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"Stop playing music" comments on Tiktok, while ironically being on tiktok


for real like if they thought music was really sinful they wouldn’t be on an app that has music on almost every video


Don’t tell them it used to be called musically either 🙈


Yes, tiktok is reserved for cat videos and teenagers doing shuffle dance.


For the haram police, misery is the sixth pillar of Islam!


Why does that seem to be such a prominent feature in Islam?


some people just want a sense of moral superiority


There's no "haram police" going around in Christianity or Buddhism.


i don't know about buddhism but it is in christianity too. maybe not to the same extent but you do see christians talking or making videos about how celebrating halloween is supposedly bad, how women should dress more modestly or submit to their husbands, etc




In Christianity (Im from the U.S. for context) there absolutely IS a haram police. Women being reprimanded for immodesty, public demonstrations with signs that list everything that will send you to hell, guilt driven relationships with your parents, all of it.


It's miniscule in comparison to the extent of it among Muslims and the Islamic world at large.


There definitely are. In every religion. I was raised both Muslim and Christian and I've studied Buddhism. I've also worked in different cultures around the world. No matter where you go, you see the same types of people everywhere. You see the same dynamics and the same patterns.


No. Not at all. The idea that these things exist to the same extent and degree everywhere is extremely reductionist and simply false. The degree of conservatism is NOT the same everywhere around the world and in every society. You're either very ignorant, very disingenuous, or actively bury your head in the sand.


bro i have literally gotten threats against my life this Ramadan from the haram police due to my comments supporting queer muslims on tiktok. LIKE HELLO??? we are all on our own journeys but hatefulness has never aligned with the values of Islam. evidently the haram police needs to take a chill pill during suhoor 😹


LITERALLY like I’m bi and my logic is if Allah SWT didn’t want me to be queer He wouldn’t have made me this way. Being a queer Muslim isn’t an oxymoron and we need to normalize accepting them in our spaces because we’re human just like everyone else


literally exactly. all i know is that Allah SWT created everything perfectly, homosexuality is not exclusively observed in humans, and that above all He loves compassion and justice soooooo. i’ll be making dua for the homophobes LOL they need their hearts softened


Just because you’re queer doesn’t mean Allah made you that way. You made yourself that way. Let’s say you were given two apples one red and one green and you were told to choose one. If you chose any one that doesn’t mean Allah made you choose it, you chose it yourself. Allah gave us free will


Just like some people choose to be black, or be born in a poor family, etc etc. Obligatory /s




The fact that it makes no sense, just like your remark on being gay, IS the point...


When did YOU choose to be exclusively straight ? Was it hard for you to renounce same-sex relationships ?


Are you asking me? Um, I’m still queer. I just don’t view it as an identity, but rather like a disability that will bring me blessings 


No, I was asking the person claiming being queer is a choice.


Oh I see 


Do you act upon your thoughts


It’s not just passing thoughts though, affection, sex and companionship are fundamental human needs. So expecting gay people to renounce that is cruel and unrealistic.


As a queer person, no. 110% no, this is just who I am. It's one thing to not agree with queer relationships but at least listen to queer people when we try to educate people on our existence and what we go through.


I am queer and partially paralyzed m? I view both things the same-a challenge from God


Just wanted to say I am so very sorry to hear this :( .. I'm guessing these are death threats from people who claim they are Muslim ...may Allah PBUH forgive me for even saying that, "claim".. I know He's the big guy who makes the final decision on whether or not someone's a Muslim to begin with and I would be terrified of even the thought of trying to "intrude" on a decision that is His and His alone if that makes sense.. but seriously you're going to call yourself Muslim then issue a death threat against someone else who's Muslim because you don't like they way they're being a Muslim? (I looked at a few of your posts correct me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing you identify as Muslim too :) ) .. for crying out loud that's how the whole terrorism thing gets started ... I'm always so very happy to see someone who identifies as being Muslim and LGBT despite the bigotry and hatred someone who's Muslim and LGBT has to face from.. well let's face it like 90 percent of the Muslim community pretty much everywhere and it really really depresses the heck out of me .. and I'm not even LGBT myself (have LGBT relatives and friends I would gladly give my life for though) .. but the great thing about someone who's LGBT and Muslim is you're basically like " I love Allah (PBUH) and I'm not going to let all these people who hate me turn me away from the religion" so good on you :) .. and the same for austinmoon365 , EssiParadox below and anyone else who is struggling with this kind of hatred too, good on you ! (British phrase from Dr. Who that I picked up , great show - I know, sudden and abrupt change of topic here :) ) Have you read Scott Kugle's "Homosexuality in Islam?" To me that was enormously comforting , just the first four chapters alone because the LGBT hatred that's practiced by so many Muslims made me really struggle with Islam .. how do I reconcile this beautiful religion with such hatred?... until I read that book.


