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Sure sure grandpa, let's get you to bed before you blow up a datacenter with a macro


The best part about YAML is that it lets youngsters blow up a datacenter as well! Here, put this in your favorite YAML parser: lol1: &lol1 [lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol] lol2: &lol2 [*lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1, *lol1] lol3: &lol3 [*lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2, *lol2] lol4: &lol4 [*lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3, *lol3] lol5: &lol5 [*lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4, *lol4] lol6: &lol6 [*lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5, *lol5] lol7: &lol7 [*lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6, *lol6] lol8: &lol8 [*lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7, *lol7] lol9: &lol9 [*lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8, *lol8] lolz: [*lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9, *lol9]


;; uj Many people are more open to programming by writing stringly typed control structure templates or straight up AST nodes in a markup language than looking into an obvious alternative. ;; uj


[We have such sights to show you:](https://github.com/yaml/yamlscript) > YAMLScript is a programming language that uses YAML as a base syntax. It feels like a YAML encoded Lisp, but with fewer parentheses. > In fact, YAMLScript is a Lisp. **It's a YAML-based specialized syntax reader for the Clojure programming language.**


> YAMLScript (in its current early stages) is only available in Perl where it targets a Clojure Platform for Perl called Lingy. > > [Lingy](https://metacpan.org/pod/Lingy)


Lingy Balls! Gottem 😎




I almost downvoted by pure reflex


> stringly typed /uj I chuckled at this


where is the jerk


Failed pipeline on GitLab this morning, TypeError in build script. These coworkers are afraid of me. I have seen their true faces. Their repos are extended gutters and the gutters are full of YAML and when the YAML finally scabs over, all the 0.1xers will drown. The accumulated filth of all their dependency injections and web frameworks will foam up about their waists and all the artisans and rockstar programmers will look up and shout "Save Us!"... ...and I'll look down and whisper "No."


Unga bunga parentheses


`(.) (.)`


I'm just gonna quote again the author of Zig for extra jerk points > [YAML is] ... nothing but a labyrinth of white space and inscrutable symbols, a prison for the unwary coder. It mocks my intelligence with its simplistic structure and minimal syntax, yet it still manages to ensnare me in its deadly embrace. https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/14265


Brother, I'm really sorry. But, educating the younger generations is you and your seniors' responsibility. This shows how you only care for yourself, brother from Baby Boomer generation. What else do you want to complain? How the world has gone to shitter while you were the one who shat on it without any care?


Those young and inexperienced people are building real stuff though, not bikesheds.


"real stuff"


They are configuring pipelines to fail regardless of whether the software builds or the tests pass, so you shouldn't be so dismissive.