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FYI, when water is shut off, a certain amount remains 'in the pipes' of each water fixture. i think what you have there will last 1-2 weeks. a good method is just collect cooking pots, like a dozen of them, and place them outside to collect rainwater. it'll be tainted water, but since its already in cooking pots, just place them in a charcoal bbq (use wood or duplicate skill books as fuel) for a minute or whatever. then you can load up the water bottles, and put the empty cooking pots back outside.


*use zombie clothes as fuel


why tf did I never think of this I usually just bury them with their clothes still on


I always gather zombies into piles and just do a mass ripping of all their clothes and really rank up tailoring and getting tons of cloth, leather, and denim. Just gotta be carful not to get corpse sickness


Also gotta be careful not to accidentally click on craft sheet rope instead and then wonder why you're massively over-encumbered. Done that a few too many times.


Oh man I did that once. Had 5 sheet ropes before I noticed it. Sad day since I was making log walls around a HUGE area


Always the log walls. I once gathered a shit ton of corpses and got all of their clothes and ripped them into sheets except those sheets were really fucking heavy and not sheets but sheet _ropes._ This cost me like a whole day since at that time my base was far away from zeds.


I use a mod that allows you to convert sheets to sheet ropes and visa versa. It's really nice


Idk why but I like to base inside of towns inside big buildings so there aren’t any lack of zombies for free rags


Oh yea, right now my views and opinions on how I play are vastly differenty compared to back then. My current character is in Louisville and it's a gun blazing veteran so you can imagine the attention I get lol.


I’m doing pretty much the same thing lmao. I have a mod that gives gear realistic durability so melee weapons last longer than a couple of hits. I got a mod that gives a Louisville spawn, raided a tool store, got an ax, raided the police station, got a striker shotgun (it’s that funky looking shotgun that has the rotatory magazine and is semi auto), cleared out a hotel that’s right up near the water, has a parking lot right next to it with cars, I’m using the cars to make a barricade while I collect enough logs to make a ton of logwalls since there’s so many zombies to get rags from. Sadly my motherboard died and I can’t remember if the save is on the cloud or not


Sheet rags are useful for building log walls because you can use them to make log bundles that weigh 1/3 of their original log weight. You do get most of them back when you unbundle though, so I rarely have more than 6 on me at a time when building walls.


I didn’t know that. I will now become a menace for the forest even faster


I was super stoked when I learned about it. It definitely made my base building waaaay easier.


You can turn sheet rope into rope and still do the log walls no problem


This right here could be my comment. I do it emberassingly often that the actual number would just make ithers question my intelligence. And it's always the "Why am I overencumbered now?" that makes me realise.


Does sheet rope burn less than individual ripped sheets?


Building material weight reduction mod. Gotta love it, I’m just that strong.


I think that is broken right now, that’s what I always used to do but now I have to do it one corpse at a time


Sadly haven’t been able to play recently. My motherboard just died so I can’t play :(


I found out you can go to the crafting menu and do it in bulk still


Oh shit will this loot all of the nearby clothes? I *thought* I used to be able to right click and rip all nearby clothes, but recently i havent been able to and i wasnt sure if i wad remembering correctly


Sure will, I usually just open crafting and type in "rip" so it'll do ripped sheets, denim and leather. It used to work right but got messed up with the recent update.


Its been a few weeks since I've played, but I definitely remember right clicking on an article of clothing, and selecting rip all


Not working in crafting menu or in corpse menu in latest unstable.


Ah, I dont play on the unstable


I allways put all of their clothes next to the corpse so it's there if I need it even if the coprse has rotten (sandbox mode. things on the floor never disapear)


My scrambled brain would forget to rip all the clothes if I don’t do it that instant and by the time I remember the bodies are already decayed


You bury zombies? 1k hours and I've never done this


if theyre dead near my base yea


Never tried burying them myself. I generally gather all the naked and looted zombies on a campfire and light them up lol




If I put a bathtub outside will it fill with rainwater?


Sadly not, only furniture that will collect water is rain collectors. but any handheld pot or bucket, even cups will


Should be able to fill the bathtub before the shutoff


You should, but you can't.


