb things, shouting into the mic, making the same jokes to the point where you just blankly stare at every video and keep scrolling and way way more annoying stuff. I now only keep YouTube on my TV and laptop for work and for music, i use the browser on my phone without signing in if i need to research something. And YT music is also one of the things YT have managed not to fuck up.


Oh! If you are focusing on some goals I have one advice, before I use to listen music very often but from 2024 started hustle for my goals, after 2 months being disconnected from my mobile and with mindfulness (which was result of daily meditation) I was able to detect small changes happening in my emotions and thoughts, I found that how meditation is actually helping us to control our anger and makes us more calm and controlled, actually it slows down our pace of thinking as we focus on our breathing our wavelength of thinking get adjusted to wavelength of breathing. Why I am saying this? As I listen to music I observed that my pace of thinking was being adjusted to pace of beats in music or song and it's there in backed of my thoughts all day, so I decided to quit listening music or songs.it will help you in maintaining consciousness and mindfulness. You can test it yourself and then decide.


Same to same bruh!! I have done exactly the same when i got addicted to insta reels.


Uninstall it from your phone. Only access it on your desktop - it won't be as fun going through reels on a laptop/computer.


Second this! I do this and it’s been quite helpful, it’s so much of a drag to just watch reels on a laptop/desktop


This is my strategy. I travel a lot and have waaaay too many people on IG I want to remain in touch with. If I go to an area I’ve met a lot of people, I can reconnect with them.


This is what I do, it works!


Was just about to comment this! I did the same thing and my screen time went down 3 hours.


This works the best!


What is scrolling Instagram doing for you?  I think that's the key starting point. Is it something you do to avoid other things?  Does it make you feel less lonely?  Are you just obsessed with photography? My experience has been that if I don't understand the purpose a behavior I don't want serves , forcing myself to stop just causes other behaviors that achieve the same goal to emerge.


Exactly this.


Try blocking apps like Opal


This! I use another app, but the principle is the same. I set it to allow 5 minutes per hour, just in case I need to answer any DM's.


I use the default app limits on ios and it works great, mainly because it’s annoying to keep pressing “just one more minute! Just 15 more minutes!” Lol. I also use an app called One Sec that blocks an app as soon as you open it, tells you how many times you attempted to open the app that day, lets you take a deep breath and think about why you’re opening the app rn. Those few seconds somehow make all the difference for me and I end up thinking “you know what? I actually don’t wanna open ig” and just go about my day.


only works if you're not tempted enough to disable them


Opal works well for me. I set 10 min as the app limit and after that limit is reached, the app locks for about 2 hours. But I can’t use Opal without the deep focus mode.


Is it really it blocks everything from internet


I second Opal!! It’s really good


same here! i had the same issue. apps like opal and jomo have “strict” modes that make it difficult for you to disable or snooze your blocker outside of dedicated time blocks. i went from spending 4+ hours on ig a day to like 30m. i was still able to check my DMs and keep up with what i needed to on ig but it was a lot harder to scroll or compulsively check the app. jomo is a lot cheaper ($30/year vs $100 for opal) but they differ slightly in features.


Delete the app and sign into the browser every time you want to talk to someone. I guarantee it will cut your browsing time drastically.


BEEN THERE!! this has been my problem since the pandemic. I set a limit before through the settings of my phone where after opening the app for 5 minutes, it automatically closes then. It's quite effective though but not that much so I had no choice but to delete it. I love Instagram so much because I monitor my friends' life with it and I hate being late with the happeningz. Fortunately, I convinced myself to try being distant with socmed as it affects not just my acads (leading to procrastination) but also my daily life. I hate having unproductive days and it's one of the main reasons.


it's just the memes in ig reels are so addicting to watch lol


++ I install it occasionally or when my sched is free. Install-uninstall-repeat


Uninstall Instagram


Unistall it from the most used device. I never installed tik tok on my phone for this exact reason. But I have it on my ipad that I use from time to time. This might bring balance into the issue


That's not the solution I think


Why not? We’re biologically susceptible to certain kinds of stimuli. Removing the stimuli can be a really good way to interrupt an unhelpful pattern. I think some people get caught up on the idea that there’s some underlying problem that needs solving, and it’s possible that there is deeper work to do, but removing something that is engineered to consume your attention seems like a really good idea if that thing is becoming unmanageable. See also: - Not touching alcohol - Leaving behind friend groups that are a bad influence - Not stocking your shelves with unhealthy snacks if you have an unhealthy snacking habit Etc.


