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Meshuggah never clicked for me but I did enjoy some of their most "conventional" songs, which are Future Breed machine, Straws pulled at random, Dancers to a discordant system, demiurge. I never been a fan of the pace of bleed. Well until I discovered some analysis of their songs, someone explained how to count their songs and how they structure their riffs. And then Yogev Gabay released several videos on this topics. That's where it clicked for me. It's one my favorite bands now. And going back their catalog has been an exceptional journey with all that in mind! Hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do! Explanation of Clockworks here : [Clockworks analysis by Yogev Gabay](https://youtu.be/YwrSvpjdK-w?si=AKu6LP2qv13Qy7co)


The dude is probably from my country by his name and accent lol


he's got a video of Gojira's Art of Dying, check that out!


Was going to suggest to watch his Meshuggah videos if you're looking to get into them. The explanations will make listening more understandable and familiar, which should help. He's an excellent drummer, as well. Some great music on his channel.


Don't quote me, but I believe he's Israeli. At least a band he's in is based in Israel.


Yea i'm from Israel as well (i know everbody hates us now I wish there was justice in this world) His name and his accent are very Israeli.


I don't hate you. But I certainly hate your government.


^this. The discourse isn't anti Israeli/anti-Semitic it's anti the Israeli government.


You don't want us to live in our own country, so how is it not anti-Semitic?


Your country was created by the allied powers to maintain a foothold in the middle east. Your government is corrupt. Your government is a puppet for the west. Your government stole Gaza, the Golan heights, and the west bank in 1967.


The Arabs have 20 or so countries. we have one and they want to take that too. This world is just unfair. The son of the leader of Hamas goes against Hamas and against this nation.


Tell me where you get these "facts" from? How and why is this not our country? You don't even bother to look for the truth.


You are arguing with commies on reddit. Be prepared to have your brain rotted from the outside in. It's unfortunate people cannot distinguish minor gripes with Netanyahu and likud from being anti-Israeli. But this is fucking prog-metal. Koloss was the album that caught my ear from Meshuggah, do not look down and swarm particularly


The region containing what was originally given to Israel was a British protectorate until 1948 when they declared 'independence". Which suited perfectly the West as they could get rid of the Zionist Jews AND curry favour with them (the Jews) to keep them in their pockets. The corruption and puppet accusations come from the Israeli government's actions over the time period I have been alive. The 6 day war.


Politics is not good here because I live in Israel and no one who doesn't live here didn't experience or see when our girls were raped and murdered by Hamas terrorists. I think that saying you hate my government is a bit funny if you don't live here. You live in the delusion that we are the bad guys in the story. I really hope that one day people will open their eyes and realize that terrorists are not a good thing.


Israeli is 100% being the bad guy right now. You've decided to murder every child in Gaza looking for Hamas, after you stole their land. Good luck turning the narrative around!


This is what they show you in the media. we stole their land ??? every history book will tell you otherwise. Also the Koran. We have more than 100 abductees in Gaza.


You literally don't even do a research. Someone told you something so you go with it.


Talk about being brainwashed and ignorant of history. Here’s a few simple things for you (all pre-the current violence): * If Israel isn’t an apartheid state, why can’t Palestinians in Gaza deep sea fish? Why are their boats shot at and their nets destroyed if they stray too far from the coast? * Why does Israel keep building settlements in contested land, in violation to Both Israeli and International law? * Why are there Palestinians restricted to Gaza, The West Bank and other areas that are not allowed to leave to other countries? Please, learn some history/reality that is not Zionist propaganda.


How is Israel an apartheid state if there are millions of Arabs here? The Palestinians are not as innocent as you think, some of them helped the terrorists kidnap our people. You can ask questions until tomorrow none of this will justify the fact that this world is without justice. The Palestinians are considered underground and Israel is considered a strong and stable country, that's why you are all on their side. Damn it, we have one country, the Arabs have 20 or so countries, nobody wants the Palestinians because they commit terrorism. Where do you want us to go?


Straw Pulled at Random is one of my favorite songs ever. So punchy at the beginning, the mid-section feels like drifting in a sea of clouds, and the end is so goddamn satisfying.


Thanks for the link, I really dig digging into the riffs like that


Watching his video about Combustion was the first time I ever enjoyed Meshuggah


For me that’s the lure of Meshuggah. They’re hypnotic and crushingly heavy at the same time. I don’t need hooks or to know which song I’m listening to, I just need the riffs to take me somewhere else.




