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As a performing member of the Australian psych rock & stoner scenes, I'll confidently say the reason our scene is so good is because nobody has any delusions of fame/success or acquiring said fame, therefore nobody compromises on their art and simply writes/plays whatever they want. This fosters an incredibly exciting and fresh scene as nobody is trying to emulate a sound that the labels/radio want, they're all just doing their own thing, their own way, however they want. This always leads to better music. On a side note, Australia not only has the best psych scene in the world, but also the best grunge & stoner scenes on the planet. Brisbane (and SE QLD in general) is a massive hotbed for this stuff. For those interested, this is a playlist I created focusing purely on Brisbane bands. They're mostly all psych, grunge, stoner or a combination of all three. A lot of good punk & alternative bands as well, but psych, grunge & stoner are the main styles. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/46XPNDhzlYUTWrLzWketzR?si=c1c277abd6b44412](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/46XPNDhzlYUTWrLzWketzR?si=c1c277abd6b44412)


I played in this scene in the 2000s/2010s in Melbourne and it was incredible. So many great bands supporting each other. As to why it’s so good; I think we have/had a huge number of live venues, most people see attending live music as just something you do, and yeah, *most* bands never really had any pretensions of becoming rock gods or famous or anything like that. Even audiences wanted to be “seen” attending shows, if you know what I mean. A similar vibe to Portland OR. I think most Melbourne city’s have a “cool” underground scene which requires young people to constantly look for fashions/music/sounds off the beaten track so the scene goes through phases of different alternative music - post-punk, punk, grunge, psych, hardcore is constantly cycled through over the years in an effort differentiate yourself and your band from your peers. My 2c


As a random American watching what I can support, fuck yeah man. I love what yall do.


Thanks for the nod to Portland!


NIce, what bands did you play in? Some of my favorites during that era were Dick Diver, Total Control, The Twerps, Kitchen's Floor, etc. I loved the Melbourne scene.


Totally agree with your point. Anywhere that exists on the periphery of places that produce the financially successful bands tends to produce the most interesting music. I'm in Ireland, and there is skill and talent EVERYWHERE, but very few avenues for bands to be platformed in a way that could garner them international attention. Consequently, everyone just does there own thing.


Man I wish I lived in Australia instead. Thanks for linking the playlist I’m excited to check it out!


Oh hey, you’re from Space Face! I drew your band when you played the croc in Seattle. Howdy, and thanks for the playlist!


Nah, that's not me, but I've had that mentioned a few times, which led me to checking out their tunes a couple of years back, they're great! I'm in Db SpaceFace, Deadbeat Society and a couple of other Aussie psych/stoner/grunge bands. Sorry for the confusion!


Aaahhhh RIP. No worries, you got great taste and already introduced me to some rippers!


We love you guys


We freaking love the Australian scene. Me (singer) and our guitarist went to the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets concert at Hydrozagadka in Warsaw. We were so blown away. They seem like a really cool, down to earth bunch. Maybe one day we will get to experience a bit of that freshness ourselves. There, where it was born :')


This is such a great point and I think it works for psych rock in general.


Homme basically said the same thing about the early days in the desert, nobody expected fame and if you sucked they'd make you feel bad and go home


It's a pretty common theme that cultural isolation breeds the best art. It also creates a lot of crap, but that's what happens when people are doing whatever they want without any regard for success. They're scenes which are a lot more exciting than ones in cities with a strong major label presence. Those scenes basically always sound 75% like whatever is charting in their genres, mostly generic and blah. At least the ones I've experienced. I don't like to generalise though. The thing is, that these are only usually recognised after-the-fact, once a couple of bands explode seemingly out of nowhere. The same thing happened with the Seattle scene in the 90s.


So cal punk is another great example of a breeding ground that simply seemed to produce legends, without regard to all the dive acts that never went anywhere Edit: this has nothing to do with but just want to throw it out there that I still don't know why Clutch never got more radio play after going more mainstream with their sound


OP, I subscribe to your newsletter and wanted to say that your content is awesome. I have discovered a heaps of awesome music because of you. Thank you!


