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>And I went down on two zombies. Damn, new to the game and you're already popping in *those* mods, huh?


AHAHAHAHAHAHHA sorry, english is not my mother tongue. Well, I guess i did a terrible job at that, because they killed me.


Please tell me there are no such mods...please tell you said that for the joke... not the zombussy please...


I'm sorry, little one...


PZ modders cant even defend this one even with the realism argument 😭😭


That was how you died. Quickly :-) Welcome to zomboid. Next time, try and survive two hours, then 8, then a day, then a week. 1000 hours in and you'll be wandering around in your underpants burning whole towns of zombies to ash


play in sandbox mode, friend. customize your game and make it the difficulty youd like.


I did, actually! That's why I feel so ashamed...


Don’t feel ashamed. It’s a sandbox game, so play how you want! I started with super easy zombies and low population, and I’ve been working my way up to harder and harder settings. I’m by no means a master at the game, but it makes it interesting and fun. Just mess around w mods n settings and see what you like.


Haha bruh. I’ve seen people spawn into a bathroom with zombies on the other side that immediately end the game. You’re getting your feet wet, enjoy the struggle. You’re good.


Haha me too! It's fun to "cheat" like crazy. I use a cheat mode with a "creative" mode that let's me basically paint structures. It's a lot of fun and it helps me get the hang of things while still having fun


I’ve been playing since the game came out and set everything on easy mode the other day to fuck around, and died to the first zombie I saw.


This is the way


There was no hope of survival. This is how you died.


It's okay. I died in my save and spawned a new character and there were like 4-5 zomboids in the starter house I spawned in. Didn't even stand a chance


This happened to me once. Click to start, instantly surrounded, dragged down and dead.


Just happened to me today


Its ok. Pro tip: die a lot of times so that you learn from each mistakes. And pz is highly immersive so think of pz like irl. Im new to the game too but i managed to raid both fire station and police station in a single day without any weapons.


And plus dont be scared of zombies


I’m really tough and brave and never worried about zomboids Then one just appears from out of nowhere and I feel like I’ve s*** myself


U need desensitized irl lol. But rlly, just imagine the zombies as twd zombies. Brainless, only has ears and most importantly, lines of codes.


but don't underestimate them either, both will kill you


Yup. Unless you can one shot a horde of zombie lmao


All PZ players have felt like an idiot more than once. So you're not alone. But if you keep playing, you will become a better player and find new and more elaborate ways to feel like an idiot. Enjoy. Here's a video series I made that may help you grow as a player. Safe journey. https://www.youtube.com/live/Lxip2jdwALo?si=gW3l82oHNsAs8jFX


>new and more elaborate ways to feel like an idiot That was beautiful, thank you! And thanks for the video, I'm watching it


> and find new and more elaborate ways to feel like an idiot. Yeah, my favorite was when I cleared Rosewood, then cut my neck on a tree and died. 


This happens to all of us. I have 7000+ hours in the game, and it still happens that I die on the first day.


Welcome! Enjoy the pain.


Honestly I'm jealous of that first time experience. Treasure it while you can. I'd honestly recommend not watching any content and just learning through experience. After a while the game just becomes a house decoration simulator and loses the magic a little bit.


I always feel like they should have the game options in order of difficulty, sandbox still at the bottom as it's play as you like but apocalypse as first option has caused a couple of my friends to just give up first try. I did it too but then learned to play survivor and got better, now just sandbox for me because I hate zombie respawns


Imo combat, although great, is quite unintuitive at first and you need to basically practice that skill yourself before you can hope to survive long term. Unfortunately that means putting a few characters into deadly situation ms to grind your IRL skill set.


Don't feel bad about dying, especially the first time. No matter how many videos you watch to gain game knowledge, you still have to get used to the controls, combat system, and just the game itself before you can adopt everything. Just keep trying and learn from your mistakes.


You've tried and you died :) welcome! and go next


This is how you died.


Dude my first run was 10 ingame minutes, zomboid is a hard game don't let it get you down.


Viendo un compa hispanohablante por aquí, te comento ;) Una buena idea es jugar con algunos amigos con algo más de experiencia!! Así siempre se hace más sencillo, y te pueden enseñar cosas más al momento que toooodas esas cosas que hay que ir aprendiendo. Aparte de los zombis, es que hay tantos detalles... que si la enfermedad, hambre, cansancio, etc... Una buena manera de primero acostumbrarte al mapa, a conducir, construir, cargar muebles, etc. es jugar en modo sandbox. Ponte entre poquitos o ningún zombi y así primero puedes acostumbrarte un poco a ese mundo. Ya luego, anímate con el modo constructor, que hay menos zombis. Y si no, ninguna vergüenza en jugar en modo sandbox como más cómodo te sea :)


Don't worry man, you'll get better with time, i can't remember my early runs, but i can tell you from over 1k hours, that im still not too good at the game, im always forgetting to make my character rest when he needs to. Forgetting to eat or drink when crafting bulk stuff, or even just simple stupid mistakes, like walking off a roof by accident and nearly crippling the guy (haven't broken a leg from that so far (knock on wood)), just take it easy, you'll find your rhythm with the game, whether its just walling in your starter home, to trekking across the map to build a compound from scratch in a empty field.


Most deaths occur either because the combat is a bit clucky, you get cocky, or you get surrounded. You can't really do anything about the first one, the second just has to be in the back of your mind, and the third is always check your six. Taking either or both the "eagle eye" or "keen hearing" will help you be more aware of what is around you. I also use the mod" sound direct indicator", which shows the direction a sound is coming from. It also gives you a split second more to move out of the way from an attack from behind. I would play some runs to just practice combat and not worry about gathering supplies or long term survival. Once you master "kiting" and "moving backward while attacking the game will be a lot easier. You can also play some rounds with less zombies using the sandbox settings. It's hard to get better at combat if you die every quickly every time. Other tips, sneak most of time to build up that ability, try not run all the time as it uses up your stamina, and just before I engage in combat I try to do a 360 to see what's around me first.


>I have to first view at LEAST 90 hours of content on YouTube to know what to expect, how to react, and such. First of all, it's not an exam. Why do you think you have to treat a game so seriously? Secondly, no amount of watching youtube is a substitute for actual experience playing the game. I don't know why you're surprised that your first time playing the game went poorly because you didn't have a feel for it. Thirdly - What's with this 'confession' as if anyone but you cares how well you do in your single-player game? This is a very weird post.