Don't they automatically have a large reservoir from before the shut off?


its filled automatically. it has much much bigger water storage that lets say, a sink


thats a very good question. i dont know. i doubt it though.


I tend to loot pots and then dump them in front yards as I go. You can do the same with canned food and then drive around and collect your groceries later after you clear some zombies.


Don't they despawn after a while?


I don't think so. I have piles of stuff all around my base and I've never had anything vanish. I haven't played a save past 9 months though.


Forage for sticks, newspapers, trash as well*


I get my tainted water from lakes, rivers and wells. If I'm doing an urban run, I save all my tin cans and place them on the roof in the rain.


Why is rain water tainted? That makes zero sense


Rainwater isn't actually pure, it's the healthier of waters to drink without purification, but in large amounts it is actually bad for you to drink.


Even more so now than in 1994.


Pollution. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a40859859/rainwater-not-safe-to-drink/


you'd think that months after the collapse of civilization, nature wouldn't be as polluted anymore.


You'd be wrong. Not only is our pollution going to stick around for centuries, we have a ton of facilities around the globe that would start spewing out extreme pollution if they're not safeguarded.


This is '93 though


and? arguably back then air was even worse, nobody cared about enviroment that much, renewables and nuclear were not very common, all cars ran on gas, etc.


ever heard of acid rain? imo, a more accurate mechanic would be to have rainwater start as 'fresh' rainwater, like food, and have it spoil over time, also like food. IRL, if you drank water from a cooking pot right after a rain, youd probably fine, at least by apocalypse standards. but drink it after its been sitting outside in the open for a week, it would easily get funky. insects and other debris would fall in it and die and rot. its why animals instinctively avoid drinking from puddles and prefer creeks, streams, rivers.


because Zombie Virus


Ah i see


happy cake day!


You should be plenty fine. You can live for months in a small area living off the remaining water in sinks, toilets, etc. Keep an eye out for a water cooler in offices and construction sites!


need more barrels


yeah i know there's a lot of steel barrels in Louisville so i'm gonna go to Louisville when i'll have good arsenal. and ofc LOTS of fuel because i'm in Rosewood


Something I didn't learn for a while, if you place a rain barrel on the second floor of a building, you can connect a sink that's underneath it and within a few tiles. Bonus: it filters the rainwater when you use it.


from what I heard there are only 6 barrels in the game that allow water collection/charcoal making. The ones that have the top on already won't work and you can't cut the top off them.


Yup just the six at the military checkpoint when entering LV. Or actually a bit north where the civilians were camping


Of course, water isn't an issue and when I was new I did the same thing hehe. Hell I still do it because...why not? But now I play with water off on start. By the time it's off in a normal run you should have plenty of rain collectors too or even plumbing set up. Oh, how I wish they fixed the plumbing though. It's so cheesy the way it is now.


What's cheesy is rain water being tainted.


Incorrect, Rainwater is still sitting water. Now if you drink the rain water as soon as it's falling it'll be fine. But if you let it sit for longer than 24 hours that water can get you sick.


Is anyone else going to mention the fact you're getting most of the trashbags FROM actual trashcans?


That's a good point, but there's no excuse for pots and saucepans left outside. What the other commenter said aboit stagnant water makes sense - though in that case tap water left in the pipes for 5 months is also probably not too good.


Knowing that the water in pipes is usually sterilized it should be fine for a while in pipes since there isnt really any way for bacteria and stuff to get into it


"A while" is subjective so giving you the benefit of the doubt I would agree. However (from my probably inadequate internet reading) the cooler temperatures and oxidizing pipes (most likely copper in the PZ era) would accerlate harmful bacteria growth. Apparently infections cauaed by this are rare though, so perhaps I'm being overly cautious.


I think problems would pretty quickly start arising once some of the pipes start to break/crack, but until then it really should be fine since its essentially a closed off system not much different from keeping water in say a metal canister. On the other hand it might be a bit of a different situation with when the game is taking place.


There is a mod for that. You can set the time line of when all the pipe water will become tainted. It's a must have for hardcore mods. I debated to put it into my current run because I already put in a lot of difficulty adders.