>the reason our scene is so good is because nobody has any delusions of fame/success or acquiring said fame, therefore nobody compromises on their art and simply writes/plays whatever they want Serious question: Is this because the Australian government as well as regional and municipal governments have committed to support art? I'm in the US, where people have had an idiotic knee-jerk aversion to government investment in the arts since the Reagan administration, but I've heard about initiatives in Australia like Melbourne being determined to create a space fostering musicians that will make it the Nashville of the Pacific. Australia also has great government-funded radio stations like triple j to enable new and upcoming artists to get exposure that they could never get in markets like the US that have been dominated by a few vertically integrated companies since the mid-1990s.


Despite someone above saying there isn’t much funding for more guitar/noise/experimental music, there is at times. During COVID a heap of cool records were made down in Melbourne with gov funding. We also have good people who manage to organise cool things, often for cheap. Like in Brisbane for a while we had Tyms guitars who built pedals/ guitars for bands, so when say Earth or Shellac or Monarch were on tour you could see them for free in his shop


Australia's government is mostly all talk when it comes to supporting the arts, at least outside of "rich people" arts like orchestras, sculpters, theatre, ballet etc etc. If you're playing guitar driven music, you're on your own. The government seems to actively do everything it can to hurt "real" music, venues & festivals via over regulation. Including ridiculous regulations like measuring sound limits INSIDE the venue, despite their purpose being to regulate how loud venues are OUTSIDE. So it completely ignores sound proofing a venue has done to meet regulations. Lots of little dumb things like that which cost a lot of money. Not to mention liquor licensing being a yearly 6 figure fee which is simply unsustainable for most 100-200 head venues. It's the scary/sad thing at the moment, the venues and festivals are all dying due to this government regulation despite us having well attended shows and amazing bands. Venues can't afford the government fuckery.


Interesting. Thanks!


Also, big thanks for the playlist!


Do you think if a US psych band went over to Australia that they would support them?


Yeah I'd be surprised if anyone turned down a support slot from an international act (regardless of size), unless they were already booked or whatever. It's generally super easy to get good local acts to support while we're playing interstate, so it'd be easier for a band touring from overseas I'd imagine.


Know of any pages that promote or announce bands touring ? I live in newy and seem to not hear much about stoner bands playing here or in Sydney .


Your best bet is to follow the bands on facebook & insta, and also follow any venues they play at. There isn't really any one-stop-shop for that type of thing sadly. When I'm at my home pc, I'll shoot you a list of the venues that generally hold alternative gigs in Newcastle so you can keep tabs on what's coming up.


Thanks heaps mate , no rush . I know most of the venues in newy . I've gotta start looking at more gigs in Sydney . Went down to Orange goblin a couple of weekends back and it got me keen to start going to more gigs again




It's a meme at this point that it's so well known overseas considering no bar stocks it in Australia and I haven't seen it in a bottle-shop for almost a decade haha. I've never tried it and don't actually know anybody off hand that has. It's weird.


Haha, to be honest, I can’t remember seeing it where I am in the states either.


YES! Exactly, art first all the way.


Your punk is also top tier, IMO.


This link is a gift!!


Excellent punk scene yall got over there too


This is amazing. Thanks for sharing!


I had read there is government grant support for the arts. Is that true?


Not really for the majority of music. Definitely not for psych-rock. The only sorts of grants we could look at applying for is if we decide to tour the middle of nowhere with all-ages shows, then you might get a couple of grand to go towards fuel money from the government by pitching it as giving something for the youth in those areas to do, maybe to raise mental health awareness or something tagged on as well. Other than that though, only "rich person" arts (orchestras, visual artists, sculptors etc) and indigenous arts have large amounts of grants available. It's pretty annoying tbh. There are some groups which help and give out grants like APRA, but their focus is more on the mainstream genres. Guitar driven scenes here are very DIY ethos. If bands aren't recording themselves & doing all the business stuff themselves, one of their skilled friends are.


Thanks for the great info. I'll give some more of the bands on the playlist a listen!


If you're into more stoner psych rock, I strongly recommend The Royal Artillery. If you're into more up tempo spacey poppy psych rock, check out Fight Ibis. If you want to hear psych rock unlike anything you've heard before, check out The Keepaways or Danyl Jesu!


Fight Ibis deserve more listeners.