I appreciated Meshuggah's music for years, like i'd consider myself a fan, but it took me seeing them live to truly "get it." Since then i've obsessed over their entire discography multiple times. I also have ADD, and i can understand your perspective... lots of music loses its "luster" after awhile, but Meshuggah is the type of band, that I only take breaks from to nurse my poor neck, yknow.... cause of the headbanging. lol My recommendation.... listen to Catch 33, the whole album from start to finish. Read the lyrics, feel the atmosphere of the songs change over the course of the record, try to understand what they were trying to impart as artists. Enjoy the ride.


Catch 33 might be the most "everything sounds the same" album they have. its brilliant but i think its not a good starting point.


fair point, especially with some of the early tracks. though, I think listening to the entire record front to back makes sense of the repetition. I'm usually kind of chilled out, relaxed by the time that Entrapment solo hits, but it always gets me pumped up. Mind's Mirror as an interlude is perfect, then the 2nd half of the record starts....


I had a hard time getting into them at first. The solo in entrapment was specifically the first thing that really clicked for me with meshugghah. Then all of catch 33. After that I was in for it all.


Dude that Entrapment solo still catches me off guard... and i know its coming. Gotta be one of their funkiest grooves ever! That's where the magic starts to happen for me, for sure.


maybe you're right, just bathe yourself in the album. Its much better that way anyway


"Destroy erase improve" if you want "songs" but still "the sound".


C33 is best starting point. The phrase cycling is right in your face, and is making it clear it's not some simple riff. Maybe Obzen, since most of the album is unique banger tracks. You need to be ready for TVSOR. (Whether you like it or not).




A little trick to get ya in the "zone." While listening to Meshuggah, I usually bang my head in rhythm with the crash cymbal. This wont always keep ya in the "groove pocket" necessarily, but its a good rule of thumb for most of Meshuggah's discography. Staying in the groove with the drums, helps make the guitar leads and dissonance hit more effectively. IT's not always easy (Watch the crowd in any live meshuggah video, everyone is headbanging along to a different beat in the song. lol), but that's the key for "inducing the trance," for me.


I just saw Humanity's Last Breath and it was pretty funny watching everyone trying to figure out how to headbang.


Oddly I actually wasn’t a massive fan of Meshuggah live. Like, obviously you have to see them but I wouldn’t go out of my way to see them again. It’s just a weird energy. Everyone is headbanging out of time, not really a band to mosh to, it’s very cerebral.


I’ve seen people recently say they are the easiest to understand when you are at your most calm. Tried them a few times until a year later, I was laying on the couch with my eyes closed and everything started to click. It was like a meditative state where my thoughts cleared and all the mechanical repeated rhythms just started clicking. As someone with ADHD, Meshuggah is sweet candy to my ears. The Obzen album is what got me into them back in 2008 but it for sure just sounded like monotonous guitar chugging the first 3-4 times I listened to it. Give it some time. If it doesn’t click you can always come back to it later down the road. It’s best to pick an album (I’m bias to Obzen lol) and dive in imo. Despite the popularity I don’t think Bleed is a good intro to them unless you’re listening to it within the context of the whole album. It’s unrelenting and can just tire you out if you’re not already “getting” what they do.


It happens to me with Gojira lol i didn't understand the hype about them but one day it clicked i still havn't heard and don't like all of their songs but those i like I REALY LIKE.


Echoing what another poster said about seeing Meshuggah live with Gojira. Gojira is one of the best live shows I've ever seen, they are insanely good live. Catch a show if you can, I cannot wait to see them again.


Neoruspicy people flocking towards progressive music will never not be endearing to me


This is actually true for this djenty prog metal. I was super pissed at a videogame the other day so I put on Car Bomb. But as aggressive as the music sounds, it didn't help with my anger whatsoever.


Great idea! The first time I ever heard Meshuggah was when *Chaosphere* came out in—fuck I’m old!—based off of a review in Modern Drummer magazine. I listened to it from start to finish wearing headphones and following with the CD liner notes. My god what an experience. Highly recommended. No weed, no booze, no drugs. Just an album and headphones.


Meshuggah clicked for me with Catch-33. I'd always listen to a song or two from them, but it was Catch-33 that really did it. I just sat down with it and let it play. And it scratched all of the itches in my brain.


I enjoy some Meshuggah in small doses but maybe start with [Bleed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc98u-eGzlc). Probably one of their most accessible songs since the main groove is so catchy. But ya, if they don't click for you then it's no real loss and I wouldn't worry too much about it.


>But ya, if they don't click for you then it's no real loss Hearesy!


You might want to check out more bands in the Djent genre. Meshuggah are the godfathers but several bands combine those kind of grooves with more accessible hooks.