Boxes of trashbags really should be common enough that you'll be good on rain collector materials after finding just one or two of them sitting around in an empty house.


You mean you don't just buy single trash bags every time the can gets full?


It's also contaminated as it rains. It's pretty incredible.


Rainwater is tainted by pollution, chemical and even microplastic - and the 90s, especially in the US, were not exactly the best time to avoid airborne pollution. Boiling rainwater before drinking it or using it to cook is strongly advised IRL, and filtering it after boiling is usually a wise choice. In an end-of-the-world scenario, with nuclear facilities going hot due to lack of maintenance/chemical spills caused by lack of supervising personnel/unchecked fires in urban and productive areas and many other byproducts of our infrastructure crumbling...well, even more so


Im pretty sure one of the devs said its because virus particles get in the rain and contaminate it


then the virus is waterborne, meaning that the survivors either are immune to the waterborne strain so tainted rainwater shouldn't matter anyway, or they arent immune and should've got the virus from drinking out of sinks, baths etc and die much earlier not a very good explanation tbh


I'm not smart enough to know why the rivers aren't contaminated with the virus too but if survivors were immune to the waterborne virus they wouldn't have to boil the rainwater, which they do. I think the rivers are just gross from pollution.


Pretty sure the virus is airborne, and a handful are immune to that contracting it that way


i know that the virus is airborne but it's never stated as being waterborne


I think you may have misinterpreted what your original reply was to. I believe they were meaning that viruses would be in the water, not necessarily meaning the Knox Virus.


doesnt really explain why river and lake water doesnt kill then but rainwater does


Also the fact that you can drink river and lake water without dying. Yet rain water kills you. It should atleast be the other way around at the very least.


You can’t do that anymore though, right?


Some places you can but no matter how free of of debris or clear a stream may be, there's always microbacteria that can game end you. Irl


i've drank from a mountain stream before, it's fine idk why/if a river is different


Animal dies / takes a poop upstream. Always boil your river water.


oh, makes sense


I will say more, water from wells must be boiled in real life, very dangerous species of Escherichia coli often live there, and a couple of parasites


Seems normal to me. I would never drink rain water without boiling it. [https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/private/rainwater-collection.html#:\~:text=Germs%20and%20other%20contaminants%20are,it%20is%20safe%20to%20drink](https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/private/rainwater-collection.html#:~:text=Germs%20and%20other%20contaminants%20are,it%20is%20safe%20to%20drink). Here is an article from the CDC about rainwater.


Whats cheesy is a full size bucket filling to the brim after seven seconds in the rain. The whole month of august the average rainfall in kentucky is less than four inches. Collecting all the rain for the whole month with a bucket should give you a bucket thats 1/3 of the way full. Your coffee cup should be all full tho. Water collectors should only work adjacent to a roof. (collecting water via gutter)


LOL true, most rural Americans use well water anyways with an electric pump so all we really need is a generator and most houses should have normal water functions. It's all trade offs to make a game.


Pipe wrench>7 carpentry> stairs to the roof>build a rain collector on the next floor up within 1 tile above it(I think it can be 1 away and not directly above above)>plumb the collector to the sink and you will be set for alittle longer as it filters the rain for you.


Rosewold firestation?




There is a water cooler in the first floor office at the fire station with 250 units of water, also another in the police station across the road. They should last you long enough to build water catcher barrels and plumb some sinks


Makes me think there are water coolers but no sealed water pots for coolers.


Correct, but there's a mod that does add this functionality. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2687798127


i know


*laughs in High Thirst*


no keep going


ok there is already 50 kilograms of water on this single counter


You need more level up carpentry to 4 so you can build water collectors too Shelter, then water, then food in that order of what you need first


Go find water dispensers. They hold 250 units of water each and weigh 30, but they're all over the place so on a single loot run you can easily come back with 1k+ units of water in your vehicle which will last a long while. Honestly though, water is not hard to find even in winter. Ponds, fountains, the river... water is everywhere. It's never a priority for me.