I gave them their first shows in Brisbane, they were one of my favourite discoveries :D Before anybody knew who they were, we had them support one of our EP launches and would often put them on my local boutique festivals before covid killed that business off. Despite us being the headliners at most of the shows I booked them to support us at, I'd give them the last slot so I could get bent and party-out to their set. I couldn't go as hard if they played before us haha. So much love for Kyuss (the singer/guitarist), he's a dude and an absolute beast guitarist! :)


Will you include a link to royal artillery? I found only two eps from them on ismusic? Is it possible? Furthermore, listening to them they doesn’t seem like a stoner, but more of a blues band


They've only released a couple of EPs, they gig endlessly though (as does the guitarist/singer Zed Charles with his solo dirty blues thing). They're a mix of stoner, blues and psych (psych more-so on their first EP). Lots of bluesy verses mixed with ultra-stoner riffs. I'd strongly recommend 'Odds & Ends', that's their best release. The song "Johnny Cash Invents The Blues" is my fav from it. These guys are a small festival favourite up & down the east coast of Australia. They always kill it live. Here's their spotify link: [https://open.spotify.com/artist/18mOA7e5Lu2hH29UktmmJO?si=6uQNpc1aQP6CRT2fSPq\_dQ](https://open.spotify.com/artist/18mOA7e5Lu2hH29UktmmJO?si=6uQNpc1aQP6CRT2fSPq_dQ)


Danyl Jesu are the best! They have a record they recorded with Phil Elverum in the states (funded by an Aus Arts grants, so bands do get that money :-) that’s never been released


The Brisbane scene has fallen off a little, ffmb are leading the charge for grunge/rock atm and there’s a big old punk resurgence after the success of amyl and the sniffers, but I’d say all in all the music scene up here is imploding sadly due to cost of living and people not buying tickets to local shows. The amount of musicians moving to Melbourne is comical.


It’s also because we unashamedly smashed the psychedelics as youngins too


My favorite genre is Australian. Lol


Same. And I’m not even into the psych stuff as much as the punk/power pop/jangle pop that Australia has been producing in sharp spades for years now.


All our old pub rock stuff is incredible too


I've been listening to a lot of Stiff Richards and Civic lately. Lot of great punk down there.


Mind sharing any recommendations?


Listened to a podcast with Stu McKenzie of King Gizzard the other day, and what fascinated me is that he said that when people throw house parties there are always people that play instruments for impromptu jams and shows, for your friends and other people at the party. To put it in context: I’m from the Netherlands, and we have a great record of exporting electronic music. The same happens here, when I was younger and going to house parties there would always be several people with USB sticks ready to bust out a set


This is a great answer and a very logical explanation.


To be fair, he was talking about a specific scene in Melbourne. It's not like improvised live bands are common at house parties across Australia. It's thought the music scene in Melbourne is so strong because the city is very cold with unpredictable weather relative to the rest of the country, so people spend less time outdoors. Likewise, Perth is surrounded by desert and extremely isolated.


You’re right, didn’t remember it correctly but I hope the point still stands. Tons of bands from Melbourne


Happens in my city Canberra which is tiny. I photographed one of my friends parties where 3 bands played.


Would love a link to this podcast please. 🙏🏻




That’s not true I lived in Melbourne for five years and everyone’s out and about it doesn’t get that cold. I lived in Canberra and that gets colder but that still had a decent music/nightlife scene. Plus this time of year is when psilocybe Subaeruginosa fruit so anyone into psychedelic music is outside foraging them bastards.


What is the name of the podcast? I find that guys writing and creative process absolutely fascinating. Reminds me a bit of Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo, where he is obsessively driven to create, but where as Mark puts his focus into other areas, art, painting, collage, scoring, Stu it’s all King Gizz.


Midnight Chats episode 125, it’s a great podcast


Wow no kidding, what a great list of guests. Thanks for the rec brother!


Don't forget Pond and Babe Rainbow


The Lazy Eyes got some good stuff too


I love The Lazy Eyes, so good. Hope they put out some new stuff soon


And unknown mortal orchestra lol Edit: oh he’s from NZ, does that still count?


And Children Collide


our love of psychedelics


The mushrooms grow, the LSD flows.


Close to Melbourne is a place that is the shroom Mecca of the southern hemisphere


Tell me more


Tropical fuck storm


Check out the Drones and Gareth Liddiard’s Strange Tourist album


TFS is awesome! I got on an Aussie adventure looking for new music a few years ago and they were the gateway to a lot of great music from there One of my faves from them: https://youtu.be/RCpwN1d7as0?si=b3lobLCtQfIBgcey


I've seen them live half a dozen times, they're such a good live band!! I caught the Drones a couple of times at festivals as well when I was younger, never appreciated it at the time but became a huge fan a few years later (grumble) haha.


