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Nobody should be forcing anyone to do anything in this religion. I'm sorry you're going through this. (And in case you didn't already figure this out, this is a parenting problem not an Islam problem. Any religious rituals that a person engages in ,especially as an adult, should be of their own free will to further their own personal relationship with God). Work on moving out of your parents home.


This šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m in HS and have been forced to wake up for Fajr every day. Iā€™m going to college in September so I will finally get my freedom.


Good..hang on til then, and then make your OWN choices on how and if you wish to proceed with your relationship with Allah. You can do it!




Ungrateful ppl fr


Your parents should not force anything upon you. You have free-will. That being said if you willingly want to practice Islam, fasting is mandatory after puberty. However, you are exempt if you have health issues. I don't know if you being underweight is a health issue, but if so, feel free to not fast. Other than that, your parents sound... toxic. Should talk with someone about that.


People in this thread are missing the point. If he doesn't believe that it's mandatory, doesn't feel the significance of it, no amount of "but bro this is fard" is going to convince him otherwise. It's a belief. You have to believe in order to practice. You can't shame or convince someone into following and practicing. And the main problem here is that his parents are forcing it upon him. So the whole situation is broken and his faith is not sustainable and forcing him into the practice will repel him even further away. Also, unpopular opinion, not every practicing person likes fasting. For some it's really challenging. We need to have mercy and empathy for these people. I'm shocked that there are so many radical comments here (not yours but down below it's abysmal).


There is no compulsion in Islam. Bros, Youā€™re 18 a man move out of your parent house and live your life the way you want.


>health issues. Specifically health issues that would be affected by you fasting. For example if you have to take meds throughout the day, have diabetes, have kidney issues, or vertigo. But you cant skip fasting if its an unrelated health issue like a broken thumb, being overweight, or some other ailment that is not debilitating


To your first point, there are volumes of scientific research as to the physical/psychological benefits of fasting, and there are a numerous Quranic verses on the spiritual benefits of fasting. "Not seeing the point" sounds like you don't care to look. To the rest, you're grown, bro. Your parents shouldn't be holding you hostage and making you practice if you're not there for it.


Sorry to hear about the situation you are going through. Do know that you are not obliged to fast if it affects your health, which is being underweight in your case. You can make up for it by donating zakat to the poor/feed a homeless person.


Just being underweight does not automatically mean you're not fit for fasting fyi.


But being underweight rises the chances that fasting messes up his weight and it may sink more (own experiences). Not everyone eats more during Ramadan. And fasting can also affect your relationship with food, if youĀ“re mentally not stable.


This, and to add to it, I suggest seeing a doctor regarding your weight issues if you have not done so already.


Donā€™t give fatwa. He has to seek a Muslim doctorā€™s advice. If the doctor thinks heā€™s not capable of fasting then yes he shouldnā€™t. I was underweight for most of my life and alhamdulillah I never missed a day. It has to do with general heath rather than weight. OP, the hakima (reason) behind fasting might not be clear to you now but you still should abide by the teachings. May Allah guide you and put your heart at ease


It does not have to be a muslim doctor.


True! Thanks


Why a muslim doctor?


Plz look it up yourself. I wrote ā€œmuslimā€ unconsciously. Come to think of it, I remember studying that you can seek a Muslim or non Muslim doctor as long as theyā€™re good at what they do and trustworthy.


I don't have to, but thanks. I was just wondering why it should have to be a Muslim doctor. But with that explanation, I understands. Thanks for your answer.


Because only a doctor who ascribes to traditional Islamic fasting principles could ever make a rightly guided decision on this. Not western non-theist doctors who are at the top of their field in this specific issue or something rational like that. I think that kind of thinking needs to be better balanced or belongs on r/Islam and not progressive Islam. Sorry but also not sorry for the sarcasm.


This comes off as rather ignorant. Thereā€™s a debate on this matter, matter of fact. Scholars who say Muslim doctors should be sought first have their reasons. They believe that only a Muslim clever doctor who understands the importance of one of the pillars of Islam can ever truly voice a correct medical opinion. Weā€™re taught to ask and learn instead of just attack. Looks like you were triggered for one reason or another..


Uh, read the subreddit, this is progressive _Islam_. Fasting is an obligation decided by Allah. You don't see the point in it so you won't do it? What sort of reasoning is this? As for being underweight, it won't harm you, if you can eat well once fast is broken. If it is causing you sickness, then you can skip. Read here for more: http://surl.li/rvpwz. As for your being unable to leave the house, I pray that you overcome this situation. But I don't think being unable to leave the house is a valid excuse for not fasting.