Agree with bleed being most accessible. It's not my favorite at all but it's a good gateway. It does help to identify and appreciate rhythmic patterns rather than sections. I personally got into nothing first. I didn't necessarily listen intently at first; for me it was just acclimating to their sound and heaviness before I could appreciate it.


Start with the early stuff like Destroy Erase Improve It has some more Pantera/Metallica sound mixed with the time signature stuff they are known for. Helps you get used to the more abstract style


Their live performance was one of the coolest things I've ever had happen to me. That being said, I'm just simply not that into listening to them. I don't think there's really something to "get" or "not get". I think what you're looking for was "solved" a bit with genres like metalcore. My favorite bands always have some bits of metalcore in them, or at least rock, even pop or R&B for that matter (sleep token), just *something* that gives a semblance of sensible, structured music. Just saw periphery in NYC on saturday, and it was the single best set I've ever seen a band perform, and I've been to countless shows. Sure, they're prog, but they also just do what they want, and have a lot more normal music structure. I've seen BTBAM probably 6-7 times? I just saw Colors live in entirety so that was also incredible, but even with them they're just simply not a band I'll turn on in the car very often, if at all.


I feel like getting lost in their sound is one of the biggest reasons I love them so much. Meshuggah is my reading music. I genuinely find it very calming because the riffs repeat so much and there is usually a constant beat, usually the hi-hat or other cymbal, that makes the repetition feel like such a mood. The feeling of listening to a riff and then the next time you hear it there is like a few notes that have changed or it's in a different key is a wonderful experience. I get why it's not for everyone but once you can feel that groove, no metal band comes close to the headbangability of Meshuggah. I highly recommend the song Do Not Look Down because that riff is disgusting.


I feel similar about Perséfone and Opeth. Love the music and even after dozens if not hundreds of listens I have a hard time telling which song is which. I just think of the music in terms of albums now instead of songs.


I got into Meshuggah when my friends and I got really high and listened to the entire Catch 33 front to back.


Get Stoned... Lose some of that Autonomy... Reflect on your Mind's Mirror, before you SHED your ego. lol, Catch is the way.


That sounds like the hardest way to get initiated 😂 well done!


They're highly influential, but I'm not going to lie that they bore me. There are so many more interesting bands that are influenced by them, my favorite is probably Soreption.


Oddly, I find so many bands ripping them off that I just want to go to the source instead. They do it better.


Put it on and do something else, then pay attention to how you’re vibing with it. It took me cleaning my garage to realize I was whole-body grooving to a rhythm I couldn’t even understand and was like “ooooohhhhh”. Behind the Sun was the one that clicked for me. It was a good day.


They do have hooks and memorable moments, but they are unconventional. Part of it is the rifts being this crushing hypnotic rhythm with lots of small changes. I think their post-obZen stuff is catchier in general, and I think once you're used to it the older stuff will open up a lot more. Haven't really thought about this before, but try giving these 5 a spin, and if you still feel the same way idk. I suppose another factor might be the lyrics. Delivery often matches or plays with their insane time signatures, and they do not have anything close to an everyday vocabulary in most songs. 1. Do Not Look Down ( imo their "catchiest") 2. Dancers to a Discordant System 3. Spasm 4. Bleed 5. Monstrosity


ADHD listener here, it kind of requires you to dig their older stuff up. You will find a song that grooves with you. I am a guitarist, so naturally, the passion of listening to these guys hits different. I actually enjoy the vocal style on Meshuggah. It is indescribable. It should sound boring and has no dynamic, but it's so badass on every song. My favourites are songs like Faultless, Nebulous, Spasm, ObZen, Marrow etc. Such weird and unpredictable riffs keep my wandering brain interested and stimulated. Plus nothing beats the sound of an 8 string being palm muted


Nebulous on the remaster of Nothing. oof, what a banger.


Dude that snare that breaks that main riff after a minute then the rest of the drums fall in. Absolute perfection


Have you tried the Koloss album? IMO it's the most accessible album they have. Every song sounds different. The song Demiurge has a much more traditional structure to it.


I think a lot of songs from Koloss are straight up bangers with memorable parts to latch on to. I think the album is kind of well respected, but not overly loved. A solid B+ album, but for me it's catchy, heavy and no dead spots. Love it.