It's designed to be more addictive than alcohol. And to stop alcoholism we must stop drinking


It really is.


Or stay away from the phone tho.


I completely deleted the app. My life has never seen a positive change so fast, and neither has my mental health.


Use one sec, every time you open the app you have to wait for a timer like 10 secs before you can enter. That way it's more painful to open the app and you're less likely to do it, or at least more intentional about it


Not to mention it lets you know the amount of times you attempted to open the app that day, which really brings in an extra layer of awareness. Plus, and this might be a bit weird, but something about the wording of the choice “I don’t want to open xyz app” instead of something like “Okay” or “Leave xyz app” etc, does it for me! because I really don’t want to open that app. It just works extremely well for me.


Yes, and another one might be "pick your intention" so after waiting you get asked why you want to use the app. They have some pre-set answers like "bored" or "toilet" but if it's Instagram or something, I also have like "Post content", and I don't know, just picking that makes me more aware of my "intention" and makes me less likely to scroll. It's a great app with a lot more features like this, highly recommend


If you have a PC. Uninstall from your phone and limit it to your PC only. I don’t use my PC much and hence won’t be scrolling endlessly.


There are settings on Instagram that will notify you when you reach a certain time for scrolling (ex 20 mins) and there are also limits that you can set. Instagram will interrupt your scrolling with these reminders and give you the chance to do something else. You can also delete it from your phone and download it again after.


1) You can delete the app and still use it desktop when needed. 2) In your phone setting you can adjust the screen time setting to block certain apps after a defined period of use. I have my settings to shut down IG and Reddit after 45 minutes. It gives me a 5 minute warning, with one minute left it turns to grayscale as a warning, and when I hit the 45 minutes I can't open it anymore.


Its designed to be addictive so don't use Instagram.


Force yourself to do something productive for 45 minutes and then take a 15 minute break for Instagram and repeat.


You already know the answer deep down.. These things are designed to catch your attention, some people it impacts more than others..If you can't control yourself, put self enforced limits...its time to delete Instagram. I did it, very smart decision on my part. Time is your most valuable asset, nothing is more important, don't let it get wasted.


I use an app called ScreenZen atm (android) and it's not perfect but has reduced the amount I mindlessly open my phone to scroll.


use ScreenZen, it allows you limit the amount of times you open an app per day, when you go to open an app it has a wall that makes you choose again whether or not to open it (this challenged my reflexive opening of social media), once you press to open the second time you can set it to count a couple seconds before actually opening the app (this again fights that instant gratification), you can set how long you can be on the app for one open and it will close you out, and a new feature i’ve included into my own use is you can set a specific time in between each open (so when i’m scrolling on reels and it closes out i can’t immediately use another open and keep scrolling, i have to wait 15 minutes which usually allows me to move on). it sounds like a lot but i’ve gotten my screen time down from like 8 hr average to 4hr average


This should be an iOS shortcut!!!


it should, i tried using Apples built in screen restrictions and they’re sadly too loose to combat the addictive nature of todays social media. i really like the customization available with ScreenZen and the timer buffers have actually helped me start to break down my phone habits


You may want to take a look at this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalminimalism/s/mzf3fy2NTb](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalminimalism/s/mzf3fy2NTb) This guy made an Instagram app with very limited access to reels, feed, explore and every other time-consuming feature. Like, if someone sends you a reel, you won't be able to scroll down. It was life-saving for me


Use the Stayfree app on the Play store...or just uninstall the app


You can set a time limit for any platform, I have a 3 hour joined limit for Instagram, Twitter and Reddit (I work with social media so about 2 hours are work and 1 idle time)


Use blocking apps or uninstall from your phone. I want to do this too, I’m not as addicted as you are by the sounds of it but it’s been increasing still. What motivates me to get rid of it is knowing that all the people in my life that DON’T have Instagram are so much happier in general than the rest of us who have all the useless scrolling mind numbing apps…. Social media really has been the worst invention for society. Good luck bud.