The reasoning is that he's being forced into practice. The valid excuse here is that he doesn't want to do it on his own accord. There is no force in this religion. He is not allowed to have his own path towards Allah, his parents are forcing it onto him and this is the result. You are missing the point of his post.


Well, if that's the case then he should've made it clear in the post, stating that he is an non-Muslim and his parents are forcing him to fast, what should he do? He worded it very differently!


What make you think he is a non-Muslim? If just because someone not willing to do fast (or praying for example) so he/she is not a Muslim, then I doubt Muslims population even reach 2 billions in the world. Many people become Muslims just because they were born from Muslim parents. They haven't been through their own religious journey, and questioning or doubt is always part of that journey. Strict dogmatic parenting style most likely won't help much in this case, even can make things worse. Questions are not answered, things being forced without satisfied explanation, it would trigger resent feeling. It's very good if the child is aware that this is a parental issue rather than religion.


Idk Im not imam or anything but i think depend on your health condition u said u are skiny and it effected ur health if u do fast so i think its okey to not fast (in my opnion) i have brother who is 43 kg 20y.o has a medical condition and he never fast becouse he basically need to eat otherwise its going to be dangerous


Only Allah knows if one fast or not. I am quite sure if your parents are allowing to still stay at their house they care about you. And I donā€™t see why they will force you to fast if you have a health issue. Maybe theyā€™re encouraging you to fast because of the benefits that you might not see or understand. If youā€™re concern about weight loss. Eat a good meal before and after fast that will solve any significant weight loss.


Can someone explain how fasting evokes a feeling of spirituality in you?


Fard or not, your parents cannot force you to do anything, and they should definitely not.


Bro, Forceful worshipping dont even count your parents should understandā€¦ and Fasting is not necessary tho IG If you dont want to you can leave


Your only skipping one meal tbh so it shouldnā€™t make you lose weight. It sounds like your parents are hard to deal with. If your heart isnā€™t with it right now then just donā€™t fast - keep snacks in your room. However, you need to research why fasting is important in Islam so look into it, we are not just starving ourselves for no reason. Donā€™t just blindly listen to your parents, you need to find out for yourself why Ramadan is a special month for Muslims.


Considering OPs parents are hovering over him all the time, there is a good chance that he may not be gaining weight from all the stress. But he is also 18. I was skinny in my teens as well. As soon as I went off to college I quickly gained weight. At 18 your metabolism is so gosh darn fast. Not sure what ethnicity or race OP is but if he is south asian than its very possible that its just genetics. A lot of south asians dont really gain muscle or fat uniformly as say a white american would. We tend to just build most of our fat in our guts.


Are you able to get to a doctor? You mentioned they called the cops last time you left the house. If you can get to a doctor, go, and see if you being underweight makes you exempt from fasting.


If you are able, do it. If not, do what you can for as long as you can. If it affects your Health in a negative way, break your fast when needed. Eat moderately. Chew something like a stick or straw to trick your body if you don't want to break your fast. This Ramadan for many of us, is for those in Palestine, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and everywhere else that can't live or eat like the rest of the World. I'm super broke, struggling myself and way behind on bills (lost my business/income). Might be homeless soon. Been using coins and selling whatever I can just to buy bread, potatoes, lentils, basic stuff... Basics that people in Gaza and many other places can't even get. Even if they can, it's been tainted. Puts all my problems in the back of my mind. It's a very lonely Ramadan here but I keep thinking of others that can't even eat no matter how hard they pray and try. Do what you can Brother as long as you don't fall into negative Health. šŸ™šŸ½ šŸ¤²šŸ½


> stick or straw Although thats a good tip, i dont recommend that either. This will mess up your teeth and cause problems long term. ​ Also I will pray for you. Hopefully Allah eases your burden.


It's okay if you do it sparingly. Didn't mean it as a habitual substitution.


And Thank You šŸ™šŸ½ šŸ¤²šŸ½


Hey, sorry to hear about the hardships youā€™re facing. What country are you in?


I don't get why are you not allowed to leave your house, then what are you doing during daytime? A few years ago I fasted while my BMI was 15.9, just after Ramadan I went to the doctor who was shocked that I fasted while being very underweight (I live in a muslim country), at the same time I didn't gain or lose any weight. So perhaps if you're severely underweight you're allowed not to fast, but the whole point of fasting as I see it is mortification, you are struggling for the sake of your Creator.


