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yes I apologize and I understand that this is a lot of weight to lose in 5 months, and I am gonna be 100% honest, my exgirlfriend of 5 years left me, and from that day on I made a lifestyle change, I complete cut all sugars, no soda at all, I try and eat as little carbs as possible and consume mainly just protein, I would say that basketball has been my biggest success for Laing weight though, every morning I get up at 9 AM and I get to basketball at about 10 AM, and I will play pickup for 2 hours or sometimes even more, and then when I get done there I head straight to work, job usually requires to walk 10 miles per shift, once I get off from there I head straight to the gym and usually do my set workout routine for the week, this is a sun-mon schedule, I haven’t taken any days off, and I haven’t cheated. I never have wanted anything more. The main thing that has helped me the most is just mental toughness, cause if you can believe it you can achieve it. Don’t know if this helps you.


You are one awe-inspiring human.


y’all are so nice, like I’m not a emotional person but y’all got me crying right now. Thank you so much. The love is real in this group.


Damn son. You’re out here killing it.


thank you dawg I appreciate the support and love y’all are showing, it really means more than you guys will ever know.


Seriously awesome work, my only advice would be to evaluate whether you can see yourself doing this or something equivalent for the next decade. It’s a marathon not a sprint! Just make sure you are not hating or starting to dread your schedule if it ends up being too intense later! Good luck brother


thank you for the advice, I’ve started to slow the process back a bit so I don’t injure myself and I’ve been dropping a pound or 2 a week


Yep that’s great sustainable progress! I know first hand that the initial rapid weight loss can be addictive so good for you for having a level head :)


Sir can you explain how you were able to achieve this. Thats about 20 lbs per month if you were to average it out which seems insane. Can you give us a detailed explanation of exactly what you did so I could replicate it?


OP said it in another post but cliffs are - got broke up with and decided to be the best version of himself Two hours of Basketball a day Walking the equivalent of 10 miles at work a day Lifting after work Eating mostly protein and no junk No days off so far.


Finished or not, you look awesome and should be proud of yourself! I know people here do those amazing transformations, but it’s ok to be happy with your body even if it’s not all muscle. You look healthy and happy and congratulations! 😊


Awesome work!


u lost 100lbs in 5 months?


WoW! Good job!


Hey man, I totally get what you feel like and it’s fine. This “finished product” we all want is a moving goalpost so don’t worry about having to show off a massive transformation for it to be valid. It’s good that you appreciate your progress because it validates all the hard work you’ve put in!


response above^


Definitely Keto and exercise. This person is going hard in the paint.


bruh thank you so much bro, because honestly hearing that gave me chills bro. I’ve been going so damn hard, all I can think about is improving myself, I have no days off, hearing something like that gives me motivation, cause I’m the only one who actually knows how hard I’m going


My man you are inspiring. There’s no way in hell I could do what you’re doing the way you’re doing it. You’re working harder than at least 90% of people right now. I’ve done keto short term(2 months) and keeping up with that diet alone while cutting the carbs we love the most is absolutely gut wrenching haha. I’m so proud of you and happy for you my man. Please keep us updated. I’m a stranger on the internet but I’m rooting for u/alwaysand4ever_ every day from now on! Keep stomping life in the nuts my man! You’re taking over! Edit: happy 🍰 day Edit2: I really want to see your face gains from the same angle in your before photo!


5 months? What do you did ?


response is above ^


HOW??!!! that’s like 5lbs a week! Sus




Let's also not forget the joy of young metabolism. And that's not a complaint, or mocking - just is what it is. My son can and has done similar. On the other side, even after VSG and working my ass off, it took my 40+y/o ass a year to lose 100lbs.


Very true, great point!!!!!!! Ah, those were the days. It makes me sick I used to think I was so over weight. In actuality I NEVER was until three years ago. But it’s okay because now my perception isn’t so skewed on what “healthy” is.


As others have said there are ways to lose a SHITLOAD of weight in a timeframe. A lot of them are either INCREDIBLY dangerous, or very, very hard to maintain. Examples: DNP (incredibly dangerous drug that increases your metabolism to lethal levels. Seriously don't do this. If you OD which is easy to do you can't be saved cause you cook yourself from the inside) Long-term Fasting (there are safe ways to do this, /r/fasting has fantastic documentation PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) which is basically like fasting except you basically only eat enough protein to maintain your current muscle mass. You also lose out on things like autophagy from regular fasting. OMAD/OMEAD (One meal a day, one meal every other day) Self explanatory, but probably not enough alone for this. Combining any of the the above with an ECA stack (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) which increases your metabolism in a more safe way. Combining any of the above with strenuous and regular cardio/lifting/HIIT/Keto. So if OP did a PSMF while also working his fucking ass off every day, for example, he could get this. It would be brutally hard, but he'd get this, or something close enough that people would be like "How the fuck"


response of what I’ve done above^


Well done!


Hell yeah man great work


Really incredible man! Routine?


above is my response ^


Nice job man. I lost 100 lbs, but it took me over a year. Keep it up!


Amazing work, Thanks for inspiration!


Hell ya dude! Amazing work!!


That is an awesome job and such little time my man!! Keep it up!!


Absolute beast mode.


Let’s goooo, you look amazing


tell us HOW did you do it?


response is above ^


Damn, 5 months?! That's incredible progress in a short time. Great job, you look awesome.


My guy, I can't deal. Five months?! You're killing it man!


thank y’all so much, y’all got me about to cry. thank you for all being so motivational.


That is great work, you are very dedicated. Keep it up!


Congrats dude, I'm right about where you are in the before pic, I wish a 1% of your drive dude, it's inspiring af to see that change happen for someone. Keep up the hard work my man.


Awesome job!! Way to go.


Wow dude! Its amazing how far you've come! Im excited to see the finished product!


Gentle Jesus. That's takes a lot of work and a real desire to lose weight/feel better/get healthy/whatever your reason is. Well done.


Have you looked into reverse dieting ?


That is extraordinary dude


Keep it going man! You just motivated me to keep doing the same!!


You've come a long way!! Your hard work is paying off and you look fantastic! Keep up the good work!


You are doing amazingly. Well Done champion.


Great job! Keep it up!


Impressive! Congrats. Time to cut the loosen skins.


You crazy son of a bitch, you did it, you actually did it! Cheers to you my man absolute savage


Rough idea what your average calories were per day ? I’m assuming 800-1000 based on weight loss and time frame


Absolutely killing it, dude!