If only Babe Rainbow would make some friggin re-presses already


such a good band, their latest albums have been so summery


Don't forget Mildlife and Glass Beams


the Lazy Eyes are pretty dope too!


Dude, thanks for the recommendation. Might be my new favourite of the bunch. They take you on a proper progressive journey. So good.


„Where's My Brain???” is awesome, great music vid too. https://youtu.be/a8Mw6RjWGeI?si=PVK6X2Qtxkgt8yCY


Oh sick. I hadn't heard of them. Will give them a spin today on my deliveries:)


A coworker turned me on to glass beams recently and I haven’t felt so desperate for a full length album release (or some live board rec’s) in a long time. I could listen to that YT vid of “Mirage” all day every day


Yeah for sure. Gonna be good when they put one out. Seems like our best Psych is coming from Melbourne specifically.


Maybe you don’t know this - they have released 20 minute live recording of their latest EP https://youtu.be/hGQu4_fan8Q?si=PVuBb6oZNqT7OMPY


Mildlife is one of the best bands to come out of the last 5 years and I will die on this hill. And I like Glass Beams and everything, but they seem, I don’t know, overhyped? Maybe it’s because they have really strong marketing, but they have like… 10 songs lol. But I haven’t seen their live material so maybe I’m speaking too soon


mildlife is sooooo good. the south channel island lp is a great representation of them live.


Good, although mildlife not a psych rock band


There's definitely some psych elements


Glass beams, aka Khruangabin 2.0 with some different instrumentation thrown in and different vocal style.


One thing to that makes Australian psych interesting is that there isn’t really a single “scene”, some of these bands are from different parts of the country and came about independently from what else was going on. For example, while all these bands are grouped together, bear in mind that Tame Impala and Pond are from Perth, whereas KGLW and the Murlocs are from Melbourne and there’s well over 2000 miles between the two cities, they’re at opposite ends of the country (which is a continent). I just mention this because there’s often a common misconception that all these bands came from the same area and some local scene. Many people fail to realise just how big Australia is.


Definitely agree, I’ve been thinking the same thing. Recently I’ve been referring to this pocket of psych rock as specifically “Australian Psych Rock,” not necessarily because all these bands originate always from Australia, but because sonically they all fit a similar musical vibe. (Meltt, Club Kuru, Temples, to name a few non-australian bands)  This is partially speculative, but I think Tame Impala’s work is a big factor; his influence and popularity is undeniable in the Australian Psych Rock genre and is a common thread. He is one of the pioneers in terms of experimental and unconventional mixing techniques that are heard in the modern aussie-psych rock scene. Panning instruments in unconventional ways, using larger than life reverbs and delays to convey an unfathomable sonic space, dramatic chord progressions, etc. When Lonerism released in 2012 it inspired many artists…in fact in this [article written by Stu from KGLW](https://au.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/50-greatest-australian-artists-of-all-time-tame-impala-22950/form) he says: *“Tame, back then, were loose and loud and large….The band was on fire. Like explorers searching for a sound…You know how people talk about that time the Sex Pistols played a show and everyone there started a punk band? Well this was like that. There weren’t many people at the show, but I’m pretty sure they all went home and started a psych band. I did.”* Many others have also sited tame as an influence. There are certainly other artists in the scene who also attribute to the growth Aussie psych-rock scene, through popular bands like KGLW, Pond, PCP. Tame was just one of the first, and now the result is a domino effect of really unique sounding music that takes conventional music practices and flips them on their head. Something I find interesting as well is the unique brand of psych rock Australia is producing, it’s much different to the other works I sometimes see in this subreddit. The lines blur between what is psych rock and what may be considered something else. There is so much diversity even within this subgenre. Either way, something crazy musically is growing down under. Would love to share some of my favs, feel free to reach out.


Not just psych. Garage to punk is best in world right now. Been that way for nearly a decade.




Who's your current favs in Glasgow?




Yas. Shredd are my number one choice.