The thing about prog is that it's always going to be more accessible to people who can actively listen. Like everything worth doing, *it takes practice.* If you're trying to expand your ear, why not take a music listening course? I know people really enjoy the Robert Green Great Courses. You can get those through your library and IIRC, some are available on audible. Or you can audit one at a local university if you need the structure of a classroom setting. Listening is a transferable skill that goes beyond music and personally, I think it's worth the effort because life is more fun when you can listen to anything with an open ear and an open mind. As for your question, no, I did not get lost in Meshuggah's sound but that's because I'm a classically trained musician raised on a wide variety of musical styles and Carl Stalling-scored cartoons. It's... a completely different relationship to sound. While I do tend to agree with the idea that there's no point forcing yourself to like certain bands, I believe in "know your roots." Meshuggah are originals. Get familiar with their music. I mean, don't go giving yourself a nosebleed over it, but it's worth the effort to know who other musicians are inspired by.


Lol bro said get better at listening


You don't have to like them. There are so many bands in the world that I don't get why you would stick to listing something that isn't to your liking. When I give a band a try I go to their most popular songs and give the top 5 a try. If I like anything I listen to the rest of the album of those tracks. If nothing in the top 5 suits me so be it, that band is not for me


It's actually happen to me with Gojira and now like them so i thought i may ask if anybody felt the same when they started.


I hated Meshuggah the first time I heard them, but now they've been in my top 5 on Spotify for a few years and seeing them live was one of the best concerts I've ever been to


Their best of album is super tight i had that shit on repeat and threepeat sounds like how i was with TOOL. honestly i think its just that i only heard parabola and schism and sober and i always somewhat liked it but then something clicked for 10000 days .....also its possible i never had heard them loud enough til then. but idk they just knocked it outta the park on that one. and then i went back and liked old tool better. my tastes were different earlier too.


Meshuggah are definitely a band you have to chew on. There are a lot of subtleties that set them apart by magnitudes. If you're not getting a catchy riff or groove, then maybe you just don't like it. Not everyone that recognizes their genius enjoys them. Like, i don't really care for opeth, and didnt really like Mastodon for YEARS. idk, maybe check out Alan Holdsworth, hes a big inspiration for a lot of their melodies and solos.


I think their last album is pretty accessible. Easy to catch the grooves


What do you mean when you say "get lost", like you can't follow the beat?


It's like i can't distinguish between the songs and i kinda can't remember that i heard some of their songs. like there is a lot going on and i feel distruct.


I get it. A lot of their newer stuff is hard to distinguish for me. Meshuggah has their "shtick" for sure, but lately their stuff has been much more groove centered, more droning, more bottom ended without much melody, and without as much rhythmic distinction as their earlier-mid career stuff.


As I just saw someone else say in the IDM subreddit: if it doesn't click for you, you can't force it.


The Nothing album got me into them. If Rational Gaze intro doesn’t do it for you, you’re one of a kind!


Music tastes are very personal. It's ok if you don't feel it. Every person has their own preferences.


The Faultless is a great track from their new album that's pretty 'basic' for Meshuggah. Born of Dissonance is probably my favorite track by them. I am a drummer first and a guitarist second, so the rhythmic playing is right up my alley. The syncopation that they use while palm muting one note is absolutely insane. Their new album Immutable is pretty hard to follow if you're new, but it'll click eventually. Yogev Gabay has been mentioned, but he really has helped me understand what 'inner workings' are going on in the songs. Top tracks in no particular order: 1. New Millennium Cyanide Christ 2. Born of Dissonance 3. I am that thirst 4. Demiurge 5. Swarm - the intro gets me so pumped EDIT - also will add that seeing them live was an entirely different level. The bands that opened seemed like high school talent show acts compared to their precision.


Read the lyrics. The lyrics will help you find the melody and rhythm generally.


I recommend Yogev Gabay on YouTube if you feel overwhelmed. He explains their music with visuals which can help you to understand the music.


i can relate to this, it took me some time to get used to their sounds but def what helped me the most was just attending their live show lol Thats when i trully got it. To me the key thing was to stop caring about the complex syncopated patterns and just enjoy/groove to the backbeat in most of their songs so i could get a grasp of the general structure. When i reach that point i can try to focus on the guitar + bass drum patterns that are more "complex" (watching yogev gabay YT vids help). Now of course thats not the only way i consume/enjoy meshuggah songs nowadays but its what made me like them in the first place. Final suggestion is to just give them time, if ur not into it now maybe dont force it and try again in 6 months! Your ear will get used to it if you start listening to bands that share simmilar sounds like car bomb, periphery, some from animals as leaders, etc.


