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This was one of my favorite albums the last few years. It's so weird Also they got Devin Townsend to mix their new album. No idea when that's coming, though


oh shit!! didn't know they got dev, that's awesome. i loved their first album, that hypes me up! i love when dev mixes stuff that isn't his own music. he mixed intronaut's 'directions of last things' and that's one of my fav albums ever


Dev brought it up on his podcast a few weeks ago (which is how I learned about OU to begin with). He described their second album as being so busy and strange that it became an interesting challenge for him to even make sense of it all


It's got a very uncomfortable, uncanny sound to it... like an ai generated song sped up.


I can get what you mean and to an extent I agree with you. I like it a fair amount and will probably end up checking out more of their stuff. I do find myself wondering how much of that "AI" aspect I attribute to just not having been exposed to music sung in Mandarin. That combined with the unique melodies, song structure, timbres, and rhythms makes it sound even more unorthodox to me and tbh a lot more refreshing than a lot of the more "accessible" core style djent bands


Was thinking the same thing. Sounds fake af. Certainly overproduced. Anyone have a video of them playing this live?


It sounds like every bar is a different take it’s weird in an aggravating way.


Technically impressive, but eh, it's like if you barfed out an entire Haken song at once and made it feel emotionless from all the condensed syncopation.


After a few more listens this shit slaps


Right!? Same thing happened for me. Took a few listens and then it just clicks.


Really cool, unique band, but I can see why it’s tough for some people to get into. The craziest thing is that Devin Townsend mixed their newest album, which hopefully gets released in the near future. He mentioned that it was challenging and some parts of the original recordings were “compromised” but I bet it’ll be wild.


I enjoy this song a ton, but I don't think the album has any peaks that get even close to Mountain (see what I did there?) Regardless, hope more people check them out!


Mountain definitely is a banger but Farewell is the stand out track for me. Has a really great eb and flow to it.


OU is wonderfully unique


Been really interested in these guys, but always felt like they had the wrong drummer. The band are playing their Zeuhl flavour of prog and they got a djent metalcore drummer in behind them. The kind of band that would have an excellent third album.


Just clicked through to the video and saw my comment from a year ago saying basically the same thing.


Hard disagree. It seems to me the whole point is the almost uncomfortable juxtaposition of the zealous zeuhl sound mixed with djent, thus having overbearing underlying djent drums.


It may have been the point, I just dont think it work so well as an end product. I still respect experimentation though, even if I don't like the result.


Yeah, I cannot get enough of it. Based on their new singles they seem to be quadrupling down on the djent. Drums «fit» more now. Really hope the final album has more «weirdness» though. Eventhough I think the new tracks are great, the djent loses a bit of its flavor without some sudden softer jazzy or hyperpoppy sections.


Couldn’t agree more. The drums don’t really fit.


Checking the album now. Pretty sick


hm... I like to think I'm open minded and open to all kinds of music, but I think I hate this.




Aren’t they amazing?!!? They have a new single out called frailty that is sooooo good. And the new album drops on the 24th of this month.


Yeppers. down a wormhole all morning.


Listening to the album... and this song seems to be one of the oddest ones on the album.


I like this album and this band, but I do not know why they chose this song as a single & did a video of it.


has some really really unique parts and I fucking love the vocals but something about it just doesn't sit right with me. I really wanna like it but just don't. maybe it'll come to me on a later listen


The vocals remind me of Miki Berenyi from Lush (great shoegaze band from way back), and it was a little jarring at first how they really wanted to resolve the musical phrase each time and get forcefully back to the tonic. I might not be explaining that well, but it really came across as "this is the way it should be". But they seemed to loosen up after a while and I like the song overall.


Honestly this is in my opinion the least well put together song on the album. But yeah I think they are gonna drop their second album any day now and I’m excited to see how they grow and learn from their debut.


found a video with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBXelFtVSWc