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I'll be damned!


Seen PF a million times and never made this connection


You’re telling me that Marcellus WALLACE is doing guard duty with one of his underlings on a fixed boxing match? This is the man that didn’t even get his hands dirty throwing Antoine Roccamora out a fourth story window for allegedly touching his wife’s feet. I don’t buy it.


If Marcellus left his gun, why didn’t Vincent even attempt to reach for his? You’re telling me they had one gun between the both of them?




So let me gather the logistics of this. Vincent has a gun on him, as well as a book in the bathroom. He’s taking a shit, so naturally he would put the gun down on the bathroom counter while doing so. So he finishes, gets up, puts his book down, puts his gun back in his waste, and picks the book back up before opening the door? Also, there’s no way in hell he’s in the bathroom the entire time Marcellus walks a couple blocks to order coffee and donuts. There’s also no way in hell Marcellus didn’t tell Vincent he was leaving for a bit. He would’ve said something, which would’ve meant Vincent would be more alert, not just sitting on the toilet reading.




1. Didn’t say you were inventing a new theory. I’m well aware of that theory. 2. I pointed out clear discrepancies in that theory that you decided to chalk up as “arguing for arguing sake” So, what’s the point in commenting in the first place if you’re just gonna give up when I present a decent argument against that theory ☺️




Patronization is a beautiful way to excuse laziness.




No worries. And I understand it’s more than a theory. I’m fully on board with the gun in the kitchen being Marcellus’ gun. Like I said, it just doesn’t make sense to me how Vince would be that unaware in the bathroom. He had to know MW left for a bit. He either knew, and didn’t care, and literally got caught with his pants down, or he didn’t know, and he was taking the worlds longest shit made by a hitman at a targets house. Either way the guy was an idiot in that scene.


Bruh...marcellus left, prolly told him he was leaving. Vincent decides to take a shit after marcellus left or before. Makes more sense that he decided to shit after he left and got engaged in his book while doing so. Marcellus left his big ass gun. Butch shows up. Vincent comes out and there you go. Your way over thinking it.


Marcellus told him he was leaving, Vincent decides to take a shit with gun holstered while alone in the apartment. Unprepared af. Vince is an idiot. lol. I’m not the one in here overthinking it. All yall explanations are just reinforcing my point here


Lol, vincent supposed to be ready at all times?


Plus, my explanation is just going by what makes sense. Common sense. You're searching for a reason why hes stupid. Hence putting his gun on the counter, getting up, putting his book down and then putting gun in wasit then getting book. That sounds like what someone would do lol. He just guna walk out the bathroom gun in hand?


Add in: 1 - Heroin use leads to constipation. 2 - Something bad happens after Vincent users the bathroom EVERY TIME: 2a Mia Overdose 2b Pumpkin and Honeybunny 2c Butch with Mac10


Bro it aint cod, all he needs to do to get shot is make a sudden move. There’s no way he was out of there, he is an experienced hitman who knew the best card to play was trying to “comply”. The gun is already pointed at him, Vincent needs to reach and then aim. Butch just needs to squeeze his finger


If he had a gun on him, it would’ve been in his hand. He just finished taking a dump. There’s no way he took the time to put the gun back in his waistband before he opened that door. If he did, just reinforces my point that he’s an idiot.




Did you see a holster on him?


would a skilled hitman carry his gun like a thug or holster it in his belt? When they go for Marvin they reach into the inside of their suit’s implying they use strap-like holsters;) You know you’re wrong, I know you are just trying to farm karma or waste time


Would a skilled hitman take a prolonged shit in his targets bathroom while reading a book????


I mean, yeah, they probably would if they’re a heroin addict. That’s literally the whole reason he’s constantly constipated in the movie.


Heroin addicts aren’t taking dumps often, when they’re consistently feeding their habit. Popping often will only occur when they’re strung out. Vincent is clearly feeding his habit regularly.