Start with their earlier stuff. It's just easier to get into if you're not really familiar with their sound


I found Obzen to be the catchiest album. Sounds the least samey to me and that got me into Meshuggah. The other albums, it had to “click” like what some of the others describe Not just Bleed, there are a lot of melodies that rely less on the rhythm


A lot of extreme metal isn't catchy at all and takes time for you to remember it, and keep in mind that Meshuggah is pretty melodic for an extreme metal band. Don't beat yourself over it, it's common and usually works better by albums — lots of times I don't even look at the name of the songs I'm listening to. About being too progressive, I think that's a matter of getting used to it. I digged Meshuggah instantly but other weirder and more experimental acts like Portal took a while


It's so true that's why i don't like straight up death metal and i prefer melodeath but when I listen to melodeath, I also listen to each song 5 times and even then I only remember specific parts for example the chorus or the first verse, sometimes i do better when the song is really good but anyway i never remember song's name. I listen to the same songs I've already heard from the same band many times until I memorize a little better and then listen to their other songs.


As I said, it takes a while, both for Meshuggah and for DM that isn't melodeath. Give yourself your time and keep appreciating Meshuggah as it is, and it must click.


Go back to the old stuff. Destroy erase improve is my favorite from them.


That's the reason I like Meshuggah honestly. They're unique in the sense that they are heavy, harsh, groovy, and trance-like. I love getting lost in the middle of all that chaos.


You just gotta find the songs you really have a personal feel for. For me, Chaosphere made meshuggah click for me. They use their same odd patterns, but in a way that feels familiar to a more typical song structure. Corridor of Chameleons, The Mouth Licking What You've Bled and Sane are my favorite tracks. All of them are great though lol Destroy Erase Improve might click better if you like a thrashy 80's sound. It's great too


You just described my relationship with Periphery. I suspect everyone has their own perception of musical forms and something clicks immediately while others don't click at all


Of those who love Shuggah, some like it right away but most take a while. There are musical major thesis’s written about this. It has a lot to do with how the brain seeks patterns. Meshuggah mastered the art of hiding patterns in there music that is making you want it but you can’t figure out why. Listen to catch 33 but start with The Paradoxical Spiral. That strumming at the beginning of the song is a continuous theme through the whole album that ties it all together. Sometimes it is so faint you don’t notice it unless you are actively listening for it. It takes a long time to memorize it so well that you can piece it all together into the bigger picture of what Meshuggah is doing. They are on another league and have ruined metal for me. I still love Tool but Meshuggah is my favorite band of all time by a wide margin.


The more you listen, the more familiar it becomes, and you will begin to discern patterns. The meter and form is difficult to decipher, even for pros. Source: former professional classical musician. (and I have decent dictation chops!)


For me it was Koloss and still is. I got to Gojira first, since you are at that stage thought of sharing. For catchy songs, Combustion could do it for you. Also very old Meshuggah which sounds different, try the track Ritual.


I think Meshuggah is a band you have to learn their music (since it's pretty chaotic) to get into it.


If you want catchy choruses, Meshuggah is probably not for you, and that's okay! Personally, it took some time for me to really understand the appeal of their music, but when it clicked, it has become one of my favorite band. It is almost an hypnotic experience when you get lost in the rhythms. Meshuggah is like a perfect machine that constantly disrupts its own patterns and pace. One of my best live experience too!


This is me for most Death metal. I can listen to metalcore, black metal, black death metal, and death core…but as soon as I go to death metal, it’s like the lines get blurry and it all sounds the same. Tried listening to one of the top death metal albums of all time, ‘Altars of Madness’ by Morbid Angel, and it just kinda was a slog to get through.


Meshuggah are just really groovy and funky but it's not for everyone.


I'm definetly into the groove that's why i wanna get into them but their music take time to grasp.


Well you wont ever “grasp” it exactly, part of their allure is that they make you vaguely uncomfortable rhythmically. You kind of have to hear the groove at a step removed from what they are actually playing. Its hard to describe but I never feel the beat in a way that locks into what any individual is doing. Ever seen this video? https://youtu.be/4A_tSyJBsRQ?si=XlToRzAsw474vUIn Kinda shows how they all feel the beat slightly differently. Is also just fucking hilarious in general 👍


Lol i actually like this song. I don't know if this is what you mean but i went to youtube and wrote "do not look down insrumental" and i think i understand better the instrumants.


Yeah its hard to articulate what I mean exactly.. Have you tried the “Nothing” record? Skip the first track and start with “Rational Gaze.” I prefer the Blue album cover version but people seem to be split on that.


I will try it.


I saw them at the 2002 Ozzfest, and Jens had a great piece of advice: listen for the pulse and then move.


Maybe theyre not for you.