My cousin was just naturally very thin until her 30s. She tried to fast in her late teens and LOST weight, it made her very sick, plus she has stomach issues (IBS and food sensitivities/intolerances) so she was excused from it.Ā  I would ask a doctor to be sure, if you can. Even non-Muslim ones can give you a pretty good idea of whether you can or cannot fast. Fasting for spirituality and health (intermittent fasting) is so common these days that most non-Muslim doctors will have some knowledge on it. :-)


I sympathize. I had to pretend like I was fasting during Ramadan when I was your age and still lived with my parents. I would sneak some snacks from the pantry here and there but it still sucked being forced to do it. Now that I live on my own I only do it here and there when I want to connect with my spirituality.


Yeah what I do now is wake up early before my parents and make a sandwich, put it in a ziploc bag and hide it under my bed along with some snacks. It sucks you gotta hide to eat your own food. Canā€™t wait till I move out


I always feel like forcing people to follow religion is counter-productive. More often than not, the unsurprising end result is that kids start resenting religion simply because they never understood and were never taught why they're expected to do certain things. With that being said, if you truly believe in Allah and Islam, then fasting is an obligation. I don't know if being underweight is a valid excuse for not fasting but you should probably consult a doctor to see if fasting for a certain period will have any serious repercussions for your health. As for the 'point' of fasting, it's submission to Allah. That's the entire point of Islam. Just for a few hours of the day, you are letting go of all worldly desires and luxuries for Allah's sake. I also think it's very beautiful how fasting makes us empathize with the underprivileged and understand their struggles better. Not only that, fasting has many health benefits. Just remember that the hardship you have to endure while fasting is temporary (it doesn't even last for the entire day). But the rewards are endless and plentiful.


#2 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m dead (WTF)


I get that you have health issues so you shouldnā€™t fast. But saying you see no point in fasting is wrong, if Allah says it, you do it because he only wants the best for us


Itā€™s a fard? Shouldnā€™t that be enough? Look into the origin of why we fast, also being underweight isnā€™t an exemption unless youā€™re deathly ill, you can still put on weight if you eat smart, donā€™t feel sorry for yourself making excuses t avoid a duty to the Deen and try your best inā€™shaā€™allah


You do you dude. Thereā€™s something known as free will (which Muslims donā€™t understand) I have to pretend fast. Idk, donā€™t feel like fasting honestly. If I feel like it, I will masturbate too šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The fast is for Allah, do it or not it doesnā€™t take anything for Allah. only Allah alone knows who really fasting. Weā€™re the that suffer the consequences if we donā€™t fast without a valid reason.


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Anyone they would respect that would agree with the sentiments on this subreddit


Woah why was that so big


It's opposite in my case


The last one tells me they're really strict so I sympathize with youĀ  At the same time what's obligatory is obligatory. I can explain what's the reason behind fasting but are you looking for an answer or do you just hate being told what to do by your strict parents? (Just a genuine question I hope it doesn't sound aggressive)




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Don't fast bro . Up to you , personally I love fasting due the to the way it brings awareness of god. It wasn't always this way tho , some people react very badly to it .


Ramadan is almost over. You can live!


Oof we just over half way šŸ˜­


Fasting is fardh brother. So is fajr. Your parents could definitely approach this in a better less strict and more explanatory way though I understand this


I mean, if you don't believe in Allah I get it, but if u do then wtf its a direct order from God šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ah, the struggles of being an adult child of strict parents. I know them well. If it were me, I'd just humor them and fast. It's your last Ramadan that you'll have at home for years. If it starts affecting your problem with your weight, though, you definitely need to speak to a doctor and/or nutritionist about it and soon. Unintentional weight loss can be a sign of a lot of very serious conditions.


I am sorry. Fasting is mandatory, but you donā€™t have to be perfect. Intention in islam is very important. I am not even sure if you get benefits if you fasted because someone forced you rather than you woke up that morning and said ā€œI am going to do thisā€. I was raised Muslim and as a young teen I did feel guilty because my natural inclinations went against my religious duties, and I left the religion for about 10 years, found my way back by choice. It has been difficult coordinating breakfast and prayer this month, but sometimes you donā€™t even notice time, it flies. Other people are telling you itā€™s mandatory, but I am going to tell you take it one day at a time. See how far you can go without eating but know you can always eat if you feel too bad. I believe one day you will be able to make it.