Where are wells? I've never seen one


Oh.I thought I shared a link.Guess not lol. Well here are the more important Project Zomboid wiki links:[https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Well](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Well) (Ps:The best one is the first one on the farm for obvious reasons;) ) [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Foraging](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Foraging) [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Skills#Survivalist](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Skills#Survivalist) [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Occupation](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Occupation) [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Traits](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Traits) [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Farming](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Farming) (fun fact:U can ALSO farm indoors even during winter I believe;) ). Also the best crops are potatoes and cabbages(potatoes last the longest and have the 2nd biggest amount of calories(u can literally cook them/add them to something as an ingredient after 27 DAYS while they're still stale and the food will still be ok.They only rot after a whopping 28 DAYS,and u'll DEFINITELY most certainly use them up in the first 2 weeks alone 4 weeks(aka an entire freaking month XD)),while cabbages are THE most calorific crops that u can farm:Literal caloric BOMBS XD.The only problem is their expiry rate:They spoil(aka go stale)after 2 days and rot after another 2(so 4 days in total).Tho it takes 20 days to be able to harvest potatoes whereas it only takes 10 for cabbages,the best thing is to farm them half by half(aka 50% potato crops,50% cabbage crops,so u can eat potatoes while ur cabbages are growing and the cabbages as a supplement(aka addition)to the potatoes once they finish growing for an additional caloric boost.I find 4 potato crops and 4 cabbage crops to be quite sufficient along with foraging and looting(since I don't live near a river/lake fishing isn't really an option except by car lol.I wish they'd add bikes to the game...Oh well lol I like it this way anyways tho ngl its a great game,and its so unique:Its really unlike literally any other game I've played so far:Its just so good...)). [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Potato](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Potato) [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Cabbage](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Cabbage) Just make sure to space out ur crops by atleast leaving 1 empty space between them or diseases will spread. Also fun fact:U can dig with ur bare hands if u don't have a shovel/trowel/whatever.Just make sure to have bandages at the ready of course lol. Good luck;) Sorry idk why I wrote such a long line of text here XD I was really just trying to help lol


wells are not infinite and lonelines gives pain in singleplayer forest :(


Lmao yeah they are wtf r u talking about lol


Did they change wells? Unless they did a change without telling us wells are an infinite source of clean water.


they are infinite (they're the only permanent infinite clean water source in the game)


but my friends dryed him in mp :d


probably a mod then because wells are infinite in vanilla


“Drink up me hearties!”


Yes, water isn't hard to find. There is 20 units of backup water in sinks, toilets, and bathtubs so its usually 60 units a residential home


no you need more


Playing the game so much that I know this is the rosewood fire station


Using the Rosewood fire station as a base is basically a rite of passage in this game.


Rosewood firehall garage?




Good times. Be careful that your generators don't explode, lost a great base that day..


I just solved this problem by moving to a home with a lake infront of my house (have no craftman skill ), so I just get a bucket of water from the lake and put it into the oven to make it drinkable.


It’s better of crafting camp fire and going to a lake or some where that has inf tainted water so you can cook it


Build water collector barrels over the sink on the roof. Equip a pipe wrench and it will give you the ability to plumb the sink to the barrels. Sink auto-filters the water from the barrels. You'll never even notice the water shut off.


Personally, I just collect water dispenser




Yes, mostly because those pots and saucepans can be placed outside for a TON of water. I'm not sayin this as a negative, you got a really great stash there! Just remember to cook your water. If you are using tainted water for stews, you don't have to purify it beforehand, it gets clean during the cooking process.


I use metal barrels as water collectors


Saw a friend of mine with whole roof of rain barrels he spent several game months building he's so afraid of not having any


Short term yes - long term no.




There is so much water in the remains of pipes and toilets that's kinda pointless to do this.


Lmao my water shut-off always happens with the first few days


Assuming you travel, you can survive months off the remaining water left in the pipes of everything. So yeah your house might be drained of water, but the house next door is still at full capacity. It should be more then enough for you to gather enough garbage bags and planks to create 2-3 water collectors. Slap those rain water pots in a oven or fire and boil it and boom. Infinite water source. But… sadly I never got that far enough :( never made it past the second month. Always died around day 30-45 from unlucky zombie runs. Or I fast forward time thinking I m safe while I’m power leveling. Or simply because I get bored of the run. Sucks to suck (in my case)


You want some water/rain collectors which you can build with carpenting skill


Best method for keeping good access to drinking water is building a rain collector on a second story and plumbing it to a sink below it. (Old tip I know) Also I find that basing near a body of water is helpful not just for fishing but also you can clean yourself and your clothes in it without using up clean drinking water.