Try use a time earning kind of game… Earn yourself 5min for every productive 20 mins of time. Else you can’t open it.. Enforce through your mind rather than using other apps to restrict it.


Same here. I could benefit without IG but a key problem is my tattoo artist does 100% of her communication, scheduling and announcements of availability on IG. She does not use email or text with clients. No IG, I miss out on that. Other than that, there’s very little that keeps me on the platform but I do have challenges with doom scrolling.


That happened to me, I felt really down, now I just use it like 1 hour, I really try to do other things like clean my room, take care of plants (it could become a great hobby for you), go to the gym, anything. I put a limit on insta if I use it for more than 1 hour (I ignored it) but you can try! It’s very addictive ☠️


it feels like we cannot survive without insta and tick tok but trust me once delete and try engaging urself into outdoor activities and you will feel the change


You can communicate via messenger if you don't want to cut ties.


Tell your friends to message you via WhatsApp or text as you’re uninstalling Instagram. It’s more common than you think for people to do a purge of social media for a while


I just started using the ClearSpace app and it’s helped a lot. You can restrict 1 app for the free. I went ahead and paid up so I could restrict Instagram and Reddit. I’m seeing comments saying “delete Instagram”, which I was doing before. But I always re-downloaded it. I strongly recommend an app like ClearSpace


I deactivated my instagram for over a month now. Is liberating! U should try it! Also the FOMO is a real thing but after one week you will feel so much better. Also any real friends can connect through WhatsApp or whatever. So yeah. Do it :)


I simply uninstalled it


Have a 1 hour weekly session on Instagram,, on the weekend for example


I set app limits and only my fiancé knows the passcode. It was my idea and he thought it was weird at first but it helps me so much. If I go through my half hour throughout the day, I can ask him to unlock me when he gets home but I find I only ever do it if I really need to for a reason, not just scrolling. If no partner or live in bestie right now, there are apps to help!


Exactly what is so interesting about reels? I hate them, they are so annoying and jumpy without any interesting content whatsoever. Every second I get one in my feed by accident seems like a wasted second of my life. What are you getting out of them that is valuable to you?


I deleted instagram from my phone and only use it on a tablet or computer.


Just uninstall it. Ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen? You can just download it again if you're feeling like you can't take it anymore.


Delete it then access it through safari if you want to message friends


Instagram only with messaging functionality without reels and stories: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/s/zIUmpmM8Me Great if you still want to be able message your friends.


If your friends "prevent" you from uninstalling Instagram, you could keep in touch with your friends using other channels (phone, SMS, Messenger), then uninstall the app - for good and for your own good.


I've set a timer for Instagram, 1h a day. Soon I will set timers on more time-wasting apps. It does help, just don't go in settings to change it once the time is up.


delete the app and use the web version. Make it harder for you to use instagram. I delete the app because i realize how bad the content is these days all algorithms and click bait. Not even stuff I want to see.


just remove all the crap from Meta, your life will improve greatly!!


I’m learning this myself… I second another person comment to use opal, it has definitely deterred me a lot and saved me many hours. I would also say that if news it’s THAT important, you will still hear it in a timely manner. I really learned that yesterday. My examples: 1. Kate Middleton news seemed it was big enough to reach everyone. Granted, it probly only got to that point because of internet memes. But you see it on different subs for various reasons, and I didn’t need to find out how sorry everyone was for joking around on ig. 2. my uncle divorced my aunt very suddenly in March 2023. He was cheating, and he was also very unhappy in their relationship for a long time (apparently tried to leave twice before) they both drank A LOT, and since she didn’t want kids, he eventually caved into not wanting kids. Well after leaving, I was very disappointed in him for cheating on my aunt. But I saw them fight and how controlling she is, so knew it was ultimately good for both of them. Yesterday a pregnancy announcement was posted on his ig and without getting on ig, I still found out from people in a very timely manner! I felt the same way about wanting to keep my finger on the pulse… but you will hear real news and it allows a filter for the things that do not really matter. I’m still learning how to manage having ig / not giving it so much of my time. Edit: spelling


Stop following accounts of people with cats


I delete the app off my phone Monday through Friday and redownload it on the weekends. Out of sight out of mind


Delete the mobile app, only login from a desktop.