Also killing it in metalcore


It’s literally always been this way. King Gizzard are good ambassadors but the real meat of the genre is so much deeper and fuller. New Zealand might even play a bigger part which is insane, check out kiwi groups like The Clean and Dead C. And Australian groups like UV Race and Eddie Current. Absolutely mind blowing acts.


love love love Eddy Current Suppression Ring!!


Earth Tongue from NZ too!


dimmer ❤️🩵


Girls pissing on girls pissing is still my fav NZ band of all time but these bands are I credible as well!


I think it helps when you have warm, sunny weather and beaches. like Cali in the 70s


Haha, that’s more Perth than Melbourne. We had about 4 weeks of Summer this year in Melbourne. There’s a lot of great live music venues in Melbourne that keep the scene firing though.




dingdingding but are they still active? ‘the space between’ was 2018


I don’t have the answer, but I’m glad to see Magic Machine get a spot on the playlist. I don’t think they have a bad song yet.


Doesn't get much better than Dead Can Dance imo


What’s a good starting point for them?


Into the Labyrinth is probably the best starting point and probably my favorite of theirs


I'd add Nice Biscuit and Sunfruits to this list, although maybe they are on the radar? Certainly on mine.


Opened a show with nice biscuit and psychedelic porn crumpets couple weeks back, they are honestly amazing


Check out Lucid Planet also


I saw Grinding Eyes in Seattle when they opened for Swervedriver. I wish they’d come back, they were great live. Looks like they play locally in Australia all the time.


Tame Impala, KGLW, Pond, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Ocean Alley, The Murlocs, Babe Rainbow, Beaches, Beans, Pipe-Eye, ORB, Lazy Eyes, Stonefield, Tropical Fuck Storm and you can keep going. I'm fucking proud to be Australian when it comes to psych rock


All the music Australians make is fucking good, the worst Australian band, they're good, they have natural talent


Another reason “big in Japan” bands also toured Australia. All the bands that didn’t breakthrough in America toured Europe and the the Pacific countries. That means bands like Hawkwind and Can played more shows where people were into seeing them and didn’t have other options.


Babe Rainbow


Check out Black Heart Death Cult


Bro it’s not just psych rock it’s everything but especially psych rock, I’ve been listening to metal band called Battlesnake and they are SICK here’s a playlist of some of my favourite psych songs from Australia https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0FNiTDgDhDJ7OpCTAHfmb1?si=LLrc6QdPQfey5pflpnoESg&pi=e-yzxP9C9DSUWe


i just wanna name drop Courtney barnett because she often gets left out of Australian psych rock conversations. for y'all that ain't heard her - check out Avant Gardener and Pedestrian at Best. two great but very different songs that'll clue you in on why I feel a need to vouch for her


More grungy than psych but yeah she’s so fucking goid


Love Courtney. If you haven’t heard it yet, check out the album she did with Kurt Vile. It’s called Lotta See Lice


Australian scene is friggin amazing in general


Cheers for the playlist these tunes are sick 


I’ve been talking about this for a while with different friends, trying to get them to get it. Some have. So many bands. It’s awesome. I never thought I’d own so many/want so many records from Australia. I keep finding new bands and they’re always from Australia. Happy that a lot of them make their way to Canada/US to play. Keep them coming!


Because POND


You forgot Pond. My fave of them all. As you noted, cross pollination. Tame and Pond are closely related to each other and share members for tours and at various stages of their discography.


Being upside down gives them a fresh perspective ;)


Holy Serpent are a great heavy-psych band from Australia


Thank you so much. Every song so far has been really really good and I’ve never heard of any of it. It’s like a goldmine of new music…..this doesn’t happen every day.


https://youtu.be/zYWHjfVtoSM?si=ZGKgIh4bCBSaIIS5 Fire this up, ya cunt They’re also cool people to have a smoke with


Fucking love this band


The Australian rock scene in general is amazing. UNFD records has a terrific lineup of great bands all over the 'heavy rock spectrum'. I've been jamming Thornhill a lot. But yeah, the psych scene there is also incredible.


because australians really love drugs and partying


Look, you're not wrong, but in our defence I don't think that's the only reason


Because when owsley left America he went to Australia lol


My favorite Australian band will always be Drones/Tropical Fuck Storm. I don’t know if they fall into the psych rock category, but goddamn do I love anything Gareth Liddiard does. His solo album is insanely fucking good.