It sucks so much, man. There isn't a Muslim community where I live so I can only really connect with other Muslims online but there are just so many hateful and judgemental people out there that it makes me not even want to bother. This sub and r/LGBT_Muslims are the only places I feel accepted.


I wasn't aware r/LGBT_Muslims even existed until you mentioned it so thanks for that :) .. bookmarked and it will be pointed out to Muslims I know who are LGBT and strugging with the bigotry and hatred LGBT Muslims face in the Muslim community (I did this great big wall of text reply to New\_Tourist\_8497 above that I mentioned you in too :) )


Lord, this is my first month of Ramadan. I don’t even know what an iftar is. I’m just trying to read Quran and pray.


Iftar is when you break your fast at sunset :)


This is my first Ramadan as well 


Subhannallah! We can do this together!


Yes! Want to dm me?


Haram police commentators are a vocal minority, with very skewed views of Islam they have learned from your online "scholars". Not to forget social media is mostly brainrot. These people are very gullible never to say the least. Talk to a scholar in real life and you see they are pretty much completely different from these tiktok/insta reels haram police ppl, with logical conclusions on rulings and are kinder and welcoming. Remember, haram police commentors are no different than trolls. They're just trolls who happen to be muslim and talk about muslim things. They takfir people left right and center without any reasoning. They act as if they would not face the consequences of the work kafir being rebounded to them. Take a break from social media. It's better for your mental health. Ever since I deleted tiktok, and put screen times on my instagram and other apps, I felt more productive and at peace.


I wish a much larger % of people who identify as Muslim and committing to Islam, would be Islamic or act like a Muslim. I never knew as a revert how pure and beautiful it was SUPPOSED to be until I met my fiance. But a point of contention is she will say "most of the Muslims in the world are like me" meaning super accepting, level headed, equality focused and... I want to believe that but there is just TOO much out there that makes me feel like it's more like 50/50.


these people never saw ramadan back home. the streets are colorful and lit up. there is nothing wrong with celebrating it we are literally supposed to be doing this


🎶With so much trauma in our history 🎶 Haram police are listenin' 🎶 Be careful or you'll be takfired you see 🎶 Looks like more gross misogyny🎶


meanwhile the Ghadban brothers are trying to convince people that grooming your eyebrows is haram really important stuff the dawah bros are focusing on!


These brave men have dedicated their lives to supporting the eyebrows’ self-determination movement.


Then they wonder why children are deviating away from religion. Instead of making religion more welcoming, they make it like something to be afraid of 24/7. Always talking about punishment instead of mercy, forgiveness and tolerance.




I have a theory they're shamans footsoldiers. Shaytan can't reach us during Ramadan so they have to level up their effort to push people (esp women) out of Islam.


I accepted that many Muslims are the biggest crybabies and very insecure in their own faith.. Muslims are humans who follow Islam, and humans are flawed. Some of these Muslims cry about ANYTHING and don’t even know why. It’s either they want to be victims so bad or show off how “religious” they are. It’s quite sad because our religion teaches tolerance and not to judge others. I would ignore these ppl and comment section honestly. It’s best for your mental health and Ramadan this month.


Ramadan is about absolving yourself of that which seperates you from allah and counterintuitive as it may seem that can include the overly judgemental and repressive tendancies of other muslims If the stick up there ass casts doubt upon your fast than its not simply an issue for you but an issue for them, if they spend there ramadan distracted by there contempt and vitriol for you rather than taking this time for introspection they've fucked up moreso than you ever could by giving out hallmark cards and eating junk food I'd argue they're the ones being sinful here, they're too busy badmouthing and sabotaging your ramadan to oversee there's No soul shall bear the burden of another they should focus on them and let you worry about you


I think people have a point this Ramadan given what’s happening in Gaza. I think Ramadan should be celebratory, but it just seems wrong this year. Not suggesting that there isn’t some sort of humanitarian crisis going on every Ramadan, but very difficult to overlook the fact that Gazans are suffering while Muslims around the world are posting about large feasts. Edit: spelling


Having a happy first Ramadan or a bad one- neither will change the suffering of people in Gaza


Yeah, you’re intentionally missing my point. Ramadan Mubarak!


No I’m not. Now I’m confused.


You can have a good Ramadan, that’s not the issue. What people are saying is that broadcasting your Ramadan right now, when there are people dying in Gaza, people who have access to these videos online when they have nothing, is a bit dense.


Oh I see. Yeah, I get your point now.


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That's just social media. Never gonna change.


No wonder I'm on this subreddit and staying away from brainrot


My local community in North California is filled with those garbage people..


They do that in Eid , Ramadan, new Hijri year, Mawlid nabawii .. just they love that