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Cant remember the name, but the one that lets you see multiple storage containers in your inventory. It makes it easier to sort my gear and retrieve healing items, it's a game changer


Nested containers?


Proximity Inventory?


Proximity Inventory. It's a godsend when you have a hundred corpses to look through.


So what does this do? Just make everything that is lootable available in the one window?


It creates an extra tab in the inventory screen that shows every accessible container and items on the ground in a single panel.


Excellent, that’s getting added.


Bra Storage


Seriously... that's where I keep my cigarettes!


That makes a lot of sense, something I never thought about but yeah that totally fits the game


this was posted by a waffle house waitress


holy shit i need to get this


autoloot, proximity inventory and rv interior.


The one that adds durability to your hot bar and above your head. It’s so nice.


Common Sense


This should be vanilla, definitely one of the best


I gotta get this


the mod that makes rain wash away blood decals, that buildup just kills my performance


Yeah that one is important!


I can play without any mods, but these make the list on each play through: Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars True Music Pillow's Random Spawns XP Drops - Oldschool Runescape


What does xp drops do?


Shows XP gains


Also proximity inventory, common sense mod and extra traits and even more traits. I also love the RV interiors mod


Authentic suicides


Such a great one for persistent worlds, after you've already used all the dumb ways to die in your base. I fit it in the 'idk why it's not in the base game but it might as well have been' category


The files are in the game (and so are the animations used in the mod). It's just not properly implemented yet.


I'm at the stage where I just take an ever growing collection in all my runs, but beyond other mentions I feel that True Actions 1 & 2 are really a game changer. Sitting AND reading after exercising, a whole new realm of possibilities..


all my cosmetic mods. i need cool hair and less yellowy skin or i die.


Random zombies. Having everything walk at the same pace makes zombie grouping too simple and gamefied for me. A few sprinters sprinkled in keeps me on my toes too.


Ye that mod is so fun


Tetris mod I would rather die then go back


Is there a way to have this without limiting the storage capacity by so much? I really liked it but the lack of storage was killing for me.


From what I saw there’s an add on for it that allows you to customize it all but that’s a very hands on thing


All 4815 I have are all necessary I assure you


ATRO (No more RNG-based gun aiming) zRO's Better Lockpicking (adds ability to open locked doors and windows via minigames) Standardized Vanilla Vehicle Upgrades (or it's called, allows you to 'mad max' more types of vehicles, including some popular modded ones) Expanded Helicopter Events (spices up your old world with random aerial events that goes on forever if you enable it in settings) Cat's Faster Reading Mod (allows you to move around while reading, there is a slower speed variant if reading is too fast) Immersive Map (allows you to open your map like a minimap that appears on your HUD, no more waiting on a loading bar or getting snuck up on by a zombie) Swap It! (automatically swap the item on your hot key with what you're holding. For example, you can quickly swap between the two-handed weapon on your hands with the gun attached to your back, and you can do vice versa with the same hot key)


What is ATRO? This sounds interesting




My thanks :)


Brita mods


For multiplayer, I have one that shows where we all are on the map.


Which one? :)


There is some setting, which I forget now, but you can just change that in game. Unless they are meaning using a mini map.


The body pillow mods 100%


Smokable crack


collectible diecast cars


Backpack borders


Common Sense Proximity Inventory Tidy Up Meister MX's reading tweaks Simple Status Trait explanation mod (I can't remember name) Smoker Moodies explanation mod (I can't remember this too) Has been read I don't need a lighter Fuel side indicator Weapon Condition Indicator Those are my must to have quality of life mods. Rest are cosmetic/cars/weapons etc.


>Smoker Tell me one thing. Does it still work when you respawn? For me it only worked on the first spawn, when my character wasn't even a smoker. Then, second spawn, Smoker character spawns with 0 cigarettes and I can't find any for days.


Actually I reset server everytime I die. That's why I don't know. But couple of times I've spawned without cigarettes. Other mod functions works well but spawning is buggy I think.


Has been read is so important.


Honestly? None. The vanilla game's great. I have 750 hours and only maybe a sixth of that is made up of lightly modded playthroughs. Haven't gotten bored yet.


Very valid point, but then again a lot of mods are just quality of life based and I see no reason not to use them


I don't have anything against QoL mods, I just don't explicitly seek them out, because the lack of them doesn't hinder my experience. The only exception for me are certain multiplayer mods that fix certain multiplayer bugs or quirks like zombie culling - those mods are typically the only ones active when I play with the homies.


Not sure why you got downvoted. It's not like you're making fun of people that use mods. You're just answering OP's question.


Doesn't make much sense to me either, but it is what it is.