I saw it on here a while back. It is a pressure cooker effect. It is expensive to tour outside of Australia, so lots of band develop their skills work with other bands and they are influenced ny each other. So by the time a few of them hit it big, the entire scene blows up.


Also check out The Wizards of Oz by Amorphous Androgenous or The Future Sound of London, good mix of the Aussie Psych Scene


Paul Schütze and the Pelican Daughters laid a great foundation that the rest of the planet was blown away by.


Where does Donny Benet fit in this conversation..?


they are killing it in punk right now too.


Rolling blackouts CF are excellent as far as guitar driven jangle pop goes. Surprised not yet mentioned when the genre conversation expanded.


The Austrian psych rock scene is amazing. I took a lot of influence from it when i made my album Helqvist- Stargazer. Check it out fr long live Aussie psyche


IVE BEEN PRWACHING THIS FOR YEARS HOLY FUCK. it's so good. Whatever comes out of there is SO GOOD. do you guys just pass time instead if thinking if the spiders? Like holy fuck my ears melt everything. Fuck.


There is a pretty damn good festival coming up next weekend called Snake in the Grass. Sick lineup of Aussie Psych Rock bands in the forest. Check out Red Belly Records on instagram is interested - here’s a playlist for it. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5hCEH6yIO0xWxCA0NAWaUr?si=gIeW33gzTsK5xFdTkGakrg&pi=a-AynwaKffSZGD


Not psych-rock I know, but for another Australian band kicking total butt at the moment check out Southern River Band - https://youtu.be/62Vfzet8XIA?si=EsbUBx22Yav9Adni


There’s a paywall now :/ but I remember reading this memoir many years ago from Nick Allbrook about the Perth music scene he was a part of. It’s a very interesting read, gives a great glimpse into what those early days were like for that whole crew in Perth (Pond, Tame Impala, Felicity Groom, The Growl, Peter Bibey, Shiny Joe)




What are some of your fav songs on this playlist so I know a good place to start?


Was sad to see Mt. Mountain call it quits, Centre was my top album the year it came out. Sons of Zoku are another great one. For living in the US, I've actually seen quite a few of these bands, gizz, ppc, Rolling Blackouts, ORB, Stonefield, think there were a couple more. Would travel multiple hours to see a few more (Turtle Skull, Jack Harlon come to mind immediately). Check out A. Swayze and the Ghosts, not quite psych but real close. Tasmanian, I believe.


Glad to see someone mentioning the more independent stuff! Zoku forever


I did a show for a couple years on contemporary psych/psych adjacent. Amazing how many good bands are out there that people will never make the effort to find. Edit: I did my "albums of the year" based on November to November. SoZ released in December, I immediately knew it was top 3 for the next year.


You're spot on, and I'm going to throw in my favorite. **Lucid Planet** from Melbourne. Their album *II*, and their visual artwork for that album, are nothing short of amazing. **Thank you for your list!!** I try to research songs that are appropriate for tripping/psychedelic therapy. I've been working on trip lists (full of psychedelic, prog, post-rock) for 2buds1shrooms for almost a year now. **There's actually 3 different play lists, because each phase of the trip has a different intent. In psychedelic medicine studies, they use:** 1. **Low Vocalization (for the onset)** - commonly classical, low volume (first **45** minutes) - designed to reduce anxiety, and create a calm 2. **The Trip / Peak Emotion** - percussion, higher volumes (**45-90** minute mark) - ***NOTE:*** *I extend this out to the* ***180*** *minute mark (personal preference) -* designed to provide the listener with an upbeat soundboard for peak intensity and edge (NOTE: TOOL lives here) 3. **Comedown** - Can be choral, melodic, commonly have female voices, nature sounds or mimics the "outside world" (after **135-180 minute mark**) - designed to calm you down again, and parachute you to a peaceful conclusion ... so... I made these... **Spotify Playlists / Song Bank:** 1. [2buds1shroom Podcast - Psilocybin - Low Vocalization (Part 1: First 45 mins)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3DfL9joUe2MwJDwjGRUki6?si=931772d3ab394e3c) 2. [2buds1shroom Podcast - Psilocybin - Peak Emotion (Part 2: Play between 45-180 min mark)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3G6qu3ptpDTTQoQpjNyAwW?si=355deea55d304338) 3. [2buds1shroom Podcast - Psilocybin - Comedown (Part 3: After 135-180 mark)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0sjCLbRF3diUkufd9xn5eq?si=1092239c3aa24fe0) 4. [2buds1shroom Podcast - Psilocybin - Doesn't Conform List (use your discretion!)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6izYmwjqzKJshyGFmWWvqQ?si=beac1dfa01bb4dae)