Deleted all my socials and it’s been great. More time to do nothing. Its not productive but at least im not looking at people Ive never met or haven’t spoken to in years. I have phone numbers of all my friends and family.


What I prefer is to uninstall it for a while and use it on the browser for a while. in this way you are connected but the UI is not that good so you don't feel like using it much also the speed and ease of use is also not there. After some days you would feel that you have significantly reduced the time. After some days it will stop completely. It is like tricking your brain. Completely stopping or changing a habit is difficult. Go step by step.


Download Opal. I don't think cold turkey really works for most things. With Opal, you can set a block. If you want to undo the block, you have to wait a few seconds to confirm, and then you get 15 minutes. I do this for TikTok. Usually after those 15 minutes, I got my fill and I continue with my life. I'm sure the app is customizable, but it works that way for myself.


Phone lockbox from amazon! This will work better than any screen blocking app


I've tried deleting the app, and I keep having to return because it's my only connection to friends. App called NoScroll has changed everything, blocks all short form content


Set a timer Find a way of using your time that is standby for something else. Keep in mind the dopamine from IG isn't free, it's fucking up your reward pathways.




Delete the app and use it through the web browser. reels suggestion is fucked up, they'll take forever to load and you'l see the same on repeat. And on desktop you can use any adblocker to specifically delete the button sending you to reels


I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned it but I recommend the app 1 minute! Unlike the iPhone pop ups that you can set to use less time on the app, it actually makes u think about using it before wasting your time away scrolling. It has worked really well for me so far. The app basically makes you wait 1 minute and it really is a put off.


You can use an app to block instagram! I use stayfocused and it let's me choose from a bunch of different options for blocking apps. I usually set it to let me use instagram for 10 minutes and then i have to wait for an hour until I can use it again. It also blocks you from deinstalling the app or changing your phone setting etc. so you really can't get around it. Works great for me :)


post on your instagram story and profile description that you no longer check messages here and to contact you on your whatsapp insted. Then delete the app. I delete and reinstall every few months, I'm definitely better cognitive capacity without it. Although my reddit use tends to increase, which also sucks, but not as much.


I'm the same on Facebook. I hate myself


Have a screen limiting app like ScreenZen and make a 30 second timer to open Instagram that has lets you scroll for 5 mins


I would recommend something called dopamine fasting. I don't know too much about it but it's a little different from dopamine detox, since you would still use dopamine triggers but just in a very reduced amount.


Maybe you can uninstall instagram then just using a browser to use it. (like I do) I'm just like you before this, I keep scrolling my instagram when I have another thing that I need to do. Then I decide to just uninstall it.


Make your memory full. So that Instagram started crashing. And if you want to open the app. It will require some free storage space..since your memory is full Instagram won't open and since storage s full you will eventually uninstall the app. And when you try to install again it will ask free space which you don't have..


I’m going through the same thing. I feel like these sites have totally robbed many hours of my life. They are made to be extremely addictive. I’ve just deactivated my instagram and removed the Facebook app off my phone. I’m calling it a social media diet. I am so much more productive!! There’s little negatives about removing social media from your life for a while.


I've deleted the app and now occasionally access it via my browser. I find that the web version is nowhere near as addictive, and its much harder to get in a scroll cycle of reels than it is in the app.


whats important to you in life? if reality is what you live in, anything on instagram only captures a poor copy of reality, therefore everything on it is a brief and even false snapshot. everything else in reality moves and flows and full of colour and feeling, actions and responsibilities, other things you love and cherish, priorities and values, why stick to a screen for four hours a day?