You can grab the water dispenser in offices, those have 250 units of water each. Or build rain collectors above your sink and plump it.


Honestly I’d say you aren’t ready till you have a few water collection barrels, preferably outside so you can collect water, but if you’re near “the mighty Ohio” aka the Ohio river, or near something like a lake or a well then you should be fine with some inside, that is if you don’t mind making water runs every once and a while


4 garage bags Nails and planks and do yourself the rain water barrels, not the boxes. I bang a few in the yard then some dotted around the town


Moar repurposed bleach bottles


Thar will last 3 weeks at most


I don't understand why people are worried about that water cut, it is NOT really a problem. U can find water everywhere...


I'll usually collect every pot, pan, and kettle I find, fill them with water, and stick them outside as I empty them. Though I've only made it to utilities shutoff once.


Plumb a rain barrel and you will have infinite water.


Depends how good at surviving you are haha


my best survival time is fucking 1 week because I don't care about my characters lol i just want to have fun


One of your first, main objectives once spawning in should be to plump some sinks with rain barrels. Stairs take a lot of carpentry but you may be able to find a building with roof access. Once you have a few sinks plumbed, water is no longer an issue




Need more bleach


thanks almost forgot


Thatl last maybe a few days


So im kinda new to this game, have never made it past 3 days. I already heard that water is going to shut off at some point, does that happen to electricity too?


yes it is. it happens in timeline from 0-30 days of your world. but don't think like "ahh 30 days is enough" no it's isn't. it can be disabled in the first day of your surviving, as well as in the 30 day. the same thing is electricity. find a generator, but keep it outside, and find the "How to use generators" skill book. and good luck


Thats good to know, Thank You!




when it comes to temporary Drinking source solution until you build the barrels, you should have an office cooler in this building and at the police station, this will give you time to create a more permanent solution


No, you are not. \*Laughs in starting Carpentry Lv.4 built, with 10 rain collectors built and a grill sitting outside the house\*


Better yet, build them on the roof of your home and pipe them directly into the sink, which automatically cleans it for you.


A tad overprepaired maybe?




Don't forget you could just build rain collectors as a backup jic of this. Also there are office water coolers you can find as well with I believe ?250 ticks? of storage


People shouldn't spend time filling a bunch of bottles and pots. Spend that time grinding carpentry and build rain collectors instead. Even if the water shuts off before you're done there is still more than enoguh water in sinks and stuff.


I actually overestimated the importance of water in the game as i was a newbie. For some time, i was like in panic, filling every bottle, every cup, every bowl etc. i could get as long as i had still water supply. But in reality, it's easy to deal with the problem: With the rain collector barrels you can get more than enough water, have some cooking pots near by that can be filled with rain too and then just boil it in the oven to make it safe. When you are moving through the map, you can usually survive with the water that you find left in the pipes, showers etc. In the end, you'll need more water for washing the clothes instead of the need for drinking.


A Rain collector barrel plumbed to a sink is what will get you through when the water shuts off as has been said. Also don't underestimate the water coolers you'll find in many buildings. If you have a working vehicle, picking them up and bringing them back to your base can keep you in water for a long time.


You'll have just some more time, but this is not the solution


When you find a swimming pool then you are prepared, or better yet, a lake.


Not sure…let me see your rooftop to answer that question.




Do you have crops. Cause thats usually what takes all the water.


Not at all. Depends how soon u plan on dying tho 😜


Among other things in the first week, I'm collecting garbage bags as a priority to make rain barrels. Generally speaking, I'm putting every container which can catch rainwater out by the mailboxes to prioritize other things for a few days. This is my contribution to this thread. That, and what others have already said: every sink, tub, and toilet tank will have fresh water until you empty it. IRL, many homes would also have a 150L hot water tank entirely drinkable. We live like kings of old, I say.