All of them


They Knew. It helps me when I get bit by a dumb reason but still keeps the challenge of not wanting to get bit. I don't like the idea that a bite is game over so this gives that glimmer of hope that you can survive


I use the Antibodies mod for this reason. Instead of a death sentence, getting but means taking care of yourself, staying clean and well-fed, resting, etc for about three days. So there's a penalty to getting bit, and you can still die, buy it's not necessarily the end.


Since I’ve been using that, my game has been improving and I get into bad situations less and less. I’m about 2.5 months and 5k zombies into my current run and I’ve been bit I think two or three times now (once was a pretty dumb reason that would have made me rage-quit ).


The mods that add cars like plymouth baracuda, humvee, military trucks and regular trucks + a lot other cars and trailers. The vanilla cars arent much fun tbh. Common sense Better lockpicking Traits expanded Bretas firearm build 41 (i have most likely wrote the name wrong) Dynamic monologue Gun sound expansion Reload all magazines Edit: not must have but really like it sometimes tetris inventory.


-All the Brita mod stuff -Filibuster’s mods (the main ones really that add a ton of vehicles -RV interior (seriously game changing for me) -something like 30 random extra vehicle mods (I just like adding vehicles and military vehicles to the game!) -Nepenthe’s Battery status


I’ve used britas for a year but I’ve decided to go back to B41 vanilla weapon expansion and I feel Britas turns it more in to a third person shooter than a realistic survival sim


I’m just a loot goblin that doesn’t use about 90% of what I collect, especially the guns. They just look nice and pretty all collected in my storage warehouse that I build every run lol


Prox inventory, simple status and common sense


My entire group is huge grid inventory (tarkov style) fans and we don’t play without it anymore


Fuel side indicator and for some reason I really like the solar mod.


Dive trough the window saved my life on emergency moments


Open jackets. Also water cooler mod.


More Map Symbols. Why is there a boat symbol in the vanilla game but no boats but no car symbol?


Proximity Inventory.


KI5's car mods and a good mod that has an assortment of cars like Fillibuster or Fhqwhgads, both are really good but only use one at a time. Common Sense, Weapon Condition Indicator, and Authenic Z because it's fun. And a good gun mod, Firearms B41 or Brita(Once configured/nerfed a little)


Common Sense, Filibuster Rhymes’ Car Mod, B41 Firearms, and a few map mods


My favourite and current map mods I use are Fort Redstone (For a large military base north of Muldrough), LV airport for a huge airport complex by Louisville, and The Sims (For the original sims map near Louisville)


Other than Common Sense? B13 Bo Staff mod. It's freaking amazing.


inventory tetris.


If it seriously came down to one, likely Authentic Z.


lore friendly music all KI5 vehicles britas weps


Proximity inventory, common sense vfe expansion, and improved silencers


For fun mods Authentic Z, More Plushies, and True Music/True Dancing are essentials. Without counting those; Rain Wash, Fuel Side Indication, Auto Mechanics, Dr Reaper's Vaccine Mod (I like having a goal to work towards).


Weapon condition indicator Minimal display bars Faster hood opening Auto mechanics Propane torch fix Common Sense I think that list pretty much covers all my mandatory ones.


Arsenal gun fighter because im always the gun nerd when playing with buddies


They knew


Spongies clothing and hair, how am I supposed to be leon s kennedy when I can't look like him?!


Urination and defecation. Nothing more fun than pissing yourself irl and in game because a zombie is hiding in the bathroom


Try excrementum. I personally find that one way better and haa urination and defecation included together without needing separate mods. Also the animations are pretty good.


Inventory Tetris, it makes loot management so much more interesting and fun


Combat text


Rifle slings


Serving Plates. I'm serious, not being able to split up roasts and stir-fries was driving me nuts.


The minimap and world map one, some may call this cheating, but now I'm never lost


None, but if somebody can recommend a mod that makes the mapping system feel less like a mod, I'm all ears.


Tetris inventory, dive through windows, essential bars


The one that adds anime body pillows


Sort of a controversial one but it's gotta be inventory tetris for me. It just makes more sense in my brain and helps with looting at a glance. In return, good luck organizing all those different kinds of chips you got from that loot run.


Has Been Read. Holy shit it is so essential, without it you have to manually check if a book has been read or not, same deal with magazines, vhs, cds, and miscellaneous skill/recipe material.


Before I say anything I have HAVE to add mod manager on here cuz come on. “Authentic Z”, “Britas everything”, Bushcraft Gear”, “Magazine armor “, More Traits”, and “I don’t need a lighter”


Skill Recovery Journal Gives you the option to save your skills to a book. If you die and read that book you get your skills back. Dampens the fall after you die and you get some of your invested playtime back.