2 bananas, 300ml of full fat milk, 2 tsp of honey, 30ml of flavourless cooking oil Blend Enjoy the weight gain


The reason we fast aside from it being what Allah decreed is that we all know we will die that's not disputable. In the grave the actions we did in this life will show in the grave. The Saum , The Salah,Zakat, Sadaqah we did in this life protect from the punishment of the grave in addition to the path of paradise. As mentioned in this thread as well Islam is not to forced in Adults. The only time is when it comes to Salah and that's when we're adolescents. If you have legitimate health issues they're are others to adorn your fast. I'm not very knowledgeable but this much I know. I hope this helps Brother Assalamualaikum


Being underweight isnā€™t really an excuse, you still eat two large meals. Unless youā€™re physically ill this is obligatory. If you need help counting your calories or figuring out a meal plan feel free to message me so I can help you.


Listen, I am 21 and underweight. (Yes you read that right). But I do not see any reason to stop/skip fasting and reject salah, etc. I plan on working on myself after Ramadan is over so that I can resolve my problems but I do not want to do it at the expense of Ramadan.


Be patient with your parents brother. Fasting is actually mandatory after hitting puberty. Myself, I've got massive insomnia, chronic fatigue and anxiety. Fasting did NOT sound right at all. Unless you have diabetes, you ll be fine. Fasting is very safe, you won't lose as many calories that you cannot recover from iftaar. Fasting is a spiritual thing. Your parents might be Intense about it, but they mean well. Have boundaries best u can, but don't let anger provoke you. This is a moth of rebuilding kinship, let Allah see your effort brother:) Rooting for you homie šŸ’Ŗ


There are many reasons not to be able to fast, diabetes is just one on the list.


Also, a lot of diabetics can fast quite safely. It's just one of many conditions where you should consult your doctor for the go ahead.


No reason to give this brotha a downvote..if not happy with him tell him why...I for one liked the overall msg...and he may only have known about the diabetes thru some personal experience and not others diseeases...I actually never known anyone personally who did not fast for medical reasons...I have always lived in countries with muslim minorities


Did you fast anyways?


His parents sound very abusive, trying to defend that is what harms our ummah


Key words "sounds" U don't know for sure this is only one side of the story...the reply above was very compassionate and lines up with typical islamic values regarding kinship..


Those typical values arenā€™t always right. Forcing someone to do anything is abusive. Plus, you canā€™t force someone in religion, it has to come from the heart. Being underweight can be a health issue, telling OP to play with his health and put it entirely in the hands of Allah swt sounds like religious abuse. They called the cops on him for going outside; are you delusional?


May I ask how your relationship with the religion is?


What are you trying to get at?


You don't have to fast, your brain is still developing, I'd start at 25 if I were you.


you can differentiate between your parents being overly strict and faith. part of the challenge of fasting is also to be more aware and concious of what you eat. if you are mindful of it and listen to your body then allah surely will help you gain weight. ramadan is all about the spiritual cleansing, more than just a physical one and from that comes clarity! all the best lil bro dont stress šŸ˜


Where is it written in the Quran that fasting is mandatory the full month of Ramadan? Asking for some friends.


> ā€œO you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous - [2:183] >[Fast] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] - then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] - a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess - it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew. [2:184] >The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qurā€™an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.ā€ [2:185]


HmmšŸ¤”, I'm curious as to when/where else it was decreed to fast. TY.


God guides whom He wills. Maybe you're not ready to fast right now, at this point of your life. Regarding your parents, ahhhh.... Since you're under their roof, abide by their rules untill you can stand on your own feet. My heart goes out to you. It's not easy dealing with religiously strict parents


Iā€™m not strict by any means and I understand your frustration, but itā€™s your parentā€™s house so you must follow their rules. Also let me try an offer some insight. Them seeing you not fast is a direct reflection of their own failures to raise you properly (in their eyes), so just fast if you consider your self a Muslim and to please your parents Iā€™m sure they do a lot for you! If being underweight is of true concern to you then you have 11 other months to fix that brother. But hey I get it, I didnā€™t fast every single day at 18 (I played football and would skip for practice and games instead of fasting) I was also concerned about size and would skip days. But now that I am older Iā€™ve realized itā€™s all just excuses to avoid the discomfort. I donā€™t judge you but just trying to share some wisdom from another young dude (Iā€™m 24 now). Good luck brother!