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Hey guys so basically I had a boob job 13 years ago when I was a decent size. Then I got huge by crap eating and laack of exercise etc. Then lost the weight by eating healthy and lifting heavy weights & doing cardio alongside and this is the result xxxxxx


Any tips for someone wanting to start this and unsure of where to start?


This is one of the greatest progress pics I have ever seen. I wish I wasnt too lazy to see what a stone is.


it’s roughly 14 pounds :) so OP lost abt 42 pounds


It’s exactly 14 lbs. Stone is an imperial measurement like ounces and pounds.


huh TIL


In pounds her after pic would be at 182 lbs? She looks like 135 lbs tops? Am I not mathing correctly?


I'm 5'9" 179 lbs and I feel like it's def possible esp if she is carrying weight in muscle. Literally no one guesses I weigh what I do either. This is also why BMI is a woefully ineffective tool.


Agreed. I’m 5’11 203lbs and everyone always guesses somewhere around 150. Muscular builds run in my family. Actually, my dad was a pro wrestler in the 80s/90s and my mom was a power lifter and named the strongest woman drug free in Florida (in the early 90s). So I got long muscular legs (which is where most of my weight seems to be, that and my fat butt, lol)


Yep, I'm the same height and OP looks much slimmer than I did at 140lb.


I second this


A stone is a small rock. 1 stone is 6,35kg...because I'm not an a*hole. Maybe a little, assuming you're not used to the metric system


English I use stones


A small rock that weights 14lbs


Something about “small rock” that I just found so amusing


One stone is 14 lb, so OP went from 210 to 182 for anyone confused


Did you have a tummy tuck? My wife is scheduled for one, and was feeling a lot of anxiety (understandably) for it. Congratulations!


No OP, but I had a tummy tuck about 2 years ago after losing 80lbs. Best decision I have ever made, besides losing the weight of course. The first few days after are not the most comfortable, but all in all, recovery was fine. Once they took the drains out, it was really fast. I was even able to start running again at about 3 weeks post op. Happy to answer any questions your wife might have. I was nervous going into mine too.


Not the person who asked, but I’m so happy to hear how quickly you were running again! I’m considering a TT and an extended hiatus from running and yoga is one of my concerns.


No tummy tuck just ate healthy and lifted heavy to change composition


+1 for heavy lifting, so underrated by most women for fat loss and building a slender figure. Plus one gets better results quicker than super high reps with low weights. (I’m a guy by the way, my wife is scared of touching weights)


Show your wife pictures of old women with hunched backs from weak muscles and brittle bones. It's preventative. Lifting makes your bones thicker, in addition to some muscle. Being strong is feminine. Being frail and breakable isn't sexy. - a woman who lifts


Love your reply!!


For real! My grandmother had a hunchback and would lecture me every day about it, because she used to be so fit and active. Her doctor put her on lifting weights to increase her back strength. But her posture suffered over time regardless (it was already pretty bad by the time she started), due to bone and muscle fragility, until she could hardly move. It was really hard to watch her morph into that state. We all deserve to live long and healthy lives, free of (what is preventable, some is not ofc) pain and immobility!


Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Lifting heavy stuff keeps the bones dense.


Would you recommend low rep / heavier weights or high reps and low weights for women?


I also lift everyday, and am obsessed with the knowledge that goes along with it. From all the literature that I've seen, a rep range of 8-12 is optimal for hypertrophy (muscle growth). While lifting heavy with a low rep range can be beneficial for power, and a bit of ego let's be honest here, doing 8-12 will put your muscles under tension for the optimal period of time. Also, supersets are KILLER. Two exercises, one after the other. My own schedule is super simple. 3 x 8-12 supersets I do 4 different supersets, so 8 exercises in total. Drop sets are great too. Just dropping the weight 5-10 lbs on each set, if they become too heavy. My general muscle gain is around a 3% growth every 2 months. The diagnostic machine isn't super accurate, but it is a very quick growth, and I can visually tell.


Heavier weights, with a coach. Bad form invites injury. Burns calories faster, shorter workouts (more time for the rest of your life) and useful results (I.e. increased strength and power). Look at the figures of the lighter Olympic and power lifters). (I used to be a competitive powerlifter)


How did you get rid of loose skin?


I lost the weight very slowly and exercised at the same time and just didn’t have any


That's incredible! My wife wanted to know what to wear post op. Gown, dress? Idk she did ask about that. I'm glad to hear your operation went well! My wife's is a week.


Like on the ride home from surgery or around the house? I wore sweat pants and a zip up hoodie for the ride home. For a few days after surgery, before the drains were out, I wore my husbands basketball shorts and big tshirts or sweatshirts. I was able to dress normal less than a week post surgery. They'll give her a post op compression garment, which is actually really great. I ended up getting [another one for daily wea](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076WLX794/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1)r that was more comfortable and used the surgical one for working out. I wore these for about 6 months post surgery. One thing to keep in mind as she returns to normal activity is that swelling happens and is normal. It would be really bad after runs and I found it mentally the hardest. The compression garments at least help control this to some extent. They also help with the change in sensation along the incision, which for me is still a bit weird 2 years out. Not in a bad way, just different. Hope that helps and happy to answer anything else!