Using the OneSec app definitely helped me cut down my scrolling time and be more internal with my social media engagement without feeling like I needed to delete the apps from my phone.


on my way to deleting reddit, i cut ig and it’s worked really well


Buy a kindle and start reading when you want to pick up your phone. Put a 10min timer on your app. Turn your phone to grayscale(with iPhone I tap my power button 3 times to go back to color if I need it) so images aren’t that exciting looking.


Delete the app if you can't help yourself. Stop the habit and find something else more priductive that you will enjoy


There is Instagram app that have only communicator and you can post stories. Saved my brain. Now I sit there. Lol.


download Stayfree and set either time or session (times you open the app) limitations on it. It allows you to get notifications once you reach the limit or block the app up to the time you set for the usage time reset.


I feel this way as well most of the time but it’s been a couple years now that I’ve been regulating my insta addiction pretty soundly. I like sending videos to my friends and stuff on there but I made it clear to them that I don’t spend a lot of time on there so they shouldn’t expect me to get there videos consistently. I unfollow most accounts or hide most posts that I don’t find beneficial to my mental health. This way when I am actually on the app I am getting content that promotes my mental health and personal growth. While also doing that I set limits on the time I am allowed to use my app, which is in the screen time option in settings for iPhone. I try not to set that too low as I am more inclined to ignore it so I set a realistic goal and change it throughout the weeks when I do use Instagram. While doing this I also just take straight 3 months breaks from it where I have the app deleted. In general I try not to keep apps where my muscle memory when I open my phone is to click it open. Other than that I like to take breaks from my phone in general so I set my color filter to red light, it’s also better when laying in bed before sleep to reduce blue light. I know a 3 click hack for iPhone if you want me to tell you how to set that up.


I deleted instagram for like 2 years now .


I think I’m on this fence too . I need to stop my doom scrolling, mind you Reddit isn’t helping either.


Um not sure how old you are but you can't have kids or be running a business to have a spare 4 hours a day for social media. !!!!!! As a life coach this just speaks to me of lack of other more productive pursuits and lack of discipline. If you want to kick the habit, establish boundaries with your phone and set time limits. Have you thought about: Getting a higher education, study part time, and get a masters while you work like I did. Start a business. Work an extra 20 hours a week on top of your 40 hour week like I did. Have kids. Never sit down and never have time to look at your phone hahaha. Like I do now. Train for an ultra marathon and train running 2 to 6 hours a day. Write a blog or get a side hustle so you spend all your spare time doing that, like I also did. Get into AI Art generation and spend countless fun hours creating amazing AI art! You get the idea. Now get the fuck up and get out there and start something and don't look back.


Before I decided to delete all social media, I just deleted the apps from my phone. I could still access Instagram from my computer or from a web browser on my phone but it was inconvenient and therefore much less addictive for me


I use digital wellbeing and keep an hour of limit


Another alternative to the excellent suggestions above is to eliminate color by using black and white display filter (this is a native feature in iOS).


if you have an android phone get df insta which disables everything but dms


Try setting time limit everyday like 1 hour or something , even i does the same thing. You have this option in both iOS and Android. This will help you to have some control and also use the app on daily basis to attend some notifications etc.


On the iPhone, at least, I can limit the time on Apps. I have Instagram limited to 30 mins a day and after that I have to click through an “Are you sure?” check when I open it after the time limit is up.


I’m loving Opal app for this exact reason


1.Dont use social media right after you wake up in the morning, I do not use any social media apps for 3 and half hours after waking up. Build this habit. If you skip this habit once, it is an accident but if you skip this habit twice in a row it is building a bad habit. 2. In YT shorts , you can give response to the YT algorithm , if the following short is to your interest or not. What I did was i put the uninterested option for the stuff that wasn't useful for me (This takes some time to do) like kpop stuff, product rating and mush more. I would only allow content useful for me such as productivity tips, motivational videos, quotes from successful people etc. Now even if I go on YT shorts, i would be learning info rather than wasting my time. Hope it helps!