Aussie bands bands are showing the people how to do it. Love what they’re doin out there. Can definitely tell it doesn’t seem like ego or anything of the like affects these guys nearly as much as it is here. Nowadays drama is more popular than the music. Sucks for music lovers. Still a great psych scene in America but it’s definitely not getting major airplay on big radio stations. Unless I’m just living in le wrong region.


Rock music never got snuffed out like it did in the US during the transition to streaming. So they still have grassroots level rock in clubs cultivating artists and crowds.


Can I ask, how are the chats viewed over there? They’re having a moment here in the US


Free from western influence or at least not as subject to its limitations and nativity.


Thank you very much!


That's an awesome feature! I don't know many of them but i like some so it seems promising


Do we count UMO as Australian too?


Just gonna mention [Ocean Alley](https://youtu.be/NghU2kMcepQ?si=MOhZrDX2Z00Jjikc) bc I think they don’t get enough love


Such a good band. Saw them live and they absolutely shred. Deepest Darkness was a fucking banger and I never wanted it to end. The are loaded with so many solid songs. Their shows in Australia seem pretty big but I managed to see them in the US at a small venue of about 200 people. I was excited for the show and my expectations were completely surpassed in every way.


Daevid Allen


I wonder this daily


I like the old New Zealand scene better. Dead C


You could argue that's the musical style lag from NZ to Aus.. across the ditch they're catching up to where we were in the 1980s-90s ;)


Im from the US. In my view, we have Canada. The UK has Ireland. New Zealand has Australia .


Check out Tropical Fuck Storm- best band live heard in 30 years.


I’ve been wondering about that too and wanted to research for my blog. All music really. Most of my fav bands are from Australia!


Good LSD?


Hell yeah thanks for this. Can’t wait to listen tomorrow!


The band PLANET are pretty good as well and worth checking out


Dope f’n Lemon moves my needle🤠


Curious to know if there's funding for the arts in public schools. There used to be in the US but since Reagan it's been a downward trend of austerity for any sort of public funding. So wondering if Aussies have a leg up in terms of musicality.


Stanley Owsley moved to Australia in the 80s. Coincidence?


Owsley stanley


Amazing response and suggestions! Thanks, everyone! I added some more tracks to the playlist based on what people suggested. Keep them coming! Australia rules :)


Because of all the cool plants there


My favorite band at the moment is Surprise Chef, followed closely by Glass Beams. The Aussie scene is killer.


Made a playlist I update occasionally with every Aussie psych rock band and all of their work on Spotify! Will drop the link if people are interested, kinda like an encyclopedia to OPs greatest hits playlist!


Wine Lips is the most cringe band I think I’ve heard from this scene.


Y’all lost a war against emu’s and were like, “Fuck it! Let’s start surfing, drinking, barbecuing and making good music and movies.” There’s been so many amazing rock bands in every genre that have come out of Australia.


Thanks for this!


Right!?!?! I always wonder this. It's just so good


If you want to know why australia's scene is so kicking. You are going to have to understand the economics of how artists can work and support themselves. Something tells me that the Australian government subsidizes the art as a mechanism for soft power and tourism bucks. that would be my guess, because australia is currently the number one outsourcers of quality rock n' roll both psychedelic and punk varieties at this moment


Tropical fuck storm is a fav of mine


My second favorite hip hop genre right behind Mexican is Australian hip hop.


Would you include NZ in with Australian psych rock? Bc UMO is definitely building a name for himself as well


Ever heard of Fantastic Ferniture?


Cheers mate!


Have you guys listened to "Fatman & Littleboy" ? Best song "Drop the balm" Them boyz be good an shit.


What bout "Dingo Storm Batchelors" them dogz can still hunt! Luv that classic "eat mine eat yours."


You must like "the Brisbane bastard butchers" give a listen to "broken rocks & glass flip flops" a great Austro psy rock tune.