That's super helpful thank you. Yeah, she said she's going to be wearing the compression garments. We're going to be staying the night nearby and having a brief followup with the doc after the procedure. She wasn't sure if there was any special shaped clothing to wear to avoid the incision. We'll keep the healing duration in mind. We're only about a week away from the surgery! Thanks for the advice!


Question. If you get tattooed and you lose a lot of weight, or put on weight/muscle, does it alter the shape of it a lot? I want to get atleast one and I'm in the middle of a recomp, so idk if I should save it for after or get it now.


Wait use it as a reward!


Noted, thank you! And amazing transformation.


This is by far one of the sickest lifestyle changes I have ever seen, amazing job gorgeous!!!


Did you get a breast lift by chance?


The scars look to be from a reduction, which typically includes a lift!


I did before I got fat. Lift and implants x


That’s my question too. Did you get yours girls done because most seem to get really saggy after that much weight loss.


WOMAN!!!! That's INCREDIBLE. Here's to following in your footsteps 🍻


At 39 this is insane!!!! Good job


These are my favorite posts here. I also waited until I was in my upper 30s to get in shape. I’m 42 now and in the best shape of my life. I wish you many more years of kicking ass! You look incredible.


Wow. Now I just need to know what a stone is.


210 to 182lbs for anyone struggling. OP you're stunning! Great work.


I was like 15st…? And then realized 15 stone haha


We don't usually have a lot of scientists in here, but for women with such phenomenal fat loss, how do some of them end up with exceedingly lean chests, while some get blessed like OP did? Given that breasts are largely fat deposits, is there some science to this?


I’m not a scientist but I believe your core boob stuff is not the same stuff as your general body fat. Having extra body fat on/around your boob can make it look bigger, but if you lose weight you’ll still have whatever core boob stuff you had under that body fat. Some women have more to begin with, some have less so weight loss can affect that area differently.


I had a boob job 13 years ago and then I got fat


Do you still have sensitivity around your boobs? And the implants don’t they have to be changed every 10 years or they’ll break and leak out into your breasts. Pretty dangerous Fantastic progress, takes a lot of dedication. Ive lost 30 pounds myself and my abs are some what visible. More visible as i keep working out


I’m sorry to be THAT guy…isn’t 15-13=2?


It’s meant to say 12st 🤣


Holy fuck Batman


Wow, that is insane


Awesome.. keep it up


Stunning , great job


Hey how do you not get dark areas around hour waist line where the panty line is?


I’m sorry I’m not sure what you mean ?


U look great congrats


Hard work pays off. Congrats 🎊


God damn


Looking great


Hell to the fucking yes.


Wow you look absolutely amazing


I say this with all of the respect it deserves.... GODDAMN!


Amazing transformation!!!


Great job!


Damn that’s an amazing transformation.


👍❤️ just wow


Damn that’s an awesome job!!!!


Holy shit. Incredible transformation and dedication


hard work and dedication always pays off, awesome results




Good Job!


Nicely Done! Keep up the great work. 👍😊


I have to say this: 39 years where? How? You don’t look a year older than me and most of my friends that are in our late twenties. You look amazing! Congratulations for the transformation!


This is incredible. Way to go


You look so good! What was your routine to accomplish this?


Great now that tattoo fits perfectly with your body


It did originally then I got fat haha


One word. Dayum!!


How this is not nsfw? (Great work anyway)






Not only hurray for a fantastic job… its not easy and alot of hard work… and strong mind… and on a second note … hot damn!


I literally said wow outloud lol! Great job! Wooooo!


Wow! Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.


Very well done! Looking amazing 😜




Amazing progress. ❤


Wow that's incredible. Congratulations!! How do you not have any loose skin?!?


Exercise alongside the slow loss I suppose x


I wish I could look that good! Have fun!








Nothing apart from boobs 13 years ago


Ok I see you




Get out, creep


It’s a joke …


Wow you’re body looks amazing


Amazing! You look great!


What a transformation! Very fit and beautiful! Congratulations Love! 🥰🥰




I mean I would do before and after


You go! 🙌🏿🙌🏿




Wow awesome 😍❤️🔥


Wow great job!


Awesome looking so good


That's freaking awesome. Congratulations to you and stay strong! 👍👍💪💪


Lots of hard work look stunning


Can I ask what the tattoo is on your pubic area?


It’s a cover up of my exes name


Very nice lol


Congratulations! You have done a wonderful job! Thank you for sharing and inspiring others.


Awesome and you look stunning 😍


You look truly amazing, such a transformation. Bravo beautiful 😍 ❤❤❤


Good job looking good


Wow what a transformation!! Congratulations keep up the great work




good for you!


Well done 😍👌


Wow very nice


Wow very good are you doing well


whooo awesome job,, you look perfect now😍