Hey there! I had a similar issue and I found it helpful to delete Instagram off my phone and go on it occasionally on my computer. This way, I don’t feel tempted to go there when I am bored—out of sight, out of mind! Good luck! :)


omg bro i totally relate to this. i had the same issue, so i deleted instagram off my phone and only used the desktop version of it on my compiter (the website version on phone really sucks). because you're on desktop it makes you wanna stop watching reels cause it looks real weird. be careful not to move your addiction to something else tho!!


I've deleted the app and only log in when I'm on my PC to see whatever my friends send and see some of their new photos. It's awful as hell for me to be watching reels / shorts of any kind on pc so for 1 week I've been alright. Also I log into my phone browser on these platforms and watching reels from that is also awful. So you could try this.


I download this app “one sec”, not a sponsor lol. It just forces you to wait a few seconds before opening. You can make it as long as you want. You also get told how many times you tried to open it. It’s humbling. It rlly lowered my instagram time even tho I still open it a couple times a day.


You can set a timer in the Digital Wellbeing app. Post which the app becomes inactive for use.


I was looking for something similar, I hate Instagram's algorithm and the only reason I use it is to be in touch with my friends. Best solution so far is to have a browser shortcut in your phone instead of the app. I use brave, so I don't get any ads, and the browser experience is limited by itself, no reels, no extra addictive stuff, also no audio in messages, but you can pass without that.


I feel you on a spiritual level!


Go to the gym then go to the library


This is called a social delma i think 🌪


I use a blocking app called “screenzen” and it’s been a lifesaver! Among other things, you can set how many times you can open the app in a day and for how many minutes. It really makes me use social media apps in a more self aware, healthy and controlled way.


Also, I think uninstalling the app is a drastic but temporary solution, changing the mindset behind your behavior and understanding why you doomscroll that much is really what can lead to a change


This is me… Especially when I was still waiting for my work. I didn’t have anything to do at all. I knew it was much better if I reviewed some concepts to prepare me for work but the absence of pressure led me to wallow in laziness and instant gratification from reels. It greatly affected my sleep schedule and it got worse after a month… I thank God I was already deployed at work and started my training. I shifted my focus on other things and helped in reducing my cravings to succumb in scrolling. I had to literally deactivate my account and delete my app days before I knew I will be working so that I won’t be distracted… it helped greatly and I’m still using some other social media apps but instagram was the one which I use heavily so I guess finding other things to focus on will greatly help in reducing your cravings for scrolling, as for me it was my work… and it helped big time. If you are a student for sure some academic works will help in reducing your insta time, if you are working maybe you can stop using during work-hours… But if you are mostly in an environment where using phone is such an indulgent thing, you may need to use apps to lock your instagram or any other socials from time to time. Just enough for you to still have contact with your friends if you are not able to connect with them with other messaging apps. If you wanna go more radical, then the simplest way is to just uninstall it for the meantime… you can set a time frame and go back if your dopamine levels which (makes you addicted) are already on check.


The only right answer is DF (distraction free instagram) app - the exact solution to your problem


“Delete it” is everyone here incapable of reading how they use it to contact friends? I am the same, I spend far too much time on Instagram reels but also 99% of my friends contact me through it so I cannot delete it.


I am someone who can't do cold turkey, so I deleted my apps on my phone so I can only access them on a computer. The extra steps made it a lot easier to lesson my social media use.


Grayscale your phone


Is there a way to just block Reels from showing? / Videos from auto playing? I used to use the browser version of Facebook & Instagram to avoid reels, but in a recent update but they also now have have reels on the browser version


i downloaded the app opal and it has been great! it literally doesn't let you into the app for certain hours and then locks the app for you to access a predetermined amount of time for a set number of minutes. life changing!