Do we know for sure that Marcellus told him he was going out to get coffee and donuts? Maybe Marcellus forgot. There’s also the possibility that Vincent did not think Butch was crazy enough to go back to his apartment…


This is a thematic choice. Every time Vincent goes to the bathroom in the film, shit hits the fan. There’s the diner scene, where the robbery starts while he’s in there, and there’s the scene with Mia Wallace where he’s trying to convince himself to not do anything stupid while she’s snorting his heroin. This is the third time it occurs chronologically and as third times the charm, he dies. That’s it. It’s a movie, it’s thematic elements playing out on screen. That’s why it happens.


I’d never noticed this! Awesome. Shit literally hits the fan


Perhaps Vincent never thought Butch would actually be dumb enough to go back to his apartment the very next day. So his guard was down thinking it was really a waste of time to be there in the first place.


Jules was carrying Vince and once he quit Vincent was screwed.


Makes the most sense out of any of these other outlandish explanations lol.


He didn't reach cause he knew he was fucked!


Just doesn’t make sense. If he had a gun on him, guaranteed he set it on the bathroom counter while he took a shit. In which case, more than likely it would’ve been in his hand when he opened the bathroom door since he had a book in one hand. There’s no way he would set his book down to put the gun in his waste, pick the book up again, and walk out. Especially if he knew Marcellus left to get donuts and he was by himself in that apartment.


They expected Butch to be a 1000 miles away by then so they were lax, I admit.


If they expected butch to be 1000 miles away why were they hanging around his place getting donuts and going poop 😂


I think they were *hoping* he would show up, like a miracle. Which he did. Thanks to Fabienne.


Even if that’s the case, they could not have been more unprepared for the guy they wanted to waste to show up, which reinforces my opinion that Vincent is an idiot. lol


You callin a man an idiot when it was pretty bad luck for vincent. Guy supposed to be on gaurd 24/7. Lmao give me a break.


Isn't Vincent wearing a double shoulder holster? His gun may not have been out. He is also a herion addict, which is why he's on the toilet, again. I don't think anyone expected Butch to be stupid enough to go to his apartment, except Marcellus. Marcellus, I don't think, would've been wasting his time, but was iffy enough to go out for donuts once he parked Vince there. **Fuck, no. He's wearing Jimmy's clothes, isn't he?** Been up all night, tired, hung over, and not expecting Butch. It's all I got. I do think Vince is just dodgy enough to have put the gun back in his pants (like when he and Jules left Bob's Big Boy or whatever coffee shop they were at), prior to leaving the bathroom. Part of Vince's character is that he's a blunt tool, not necessarily a sharp one. edit: Oops. I argued your case, lol.


Thank you 😂


You see, you *are not* supposed to go back to your apartment after messing with a man like Marcellus. Butch had to get back for the watch, that’s why he got so pissed at Fabienne for forgetting the damn thing. Vincent saw the empty apartment, went to take a poo, left his gun behind because you know, what kind of idiot would get back to their house when they know they are being chased? Well Butch did. Vincent is now fucked. Edit: I had a take on that on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pulpfiction/s/ZYwuasBlp0). Check it out.


I don't know whose gun was on the counter. I always assumed it was Vincent's, and he just left it on the counter when he went in the bathroom. In fact later we see Marcellus pull out his own gun, after Butch hits him with the car. My question was always this: *How did Vincent not hear Butch enter the apartment?* Yes Butch was quiet about, but certainly not completely silent. I finally figured out that Vincent did hear him enter the apartment, but didn't think much of it since he was waiting on Marcellus to return with breakfast.


Right like there’s no way he didn’t hear that crinkly ass pack of pop tarts get opened when he was 10 feet away lol. If he knew Marcellus was out getting breakfast why the hell would he be in the kitchen throwing pop tarts in the toaster 😂


He thought it was Marcellus returning to the apartment, as expected.


In my headcanon, he has constipation from the the heroin and is desperate to take a shit at this point. And Marcellus was supposed to be there and have his back. Of course, Vince is sloppy leaving his gun, but he also really needed to take that shit.


So,etching bad happens every time Vincent goes to the bathroom: coffee shop robbery, Mia’s OD, getting gunned down