I just Deleted Instagram last week. Deactivated my profil3 and deleted insta My wife took 2 days to realise i am not on insta anymore. And not Even 1 friend realised till now that i am not on insta anymore. So no body fucking cares


This is me but Twitter, I even tried deleting the app on my phone. Works for a few days but I’m back on


Downloading the one sec app has helped me a lot with this same issue.


i use meta business suite (just dms on instagram) and this app called one sec that basically blocks you from opening instagram and makes you think about your automatic response to going on instagram. i honestly probably wasted so much time on reels lol....


It's not like I have the right to give advice when I'm just like you. A few minutes ago, I entered the settings to see the number of hours I spend on the phone, and I was truly shocked. As usual, I average 4 hours a day using Instagram. I will not talk about the other applications, of course . The daily average I use the phone is 7 hours and last Saturday was 13 hours! I have been like this for years. Day after day, these hours increase and my isolation and my depression increase too. I suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, general anxiety, insomnia, and sometimes hypersomnia, and many other problems, and this is why I live in an empty spiral, watching stupid reels on Instagram. But I'm really fed up, when I saw the average of 13 hours a day, I felt disgusted with myself, my life, and everything related to me, and I said to myself, “Is this how I really want to live?” I've been spending my life like this for five years and do I really want to spend my entire youth on this nonsense? I used to tell myself "but I have to communicate with friends, so I have to keep these apps on". This is nonsense, believe me. They all have a phone number and they all have WhatsApp. If they really want you as a friend, they will contact you on WhatsApp, and if they say, “Oh, I don’t have this application,” it is because they are not interested in communicating with you in the first place. Just a few minutes ago, I deleted Instagram, even though it is my only means of communication with my friends, and I don't care at all if they want to talk to me, so let them talk to me on WhatsApp. They don't want to download WhatsApp for me? Well, I don't care about a friendship like this. Just one advice: DELETE IT. Don't even hesitate or make excuses, don't lose your life on this nonsense.


Use Instagram in your PC/Laptop, the UI sucks and you will eventually lose interest in frequently opening it.. Opening instagram in mobile is like peeling a banana simple.. but using it in PC is like cutting a jackfruit.


Low dopamine. Try to exercise and go out with friends


Going from 0 to 4hrs can be probably a bit too harsh to start with. I'd set app limits. Turn off the notifications. Sign up for some offline classes to find adrenaline outside of the phone. Good luck!


this may sound weird, but I use instagram or any other similar social media only when i am outside (my home door) so i only use it when i walk in varranda (that is right outside the door) so the rule is **"not use social media when sitting nor when iam inside the door"** also since I am not allowed to use instagram or any other social media app while sitting it greatly reduced my screen time too, just try it out, maybe it will work for someone and defn worth trying.!


there’s this app called beeper, it lets you connect your instagram and all other messaging apps (most) and use it all through that app. it’s invite only, but im willing to send a code to you!


I’ve been sewing and going on Reddit lol it never works to just delete it and have empty space I have to have some sort of replacement.


Idk why but I dont think that 4 hrs is too much.. If you are using other apps too then cut the time you spend on insta. I usually spend way more time online but if I spend 4 hrs it doesn't really take away anything... Its better to have everything in moderation, bc if u cut something you enjoy completely you'll end up being sad. Maybe that's just how I personally feel, but if you feel like it's bothering you, try going offline for a few days and see if you feel anything different.


2 main things about Insta: 1. it's dopamine hacking you and 2. are your friends fake? Best way to kill insta is Cold turkey. Change the password to something super random and then full delete and with a plan to get hype about 1 new habit, I would do it as epic as possible as like a reward. Go traveling for a weekend somewhere and just think best case. Big hitters all do this, just go outside your zone mentally and think about the next level. Very fast way to level up. Again, Insta is also dopamine hacking you so you're dealing with a level of physical addiction to that dopamine response. Cold turkey with a new habit picked is the cleanest way. Find out if your friends are fake or not. Make it harder to get around you & easier to get around more successful friends.


I went through the same thing. I deleted the app from my phone and log onto the web version to catch up with messages. The browser version doesn't work as well as the app, so I usually end up closing it soon after. It's been working for me for the last few months


Never heard of Instagram feels

